The Arrangement | Taejin ✔️

By halekook

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The hedonistic billionaire playboy Kim Taehyung has always followed his own path. What matters to him most is... More

Welcome: A New Journey Begins
Main Characters


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By halekook

Jung-Nan was shocked by her son, "Seokjin-"

"I appreciate your answer, Seokjin. Now that I have your approval, I shall go. After discussing this topic further with my son and our legal counsel, I will contact you to formalize this. You are more than welcome, Jung-Nan, to join your son in the conversation, as I am certain that, as a parent, you would want to provide your support where it is required. I shall now go; thank you for your hospitality." Jae-Duk remarked, then rose, smiled, and exited the living room.

"Chairman Kim, please wait," Jung-Nan said as she raced after him.

While trying to make sense of what he had consented to, Seokjin stood in the living room and started chewing on his lip. After overhearing the discussion that was taking place between the Chairman and his mother, he felt that he could not stand by and let his mother lose her job. In addition, the Chairman had promised a significant amount of money. If his mother had that amount of money, she would never have to work again in her whole life.

Also, he had seen the Chairman's son quite a few times, once or twice in passing when he accompanied his mother to work, and most of the time in news articles. He was very handsome and not very old, so Seokjin didn't find it creepy. However, the prospect of parental responsibilities filled him with anxiety, and he had serious second thoughts about interjecting himself into their conversation.

He had seen the disapproval in his mother's eyes just before she left the room, and he knew that it meant he was going to be yelled at by her.

Moments later, when she returned to the room and looked at him, he looked away immediately, knowing he was in trouble, but when he felt his mother's arms around him, he was shocked.

"Seokjinah, are you sure you want to do this?"

Seokjin was confused, "mom, you are not mad at me?"

He overheard his mother sigh as she moved away from him and said, "no, of course not. I have known this family for a very long time, and I am certain that if we were to refuse his request, the Chairman would not take it lying down. It was important to me that I was not the one to make this choice for you. However, it pains my heart to think that this is how you will get married. I informed the Chairman that we would want to retain an attorney for ourselves so they may review any documents he is giving you. Due to the sensitive nature of this, he promised that he would find you a person who could be trusted on.

I also advised him that you should get the funds he is giving. Your life is being interfered with, not mine."

Seokjin was at a loss for words since he had anticipated being screamed at, and his mind was stuck playing back to the previous encounter. He wished he could suddenly take back what he had just said. The more he thought about what was being asked of him, the more he became aware of what he had already consented to.

He muttered to himself, "I am going to be a parent?"


Taehyung chuckled, "Okay, April's Fools is over. What the fuck is this?"

"Language!" Jae-Duk slammed his hand onto the table as he gave his son a hard stare. "This is how you will fix the fuck up you have made."

"You can say fuck, but I can't? Great lesson, dad. Always been a good teacher. I am not getting married and don't want that kid. I already told mom he could be shipped off to wherever he came from. Not my issue, not my problem."

"Kim Taehyung, there is absolutely no room for debate on this topic. I have already put in a lot of effort to find you the greatest person capable of making this story work, and you will have to cooperate with me. If you decide not to, we will have a different conversation, and the person who will be sent away from this place and deprived of their inheritance will not be that baby."

"You have got to be fucking kidding me. Dad, are you being serious? You are doing all this because of some kid that got sent here?"

Jae-Duk stood up and pointed his finger squarely at his face, saying, "that boy is your son! I know that your mother and I made many mistakes when you were growing up, but I still like to believe that you are a human being. Do you believe you would be in the position you are in now if your mother or I had done what you intended to do to that child?

"That was yall personal decision; what it got to do with me? You chose to keep me; I didn't ask to be kept, so why the comparison? I don't want him. His father should have contacted me and asked for my opinion before deciding to try and ruin my life."

"Are you fucking serious, Taehyung? That guy reached out to you several times! Your mother and I received proof-"

"Not hard enough. Evidence is in the next room. He could've tried harder; I am a busy man."

"That's it. I am not doing this with you. I have already said what needs to happen, which ends the conversation. You are getting married and will do all you can to make this shit disappear. Either do that or face the consequences because I can easily put someone else in your role!" Jae-Duk gave his son one final look of warning and turned his back.

Taehyung angrily pounded his fist on the table and yelled, "fuck!" as he did so. "You are not asking me to make a long-term commitment to any random person, are you?"

"I won't interfere with what you do or don't do in your marriage," Jae-Duk said to his son as he turned to gaze at him with a grin on his face but quickly covered it up as he looked at him. "As long as you adhere to the fundamental guidelines presented, you are free to act in any manner that strikes your interest. What matters most is that you clean up this mess."

"Who is the guy? Which of your great friend's sons do you want me to marry to make this go away? It better not be that annoying ass Hyung. Been there and done that, not interested."

Jae-Duk's face turned to disgust as he looked at his son, "I don't know how you became like this."

