Sideline Love (Chris Evans AU...

Par caprogersfan

28.9K 1.1K 371

All football player Chris wants is to play football with his best friends in the NFL. But the night before he... Plus

Prologue: The Night Before
Draft Day
Training Camp
Starting Line Up
First Date (Sort of)
Media Day *
I'm In, I'm So In*
Love and Football
Her Worst Mistake
A Challenge, A Fight, A Plea, A Declaration
His Favorite Mistake
Fathers and Daughters
Most Stressful Time of the Year
I Believe in Santa
Still Need You
There's A Chance We're Going to Disneyland
what to expect when you don't expect it
Own That Shit!
The Start of Something...
... Wonderful
Song List

Sideline Love

1K 49 12
Par caprogersfan

Seven months later...

"I'm nervous.  Why am I nervous?"

"Because you are committing yourself to one person for the rest of your life?" Sebastian quipped.

"The question was rhetorical jackass." Chris adjusted his bow tie and grabbed a hand towel to wipe his brow.

"Ok, sarcasm is landing rough I see," Anthony says looking at a confused Sebastian.  "Alright buddy, it's gonna be fine.  Your baby mama is waiting for you to get into position."

"Baby mama," Chris whispered. He smiled at the thought of seeing her in her dress, a guarded secret from him.  "Ok, I can do this."

"The man can play in the Super Bowl with all the confidence in the world, but her can't handle waiting for his bride," Anthony muttered as he checked Chris's tie.

"Anthony, have you proposed to Scarlet yet?"

"What does that have anything to do with this?"

"Seb grew balls and proposed to Lizzy." Chris pointed at the man in question. "So, before you get all high and mighty about my nervousness..."

"I got it.  Geez."  Anthony stalked off, swearing at Chris while Sebastian laughed.  He stepped up and made sure Chris was set.

"You know that was mean right?"

"Yes, but he was mean first."

"I was mean first." Sebastian slapped his shoulder. 

"Fuck, you're right.  I'll apologize."

"You ready?"

"I was ready two years ago."


Across the church, lace and tulle rippled as Becca's knees shook in anticipation.  "Bex, c'mon breath," Scarlet coaxed.

"I'm so nervous.  What if I trip and fall?  Chris is gonna run away. And then I'll be left with two kids and..."

"Whoa! Whoa! Becca take a breath," Lizzy said.  "Ok. You need a moment.  Hang on.  Scarlett don't let her melt."  Lizzy moved out of the suite.

Becca continued to tremble.  She was unsure where this came from, but she was now terrified that Chris wouldn't be there, waiting for like she had dreamed.  Lizzy came back a moment later.  "Ok, Bex, move behind the door." She did as she was told, and Lizzy opened it just a crack.


Becca's head swiveled to the door. "Chris?"

"Hi Angel."  A hand came threw and Becca intertwined their fingers. His touch started to bring her heart rate down. "What's going on?"

"If I fall, are you still going to marry me?"

Becca listen to Chris's chuckle.  "If you fall Angel, I'll fall with you so we can be embarrassed together.  Nothing is going to stop me from marrying you."


"I promise love. I can't wait to see you."

"I love you so much, Chris."

"I love you too Becca.  I'll see you in a few minutes, ok?  I promise, I will be there." He let go of her hand and closed the door.

Becca turned to her friends.  "Where are my children?"

"Charlie is running around outside with Ben's kids and Baby Ben is with your mom outside. Everything perfect," Lizzy said in a soft voice.  "You ready?"

"I've been ready for two years."


The wedding coordinator hustled everyone into position. Chris walked with his mother down first before Becca was released from her room.  He gave his mom a kiss on the cheek before taking his position at the altar, shaking the hand of the priest.  Next came Ben with Ashley, Anthony and Scarlet then Sebastian with Lizzy.  Then came Ben's kids, Ben Jr, Bailey, Brody and Charlie with Ben Jr carrying Baby Ben. All the kids in the roles of ring bearers and flower girls.  Charlie ran right up to her dad to stand in front of him, his hands on her shoulders as he looked to wait for her mom.

The doors in the back reopened, revealing his Angel and her father.  Her gown was an A-line dress, tulle and lace, sparkles to make her seem ethereal, the deep V and natural waist kept the gown modest but alluring. Becca held a bouquet of red roses while gliding forward on her father's arm.  Her hair was up in an elegant knot with a few strands to frame her face.  She smiles so big to see her fiancé and daughter waiting for her.

Chris took a deep breath to keep from crying.  His beloved Becca, his Angel on earth, continued to move forward towards him.  She was more beautiful than ever as they made it to the front, Becca turned to give her bouquet to Lizzy, revealing the cross back and confirming to Chris that she wore no bra.  That stirred something in him, and he had to pinch his hand to relax.  As she turned back, she blushed at seeing the look of desire in his eyes.  "Hi."

