DragonBall Variant

By XrimsonCroc

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Dragonball, we're familiar with the story. The tale of Goku and company fighting to save their world and at t... More

Yerlec's Bio
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Yerlec's Bio V2
Interlude #1: Broly
Interlude #2: The Days in Between
Episode 10
Episode 11
Interlude #3: Countdown To The Cell Games!
Episode 12
Interlude #4 Pt 1: Aftermath of The Cell Games
Interlude #4 Pt 2: Homecoming
Yerlec's Bio V3
Episode 13

Episode 5

549 18 9
By XrimsonCroc

Last time on DragonBall Variant! The saiyan scourge that had arrived on Earth in search of the Dragon Balls was defeated, but not without consequences. Chiaotzu, Tien and even Piccolo had fallen in the endeavor. With the latter gone, as too was Kami, and the Dragon Balls were deactivated. However, a glimmer of hope was to be had as Kami's home planet could foster a set available for use. Preparations are already underway, with Bulma, her father, 21 and Yerlec working on repairing Kami's ship, as well as gathering supplies for the long trek ahead.

                                                    A Voyage Across The Stars!

                                                   Trouble Brewing On Namek!

We find ourselves outside of Yerlec's home, as he preps himself for the road ahead. As he does, he relays the news to Raditz and Nappa, who have been making strides in their training and even gotten themselves some new gear. When he relays the news however, they don't take it too well.

Raditz(Shock): WHAAAATTT!? What do you mean we can't come!? 

Yerlec: I mean, I want you two to remain here on Earth.

Nappa(Confused): Why!? You've been training us for moments like this haven't you!?

Yerlec: Indeed I have, and you two have made excellent progress. However, I need you two to stay behind for an important reason.

Raditz: That reason being...?

Yerlec: 21, Krillin, Gohan, and myself are heading off planet. Goku is out of commission for the time being. That leaves Earth without some of its heavy hitters. While I have faith in Yamcha's and Roshi's abilities, I would like them to have as much back up as they can should something go awry in our absence.

Nappa: I guess that makes sense. Still kinda sucks...

Yerlec: None of that Nappa. My orders still stand. Understood?

Nappa: *Sighs* Got it boss.

Raditz: Understood captain.

Nodding in confirmation, Yerlec bids them farewell before taking off to the skies. He meets up with Bulma, Krillin and 21 at Kame house and await Gohan's arrival so they can head off.

Krillin: So you're sure that this thing will get us to Namek in one piece?

Bulma: Sure I'm sure. Some of the greatest minds worked on this thing y'know. We'll be fine.

Eventually, Gohan arrives along side his mother and grandfather, clad in ... unique attire.

Yerlec(Deadpan): ...words escape me.

Krillin(Amused): *Laughs* Here I was worrying about not having a space suit! At least I don't have to wear something like that!

21: Awww, he looks so precious!

After some last minute check ups and some heartfelt farewells, the group board the ship and launch off into space with an objective firm in mind; find the DragonBall and wish back their friends. The voyage would be a long one however, so the group got themselves more comfortable for the trek forward.

Bulma: It'll probably take us awhile to reach Namek, so might as well get comfy.

21: I don't see the harm. It'll be nice to relax for a bit.

Yerlec: Indeed. Gives us some time to steel our nerves for what lies ahead, whatever it may be. By the way, Gohan, I noticed you brought your outfit from before.

Gohan: Yeah, it didn't feel right not bringing it. This way it feels like Mr. Piccolo is still me.

Yerlec: I see. At least you're not wearing that other ... outfit your mother gave you. Not to mention all the supplies she brought. Honestly, Chi-Chi is a very protective woman isn't she?

Gohan: Yeah, it gets a little much sometimes.

Yerlec: Heh, in a way I envy you Gohan. I never really had a mother figure to dote on me while I was growing up.

21(Surprise): Really?

Yerlec: Indeed. Like I told you all before, my home, Planet Vegeta, was destroyed. While a few stragglers survived due to being outside of the blast, my parents were not amongst them.

Bulma: So then, who raised you?

