Crying On The Inside

By ashkamikaze

1.4K 26 14

The war was over, but so was his relation. He fought, they fought. He survived, they didn't. Izuku Midoriya... More

Loosing Your Heart.
New world, Old Pain
Hidden, Now Unrevealed
The Fight Within
Devil Hidden

Fight: The Tournament begins

90 0 0
By ashkamikaze

*People talking*
*Visage of One For All talking/Thoughts/Power/Quirk*

*One Day before Tournament Begins*

Azazel smiles at Izuku and says "Okay Izuku. I think you are prepared for the Tournament. No, more training for today just so you can be in your best shape for tomorrow's show. Any question you want to ask about?"

Izuku thinks a little and then asks "Sensei, I do have someone I want to talk about." Azazel nods and Izuku continues "His name is Diodora. Do you know anything about him?" Azazel thinks 'Why does Izuku want to know about that gaki?' and then says "His full name is Diodora Beelzebub. He is the second son of Lord and Lady Beelzebub. His powers are something I will not tell you but he is a strong opponent. Why did you ask about him though?"

Izuku ignores the question and asks "Do I have to face someone if I beat him up?" Azazel was a little shocked at the question but replies nonetheless "No, If you defeat him no one can attack you. Because the rules are if a participant has defeated a person they will not get hurt in any circumstances and if in any case the participant is hurted both the participant who was defeated and there rival family is punished. The severity depends upon the injury and it is worse for a case of murder."

"But you don't have to worry about it, if you do end up beating that gaki his family are good people. They don't normally do shit and are they are not petty as well. Beelzebub are very prideful so they accept their defeat wholeheartedly." Says Azazel and Izuku nodded with that Izuku drops his shoulder and got a sad face as Azazel asks "What happened? Tensed about the competition." Izuku shook his head in denial and says "No, it's not that."

Azazel then asks him "Then what is it?" Izuku looks sadly at Azazel and says "It is the last time me and you will meet." Azazel looks at Izuku and then laughs hysterically and Izuku looks in shock as Azazel calms down and put a hand on Izuku's head before he says "You idiot, you think you will have to train by yourself."

Azazel laughs again and then flicks at Izuku's forehead and replies "You think your stupid ass can control Two of the strongest Dragons in the history of this planet by yourself. You can't even control your mana correctly. Therefore, what I am trying to say is there is a lot you can learn and lot you have to do. Don't think I am going to let you do all that on you own. I am always with you." Says Azazel with seriousness as Izuku stares in the space.


Izuku has a dying ALL MIGHT in his arms as Izuku is shedding some tears as ALL MIGHT says "I will always be with you."

*Flashback ends*

Izuku snap back to reality and smiles genuinely at Azazel and hugs him before he says "Really? Thank you, Sensei." Azazel hugs pats the back of the boy and smiles happily at his student showing emotions. Izuku smiles as he made a mental note to take plenty of rest for the competition.

*Few Hours Later*

Izuku was walking around the town when he saw a crowd. Izuku got a little curious as to who the people were looking out for Izuku walks in the crowd and looks at a King's Caravan passing through the street. Izuku taps on one of the citizen looking at the caravan and asks him "Who are they?"

The excited citizen didn't turn back and says "Lord Chidorigafuchi and their family are here for the Tournament." Izuku looks at the caravan in a slight shock before he gains his posture and sees what could only be told by an ice princess.

A girl with a beautiful, white-skinned young woman with below-the-knee length silver hair, red eyes that have long eyelashes, glossy pink lips and a voluptuous trained body. Standing on one of the vehicle and was taking everyone's admiration. The girl then looks at Izuku as Izuku got a bit shocked and bowed a little before he look at the girl who chuckles and went back to doing her thing.

The King's Caravan then passed away as Izuku hears some of the local say "Can you believe it? All the Royal families will be here by tomorrow. Such a big event is so helpful for merchant like us. Don't you think? We can sell those equipments to those young kids who will use this with their fire of youthfulness."

Then came a reply of a tired man "Yeah, I guess." Izuku didn't try to eavesdrop anymore than that as he got his answer for his question and made a mental note of 'So, all the Royalties are going to he there. No way they are strict with rules.'

Izuku then starts walking towards Azazel's house where he is currently staying. As Izuku walks for a few second he feels the ground below him disappearing as Izuku falls in a void but stops his fall with Float.