"Hi Angel."  He watched as Rick kissed his daughter's forehead before shaking Chris's hand and stepping back.

"Welcome everyone to this place, to witness the joining of Rebecca Ann and Christopher Robert.  Who here gives this woman away?"

"Her mother and I do," Rick replied.  He sat and the priest went through all of the pomp and circumstance.  When it came time for the vows, they faced each other, and Chris looked into Becca's eyes.

"Becca, the day I met you, I was scared.  Scared for a new beginning, scared I wasn't good enough, scared that I would end up in a bad place.  But then you offered to be an ear, a shoulder to lean on and suddenly I wasn't scared anymore.  You have been my partner, my love, my best friend but don't tell Anthony or Seb."  The crowd chuckled as the men in questions made noises of protest.  Chris smiled but it turned serious.  "You gave me the chance to be a father to a wonderful little girl and then to an amazing little boy.  Its isn't me that makes our family great.  It's you. I promise to always hold you up when you think you might fall. I promise to protect you from all the bad.  I promise to be there whenever you need me, whether it's to kill a spider in the bathroom, save you from a bee in the garden or hold you close in a storm.  My love for you will never falter. I love you."

Chris reached over to wipe the tears from her eyes. She looked at him.  "How am I supposed to follow that?"  The people laughed as she took a couple of steadying breaths.  "Chris, the day I met you was an accident.  I was supposed to head straight up to my room, get ready for the big day ahead. But I just needed a drink to calm my nerves.  Instead, I met a man who was just as lost as I was.  And it was wonderful.  You took to my crazy life so well, stood by my side during the most difficult time in my life.  You stepped up when you didn't need to; you wanted to. You became Charlie's daddy, and I've never regretted it. I promise to ice your shoulder if you're sore, cook you dinner and desserts.  I'll rub your feet but only after you shower."  The crowd laughed again.  "I promise to be your safe harbor in a storm, hold you up even if you lose, be your cheerleader.  My love is forever, and my heart is yours. I love you."

Becca leaned up this time to wipe his tears. The priest cleared his throat. 

"Christopher Robert, do you take Rebecca Ann as your wife; as your companion and best friend for life? Do you promise to treat her with love and devotion, honour and respect? Do you pledge to stand by her in triumphs and tragedies of life, as a faithful and caring husband?"

"I do."

"Rebecca Ann, do you take Christopher Robert as your husband ; as your companion and best friend for life? Do you promise to treat him with love and devotion, honour and respect? Do you pledge to stand by him in triumphs and tragedies of life, as a faithful and caring wife?"

"I do."

"Do we have the rings?"

Ben and Brody came up with the rings and Becca took Chris's ring and Chris took hers. The priest asked them to repeat after him.

"I, Christopher Robert, give you this ring, Rebecca Ann, as a symbol of our infinite love and devotion.  Today I commit to you and our family for as long as we both shall live." He slid on her matching band next to her engagement ring and kiss her rings.  "I love you," he whispered.

"I, Rebecca Ann, give you this ring, Christopher Robert, as a symbol of our infinite love and devotion.  Today I commit to you and our family for as long as we both shall live." She placed the heavy band on his hand and looked up at him.  "I love you too."

"May God bless this union and this family.  Keep them strong and united forever and ever."


"By the power vested in me by the holy catholic church and the state of Pittsburgh, I now pronounce you husband and wife.  Chris, you may kiss your bride."

Chris cupped her face and place a gentle yet still demanding kiss on her lips.  When he pulled back, he pressed his forehead to hers as the crowd clapped. "Mine, Mrs. Evans."

"Mine, Mr. Evans." She smiled and they kissed softly before Charlie came running up.  Chris scooped her into his arms and hugged her as their exit song played.  They stopped to grab baby Ben who had been sitting on his grandma Lisa's lap and the little family of four exited, ready to take on the world.

Five Years Later...

"Chris," the reporter had her mic close to him as the stadium in Dallas is loud.  "This is your third Super Bowl win. What's next?"

Chris smiles, "hopefully re-sign with the Steelers and win another." He smiles as he watches Charlie and Ben run around.

"Your wife, Becca Rooney-Evans has just taken over as president following her father's illness.  How has she adapted to the job?"

"I think this win shows how well she has taken the reigns.  Her dad still advises her, but she is the leader of this team and staff.  I couldn't be prouder of her."

"We heard a rumor that we may have another little Steeler join the family in the near future."

"Yeah, she might kill me but yes, we are expecting again.  Lily is just the right age to have a sibling join her," as he adjusts the two-year-old on his hip.

"Last question, what does tomorrow look like?"

He smiles as he sees his beautiful bride walking over with her parents. "Hopefully, get to sleep in a little before I fly home with my gang and get back to being just a dad."

"Sounds like a plan Chris.  Congratulations."

"Thank you."  Chris waves to the camera and then heads to his wife, lifting her up gently and swinging her around.  "They outed us Angel."

"More like you can't keep a secret, baby."  She smiles and gives him a big kiss.

"How's my baby?"

"Cooking." She pats her barely there bump. "I'm so unbelievably proud of you, love."

"Yeah?  How much?"

"Well, your ma is taking the kids tonight," she whispers in his ear.  "and I've missed you."  She bit her lip as she pulled back.

"Well, you should really talk to the owner about those travel rules.  Maybe would have access to your husband so he could have taken care of that," he smirks.

"Definitely worth a conversation." She leans in and Chris pulls her into a deeper kiss, exploring her mouth, camera and fan be dammed.  He would have taken her right there, but Sebastian clears his throat. 

"Sorry, but they need us for the trophy presentation.  Well, both of you."

Chris takes Becca's hand and guides her through the team, families and media to get to the stage, protecting her body. The commissioner presents the Lombardi trophy to Chris who holds it up high to the cheer of the team.  He hands to Becca with a kiss to her cheek.

"And now our most valuable player with two touchdowns, wide receiver Sebastian Stan."  Seb comes forward and points to his wife Lizzy, who is big with their first.

As the day winds down, Chris and Becca made their way back to their hotel, finally able to stay together as Lisa took their three to her room.  As they enter, Chris spins around Becca and grasps her behind the knees.  "I need you, Angel."

"Have me Chris,: she moans as he starts to lay kisses on her neck and behind her ear.  He carries her to the bed and lays her down gently.

"God, how are you even more beautiful now than before," he say, leaning over her, brushing her dark blonde curls away from her.  "My baby mama. My Angel."

"Don't.  You're gonna make me cry."

"I love you so much Angel."

"Show me."

Chris gently undresses her from her jersey, the one with his name and number on it. He slides her jeans off, pressing kisses to her belly, wanting their new baby to feel all the love that he has. Becca sighs as the sensations, the love seeping from Chris's lips onto her skin. Once she's down to her underwear, Chris stops to look at her, ravishing her with just his eyes.  No words are spoken but Becca can feel what Chris is thinking.

He starts to kiss everywhere as he removes the rest of her clothes, paying attention to each nipple with care, listening to the broken moans his Angel is giving to him. Once he's satisfied, he moves down and slides just the tip of his finger through her folds.  "So wet, my love."

"Baby," she moans, "please.  So sensitive."

"I know, my Angel.  Just let me," he licks gently up her folds and Becca arches her back, making her belly even more pronounced.  "Do you like that?"

"Its torture that you won't go faster," she whines.  "I need you."

Chris smiles and dives in, eating her like a man starved.  He had her legs over his shoulders and holds her hips down as he fucks her with his tongue. She tries to move but he had her right where he wants her.  Chris is determined to make her feel as good if not better than he does when he just sees her, carrying his baby.  He slides in two fingers in.  "Come on baby, let go.  I can feel you're close."

"Chris," she cries as she can feel the wave coming towards her.  He latches on to her clit and suckles.  That's her undoing as she screams her orgasm out.  He helps her ride it out before lowering her body again.  He wipes his face a little of his juices and climbs back over her to flip them, not wanting to add weight to her belly.   He guides her on top and slowly slips his cock over her folds and she jerk violently.

"Gentle baby, I don't want you to hurt yourself," he says as he lifts her enough to line themselves up and she sinks down.  She tilts her head back at the sensation of being so full until she bottoms out. "Fuck baby, so tight. Ride me, Angel. Use me."

Becca begins to rock her hips and bounce as Chris keeps his grip on her hips.  It doesn't take long before he can feel the heat in is belly rise, feel her tighten around him.  "Chris, I can't," she whines.

"Yes, you can Becca.  So good for me baby, my baby mama."

"Daddy, please, almost there," she cries.  Chris slips his thumb between their bodies and circles once, twice, and feels her vice grip him and she cries out, cumming over and over his cock.  She squeezes him so hard that it triggers his release into her crying out her name.  She falls over on top of him but he catches her and rolls her, so she is leaning on him.  They catch their breaths, enjoying the moment.

"If I get sex like that for every super bowl win, imma win it every year," Chris says.

Becca laughs.  "Don't need to win it every year. As your wife, it's always this good.  As the owner, fuck that.  I want a ring for every finger."

They both laugh and get up to clean up.  As she settles back into his arms, she looks back. "You know something. I'm really glad I stopped in the hotel bar."

"Me too.  I'm glad I missed when I tried to kiss your cheek."

"I love you so much."

"Not more than I love you Angel."

The End

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