Yerlec: An individual named "Cooler". From what I was told, when my space pod launched from the exploding planet, Cooler's ship brought it in via a tractor beam. At first, he merely saw me as a future powerful soldier. But somewhere along the way, I couldn't exactly tell you when, he warmed up to me and began to see me as something more. It wasn't long before he started calling me his son. He made me the man I am today, and I see him as my own father. Yet, I can't help but wonder ... what were my birth parents like? What did they look like, sound like? What were their names? 

21(Sad): Oh Yerlec...

Yerlec: Apologies, I didn't mean to bring down the mood.

Bulma: Don't apologize, it's ok to be sad big guy. 

Yerlec: I know, it's just that these thoughts plague me constantly, and it drives me mad knowing that I may never know the answer. *Sighs* I'll be further back in the ship, call me if you need me.

Yerlec heads towards the back of the ship, leaving a somber mood behind him.

Krillin: It's odd, ever since I met Yerlec he's always been this ... rock. Firm, sturdy and unmovable. Seeing him unload this personal info is kinda weird, it reminds me that he has feelings too.

With a somber feeling lingering in the air, the group continue about their business as they soar through the stars. After a few hours have passed, most of the group had fallen asleep for the time being. The only one who seemed awake at the time was Yerlec, deep in thought.

Yerlec(Stern): ...Frieza. One day, you'll get what's coming to you.

21: Who's Frieza?

Yerlec: 21, I didn't know you were awake.

21: Yeah, I wanted to grab a little snack is all. 

Yerlec: *Chuckles* That sounds about right. As for your question ... Frieza is a menace. The self-proclaimed "Emperor of the Universe", and the one behind my planet's destruction.

21(Shock): B-by himself!? Is he really that powerful!?

Yerlec: Yes, I've only met him a small handful of times, but with each encounter he would always give me this look. A look that all but screamed to me he knows that I'm aware of what he did, and that he doesn't care.

21: Wait, you've met him? How?

Yerlec: You remember how I brought up Cooler right? As fate would have it, Frieza is Cooler's little brother.

21(Shock): Oh my!

Yerlec: Indeed. Someday, I'll see that he gets his just deserts, be it by my hand or someone else's.

21: ...promise me something Yerlec.

Yerlec: What is it?

21: Promise me that you won't let your want for revenge take over your life.

Yerlec: Of course, I promise. 

21: That's good. I'd hate to see you lose yourself on your path.

Yerlec: Fret not, I have other priorities in my life. Like you and Bulma for example. Not to  mention this mission. Frieza can wait, especially since I doubt I'll be seeing him anytime soon.

The group continue their voyage through the stars, running into trouble on the way in the form of a false Planet Namek and a spaceship full of orphaned children. After about a month of travel, they had touched down on the real Planet Namek.

Yerlec: I'll investigate first. I'd like to see if the air is breathable.

Gohan: But wouldn't you be putting yourself in danger?

Yerlec: Don't worry Gohan, my body is used to the vacuum of space to certain a degree. My travels under my father have made sure of that. I'll be fine.

After opening the bottom hatch of the ship, Yerlec steps out onto the grass of the planet and looks around.

Yerlec: What a sublime landscape. *Deep breath* The air is breathable as well, that's one less thing to worry about. *Out loud* It's fine, the air is safe to breath.

The others exit the ship after hearing the go ahead from Yerlec and take a look around.

Krillin: So this is Namek huh? Weird, it doesn't seem all that different from Earth. 

Gohan: I see what you mean. It's a little quiet though, don't you think?

Krillin: Yeah, kinda gives me the creeps.

Bulma: Then let's get a move on. The sooner we get the Dragon Balls and make our wish, the sooner we can leave.

Bulma brings out the Dragon Radar and activates it.

Bulma(Happy): Guys, I'm already picking up four Dragon Balls!

21(Happy): That's wonderful news!

Krillin(Happy): Alright, looks like our luck is really turning around!

As Krillin, Bulma and 21 celebrate over the good news, Yerlec and Gohan snap their attention elsewhere.

Yerlec(Stern): ...you sense that too, right Gohan?

Gohan: Uh-huh.

Yerlec: Hey, don't celebrate just yet. Gohan and I just picked up on something. 

The trio stop in their tracks at the news.

Krillin(Stern): Where?

Gohan: *Points* Somewhere over there, and it's strong.

Krillin: Yeah, I sense it too.

