The Dragon Bond: Heirs of Lyra

wilsonsoftball tarafından

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Now that King Alan and Queen Ariana's three children are all grown up, it's time for them to make their own a... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Part 2:
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Part 3
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 104
Chapter 105

Chapter 49

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wilsonsoftball tarafından

"Careful not to spook it." Mirum warned. Ralf moved slowly, trying his best not to disturb the bright colored bird. Its beak was the length of its entire body, its eyes piercing with warning, staring directly at him.

It saw him, that much was certain. He felt absolutely ridiculous, staring into the eyes of this giant bird, practically the size of himself. Its nest was massive, big enough for ten full-grown men to sleep with room enough to squirm around.

Believe it or not, the task of finding the feather of a Naranja bird was proving to be a difficult task indeed. He had scoured the island for feathers, only to resort to climbing the tallest tree and begin searching the nests instead. Unfortunately there were no empty nests. Each nest either had a swarm of giant baby Naranjas waddling around, or a very angry-looking mother Naranja, preparing a new nest.

And yes, he had in fact already tried other nests to no avail. He had, however, been successfully pecked by at least a dozen baby Naranjas. The sad fact of the matter was Naranjas apparently didn't make a habit of shedding their feathers--making the task of collecting one nearly impossible.

Now as he stared quite literally into the face of danger, he had to ask himself how it had gotten to this. He continued creeping forward slowly, hoping his efforts would finally avail. The bird cocked its head to the side, as if questioning how Ralf could be so stupid as to approach it head on.

Ralf was mere inches from the bird now, one swift movement and he could pluck a feather right from its body. He made his move and quickly grabbed for a feather. In the same moment, the bird side stepped him and sent a sharp peck with its beak, causing his hand to bleed. He already had a dozen other similar injuries.

"Enough of this lollygagging." Mirum had seen enough to know her rider wasn't making any progress. She put matters into her own claws. In an instant she swooped down and took hold of the blasted bird, trying her best to only take a few feathers. Instead she accidentally ended its life.

She set the lifeless bird next to Ralf who was still in the nest. He glared at her, not impressed. "I had it."


"Well at least I wouldn't have killed it. You know they are an endangered species?"

"A species we can afford to lose, in my opinion."

"That's horrible, Mirum." He bent down and plucked a few feathers from the large bird.

"I seem to recall you muttering a few choice words in their direction only minutes ago. Now the sudden change of heart?"

"Will you just get me down from here already? It smells and I don't want to find out if this is a revengeful species or not."

It took two days after getting the last piece needed for the Ultimate Question before they finally neared their destination. The Three Fates were located in the highest peak of Mount Caravar. Accessing such a place was made much easier with a dragon. Ralf had no idea how others managed the task. Shade must have endured a lot to reach it. He figured for an experienced climber it probably would have taken several days, if not an entire week dependent on weather conditions. Had he not had the advantage of his dragon, Ralf probably would have forgone the journey, regardless of his father's desperation.

There were plenty of rumors about the Three Fates. Some said one of the Fates was blind. Another said one was lame. He couldn't imagine how having such disabilities would make them want to live in such a difficult place to reach. He was sure it would make traveling quite hard. Then again, there was a suspicion that one of their powers gave them the ability to teleport wherever they wanted to go. That might explain their choice of homes. After all, having such power might make one yearn for isolation.

His mother told him stories about the Three Fates. How she actually knew two of them. Supposedly one had even been present during his birth. Since then, however, the Three Fates kept to themselves. They were often exploited for their powers. Everyone wanted their help, wanted to know their destinies, to understand their fate. The Fates were overwhelmed with the greed of people and because of this, chose to relocate to a near impossible place to access.

Ralf supposed this would cut back on the nagging needs and desires of the people. After all, a person was much less likely to seek their help if they had to climb a treacherous mountain first.

Even with the aid of his dragon, the journey had been demanding. The weather had been cold and wet, more so the closer they got to the mountain. At night the winds blew so cold and so loudly that Ralf could barely hear the sound of his own teeth chattering. Mirum was able to keep him warm to an extent. Any fire she lit was soon blown away by the winds. Lighting a larger fire was out of the question, unless they wanted to spread a wildfire across the land.

Instead Ralf relied on the sheer body heat from his dragon. At night he curled close to her belly, her wings blanketing him from the harsh weather around them. Mirum fared well enough, not accustomed to sleeping in such conditions, though her ancestral blood kept her warm regardless. Dragons used to thrive in such places, hiding out high in the peaks of mountains.

It was hard to imagine Mirum outside the comfortable shelter of the Dragon's Den back at the castle. The dragons of Lyra were coveted and kept spoiled, their every need provided for.

Apart from the poor weather and some other mild discomforts, Ralf had found the journey to be a much needed distraction. Flying Mirum was always so peaceful and he couldn't remember the last time he had flown her for such a long distance. He enjoyed her company, enjoyed their conversations. They had a lot to talk about but they also enjoyed bouts of silence, taking in the scenery around them, allowing their minds to rest and wander.

