MOMMY : satoru gojo

By izussos

150K 4.9K 3.4K

+ y/n is gojo's therapist, paid to help better his mental health. however, she ends up helping in more ways... More

08.05.22 ─ a special
spotify playlist & other announcements
hola niños


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By izussos

"wait so you're fucking your therapist?" toji was trying to wrap his mind around it as he repeated the question, not quite believing what had been shared.

a loud snort filled the room and sukuna crossed his arms over his chest, putting his feet up on satoru's coffee table. "no, he wishes he could fuck his therapist."

"i'm simply surprised he hasn't done so already."

"that poor girl."

gojo felt trapped in a circle of unwanted opinions as he sat on the floor, his feet crisscrossed, and his friends sitting on the couch listening to him rant about his now non-existent sex life and constant state of blue balls.

"she doesn't have relationships with patients but would it be so wrong if i still wanted to have sex with her even after she said that?" he whined, clutching the pillow closer to his chest. "and to make it worse, i hung up on her yesterday but we have a date tonight."

toji let out a low whistle and sukuna laughed mockingly, both clearly finding amusement in his predicament. gojo was certainly glad they at least had something to laugh about.

nanami emerged from the kitchen with a mug in his hand and sat down on a chair arm, stirring the spoon in the cup of what satoru assumed to be coffee. "why would you hang up on her?"

the question made him embarrassed and shy all of sudden, reliving last night's memories of y/n's name falling from his lips as he basically defiled her in his mind.

with heat rising up his cheeks, gojo looked down, suddenly ashamed to be even staring at his friends. "i may or may not have..." he trailed off into a quiet whisper.

"what was that? speak up, no one has time for you trying to be interesting." sukuna grumbled impatiently, picking up the television remote from beside him and tossing it at satoru's head to which it barely missed.

the white-haired man felt rather offended they thought he was boring but he guessed that's what happens when all you do is sleep around with random people, drink and get into all sorts of trouble that can no longer be counted as interesting or 'worthwhile'.

"i jerked off..." he internally grimaced as he started in a strained voice, wanting nothing more than to curl into the floor and hug the cushion tight to his chest. "to her. last night."

gosh, this was utterly embarrassing but it seemed like gojo had been doing a lot of embarrassing things lately.

the living room went silent asides from nanami's spoon abruptly falling to the ground with a soft thud.

that spoon was definitely going to leave a stain.

"you... what?"

a cackle soon followed kento's disturbed question and gojo didn't need to look up to know that it was sukuna. his laugh was distinct, loud, and ugly. just like his personality it seemed.

"you're kidding!" he chuckled, smacking the arm of the chair repeatedly as if this were one big joke.

maybe gojo should've kept that one to himself.

"sukuna, stop it." nanami glared in distaste at sukuna's indecency before turning to his friend on the floor who's faced looked like a harshly kicked puppy. "is that why you asked me that the other day? because you liked her?"

that was referring to their awkward moment in nanami's car when gojo popped the embarrassing question.

gojo looked down sheepishly and let out a small huff. "i guess, i wasn't sure if i liked her at that time or just horny."

"aren't you just horny now though?" fushiguro joined the conversation, his hand behind his head as he sat lazily in the couch, his legs spread in an obscene manner.

they all did raise a point. did he like her or was he just looking for a quick fuck that he could get off to once it was done?

he didn't know himself.

this was all so confusing. why couldn't they just have sex and get it over with? all this longing is getting to his head (dick) and it hasn't even been more than a week.

satoru fell backwards onto the floor, luckily the rug cushioned his fall, and with a heavy sigh, he confessed everything on his heart, mind and dick.

from how he genuinely wanted to get y/n's help to how much he genuinely wanted to have y/n in his bed, and everything in between.

his newfound kink of degrading, nervousness around her, guilt, how the sessions were helping him to calm down somewhat, y/n's bitchy receptionist, how hot y/n looks in basically anything and fear of switching therapists if he were to be with her.

this was the first time he confided in his friends that much and it made him choke up halfway before letting out a deep breath and continuing.

when he was finally done, the room was dead silent, a slight heaviness hanging in the air from gojo's confession.

satoru didn't sit up, just laid back and stared at the ceiling fan spinning until it made his head feel dizzy.

it was at the time that gojo's eyes started to hurt that someone decided to speak up.