"Hmm! So, you can somehow fly. Well that is something Ddraig could do." Comes a voice as Izuku turns around and sees a a handsome young man with dark silver hair and light blue eyes . He is wearing a dark green V-neck shirt with a high-collared black leather jacket over it. He also wears burgundy jeans with a silver chain drooping down over them and black leather chaps with three bands encircling his right calf, and black shoes with black buckles.

"Izuku, Be sharp!" Comes the voice of Ddraig as Izuku looks at the boy and asks "Hmm! Ddraig is quite riled up. So, you must be super strong. But you don't look like you will attack me. Then how can I help you, Vali Lucifer, my Master's son." The boy narrows his eyes and says "You are quite sharp, I see. But how do you know, I am his son."

"Your dressing sense is similar to him and he once told me about you.  How you are my age and I saw your photo once. I just threw a bait and you caught it." Replies Izuku as Vali laughs and was about to say something when Izuku interrupted him by saying "You sure have a way with your words." Vali stops laughing and just looked at Izuku.

"Yeah, you are definitely his son. He always say that when I put my point." Continues Izuku as Vali nodded and asks "You are quite observant. So, tell me know why are we here?"

"Hmm, Somewhere out of normal sight. There is something you want to say but can't infront of people who could listen. What is it?"  Asks Izuku as Vali replies "Well, it is right but not complete truth. The problem is I have not seen Tou-san in awhile he will beat the living daylight out of me. If I go to meet him and also I have to show you this." As two white wings with blue feathers sprout out of Vali's back.

Izuku then hears Ddraig voice in his head "So, it is the truth. He really has Divine Dividing." Izuku raises an eyebrow and asks "What is Divine Dividing?" Vali was about to say something when they hear.

"Divine Dividing is a sacred gear like your Boosted Gear." Izuku turns behind him and sees Azazel looking at both the kids from a garden. Vali gulps a little and walks towards the ground. Izuku follows Vali's footstep and on the ground.

Izuku then puts his foot on the ground and begins to walk away as Vali asks "Where are you going?" Izuku just walks away a little more and says "It's your family problem you guys solve it out and I will not get any beating from sensei even if you are my surrogate brother." Vali gives a look of betrayal as Izuku begin running away but before he could reach far away he falls face first infront of Vali.

Izuku silently stood up and clean the dust from his clothes looks at Azazel and Vali then nod to both of them  and begin to walk away before he feel killing intent and Izuku turns around and Azazel smiles and cracks his fingers making him remember about Aizawa-sensei.

"Sen-sensei, I don't have anything to with this." Says Izuku as Azazel smiles and says "Do I look like I care? Also, You have a Tournament tomorrow to participate so you should get some rest let me help you." Izuku looks at Vali and Vali looks at Izuku before both saluted each other and the beating commences.

*A Beating Later*

Izuku is sitting and looks at Vali with anger before saying "If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be beaten today." Vali spits back at Izuku "You betrayed me." Both were knocked over the head as Izuku says "Izuku Midoriya, wielder of Boosted Gear, the Welsh Dragon Ddraig and also the wielder of Murakan the Shadow Dragon."

Vali was completely thrown off as Divine Dividing appears and says "Is it true, Ddraig? You are there with Murakan." Comes the voice of Albion the white Dragon sealed inside the sacred gear. But to Albion surprise Ddraig didn't reply but Murakan replies in his stead "Yes I do live with Ddraig, Albion. Last time we meet I remember you tried to divide my existence into nothingness."

Then came Albion's voice "Says the person who tried to send me and Ddraig in an unlimited void of pitch blackness. Where nothing could be divided nor Boosted." Izuku hears the Dragon conversation with interest before Azazel speaks up.

"Shut up, both of you." Azazel says gaining attention of both the Dragons. Azazel continues "Izuku, do you know why Vali was looking for you? And Why Ddraig was so riled up when you met Vali." Izuku shakes his head in denial.

"Then it is a story time, hurdle around and listen." Says Azazel making Vali sigh and sit next to Izuku Azazel continues "Long time ago there were three brother's who were the son of the God of Dragons. Each one being as strong as the other, But one day when God of Dragons whose name is not known by anyone except his sons. Ask his sons to go around the world and maintain peace over their region. Two of them agreed and went in their own direction while the last one went into solitude to live his life. After many years of living their life as guardians no one was prepared for what happened next."

"After living for almost a few millennium the two Dragons got bored and begin to fight each other. Both happy to find some joy after living millennia. Both unaware of the havoc their fighting was causing and how it lead them to the territory of the last Dragon. But he let them pass only for them to provoke him more. The last Dragon thought 'Enough is enough.'" Azazel recites as Izuku looks at his hand on which Ddraig usually appear.