Bulma: You three are getting worried over nothing. Piccolo had a strong power level too didn't he? It's only natural for his people to be the same. You're probably picking up on one of the natives relaxing in their home having dinner.

Krillin: Heh, I guess you've got a point. *Chuckle* Thinking about it now, I feel a little silly for thinking otherwise.

As Krillin chuckled to himself, everyone hears something in the far distance. They all turn to the sound and spot the source.

Krillin(Shock): That's a Saiyan Pod!

Soon after, the pod crashes down over the horizon.

Krillin: Yerlec, Gohan, 21, mask your power! I recognize that energy.

Yerlec(Stern): Indeed, that's Vegeta alright. Just great...

Bulma(Shock): Did ... did you just say Vegeta!?

Krillin(Distraught): Dang it! Just when things were turning around for us!

Bulma(Scared): This isn't happening! I thought we had seen the last of that maniac!

21: I hate to be the bearer of further bad news, but I'm sensing two power levels coming this way.

Krillin: Hopefully they're friendly.

Alas, his hopes were dashed when the two power levels revealed themselves not to be native namekians. Rather the individuals seemed not of this planet at all, and were donning saiyan armor, something that Yerlec took quick notice of.

Yerlec: That armor... Wait, don't tell me!

Krillin(Nervous): These guys don't look friendly...

The two unfriendly faces were conversing with each other from a distance, before one of them fired a pre-emptive shot towards the namekian ship, utterly destroying the main controls.

Krillin(Shock): No, not the ship!

Alien Soldier #1: Oops, did you need that?

Alien Soldie2 #2: So sorry, looks you'll be sticking around for a while!

As the two soldiers share a laugh at the groups misfortune, Yerlec steps up to confront them.

Yerlec(Stern): You two, tell me, are you soldiers from Frieza's forces?

Alien Soldier #2: That's Lord Frieza to you, you hairless ape!

Yerlec: That's all the answer I need.

Yerlec flared his power before launching himself towards the two soldiers and knocked them both into the air. Following up, he grabbed them both by the necks and slammed them down onto the ground, resulting in a loud SNAP coming from their bodies.

Krillin: Yikes, a little violent don't you think Yerlec?

Yerlec: ...

21: Yerlec, are you ok?

Yerlec(Stern): ...he's here.

21(Confused): Who's here?

Yerlec: Frieza.

Most of the group was confused. Who was this "Frieza", and why did Yerlec seem so angry at him? 21 however, knowing the full story, was in shock. After relaying the story to everyone else, the shock permeated through the group.

Bulma(Scared): You mean to tell me that there's someone worse than Vegeta on this planet!?

Yerlec: Yes. *Growls* It doesn't make sense. Why would he be...?

Yerlec's train of thought came to a screeching halt, as he breaks into a cold sweat. The Dragon Balls! If Vegeta was here for them, it would only make sense that his boss would be as well! Vegeta's scouter must have been transmitting the information from back on Earth! Not to mention, Bulma said that she detected four Dragon Balls in one spot. It's possible that Frieza already beat them here and started his collection! If Frieza were to get his wish granted...

Gohan: Yerlec, are you ok?

Yerlec(Nervous): We are in deep trouble.

Krillin: What do mean, what could worse than that Frieza guy?

Yerlec: He's here for the Dragon Balls, and if my hunch is correct, his wish will be the same as Vegeta's.

Krillin(Shock): Y-you're kidding! Then we gotta get moving!

Yerlec: Indeed. For the time being we should seek shelter and gather our wits.

21: Sounds good. That cave over there should work.

They make their way to the cave for the time being to get their bearings after what transpired. As they did, Yerlec sensed something and looked to the horizon. 

Yerlec: There are more energies coming this way, and fast.

Bulma(Worried): Oh no, now what?

Yerlec: Hmm... *Eyes widen* Everyone get inside the cave, now!

Following Yerlec's instructions, the group rushes into the cave. Once they do, the flurry of energies from before zoom past the cave at high speeds before vanishing into the distance.

Bulma: Phew, that was close. Thanks for the heads up big guy.

When Bulma turns to the others, she sees Krillin, Gohan and 21's faces stricken with fear.

Krillin(Scared): Th-those guys, they were all so strong!

Gohan(Scared): Mmhmm, but that guy in the front...