"To understand, you would need to be like me, and you are not. You can't be this great." Taehyung responded with a smirk.

"I wouldn't want to, son. You can be great on your own. At least I didn't have a child unknowingly."

"Whatever, who is the guy? Which one of your best friend's sons?"

"It's none. Ms. Jung-Nan's son has sadly agreed to help you with this mess." Ye-Bin, Taehyung's mother, said as she arrived in the room.

Taehyung's face turned to confusion, "ain't that the maid?"

"Ms. Jung-Nan to you. Be respectful."

"I know, but dad chose her son for me?"

Ye-Bin gave a satisfied nod and said, "It was my idea. He has a polished appearance, exudes humility, and leveraging him tells a good story. Because of who you are and what you've done in the past, people do not anticipate you marrying someone like him. Nevertheless, people would most likely be surprised and admire that you prioritized love above everything else in your life.

The story is pretty simple. You met him while his mother worked for us. Over time, feelings grew between you. Even though your father and I didn't want you to date him, you did it anyway behind our backs. Now, you've decided to get married because you're a committed man to the family that you have created.

Seokjin will be known to the public not only as your husband but also as Jimin's father. Jimin's records will show that both of you are his parents. Seokjin knows this and has also agreed. We're not letting the PR team help us with this, so I'll trust you to help shape the story in your favor. Seokjin will also never have to talk about this publicly because you will be in charge of doing so."

Taehyung looked at his mother in horror and asked again, "Is this a joke? Dad, this must be funny, right? Who else could operate the company? I'm the only child you have. You're not going to make me marry the son of a maid, are you?"

After hearing Jimin cry, Ye-Bin gave her son a stern look and left the room.

"Son, the decision has been decided upon already. In addition to that, Seokjin is not a terrible option for you. It could have been Hyung, but your mother did you a favor and saved you the trouble. I've told you this before, but just in case it helps: I'm not policing your marriage.

I am not asking you to fall in love or have more children. We are well with Jimin, and because he is a boy, we feel certain he will be able to run the business after you. That is the only thing that is important to me. You also don't need someone at your status since it would make it more bothersome for you." As Jae-Duk glanced around, he continued, "Trust me, everything will be well between you and Seokjin. He seems like a good kid."

"Dad, this is fucked up."

"You fucked up first, Taehyung. I warned you, and I also told you to use protection."

"I did! That's why I don't fucking get it. I always do!"

"Jimin's presence says otherwise."

"Whatever! Listen, I'm not happy about this, but it's clear that I don't stand a chance. But you should know I'm not going to make a promise to anyone. Okay, so you want me to get married. He can look after the child. I don't give a shit. Don't count on me being there for either one. I'll keep doing whatever I want, whenever I want." He said this as he got up.

"I knew you would do this, but I want you to know that if you cheat on your partner after you're married, I won't protect you from the press or the board."

"Oh fuck the media, fuck the board. I am already doing enough to please you and them. Why did you and mom have to accept this kid? Don't they have a home for unwanted kids?"

"Get the fuck out of my house, Taehyung!"



Due to his great anxiety level, Seokjin could not keep from shaking his leg beneath the table. Things had progressed to a level far beyond his ability to control or even imagine. It hadn't even been twenty-four hours since he received the invitation to come to the Chairman's house. Even though his mother was there to comfort him, he was still unable to relax.

"Oh, Seokjin, we are thrilled that you have decided to come and join us. My son has just come, so could you perhaps wait a moment for him to join us?" The news came from the lady Seokjin had seen earlier, who had introduced herself to him as Taehyung's mother. He knew he had met her before, but his memory was blurred.

Jin bent his head with a smile and then took a long breath. He had to use the restroom once more immediately. Because his anxieties were so bad, he had been visiting the restroom continuously. Despite this, he decided to keep it together; he knew he had to pull himself together.

His mother looked at him, and it troubled her heart as she could sense her son was nervous. "Seokjinah, we can talk to the Chairman-"

"Mom, it's okay. I am okay. I promise." Jin smiled at his mother.

When Jin heard the door open, he turned around and gazed ahead. When his eyes met Taehyung's, it prompted him to cough up a little saliva. It had been several years since he had last seen Taehyung in person, and it was clear that he had matured into a much more attractive man. When Jin saw Taehyung smirk, he immediately diverted his attention elsewhere.

Taehyung didn't say a word, but he did wave at Jin's mother before taking a seat next to his father.

"Great, I am happy to have you both here. Kim Seokjin, this is my son Kim Taehyung. Taehyung, this is Seokjin, your future husband, at the end of this week." Jae-Duk said as he introduced the two.

"I am sure Seokjin already knows who I am," Taehyung responded.

Jae-Duk rolled his eyes and said, "For the sake of our meeting, I have had the legal team write a contract that outlines the arrangement in full. Before I begin, Seokjin, do you have any questions you'd want to raise? I understand you met with one of our attorneys earlier to review the agreement."