"well, you have a date tonight so you'll be able to know how you actually feel about her." surprisingly, it was sukuna who spoke up with useful advice for once.

everyone gave various sounds of agreement and gojo sat up from his puddle of self-pity at the very sudden realization from sukuna's words.

he had date tonight. with his therapist, a very beautiful woman by the name of y/n l/n.

her looks rivaled that of any high-end model─gojo was sure because he had worked with a bunch─plus, she was extremely elegant, independent and had actual standards.

he normally went for girls who would approach him in the sluttiest dresses and want nothing in return other than a good night or girls that he met at random parties and events.

y/n was neither of those things and just the thought made gojo realize she was way out of his league.

satoru's eyes widened and he looked to his friends in fear. "fuck, i have nothing to wear."

nor did he place a reservation yet.

fushiguro sighed a bit dramatically before eyeing gojo up and down in disinterest. "yeah, and how are you going to pick her up? you hardly use your car that i'm sure it's covered in layers of dust."

shit. that too.

satoru had a car—multiple in fact—but since he was so accustomed to being driven around by ijichi, he saw no need to drive his own cars which, as a result, were now collecting dust and on display in his garage like souvenirs.

"fuck this. kento go find something in that bitch's closet and i'll lend him my car." sukuna grumbled before abruptly getting up, stuffing his hands in his sweatpant pockets then leaving the penthouse, aggressively pressing the elevator button to go to the lower floors.

gojo was lucky his friends were kind to him in dire situations such as these or else he would have been in a less than ideal predicament.

considering that he asked y/n out on a whim yesterday, he didn't have much to prepare because he was a bit... preoccupied last night to even think of simple things such as transportation and reservations.

with the pillow tucked between his legs, satoru watched as sukuna disappeared inside the elevator and nanami sauntered into his room with the mug in his hand and a scowl present on his face.

unlike nanami and sukuna who were buying themselves with getting satoru ready for his date, fushiguro laid on the couch idly, watching him with something akin to amusement.

it made a wave of nervousness wash over him and it took gojo a while to look away from toji's intimidating eyes.

"what?" he croaked out, fiddling with the strings of the cushion.

"nothing, it's just the first i've ever seen you so worked up over a woman. it's fucking hilarious."

his statement made gojo frown as he stared down at the dark gray cushion on his lap.

yeah, it was becoming a problem.

he was way too worked up over a woman he met just this past monday.


this wasn't the first time y/n was going on a 'not-date' date, but she was still slightly nervous.

he was not only her patient but a quite famous model and with a higher status, came bigger problems and the last thing she needed was for her face to be plastered on a magazine cover the next day with the headlines 'therapist spotted with her patient, gojo satoru—japan's top model!'

no. fuck, hell no.

it was bad enough that she was involved with the media once before, a second time would just be a fucking disaster.

"y/n, which one do you think says sex on legs yet untouchable? the blue or the black?" aya, y/n's best friend since university, held up two dresses, almost identical in style but different in color.

aya had been y/n's only close friend for 7 years after they both somehow ended up in the wrong class together on the first day of university and while they were both in completely different majors, they still remained friends even after the encounter.

plus, aya was freakishly rich and had this tendency to buy gifts that were priced way above the median household income. y/n liked nice things so who was she to complain?

y/n glanced at the dresses in the mirror and shrugged, slowly turning around to face the blonde. "does it really matter? it is not like this is a real date."

and it wasn't.

she only agreed to the date because he was willing to cooperate with her and that was what he chose as a reward.

this was simply fulfilling a request, that's all.

aya stared at her, unimpressed, before turning back to the dresses and throwing the blue one onto y/n's bed. "i think the blue would look really good paired with the jimmy choo pumps we got in berlin, some jewelery and a pretty silver clutch."

y/n nodded along with whatever she was saying since aya had way more experience when it came to dates and fashion—it was almost second nature to her.

she wasn't even sure this 'date' was still on because when she called satoru back last night after she had received his missed call, he hung up as soon as she answered.

now, y/n wasn't a detective but she sure as hell could tell when something was suspicious.

but hey, it wasn't any of her business so she didn't press any further on the thought.

"wear a pretty lingerie underneath and voila!" aya clapped her hands together and flopped onto y/n's bed, rolling onto her side to face her.

"absolutely not."

"but why?" she pouted sadly, eyelashes batting at her friend. "what if you guys decide to fuck at the end?"

"we will not." that was for certain. y/n would rather be skinned alive than have any sort of sexual relations with a patient. it would be weird for her to be able to have that emotional advantage over someone using their greatest weaknesses, that took them forever to open up about, over them. that's what she figured.

besides, there were eight billion people in the world. why her patient?

