Everlasting Bond

By ReiraLoxar

7.9K 525 525

This story started as the XianWang one-shot for my friend Neha's birthday before I realised it had grown into... More

Part I
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI

Part II

1K 77 105
By ReiraLoxar


Since they separated, Lan Wangji couldn't get rid of this ominous feeling that he had made a mistake. He should have stayed with him and ensured that Wei Ying left Yunmeng Jiang safely. What if Madam Yu used Zidian on him again when he was weak after fever and a long march to Lotus Pier? Worried, he decided to search for him. Wangji was on his way to Xichen's room when the news arrived. Lotus Pier was burned by Wen Chao and his mistress. Jiang Fengmian and Madam Yu were dead. Their children were missing, the same for the only person he cared about. His breath hitched, and he fell to his knees.

"Wei Ying...."

Lan Xichen rushed to him despite his injuries. "Wangji? What happened?"

He was gasping for breath and clutching his chest. "Wei Ying... where is... he?"

"There is no news about them, but it seems like they escaped Lotus Pier. I'm sure Young Master Wei will protect them."

Wangji glared at him with hatred. How could his brother assume it was Wei Ying's duty to protect them? Annoyed, Wangji pushed him away and rushed to collect his belongings.

"Wangji?" Xichen called after him, confused.

Lan Zhan felt guilty. This would never happen if he had stayed with Wei Ying. Why did he choose to listen to him and return to Gusu? How could he be so foolish? After all the abuse Wei Ying suffered at Lotus Pier, there was no way that bitch would let him leave. Wangji was sure she had guilt-tripped Wei Ying into staying and protecting her useless children. His fist smashed into the table, cracking it in half. His eyes filled with tears. "Please, come back to me, Wei Ying."

Without waiting for anyone's permission, Wangji left Gusu to search for his soulmate. Wei Ying promised to return. He had to be somewhere, and Lan Zhan would find him no matter the cost. The rumours led him to Yiling, but there was no trace of Wei Ying. Looming on the horizon, Burial Mounds sent a nasty shiver down his spine. Yet, he kept pushing forward.

He followed the path up the mountains. If Wei Ying looked for a place to hide in the wilderness, it would be here. Suddenly, his steps halted, and a painful gasp left his lips. 

A crimson red ribbon caught in the bushes fluttered in the wind above a dried puddle of blood. His heart stopped. Slowly his trembling fingers reached for it. When he was about to grab it, a strong gust sent it flying towards Burial Mounds.

"Second Master Lan, according to huntsmen Master Jiang and Master Wei, may have been in this area a few days ago," a disciple under his command reported.

Wangji ignored his words. He watched it disappear on the horizon while his shoulders trembled with silent sobs. Was it possible he lost it? Impossible. This ribbon was incredibly important to him. The only memento of his mother. "Wei Ying."

"We looked for them everywhere. Do you think they are already...?" the disciple trailed off, unsure how to phrase it.

The following weeks were marked by brutal bloodshed. Somewhere in the middle, Jiang Cheng resurfaced, but Wei Ying was still missing. Confronted about his whereabouts, newly appointed Sect Leader Jiang went as far as to blame Wei Ying for the destruction of Lotus Pier. Jiang Cheng laughed that at least his mother taught Wuxian a lesson when he wanted to leave the sect after all they did for him.

"At least he was useful in the end," Jiang Cheng shrugged, then explained how Wei Wuxian took him to his grandmother to fix his golden core. "I have no idea, nor do I care what happened to him afterwards. Maybe he got what he deserves?"

A group of Lan disciples had to hold Wangji back to prevent him from killing Jiang Cheng on the spot.

Unable to deal with his pain and loss, Lan Wangji returned to Gusu. Every night, he played inquiry, trying to learn something, but to no avail. His heart kept breaking, and he was done with picking up the pieces. Nothing made sense without Wei Ying. His life was gone. A few clear drops fell on the strings when sudden footsteps caught his attention.

"I understand Master Wei is still missing?"

The disciple accompanying Wangji bowed to the Xichen and explained that they looked everywhere but could only find clues about Jiang Cheng but nothing about Wei Wuxian. As if he had vanished from the surface of the earth.

"Did Master Jiang say anything about it?" Xichen asked, trying to help his little brother. It was difficult to watch him so heartbroken.

Wangji shook his head. "Whenever he is dead or alive, there must be some clues. I will find the answer."