Once in a while they would take breaks, more for Ralf's comfort than Mirum's. She was a strong and powerful dragon, experienced in flying for such lengths of time. Ralf, however, was getting sore from sitting so long. Sometimes he would shift out of the saddle and maneuver around on his dragon. It was difficult with his left leg, but he could manage to climb up higher onto her neck, or move towards her backside and lounge supine, his gaze on the clouds.

Ralf thought about Karolina more than he wanted to. After all, there wasn't much else to do. Mirum was doing the hard work, all Ralf had to do was sit and think and wait.

Eventually Mirum announced We're getting close. I can see the mountain in the distance.

Ralf, with his human eyes, saw nothing. No mountain in sight. It took another five minutes before his eyes could barely make out the faint peaks of a mountaintop in the distance. He shifted in his seat, sitting up and getting alert. This was it.

They strategized quickly where to land. Mirum wouldn't be able to go with him into the hideout, but she was able to drop him off as close as she could.

Years ago the act of sliding off his dragon and onto the edge of the tallest mountain in the world would have made his stomach drop. But Ralf knew if he were to lose his footing, his dragon would catch him. He trusted her with his life and knew he was always safe with her. The act of hiking up the remainder of the peak and into the Three Fates' lair without Mirum was what troubled him. This was as close as Mirum could safely get him. From here on out he was on his own.

Be careful Ralf. Take your time getting up there. I'll be here waiting for you to return. I know Shade said I wouldn't be able to fit inside, but just say the word and I'll tear the peak of this mountain apart to get to you.

"I don't doubt it," Ralf said, smiling for her comfort. Mirum would do anything for him.

Ralf chose his path carefully, focusing hard to avoid slipping on the snow. He was dressed warmly but a chill still ran through him as the wind circled, making it hard to see at times with the snow flurrying around. It didn't take long before he was unable to see his dragon behind him anymore.

For the first time in a long time, Ralf felt truly alone. The importance of succeeding in this mission began to weigh on him. It was up to him, and him alone to reach the Three Fates and finally ask how Lyra could win the upcoming war. He had all the items necessary tucked away in his satchel, slung over his shoulder.

Climbing to the highest peak was taking longer than he anticipated. His leg was slowing him down significantly and making it hard to maintain his balance on the slippery path. For the millionth time he found himself wondering how much easier life would be if he had been born able-bodied. Several times he lost his footing and felt his stomach drop before he was able to catch himself in time.

Breathless and bruised, he finally reached the entrance of what could only be the lair of the Three Fates. It was dark inside, difficult to see what lie in store for him. A sudden thought popped into his mind, causing him to laugh: what if they weren't even in there? What if they were somewhere else, far away, where no one could find them? That would be just about his luck, he thought.

He walked in cautiously. Shade had warned him the Fates were not to be underestimated. He was prepared for mind games and trickery. He couldn't see anything inside, only darkness. Ralf grew tense the further in he went. He couldn't see a thing, couldn't hear a whisper. Part of him worried there might be traps that he wouldn't see to avoid.

"Welcome Prince Ralf of Lyra, son of King Alan and Queen Ariana. Dragon bond to Mirum." Ralf heard the snakelike voice clear and crisp in his head. Mirum could speak to Ralf through his mind but this was different. This voice echoed and warped, causing Ralf to shiver.

Ralf was not sure how to respond to that. "Um...hi."

"What is it you seek from us?" The echoes of the voice were unnerving, causing Ralf to shake his head in efforts to clear it.

"I want to know how Lyra can win this war."

Cruel laughter followed his question. "You want to know, or your father wants to know?"

"I ask on his behalf. I have the items you need. I'll give them to you if you answer my question."

More laughter. This time, a different voice. "We don't provide anything without payment upfront. Give us the items and we will see if they are worthy of an answer."

Obediently, Ralf removed the satchel from his shoulder and opened it. He wasn't sure where to place the items and it was too dark to see anything around him. Instead, he extended the satchel forward, presenting it to the Fates, wherever they were.

Cold air whipped around him and the satchel was gone. He curled his fingers into a fist and lowered his arm back down to his side. He felt empty without the satchel, vulnerable. That was his leverage. He hoped he hadn't given it away for nothing.

"My answer?" he asked, trying to keep his voice clear and confident. His hands were beginning to shake. He didn't like how this place made him feel.

"Your question is not your own. Wouldn't you prefer the answer to something more intriguing? Something for you?"

Ralf shook his head. "That's not why I'm here. I'm here for my kingdom. Please, give me an answer."

"I could tell you where your brother is. If he is alive or dead."

The thought of knowing whether or not Henry was alive made Ralf's heart beat heavy and fast. If he was alive, he could find him, save him.

"He doesn't want to know that." Another voice said, hissing. "He wants to know how to win Karolina back."

He froze. Their ability to know so much about him was unnerving. He wanted to turn and run. The echoes in his mind were so overwhelming he had to kneel down, putting his head between his hands and squeezing--anything to stop the pounding.