"whatever you say babe." aya rolled her eyes and licked her bottom lip, a bit of her lipgloss coming off with the action. "speaking of sex, where's naoki? normally he'd be here kissing your feet."

when the name of her assistant slipped through her best friend's mouth, y/n's brows shot up in alarm. "in what universe does naoki fit on that topic?"

it was true that naoki was normally roaming the house whenever y/n had guests over, preparing tea or snacks or simply being a social butterfly.

aya knew naoki had the fattest crush on y/n so she always went out of her way to invite him to their little hangouts where they'd try on clothes and aya, being the conniving bitch she was, watching naoki turn into a blushing mess whenever y/n changed into something. or out of it.

the blonde chuckled and pulled at a string on her halter top, admiring her outfit. "i don't know, maybe because usually, he'd be here stacking up on this jerk off worthy view."

y/n choked on a laugh as she stood up, the white robe she wore loosely tied and with little to nothing underneath, slipping from her shoulder. "seriously aya? leave him alone, he is only nineteen."

"almost twenty though!"

she was well aware of the naoki's crush since he started his internship at her office. she didn't really care since he would be an employee soon as well as a resident of her house.

they had an agreement that for the remainder of his internship, naoki would stay at her house seeing as how it was convenient for him to work from her home and her house was a lot closer to his university than his own was.

it was a win-win situation. until he began to gain feelings for her. it didn't distract him from his work but naoki had this certain hostility to any male she interacted with and a sort of subservient aura towards her.

but, he was still very young and no matter how beautiful and gullible he may be, y/n knew when to set boundaries in place.

"i'm just sayin'! you know that kid is basically in love with you. " she giggled, her mini skirt riding up as she rolled around in y/n's bed like it was her own. "fuck, your bed smells good."

as y/n was about to reprimand aya for rubbing filth onto her sheets from her outside clothes, a familiar ringtone cut her off.

before she could even grab her phone from the nightstand, aya was already swiping up the device and pressing it to her ear with the fattest grin on her face like she won a meet and greet ticket for michael b. jordan—she was obsessed with that man.

"hello?" she spoke into the phone, glancing up at y/n as if she was in on some joke that y/n didn't know about. "no, i'm aya, y/n's friend. you're gojo satoru, i've heard all about you."

without meaning to, her face grew hot and y/n grabbed at her phone only for aya to roll to other side of the bed with a giggle. "aya stop talking shit. give me the phone."

the blonde held up a finger and continued talking to satoru on the phone like they were friends. "yeah, yeah, alright i'll tell her."

it looked as if their conversation was finally over so as y/n—patiently—waited for aya to be through with her incessant chatting with her patient, the girl looked at y/n with this mischeivious grin and it made her heart sink.

"no. whatever you are going to do, do n—"

"wear protection and remember she likes taking control!" with that, aya quickly ended the call and tossed the phone to her friend.

y/n watched as her phone fell to the floor then looked back up to her friend in shock.

she opened her mouth to say something then immediately closed it, opened it again just to close it once more.

this was unbelievable. gojo satoru, the model—no, gojo satoru, her patient now knew one of her kinks thanks to fucking aya mara miura. and that line about 'wear protection', he'd take it out of context and think that this 'date' was more than it was suppose to be.

"i am going to kill you." y/n seethed with a pointed finger in aya's direction, momentarily pausing as she remembered something. "but first, what did he say?"

technically, she wasn't in the wrong to ask since it was her phone but it still felt weird. like she cared about what they were talking about because she definitely didn't care.

aya burst into a fit of laughter, her feet kicking up uncontrollably in the bed as if it were her own.

y/n rolled her eyes and began heading to the bathroom, pulling her hair from it's bun and allowing it some sort of freedom.

just as she was about to close the door, she heard aya scream "wait" and various shuffling from her bed.

y/n stared incredulously as the woman leaned against the doorframe, holding up a finger as she caught her breath. she'd wait patiently until she was ready though so y/n folded her arms over her chest and watched as aya acted as though she were dying.

when she seemed like she was ready, aya flitted her gaze up to y/n with a smile. "we should start getting you ready because it's almost eight."

almost eight? it was only a bit past six but knowing aya, y/n was certain this was going to take a long, long time.


satoru wasn't just nervous.

he was shitting his trousers and every two seconds, his feet would be bouncing anxiously.

this wasn't his first date by any means but it was with y/n and she made him nervous overall—in the office or otherwise.