21(Scared): He was terrifyingly strong! Just who was that!?

Yerlec(Dread): Frieza. I recognize that energy anywhere...

Krillin(Scared): N-no way! I mean, I figured we'd come across him eventually during our search, but so soon!?

Yerlec(Angry): *Growls* Damn it all! Things have just gone from bad to worse!

Gohan(Scared): What do we do now?

Yerlec: ...despite the situation, our objective hasn't changed. 21, you and Bulma stay here and set up camp. Gohan, Krillin and I will head out to try and secure at least one of the Dragon Balls. As long as Frieza lacks all seven, we have a chance to take them for ourselves.

Yerlec turns to the group with a stern expression.

Yerlec(Stern): Mind you, Frieza is a powerful, cold-hearted and ruthless individual. Krillin, if you and Gohan wish to stay behind-

Gohan: No, I  ... I'm coming with you!

Krillin: Same here!

Yerlec(Surprise): Are you certain?

Gohan: I-I may be scared, but Mr. Piccolo and the others are counting on us!

Krillin: He's right. We didn't come this far just to give up!

Yerlec: ...very well. Let's get a move on. Keep a low profile, they're bound to have scouters on hand.

The trio set off towards Frieza and company while Bulma and 21 set up camp.

Gohan: ...hey Yerlec? What's Frieza like?

Yerlec: ...he's a heartless tyrant, hell-bent on ruling the universe with an iron fist. That ... and he really hates saiyans. So you and I have our work cut out for us, especially me since I still have my tail. Makes it more obvious what I am.

Krillin(Nervous): Oh boy, that's worse than Vegeta alright.

Yerlec: Trust me, Vegeta is but a wailing infant in comparison to Frieza. We'll need to exercise extreme caution if we want to get out of this both successful and alive. Lets slow down, mask your energy as well. We're almost there. 

The three fighters make their way to Frieza's location and stumble across a Namekian village. There, they see Frieza and his men, three people Yerlec knows well.

Yerlec: Dodoria....

Yerlec: Zarbon...

Yerlec(Angry): Frieza...

Likewise, they saw the Dragon Balls they had with them and, to be quite honest, they were massive in comparison to the ones on Earth. Dodoria was then tasked with dispatching the Namekian villagers as Yerlec and company watched on in horror. Even after they had surrendered the Dragon Ball, only a single child was left. He too would've been slain if Gohan hadn't intervened, striking Dodoria across the face. Krillin picks up the Namekian child and the group flies off. Dodoria gives chase but they manage to shake him thanks to Krillin's Solar Flare blinding him. Afterwards, they return to the cave where they left Bulma and 21 and see that they have set up base, thanks to a handy Capsule House.

Yerlec: We should be safe for now.

Dende: Umm ... thank you for saving me.

Gohan: You're welcome. 

Yerlec: Still, we have a big problem. Frieza and his men have five Dragon Balls. At this rate that bastard is going to get his wish.

Dende: Why do you seek the Dragon Balls?

Krillin: A lot of our friend's were killed some time ago. We want to use the Dragon Balls to wish them back.

Dende: In that case, I know the location of one of the Dragon Balls. It's kept with the Grand Elder Guru. Unfortunately, his place is quite far from here, even by flight.

Krillin: We don't have much of a choice but to try anyway.

Yerlec: Indeed. Gohan, do you think you can man the fort while Krillin and myself take Dende to this Guru?

Gohan: *Nods* You can count on me!

Yerlec: Atta boy. Krillin, let's move!

Krillin: Right!

Yerlec, Krillin and Dende fly off with haste, while the latter provided directions. After a little while, they arrive at Guru's abode and there they see two Namekians. One being Guru's bodyguard and the other being Guru himself.

???: Dende, what's the meaning of bring these strangers here?

Dende: Please Nail, they're not with the enemy.

Nail: How can you be sure? *Looks at Yerlec* This one even dons a similar attire.

Yerlec: A fair deduction, but believe me when I say I am in no way affiliated with that tyrant. We just want the Dragon Balls to resurrect our friends.

Guru: Then you had best make haste, because I fear I am not long for this world.

Dende(Distraught): Wh-what?

Guru: Indeed, and when I perish-

Yerlec: So will the Dragon Balls. Just like with Piccolo back on Earth. 