Suddenly, alongside the voices came images. Memories, flashing before him so quickly he had to squeeze his eyes shut in an effort to make them stop. His life was playing inside his mind, so quickly it was dizzying and he had to fight the urge to heave. As if the echoes of voices and the flashes of memories weren't enough, the room began spinning. He was forgetting why he came, why he was still there. He should run, get out while he could. These people were cruel, why would they do anything to help him?

"Please stop," he begged, rocking back and forth in an effort to restore balance to this topsy turvy world he was living. They didn't stop. If anything, the effects grew worse. He felt as though he was losing his mind, losing complete control of his own thoughts, of his own body.

He had no idea who these women were that called themselves the Three Fates, or what their purpose in life was. His father had once known them, once spoken with them and received council from them.

"I've got it!" The voice shouted and suddenly the area lit up in a blinding flash of white. The brightness burned his eyes and he closed them quickly, covering them with his hands. The echoes in his head stopped, the images too. A dull ringing resounded in his mind and slowly he lowered his hands and blinked open his eyes, adjusting to the light in the room.

He caught his breath. The Three Fates were before him. They were enormous, towering above, their bodies reaching high into the peak of the cave, their necks craning to look down at him. They were hideous creatures, each terrifying in their own way. The one in the middle, with black ropes for hair had rotting teeth and was missing her eyes, empty sockets staring into his soul. The other two had their own disfigured features, their limbs too long and lean, their faces too horrifying to look at.

Ralf had never been more frightened.

Slowly the one in the middle bent over, craning her neck down at him until she was face to face with Ralf. He tried not to shiver with revulsion. "I know what you want most, young Prince. And I have an answer."

"What do you mean?" he asked, frowning. He had already asked his question. It would be nice if they simply answered it.

"You've tried everything to fix that bum leg of yours haven't you?" She reached her spidery arms down and touched his left leg, as if to remind him which one. "Tried using magic, splints, therapy. Your life would be so much better, so much easier if it were fixed."

"I have already asked my question. Please answer it." He tried to sound firm.

"Oh but I think you desire a much different question. In fact, I could hear it in the depths of your mind, calling out to me. Let me show you what you want most."

Once more his mind was no longer his own anymore. She was manipulating it, creating images for him to look at, scenes for him to watch. She showed him what his life could be. His leg was healed, no limping, no dragging, no pain. He opened his eyes, hoping to escape this manipulation.

He needed to move, to go anywhere else but here. He began walking when he noticed the strangest thing: His left leg didn't drag. It didn't hurt. In fact, it felt good. He walked without a hitch in his step, he didn't have to overcompensate every time he took a step forward.

The feeling was sensational, euphoric. He began running. Pure happiness made him soar. He was fast, sprinting now. Each stride he grew faster and more confident. He could go on for miles. But within seconds he was falling, tumbling forward, his leg back to normal. That feeling of elation was gone, replaced with rage.

This was torture. What a horrible thing to do! Dangle freedom and independence over him, let him feel what it would be like to be normal, only to crush him with it.

"I could tell you how to fix your leg. All you need to do is ask."

He almost did. He wanted to know. He needed to know. Nothing had ever felt so good, the closest feeling was that of flying with Mirum. He had never ran before, never known how it could feel to move quickly and confidently.

"Ask me!" The voice demanded. He wanted to. He could. He had all the items, everything they required for the question.

All his life Ralf had lived unselfishly. Just this once he wanted to do something for himself. He wanted this more than anything. More than he wanted Karolina. It was a shameful thought but he couldn't take it back now.

"Yes, ask me!" The words were on the tip of his tongue.

He opened his mouth. "No. Tell me how Lyra wins this war."

"You only get one question in a lifetime. Don't waste this opportunity."

His temper got the best of him. Using his magic, he summoned fire, holding it in his hands, ready to release it onto them. "If you don't answer my question right now, I will make you regret it."

The Fates hissed at him, but slithered backward, away from the fire. They were not creatures of warmth. They thrived in darkness and the bitter cold, hence the reason they lived in the tallest peak of this mountain.

"We do not appreciate threats, Prince."

"And I," Ralf said, allowing the fire in his hands to grow larger, "Do not appreciate being tormented. I have given you payment for my question. All I ask is you uphold your end of the deal and answer it. I have asked it many times now."

The Three Fates moved forward together and Ralf took an involuntary step backward. Then, as if on cue, they all shrunk in size until they were eye level with Ralf. While their features were still eerie and unnerving, they seemed more human now. The fire in Ralf's hands faded into smoke as he relaxed his defense.

Finally speaking out loud, one of them offered, "I will answer your question. But I have a question of my own first. Tell me, Prince of Lyra, how did you resist asking about your leg? I could see it was the thing you desired most to know."

The question took Ralf off guard. "I came here for one purpose and that was to save my kingdom from losing a war. No matter how much I wanted to know how to fix my leg, I have to put the fate of my kingdom above anything else. Besides," Ralf added fighting back a smirk, "You told me there was a way to fix my leg. Which means I'll find out how on my own."

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