"The last Dragon intervene the fight and separate the two Dragons for a long time. The Dragons went back to their region and lived for another few centuries in peace but then the Great Empire war begin causing both Dragons to get a chance to fight again. Only for the Four Great Empires who were at war during the time to disturb them. In anger, both Dragons attacked the leaders of the Four Empires, which led to their bodies being destroyed and their souls being sealed into two separate Sacred Gears, with Ddraig being placed inside the Longinus Sacred Gear; "Boosted Gear" and Albion to be put into "Divine Dividing". That is why we were so shocked to hear you contain both Ddraig and Murakan." Says Azazel as Izuku digest the story and then asks "So basically, Ddraig and Albion are rivals, which kinda make me and Vali to be rival as well." Azazel and Vali nodded at that.

"But how come no one tried to seal Murakan if he managed to separate the two of them." Asks Izuku as Azazel says "Well the truth is all the empire suffered heavy loss and it was their last ditch effort to save their people from the Dragon's wrath. So, they joined force and defeated Ddraig and Albion. While some people did thought of sealing Murakan no one could do that since he was in solitude for most of his life which made his power a mystery and since he manage to break the two Dragons away from each other for a few centuries means he must be stronger than both combined."

"Yes, that is correct. That is the one and only truth." Comes the excited voice of Murakan before Albion says "Oh! Is it? Then show me that is the truth." But a glare from Izuku shuts up both Murakan and Albion as Ddraig says "It is not like that, You idiots."

"So, Does this mean I have to fight Vali till death or something?" Asks Izuku as Vali shook his head in denial and replies "No, we don't. Not now, I guess. But yeah, we do have to fight each other when we get complete control over our sacred gear."

"Think of it as a rivalry between surrogate brothers. Not two super ancient lizards." Says Vali making Izuku's mood to lighten up. Azazel smiles at seeing them get along and stood up and says "Okay, Enough story for today. Izuku go take a rest you have a big day tomorrow. Vali you get some rest after the traveling as well." Both nodded and went to their separate room.

It is early in the morning and Izuku is sitting in the arena where the tournament is held and Izuku looks at the ground below with a tense look where he would be fighting in a few hours.

"Worried about something?" Asks Zeoticus who is standing behind the seating rows. Izuku doesn't turn back and asks "I am confused." Zeoticus then teleport next to Izuku and asks "Confused about what?"

Izuku moves a little giving some space for Zeoticus to sit and Izuku asks "I am confused about using Ddraig or Murakan's power. My opponent are completely dedicated in winning this tournament while I will only half-ass this thing. I feel like I am disrespecting there efforts. That is why, I am confused as to if I can use their power and disobey you or obey you and disobey my heart."

Zeoticus stood up before he leans over the railing infront and replies "I didn't allow you to use Ddraig's power who said anything about Murakan's power. I don't know anything about it. I have never met a wielder of Boosted Gear. But let me tell you a secret I think today's final fight would be very interesting and maybe I can finally meet a person who wields Boosted Gear." Zeoticus winks at Izuku who nodded and went back to his thinking.

*Some hours later*

There is a huge hustle and bustle on the streets of Polisatan and most of the people are going towards the auditorium.

The Auditorium is filled to the brim with crowd looking for a seat to sit at when an Old Man walks out of the aisle from then the old man and says "I, Ingrid Evanglith, the Head Master of Academy Of Mageia gladly invite all of you in this year's Tournament of Majutsu. Please take a seat and let me introduce the chief guest of this tournament."

The crowd took a seat as Ingrid speaks up "Okay, Now that you guys have settled down. Let me introduce you to the host of the Tournament for this year is none other than, the Devil King, The Southern storm, Great Majesty Zeoticus Gremory and His wife Queen Venelana Gremory." Then a curtain fells of and walks in and the crowd start shouting "All hail the Devil King! All hail the Devil Queen!" In a chorus way then both took a seat and pepple looked at Ingrid as he bows to the King and Queen who nodded at him.

"Please welcome, The King Of Ice, The Southern Storm, Great Majesty Kori Chidorigafuchi and his wife Yuki Chidorigafuchi." Calls out Ingrid as another curtain fall next to Zeoticus and Venelana and out comes a middle age man with very good physical build and long white hair his hair swinging wildly in air and silver eyes elf-like ears wearing a Dark black three piece coat which consist of mo a black coat with a grayish blazer and black sirt with a white tie.