"I-I can wait until after you are finished, Chairman Kim," Jin whispered.

"Perfect. Alright, Taehyung, I trust you read this before coming here?"


"Great. Now, a solid understanding. Once this agreement is signed, Kim Taehyung and Kim Seokjin will be engaged immediately. On Friday, you will marry in a simple ceremony. You are not required to go on a honeymoon since the public would realize that Seokjin just gave birth to Jimin and consequently needs to be near him. This will also be advantageous for you, Taehyung. You are choosing family before selfish pleasure for once.

Seokjin, you will relocate to Taehyung's residence on Friday evening. You will also need to stop attending school. We want you to be completely devoted to Jimin until he can attend school, and because you are getting married to Taehyung, there is no need for you to attend school. You will always be taken care of financially. It would be best if you spent time caring for Jimin and whatever else Taehyung may require your assistance with.

As your marriage will be official and lawful, you must always act accordingly. We recognize that this is not the perfect relationship but is mutually beneficial; thus, you must always maintain mutual respect.

Taehyung, until you and Seokjin get used to living together, we shall suspend all housekeeping services at your home. As this cannot be shared with anyone, I will give you the necessary privacy to get to know each other and begin working as a pair. This is not a fake marriage; I repeat, this is not a fake relationship; thus, I want both of you to properly recognize each other and be courteous, particularly in public.

Due to the nature of his job, Seokjin, Taehyung will be quite occupied and travel often; thus, you should not be surprised if he is frequently missing from home. To add, my wife will be present to assist you with Jimin whenever you feel you need support; you are not alone with Jimin. Our support is with you since he is our grandchild.

This arrangement does not obligate you and Taehyung to have children; that choice is exclusively yours and his.

Now, the most important part concerning money. Seokjin, you will get a bank card linked to Taehyung's account. There are no spending restrictions, and you do not need prior clearance to spend money on whatever you choose. Don't hesitate to contact my wife if you want Taehyung's house modified to your liking. Someone is already working on a design for Jimin's room.

Second, as previously mentioned, your mother will get one hundred million dollars in installments. The sum of five million will be paid following the conclusion of the wedding. In six months, an additional five million will be distributed. After two years of marriage, ten million dollars will be received. A payment plan will be sent, including more pertinent information.

Lastly, I would like to emphasize that divorce is not an option. Jimin will grow up knowing you are his parents, and you will remain together regardless of circumstances. If either of you seeks divorce for whatever reason, Seokjin, you will be compelled to repay all the money your mother got, plus interest.

Taehyung, you will be disregarded by this family if you seek a divorce, and all present financial assistance will stop. I will force you to migrate to another country without the means to live. You are aware that my threats are not hollow. You do not know me, Seokjin, but if you ask your future husband, he will tell you that my smile may be lovely, but I am not.

Given that I have provided a summary of the agreement and what it contains, what questions do you have based on your review, and what revisions did you intend to propose? Would you want to go first, Taehyung?"

Taehyung, who had spent the whole time texting on his phone, looked at his father and said, "What does it matter? You will not give any credence to the things I have to say. You have already made this decision. I am relieved that you mentioned that I would not be spending much time at home since this ensures that I will not be needed as a babysitter."

Jae-Duk, didn't bother to give Taehyung any further acknowledgment as he looked toward Seokjin, "Seokjin, what are your questions, and do you have anything you would like to add to the agreement?"

With his head down, Jin toyed with his fingers as he asked, "about the school, can that be reconsidered? I-"


It wasn't the question that shocked Jin; it was who it came from. He lifted his head and looked toward Taehyung, who had asked the question. "I like school."

"And I like being single. Am I getting to be single? No, I am not. So, no, you don't get to continue school. Request denied. What other questions do you have? Tell them to me, I am who you are marrying, not my dad."

"Taehyung, Seokjin has not signed the agreement yet, so he has the right to express his concerns and offer adjustments," Jae-Duk continued to look at his son.

"You decided everything up to this point, and I will handle the remaining matters. When Seokjin has inquiries, he directs them in my direction. He needs adjustments, he tells me. Are you telling me my decision-making abilities would also be restricted as a husband?"

"Fine. Seokjin, please address any issues you have with Taehyung directly. We will give you a minute to think about it, and then we will return to get you to sign."

Right away, Jin gave a dismissive shake of the head and said, "I don't have any other questions or suggestions."

Taehyung responded with a grin and a "Good. Where is the agreement since I have somewhere to go at this time? Already, much too much of my time has been consumed by this."

Ye-Bin looked at her son and said, "Taehyung, before you go, you should go and see Jimin; it's important you start bonding with your son-"

"That is Seokjin's duty; after all, isn't that his son? Per yall, he carried him for nine months. The act of bonding ought to be performed by him, not by me."


Jung-Nan moved her hand to her son's and held it. 

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