as he sat in sukuna's car that he borrowed for the night, he rechecked his phone to make sure he was at the right place.

y/n's friend it seemed, aya, sent him the location and since satoru had no idea where the fuck it was, he put it into the gps in sukuna's car and simply drived to where it told him.

he was a bit skeptical when he saw he was getting closer to more and more trees but now that he saw her house, he understood why.

it was a secluded property, the house built with mostly glass and the walls black. there were lights along the walls and under the steps so it was well lit and added this warm glow to the house, even in the dark. the lawn was well kept with hedges surrounding the it.

before satoru got out of the car, he checked his watch before picking up the bouquet of white lilies, that nanami picked out for him, from the backseat.

fuck was he nervous but a tiny bit excited that this was actually happening. he was taking y/n out on a date.

when he finally got to the door, he checked his watch and saw that it was exactly eight.

"jesus fucking christ..." he mumbled before ringing the doorbell, glancing down to make sure he polished his shoes correctly.

nanami was hell bent on him getting his outfit to perfection that it took almost an hour to figure out what to wear. everyone collectively decided that a light blue dress shirt with a few buttons undone, dark trousers, a pair of shoes nanami once gifted him but he never wore and a watch. however, gojo added his own personal touch with a few rings and a simple silver bracelet.

it felt like hours that he stood at y/n's front door but in reality, it was only a few seconds and as soon as the door swung open, he internally sighed in relief.

a petite, blonde-headed woman opened the door with a bright smile though she seemed out of breath. this must have been aya. "hello! she'll be down in just a second."

satoru nodded shyly and glanced behind her, eyebrows raising skeptically as he saw the same receptionist from y/n's office glaring at him from around a corner.

he sincerely hoped his eyes were able to portray his message of 'fuck you' to him because right now, if aya wasn't there, he would've definitely said it to his face.


gojo's eyes flitted up to the stairs and his lips parted in shock as he saw y/n descend the stairs, throwing her hair over her shoulder.

he was sure now—y/n's clothes she wore at the office did not do her any amount of justice like the dress she wore now did.

it was a simple blue dress with a slit from her hip to the floor, the straps thin and the neckline showed off just the right amount of cleavage.

satoru watched as every step y/n took, her legs peaked out from under the dress and he gulped, hurriedly looking away. he caught eyes of aya, who was smirking like she found this incredibly hilarious. in some way, she reminded him of toji.

"hello," y/n smiled as she stood before him, looking down at the bouqet in his hands. "you seem very prepared."

a heavy blush rose on the male's face as he outstretched the lilies towards her, suddenly feeling embarrassed.  "of course, beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman."

that was the worst pickup line he had ever said in his life but something as corny as that was enough to make y/n snicker and accept the flowers with a smile.

"thank you satoru."

a cough sounded from behind y/n and they both turned to look at aya, who gave them this incredulous look before waving her hands. "alright alright, have a nice night you two. oh and gojo? remember what i said."

she took the bouquet from y/n's hand and plopped it into a vase, issuing them a wink before slamming the door shut in their faces.

it was silent for a while before y/n sighed and ran a hand through her hair, looking apologetically at gojo. "i am sorry about her, she is very... excited."

satoru didn't really care, most of his concerns were centered on their date and her dress.

he wasn't entirely sure how he was going to remain focus or what he was meant to be focused on but if his eyes kept glancing back at her legs, they were going to have a problem.

a very big one.

"i'm excited." he spoke mindlessly, yet truthfully, before laughing nervously. "did i mention you look really beautiful tonight?"

"i am sure you did but thank you nonetheless."

he was pretty sure he said it before but now, saying it again was meant to distract himself as he led y/n to his car, trying to keep his eyes from straying downwards while she walked in front of him.

once they got the car and satoru opened the car door for her, y/n glanced at him over her shoulder with a small smile, flaunting the dimple in her. "you look handsome as well. pretty great without the tie." her fingers traced the edge of his open collar before retracting and y/n sat down in the passenger's seat, looking even better now that she sat in the car and the slit in the dress made it so her leg was a bit exposed.

gojo stood there, entranced, before softly shutting the door and mentally thanking nanami for picking this outfit before getting around to the driver's side and pressing the ignition button.

now that he sat there in the car, y/n on his right with one smooth leg exposed from the tempting royal blue dress, it made this entire date feel surreal.

satoru was actually on a date with y/n and fuck if he was about to waste this opportunity.

side note— aya liked naoki at one point—

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