Krillin(Upset): Man, things just keep getting worse!

Guru: You, small one, come closer for a moment.

Confused, Krillin complies and steps closer. Guru then places a hand on his head.

Guru: Hmmm, yes. I can tell that you have a good heart. Allow me to offer you my assistance in this endeavor of yours. I will bring forth your inner potential for the battles you will face.

As he stated, Krillin's form burst with new-found power.

Krillin(Amazed): W-wow! This power is incredible! You mean to tell me I had this in me all along!?

Yerlec: It would seem so. I can sense the vast difference in power from you.

Krillin: What about you? Aren't you gonna get a boost as well?

Yerlec: For now, we should get back to Bulma and the others. We got what we came here for and time isn't a luxury we have. If anything, Gohan and 21 could get there power boosted when we're in a more comfortable situation.

Guru: If you think it'll help your chances then so be it. For now, take the Dragon Ball with you and tread carefully.

Krillin: Right. C'mon Yerlec, let's get moving!

Yerlec: Right behind you.

The two of them speed off back to Bulma, 21 and Gohan with a Dragon Ball in hand. Little did they know that they were being followed. When they arrived, they were quick to notice that Gohan was nowhere to be found.

Krillin: Hey, where's Gohan?

21: Not too long ago, the Dragon Radar picked up on a lone Dragon Ball and Gohan went to go grab it. 

Yerlec: I see. Well hopefully that pans out. 

???: Look what we have here.

Turning to the familiar voice, the group see Vegeta.

Yerlec: Well if it isn't the vertically-challenged prince. To what do we owe the displeasure of your arrival?

Vegeta: Simple. You lot have something I want, and I came here to take it. With or without your permission. Before that however...

Behind Vegeta, Zarbon lands before the group, looking less than amused.

Zarbon: There you are Vegeta. *Gaze shifts* Yerlec...

Yerlec: Zarbon...

Bulma(Swooning): Hey Yerlec, who's your attractive friend?

Yerlec: Trust me, we're not friends.

Zarbon: I'll admit Vegeta, you managed to pull one over on us before, but your luck ends here.

Vegeta: Is that a fact now? Well by all means, give it your best shot. As for you lot, don't even think about running off with my Dragon Ball, because I will find you. 

Yerlec: If you want this Dragon Ball, you'll have to take it from us.

Vegeta: *Smirks* That's the plan. First things first, *looks at Zarbon* it's time I finished what I started with you.

Zarbon: My words exactly!

Zarbon takes a brief moment to transform, much to Bulma's horror, as he and Vegeta engage in combat.

The fight seemed to be an even standing, but it was clear that the tides were in Vegeta's favor. Soon enough, Vegeta rammed his fist into Zarbon's stomach, puncturing it. As Zarbon begged for mercy, Vegeta finished the job by blast him through the stomach, sending him to a watery grave. Satisfied with his work, he turns to confront the group.

Vegeta: Now that that's out of the way, I believe you have something of mine.

Yerlec: You'll have to get through me. 

Vegeta: Hmph, fair enough. Though I'm curious about something Yerlec. I'll admit that you can handle yourself in combat, our skirmish on Earth proved that, but can the same be said for your friends? It would be a shame if they got caught up in the crossfire wouldn't it?

Yerlec(Angry): You snake! Like master like mutt I suppose, exploiting innocents to get their way.

Vegeta: Say what you will, but I won't have to get my hands dirty so long as you follow the orders of your prince. Give me the Dragon Ball, and I'll be on my way.

Krillin: Yerlec, maybe we should give him the ball. We're not in a good position to argue with Bulma still here. Besides, there's always later.

Yerlec(Resigned): ...tch, fine. Take the damn thing.

With great reluctance, Yerlec hands over the Dragon Ball to Vegeta, the later grinning in satisfaction.

Vegeta(Smug): There, that wasn't hard now was it? I guess even fools can follow orders under the right circumstance.

Yerlec(Mad): Stow it, runt. You got what you wanted.

Vegeta: Oh you have no idea. You fools just handed me my immortality on a silver platter! After I get my wish granted and deal with Frieza, you're next Yerlec.

Satisfied with the end result, Vegeta flies off, cackling to himself all the while.