Standing next to him is a woman white hair and reddish-pink eyes with a white gown which has two chords wrapping around her petite yet beautiful figure. They both look at the crowd and took their praise and hails before they shook hands with Zeoticus and Venelana greeting them.

Ingrid continues and says "Now give your welcome, The Owner of Elements, The Western Storm, King Sirius Vermillion and his wife Queen Astrea Vermillion." Then again a curtain falls and a middle-aged man, with a strong build and a beard is seen standing next him is his wife. Astrea is a very short and childish-looking woman for with pink hair and pink eyes.

Both followed the same tradition of accepting the praise and acknowledging the other Kings and Queens with a hand shake and Sirius hugging Kori who got irritated making the other Royalties chuckle as Ingrid continues with his speech.

"Last but definitely not the least please welcome with a huge applause, The Ruler of Satan of East, The Eastern Storm, Wilbert Naruse and his wife Queen Ashe Naruse." Announces Ingrid a well-built man with red hair and matching colored eyes who has horns that seemed to be twisted near the tip, elf-like ears and tattoos that appears to be on a portion of his face and goatee.

Standing next to him is a woman who had an invisible aura that demands respect. This woman was wearing a gown over a battle suit and has red hair which reached her back curled into braces at the end with lime green eyes and well defined figure.

All the people clapped once more but this time the claps were thunderous as the competitor heard the clap and gulped a little getting a little shaken due to the crowd. Meanwhile, Izuku maintained his posture as he had felt like this before many times.

"Now, please make silence as we call forth the competitors." Says Ingrid and a guard asks for the competitor to come in a line. The competitors walked out of their room towards the ground in a queue and once they appeared people start cheering for them. Most of the participant looked a little shaken up but Izuku walked normally.

"Looks like that one has been to this competition before. Which family does he belong to?" Asks Yuki as Zeoticus looks at her and asks "Who are you talking about?" Yuki points at Izuku as Zeoticus nodded and says "He is Midoriya Izuku and it is his first time coming into a big tournament like this."

Yuki nods and heard the secret message behind Zeoticus's answer. As the Tournament continues, and all the participant stood infront of the Royalties. Izuku looked aup at them and took a knee confusing other competitors while Zeoticus smiles and nods with that Izuku stood up on his feet once more.

"Okay, Everyone listen up." Comes a voice from another tunnel as a tall man with brown hair and hazy eyes walks out with a white coat wearing a black shirt and white tie inside with a lot of badges on.

The man then took a stand before he places a sword infront of him and says "I am Nadare Yama, the Commanding General of Chidorigafuchi Empire and I will be your proctor. Anyone trying to use any underhand tricks get out of here because you will be shamed till you die. So, better watch every step before you take it."

All the competitors nodded and Nadare smiled and says "So, Loosen up kids. You all will do your best." With that all the competitors went back to prepare for there matches.

*With Rias*

Rias is pacing around a beautiful young woman with long crimson hair reaching her waist and pink eyes. For someone her age, she is having a distinctly slender yet curvaceous figure with enormous, bouncy breasts and sizeable buttocks.

Sitting next to her is a beautiful young woman of average height with a beautiful face, white skin, and ruby eyes. She has long crimson hair tied into twin tails using yellow ribbons. She has a bewitching body, with both large breasts and a voluptuous figure.

"What happened Rias? Why are you so tensed?" Asks a voice which was cold but yet melodious as it was the princess Izuku met before.

Rias turns towards the girls and says "Ner-Nervous, I am not nervous. Why would I be nervous?" The princess again asks "So, why are you pacing around?"

"It-It is not like that, Aine. I am fine just a little disturbed." Says Rias as she tries to calm her nerve. With that one of the redhead whispers "Stella, What happened?" The other red head says "I don't know, she is nervous about something. She said it was a secret that will be revealed or something."

Mio got a mischievously grin and says "Do you think it is a boy?" Stella gasped a little and says "No, I don't think it is that. Is it?" Mio chuckles and says "Let's find out." Stella nods and just as Mio was about to ask Rias. Akeno arrives and says "Hime-Sama time for you to go."

All the princesses looked at Akeno and nodded. With that they all walked out and come in front of a huge crowd taking praises on their beauty and just as a princess. Taking their seats they look down as the clapping stopped and Nadare says "Please pay attention as the first round of Tournament Begins, Now."

3728 words

Hey guys, So another chapter done. If you want to suggest something you guys can put it in the comment section and I will see what I can do. So, try to enjoy the chapter and I will try to be as constant as I can be.

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