"Master Wei is strong and smart. He will be fine, don't worry too much about him, Wangji."

Why no one understood how important Wei Ying was to him? His amber-golden eyes were full of pain and grief. Wangji dug his fingernails into his palms as if this minor pain could lessen his heartbreak.


The camp was in flames, overrun with Qishan Wen disciples. The alliance was overwhelmed, and everything seemed lost. Wen Chao's cackling laughter resonated through the air mocking the dead and alive.

"I suggest you stop struggling, Lan Wagji. Wei Ying has been waiting for you in hell. Why not die and join him?"

His trembling fingers gripped the guqin till his knuckles turned white. Did Suibian seal itself because Wei Ying was no longer here? He searched everywhere, but it seemed like he had vanished. No one knew his whereabouts or fate. It had been more than three months since they separated, and Wangji was slowly losing hope.

"I heard you are still looking for him," Wen Chao laughed. "Don't waste your time. You are not going to find him."

"Where is Wei Ying?!"

Wen Chao smugly looked down at him. "I threw him into Burial Mounds a long time ago. I'm afraid there is nothing left of him by now."

He wanted to believe it was a lie, but the memory of the red ribbon carried by the wind towards Burial Mounds told him otherwise. If Wei Ying was gone, he had no reason to stay alive. Despite being covered in wounds and depleted spiritual energy, Wangji gripped his guqin and charged at laughing Wen Chao. His pain, anger and grief lashed out in one last spiritual burst, but it wasn't enough to pass Wen Zhuliu. The Core Melting Hand sent him flying, but someone caught him in a gentle embrace before his body hit the ground.

The atmosphere on the battlefield changed instantly. The sky turned black with resentment, giving surrounding flames an eerie green glow.

His consciousness was fading, yet he felt safe. "Wei Ying?"

"I'm here, Lan Zhan," he said, carefully placing his soulmate by the large rock. Using the wide sleeve of his coat, he gently cleaned Wangji's face. "Protect him."

Resentment surrounded Lan Wangji like a shield while Wei Ying slowly turned around and looked at Wen Chao. Without looking away from the person who dared to hurt his soulmate, he brought a black as-night flute to his lips. High-pitched melody flooded the battlefield, taking control over puppets. They rushed at the remaining soldiers, leaving only Wen Chao and his faithful bodyguard alive.

When the music ended, unsure if it was just a dream, Wangji slowly opened his eyes. His vision was blurred, but he could see a silhouette in front of him. Cascading down his back, black hair was tied into a half ponytail by the red ribbon. The ribbon he would recognise everywhere.

Unable to move from exhaustion, Lan Zhan smiled, leaving the rest of the battle to his soulmate. If Wen Chao threw him into a Burial Mounds, Wei Ying had the right to take revenge. Wangji only regretted that he was too tired to help him.

Resentment swirled around him as he leisurely approached terrified Wen Chao when Core Melting Hand charged at him. Wei Ying's posture didn't change. He seemed almost playful when with a single move of his hand, he sent Wen Zhuliu flying. But he didn't allow his body to fall. Instead, Wei Ying lifted his dark flute with a jade pendant, and his opponent screamed in pain. Resentment twisted his limbs and immobilised him.

"How naïve to think you can protect him from me," Wei Ying sniggered, without even looking at Wen Zhuliu.

"I will die trying," Wen Zhuliu uttered.

"Aren't you a loyal dog?" he asked, swirling resentment around his left palm.

"I must repay His Excellency's kindness."

The resentment on the battlefield flared up and rushed to its Master. Shocked and amazed by the ease with which Wei Ying controlled it, Wangji slowly stood up. He reached out to a black mist surrounding him, but it swiftly avoided him. When Wangji took a step, it moved with him. A faint smile showed on his face as he remembered Wei Ying talking about the fourth path. Golden eyes shifted to his soulmate. He couldn't help but wonder what had happened to Wei Ying during the last three months.

"You mean shed innocent blood to repay your debt?" Wei Ying's voice was almost a hiss, an icy thread crackling along with the wind. The air seemed to grow colder around him. Crimson red eyes burned with a vengeance for lost lives to Qishan Wen expansion. The resentment gathered in his left palm. When he slightly closed his fingers, Wen Zhuliu screamed in pain. His broken bones twisted even further before Wei Ying turned into a cloud of resentment and reappeared behind him with a golden core in his hand. Then he crushed it effortlessly between his fingers. Next, his eyes turned towards Wen Chao.

Wangji winced when black spikes tore Second Master Wen to shreds, but then he brought it upon himself. Once the fight was over, the resentment retreated into a black flute, leaving utterly stunned survivors behind it. Only one person was able to move with ease.

"Wei... Ying?"

"I'm sorry I was late, Lan Zhan."

When unique silver eyes looked at him with love and concern, Wangji felt relieved. It was still the same Wei Ying he knew. "You will be making up for it for the rest of our lives," Wangji huffed, fighting off a smile. "I will be back in a few weeks, huh? I'm never letting you out of my sight. You clearly can't be trusted!"

Wei Wuxian felt silly for worrying that his Lan Zhan would hate him for choosing this path. After all, they were soulmates, joined together for eternity by an everlasting bond.

"So this is why you wanted to leave our sect?!" Jiang Cheng uttered angrily, approaching them. "My parents took you in, and this is how you repay them?! Running away with the first guy who looked at you?!"

"Watch your mouth, Wanyin!" Wangji hissed, stopping Bichen inches from his throat.

"Ignore him, Lan Zhan. It's not worth it," Wei Ying said calmly, lowering Bichen. "I'm no longer part of Yunmeng Jiang, and I don't give a damn about any of them."

The calm, coldness of his voice was unsettling. It made him wonder what had happened after Wei Ying returned to Lotus Pier. Why did he help Jiang Cheng with his core? But these questions could wait. The most important thing was that Wei Ying was by his side. Looking Jiang Cheng dead in the eyes, Lan Zhan grabbed his soulmate's hand and left the camp.

As soon as they entered Wangji's tent, their lips crashed in a passionate and full of longing kiss. Wei Ying's hand rested below his ear with his thumb caressing Wangji's cheek as their breaths mingled. He pulled him so close that Lan Zhan could feel his soulmate's heart beating against his chest.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting," he whispered, bringing their foreheads together. "I never meant to hurt you like this, Lan Zhan."

Wangji shook his head. "I should have stayed with you. Gusu would be fine without me, but I won't survive without you," he said softly, leaning for another kiss. "I missed you, Wei Ying."

"Mm, me too."

Feeling his warm fingers on his cheek, Wangji closed his eyes when Wei Ying's lips pressed against his. This kiss felt different. It was full of passion and hunger for more. As they melted into each other, Lan Zhan could feel Wei Ying's heartbeat in time with his. He could feel the heat of his body pressing against his through their robes. His mind was quickly losing the ability to construct coherent thoughts. Even though his heart was racing and his ears felt like they were on fire, somehow, it felt right. As if this was where he belonged. For a moment, Wei Ying's lips pulled back, and Wangji heard him take a soft breath. The next kiss was even deeper as if searching for permission to take it one step further. Wei Ying lowered them to the bed and supported his weight on one arm beside Wangji's head. His silver eyes burned with desire and a needy ache for more. Lan Zhan could feel the heat building inside him as he curled his fingers into his strong arms, bunching up the fabric of wide sleeves. Wei Ying's hand trailed from his face down to his neck, tracing lightly over the notch in his throat. A pleasure bloomed in the wake of his touch while his lips stole Wangji's breath with kiss after kiss as Wei Ying's soft tongue entered his mouth, and with each deep pulse of it, a sound of pleasure escaped Lan Zhan's lips.

"I'm sorry," Wei Ying whispered, slowly kissing his neck. "I can't hold back right now."

Wangji slipped his hands down the back of his collar, gripping him by the shoulders as he returned to kissing him. Wei Ying's lips moved back to his neck, and he gasped and trembled as Wuxian gently bit him. Each tiny bite left him in agony of need. He arched under him, his fingers digging into his arms.

"Then don't... I want all of you," Wangji panted.

Wei Ying smiled into the kiss, then flicked his wrist and set privacy talisman. "I love you, Lan Zhan."

"I love you, Wei Ying," he replied, sliding dark robes from his shoulders before pulling him for another passionate kiss.

Each gentle caress and tantalising thrust brought the overwhelming pleasure of being united into one. It reinforced their bond and promise of eternity together.

Over the last three months, Wei Ying has been used to sleepless nights, but he never imagined a sleepless night like this... buried deep inside his soulmate. