Reach Out So I Can Hold Your...

By MayuuuChaaan

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It is known that the name appearing on your arm is the one of your soulmate. And when you meet them, you will... More

Into The Unknown
The Twisted Truth
Cracking The Shell
A Good Ol' Reasoning And Felix's Not Foolproof Plan
Question His Words
Free Your Thoughts
Bare All
Hate Us, Love You
Sail My Doubts Away
Let's Heal
Grab My Hand and Hold Me Please
Last Piece

Open Your Eyes

481 21 4
By MayuuuChaaan

Trigger Warnings : sequestration, brainwashing, conditioning, mention of possible unhealthy obsession, panic attacks, crying, self-harm, attempted murders, arguments, misunderstanding, mention of custody.

Seungmin stares at the diary where Minho has left a note.

Heyo Seungminie :)

I'm sure you understood the situation by now but I'm still gonna write it down. Christopher is in fact Bang Chan, our soulmate. Do you remember that time Binie told us about the missing person appeal ? Well I think the guy holding Chan prisoner is still the same as the one who kidnapped him in the first place. Oh, and he's also Chan's "boyfriend" now and it makes me want to throw up but we don't have time for that.

I don't have his name, Chan didn't write it in his diary, just calls him hyung or his boyfriend. Also, if he asks for sex or whatever bullshit, DO NOT AGREE. Chan doesn't have any injury which makes me think the bastard isn't violent with him. Find an excuse and don't freak out, even cry if you need to but make him really understand you don't want tonight. He's also supposedly coming late every night, but I don't know when exactly. Be careful of that.

Other than that, Chan has everything he needs in the room, there's no way out with the shackle. I think it might be possible to break the wall hook with one of the weights but I'm worried something else will get in our way out. So do it just as a last resort.

I also can't find the fucking PHONE even tho I looked everywhere, Chan hid it somewhere. When I'll be back in my body I'll try to ask him.

The phone is our only way out I think. We could try to do something with the boyfriend but I haven't met him yet so I can't say anything for now. But it might be possible to manipulate him ?? Not sure, we'll have to work on that.

But please don't try anything reckless, we need to think smart here, need to find the limits Chan has with his boyfriend.

For now don't be worried, just read his diary and try to impersonate Chan and everything should go alright. Try to look for the phone too and feed the fish.

I love you.

Seungmin sighs and rubs his temples. He glances up at the bowl with the fish in and frowns.

He really didn't expect this type of situation. It's like coming from a drama.

He looks at the clock on the wall, it's ten in the morning. He looks back at the notes Minho left and since he didn't write more, though he is sure he met the boyfriend at some point, it must be because the boyfriend spends the rest of his day with him and even slept with him.

He shivers just at the thought.

He starts reading the diary and the first notes are when Chan was a child, maybe nine ? He makes some simple mistakes in his sentences but other than that he sounds happy in his book. There's just a lot of propaganda the boyfriend did on him. It continues with Chan talking about what he was feeling around the kidnapper. Seungmin narrows his eyes, it must be when Chan started having a crush on him, he was... fourteen ?

He passes to the present day where Chan's talking about them and how happy he is to find nice people to talk to. He also seems perplexed why his boyfriend never let him have a phone. But it's nothing else and Chan's writing back like it's not something to worry about.

He's not really surprised about it. Chan's been living with him for more than twenty years. He must be trusting the man with his life.

He must also really love him.

And the man must be at least in his forties ? He's not really sure, but he's clearly older than Chan. He must have been an adult when he kidnapped Chan, so he's at least sixteen years older than him.

But at least it makes sense. Chan's behavior in the chatroom had been too weird. And since he swapped with Minho, it's easier to calm his worried heart. Minho hadn't been Minho back then, but Chan, freaked out to be in someone else's home and body, and scared of the outside world.

He goes back when he's fifteen and frowns when he locks eyes with the word, killmate.

Uh ?



It makes so much sense now.

No wonder Chan did that to Minho's arm. It must be shocking to find his arm back with new names on it and his own.

He wonders if Chan is starting to understand whatever the bastard told him, didn't make sense. Because clearly, he'll know if his own self will kill someone, right ?

At least the others are there to help him. It's enough to relax him.

For now, he needs to find the phone.

His stomach gurgles.

Well, guess not, he's going to eat instead.

He walks to the fridge, ignores the annoying noise of the shackle and the chains and opens the door. There's three plates prepared and Seungmin is really surprised about it.

The boyfriend takes his time making Chan food. It's weird knowing the guy kidnapped Chan young, yet he seems to really care about him.

Maybe he has an obsession over Chan ? Or he actually loves him ?

He makes a mental note to add it in Minho's note.

Now that he thinks about it, Felix is next after him and his back gets covered with cold sweat as he curses.

Felix is a kind soul, too caring and gentle and he's worried something horrible will happen at his turn. He'll need to tell him to not make any trouble because when Felix gets upset, they really are upset and wouldn't mind screaming it and making everyone know.

He'll have to add it later.

For now, he warms the plate and mindlessly looks through every drawer to find no silver cutlery. They're all in plastic.

He takes a bite of the food and he hums at the taste. It's good but it doesn't surpass Minho's chef skill.

When he finishes eating, he washes the plate and cleans the table, because he's sure Chan is someone clean.

He goes near the TV and takes the remote control. He turns it on and finds all of the channels are not working. All except a few one, all kids' shows and animes or the one passing only songs.

He can repair that, do an automatic search to find every channel the TV can take but he feels like the boyfriend will not like it.

Instead he turns it off and starts looking for the phone.

He really hopes to find it quick.


Hyunjin feels frustrated.

Seungmin— Chan isn't really cooperative.

He's still freaking out, still babbling words they can't understand. He's scratching the skin of Seungmin's arm roughly enough to make long angry red lines. They manage to stop him a few times, but then he can't help himself, shaking and avoiding their eyes.

It definitely breaks his heart.

At least now, they've got the whole picture thanks to Minho having explained everything he knew so far.

He's also so glad the older's fine. Even though it's not really Chan's fault, he doesn't think he'll have managed to forgive him if something worse would've happened.

"Chan please, can you listen to us—"

Chan 's already shaking his head roughly pressing the palms of his hands on his ears, fat tears running down his cheeks.

Changbin is still trying to talk to him, trying to be calm and collected and ease him but the poor man is way too scared for his life.

"I don't wanna die I don't wanna die— don't kill me—"

They can't do anything, but uselessly stare at the man having a panic attack and it's worse when it's Seungmin's body.

He's not someone to cry easily, seeing him like this... is painful.

"Chanie," This time it's Minho calling his name, as he gets down from the bed with his blood holder, rolling next to him. He's still pale but less than before.

He kneels in front of Chan, who just huddles himself more if possible and he sighs, taking Changbin's arm and lifting his sleeve to see the inked names.

Chan actually locks eyes with it and Hyunjin can tell the moment he sees his name because he's paling and looking ready to freak out more if possible.

"Am I dead ?" Minho asks him, pointing at his own name on Changbin's arm and promptly cutting Chan's next panic attack.

Chan seems to start to understand something's weird with the situation because he's calmer and his sobs turn into sniffles.

"Do I look dead to you ?" Minho tries again, with a bit of sarcasm though he has a layer of empathy too.

Chan's frowning now, more like glaring at them, "You could've tattooed your name," he's wary of them and it's understandable with what's going on. His voice is also hoarse from crying so much and it's still weird to hear Seungmin's voice in such a sad way and with someone else in his body.

But Hyunjin can't help the surprise, raising an eyebrow, "You know about tattoos but not about what's going on out of your room ?"

He receives glares from both Minho and Changbin, Chan just glances at him with a deep perplexed frown.

"I know what's going on outside of my room," He retorts, weak.

"Wait but why would we tattoo our name on each other ?" Jisung asks him, "It wouldn't make sense—"

"I don't know ! Maybe to— to trick me !" Chan cuts him with a pinched expression.

Changbin sighs and shifts making Chan flinch violently, "Sorry fuck— just do you remember the chatroom ? When we said who we were dating ?" He sounds hopeful, looking at Chan with big eyes.

Hyunjin feels Jeongin come closer to him to hold his hands with Jisung on his other side, doing the same thing.

Chan hesitantly nods, but he's not linking the dots yet. He looks too scared to make sense of the situation.

So Hyunjin speaks, "We're soulmates," he starts and sees Chan looking at him with apprehension, "it means we're supposed to love those written on our skin—"

"I don't believe you," Chan cuts him harshly, determinedly glaring at them, "you're just trying to— to hurt me."

But Hyunjin ignores his words to finish his explanation, "— and when you meet your soulmate for the first time, you swap bodies with them the next day—"

"Stop lying !" Chan shouts, gripping his hair and staring down at the floor as tears start to pool in his eyes, "It's just a dream, a— a bad nightmare—"

Felix is the next to cut Chan, "It's not ! Look at our arms," they roughly pull their sleeve up, show the names of the people they love, "I've been dating them since we found each other, I've been dating Hyunjinie for three years and Changbin hyung for— for two years," they sound emotional, eyebrows pinched sadly, "and I— we have been looking for you for so long."

But Chan doesn't believe them, shaking his head, "Why would my boyfriend lie then ? He wouldn't do that to me."

They all cringe at the call of the boyfriend and Changbin asks in all seriousness, "Can you tell me his name ?"

Hyunjin can see Chan fall in the small trap as he opens his mouth but then he pauses and frowns, "No, if I tell you, you're going to hurt him and— and you're a policeman you're going to try something, don't you ?"

Changbin can't really lie here, "I just want to talk to him. Just to know what he misunderstood—"

"Stop lying, I don't trust any of you—" he stands up, cornered as he desperately tries to see a way out of here, "— just let me go—"

"You're in Seungmin's body, we can't let you leave," Jisung interrupts him with a frown and before Chan can retort something, he asks, "if you really think we're your killmate, then why is your name on our arms ?"

Chan pauses before clenching his jaw and something shifts in his gaze, Hyunjin feels like something wrong is going to happen.

"Maybe because I had to."

The silence welcomes the heavy tension.

Changbin raises his hands, him and Minho standing up, "Listen to me, none of us want to hurt you—"

"Yeah, because I'm in Seungmin's body."

Hyunjin swallows thickly, gripping tightly his boyfriends' hands. He doesn't like where this is going.

Changbin is still calm, trying to appease the beast ready to pounce on him, "I'm a policeman Chan, you really think I wouldn't be able to stop you just because you're in Seungmin's body ?"

It makes Chan's determination crack.

"And don't you think it's weird your boyfriend never told you about the body swapping ?"

Chan glares at him, "He didn't need to, because I wasn't supposed to meet any of you," his voice is starting to grow louder.

He's losing patience.

"But don't you think it's faith ?" Jeongin talks with a hopeful look, "you told us you called someone randomly and it fell right on Minho hyung, don't you think it's because you're supposed to be with us—"

"No no no and no !" Chan grits his teeth, glances at the nightstand where a small lamp is.

Hyunjin's heart is thumping too hard against his ribcage, they all know he's going to try something and cold sweat takes his back.

"You're just liars, you— you're trying to manipulate me !" He's panicking but at the same time he's not trembling anymore, he actually looks ready to pounce, "And if I need to kill you to get back to my boyfriend, then I'll do it !"

Hyunjin hopes that at least Seungmin is safe back there.


"Chris babe, I'm back !"

Seungmin freezes at the voice, looking at the door and gulping nervously.

He's going to meet the boyfriend, the kidnapper.

He sits on the bed and tries to ignore how sweaty his palms are. He stares at the door opening up and someone walks downstairs.

He was right.

The man is in his forties.

But he's completely different from how he imagines him.

He's tall, has a charming smile and his black hair is slicked backward. He doesn't have a beard or a mustache and he's wearing a deep blue suit. He also has glasses and one black earring that matches Chan's.

Well, don't judge a book by its cover.

"Hey hyung," He replies.

He gets why the man isn't violent, he's clearly smart enough to not make a scene but gently brainwash him and make him docile. He's so confident in Chan's feelings that he lets the weight for working out here, when Chan could've at any moment used it to run away.

He has Chan in the palm of his hand.

The kidnapper tilts his head with a frown, "You good ?" he comes closer and tries to press his palm on his forehead but Seungmin's brain sees it as violence and backs off.

The man pauses and then blinks. Seungmin has fucked up, "Hey, what's going on ? You've been a bit... defensive since yesterday."

Seungmin swallows thickly, but tries to act tired, rubbing one of his eyelids, "I— I don't know why, I'm sorry, I think it's just a bad period."

The kidnapper hums and sits next to him. Seungmin ignores the panic when he gets brought in his arms and the man kisses the top of his head, "It's okay, you don't have to feel bad about it," he rubs his back, "what do you think of watching a good movie and cuddling ?"

Seungmin nods tensely, "Yeah, I think it could be good."

"Great," The kidnapper pulls away with a grin, "then let's go shower."

Seungmin freezes, watching the kidnapper kneel and pulling out a key to unlock the shackle.

He can leave now, can run away— but is he— is Chan strong enough to fight against the kidnapper ?

"You come ?"

Seungmin flinches out of his thoughts, looking at the man who's confused. He swallows thickly and follows him to the bathroom, each step heavy and almost in slow-motion, weighing every pros and cons.

What should he do ?

Should he try escaping ? But what if the door upstairs was locked ? They don't even know what the house looks like, maybe there's no way out— but he can be free. Or he'll get himself killed.

But will he really kill him ?

He startles when the man tugs at his shirt, "Come on, you're a bit slow today," he teases, and Seungmin takes off his shirt and the rest of his clothes, self-conscious about the situation.

The kidnapper's already naked and he's well-built. He's busying himself with turning the water in the shower and finding the perfect temperature.

Seungmin doubts he'll be able to win against him.

"The water's warm," The man speaks with a smile, gesturing at him to enter.

Seungmin ignores the uneasiness he has and tries to smile, barely able to thank him, heart pounding in his ears.

"I'll cook something and then we'll watch the movie you want."

Seungmin nods again and watches the kidnapper locking back the shackle around his ankle. He puts the key in his back pocket and leaves the basement. Seungmin hurries to the diary to start writing what he just learnt about the kidnapper.

He hopes that Minho will manage to learn where the phone is.


"Let me go !" Chan yells, desperately struggling against Changbin who's literally on top of his back, having twisted his arm to keep him from running away.

"You just need to tell us where the phone is," Minho explains to him again, but Chan stubbornly ignores him.

"You do know you can go to jail for trying to hurt us ?" Changbin tells him with a sigh.

Hyunjin can tell he's more tired than frustrated. He wouldn't be surprised to learn Changbin must not have slept at all.

Chan huffs, "You mean Seungmin ?"

They almost all sigh in unison.

"And you even hurt Minho hyung's body," He points at said man who is sitting on his bed, bandage visible around his arm.

Chan glares at them.

"He— he deserved it."

"Watch your mouth," Jisung cuts him coldly and Hyunjin can see the moment he had enough, clenching his jaw and sending a murderous gaze, "it's not because you're our soulmate that I can't beat you."

Hyunjin remembers clearly when he and Jisung met the first time. They literally hated each other and when they swapped bodies, they both tried to ruin the other's life.

They even finished by fighting physically.

They were so stupid.

"Jisung, stop," Minho scolds him with a glare when they could all see Chan stiffen, "it's not gonna help if he keeps being scared of us."

Jisung huffs and crosses his arms, looking away, "Maybe he deserved it," he mimicked Chan's voice.

"I'm not scared of you."

Hyunjin focuses back on Chan, "You literally were crying half an hour ago."

"That was before I understood you couldn't do anything to me, since I'm in Seungmin's body."

Well, Chan's smarter than they thought.

(Even though they never were going to hurt him to begin with.)

"You just have to tell us where the damn phone is," Jisung snaps.

Chan frowns, "So you can do a weird thing with it to find me and kill me ?"

Jisung groans in frustration, throws his hand in the air, "You know what ? Fine then, stay with your psychotic boyfriend ! We don't care !"

"Don't talk about him like that !" Chan shouts back in anger.

Hyunjin pushes Jisung's shoulder to have him face him, "Baby, stay calm," he tells him gently, bringing him in his arms, they don't have the time for those two to start an argument, "he's been brain-washed if you forgot."

Jisung huffs, but hugs him back, "I know, but god he's so stupid."

"Fuck you."

"Okay, let's all calm down," Felix speaks softly, "we're all on edge with the situation, but we're still at the hospital, we need to be quieter to not disturb the other—"

They all flinch when Chan screams at the top of his lungs and Changbin curses, quickly clasping a hand on his mouth to keep him quiet.

"Fucking hell !" He curses when Chan bites his hand hard to make him bleed and then screams at the top of his lungs again, before the others lunge on Chan to keep him quiet, wrestling him on his back and trying to pin him down.

"Fucking keep quiet—" Jisung whisper-yells in panic.

Someone pounds hard on the door before trying to open it.

Everyone turns silent for a few seconds.

"Is something wrong ? I heard someone screaming ?" The muffled voice asks. It must be one of the security guards.

Until Chan starts screaming again, "Help me please !"

"Open the door now."

Changbin curses as he stands up, the others too, backing away from Chan and telling Felix to open the door.

Felix hesitantly opens the door but they yelp when Chan shoves him away to yank it open and promptly collapses in the security guard's arm who's taken off guard.

"Help me please— they— they tried to hurt me—" He's crying again and he hides behind the guard while the man looks up to them with a deep frown.

He takes his walkie-talkie, "Needs backup for room three twenty-five, roger," and then he orders those in the room, "all against the wall, now."

Changbin takes a step forward, "I'm a policeman," he tells him, pulling out his badge to prove it, "and I need the man behind you to question him."

"So you're one of those using violence to earn what you need ?" He asks again with disdain, and doesn't let Changbin answer, "against the wall, now. "

Hyunjin grimaces when Changbin curses and tells them to follow what he orders.

"Who's your superior ? And which police station are you from ?" He asks Changbin who's now against the wall, while other security guards arrive.

"Son Hyunwoo, sir and from Yongsan."

Hyunjin can't help retorting, "This is all a misunderstanding—"

The guard glares at him, "No talking," he focuses back on Changbin, "I'll call your superior, and we'll send you to the police station."

"You're telling me you're actually going to jail us ?" Jisung asks in disbelief, but the guard ignores him, gesturing to the others to cuff them.

Hyunjin looks at the guard who's now focusing on Chan, "You're gonna stay at the reception until a policeman comes and gets you, alright ?"

Chan nods hastily, sending one last glance at them before following the guard.

Hyunjin sighs heavily.

This is not going like they wanted.


AHAHAH ! Did you think Chan will make it easy ? >:D
Nope hehehe >;)

How's everyone doing ? So far so good for me ! I was just sick (AGAIN) which is annoying but I'm better now !

So we have a description of the kidnapper ? What do you think ? Thought he was a cliché bad guy ? I guess he's a cliché drama bad guy tho...

So Chan makes it difficult for them, but it's understandable, he's confused and disoriented the poor boy TT
And Jisung being salty is understandable too X)

Hope you enjoyed it ! Stay safe ! <3

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