Yerlec(Angry): *Growls* Damn that arrogant prince! I knew I should've killed him when I had the chance! Judging by what he said, he may have already gotten the other Dragon Balls!

Bulma: Hey, calm down Yerlec. Remember, Gohan went to get the one lone ball we detected.

Krillin: Yeah. When he comes back we can just re-locate and think of a plan.

Yerlec: *Deep breath* I suppose you're right.

And wait they did. For a while there was nothing, until Gohan could be seen over the horizon with the Dragon Ball before he came in for a landing.

Bulma(Glad): Awesome, you found it.

Gohan: Yeah, it was underwater, so I think someone must've tried to hide it.

21: Most likely Vegeta. He did make it seem like he had all seven in possession.

Yerlec: Which means he'll be less than pleased to see it gone. Let's make haste to another spot, and keep your energies low.

The group fly off with Yerlec carrying Bulma and search for another hiding spot. Upon finding one, they take the time to gather their wits. Once they have, Yerlec speaks up.

Yerlec: Alright, then, Gohan, 21, I need you both to go with Krillin somewhere.

21(Puzzled): Why, what's going on?

Yerlec: When Krillin and I went to retrieve the Dragon Ball from Guru's, he was able to unlock a deeper power within him. I think it'd be best if you two went through the same, it could help in the long run.

21(Unsure): I don't know Yerlec. You know how I can get when I use my ki.

Yerlec: Indeed I do, and perhaps you may not even have to fight at all, but at this point I'd rather be safe than sorry.

21 looked apprehensive for a moment, before gaining a look of confidence.

21: Ok, I'll do it!

Gohan: Me too!

Yerlec: Excellent. Krillin, you go with them. I'll stay here in case Vegeta tries to swing by.

Krillin: Right!

So Krillin, 21 and Gohan make a bee-line for Guru's place while Yerlec and Bulma stay behind with the Dragon Ball.

Yerlec: Now we wait.

Bulma(Unnerved): Y-yeah. 

Yerlec: Feeling nervous?

Bulma: Can you blame me? 

Yerlec: No, not necessarily. Don't worry, we'll get through this.

Bulma: How can you be so sure? You said this Frieza guy was strong enough to destroy planets, what hope do we have? 

Yerlec: *Sighs* Come here.

Still unnerved, Bulma sits closer to Yerlec as he wraps an arm around her.

Yerlec: Things do look grim indeed, I'd be a liar and a fool to state otherwise. But there was a reason Frieza destroyed my home planet.

Bulma: Why?

Yerlec: Because he was afraid of us. Or rather our potential. As I've told you we saiyans get stronger when recover from life-threatening injury. This prospect put Frieza on edge, as one day, a saiyan may garner the strength to overpower him. He couldn't take that chance.

Bulma: I kinda get it. But what does that have to do with now?

Yerlec: Simple. As a full-blooded saiyan, I have the potential to drastically increase in strength. Not to mention when Goku gets here increasing our chances of survival even further. We'll wish our friends back. We'll make it through this, I promise.

Bulma(Hopeful): *Smiles* Thanks Yerlec.

Yerlec: Think nothing of it. For now, we await the others' arrival. We'll figure things out from there.

Time passed as Yerlec and Bulma waited for the others to return, enjoying each others company all the while. Soon enough, they did arrive, albeit with extra company, Vegeta. Needless to say, Yerlec wanted answers.

Yerlec(Mad): Does anyone want to tell me what he's doing here?

21(Panic): Believe me, I know this looks bad, but this is urgent!

Yerlec: Pray tell, what could be so urgent that Vegeta needed to tag along?

Vegeta(Stern): Because they're coming.

Yerlec(Confused): Who's "they"?

Vegeta(Stern): The Ginyu Force.

Things have gone from bad to worse for the Z-Fighters, as the saiyan scourge Vegeta, and the galactic emperor Frieza both touched down on Namek with the goal of obtaining the Dragon Balls for their own nefarious ends. What's more, Frieza's elite fighting squadron, The Ginyu Force are on their way to Namek as well! What will our heroes do now? Will they fail their quest after so much hard work? Or will an unlikely alliance form for them to stand a chance against the upcoming threat? Find out next time on DragonBall Variant!

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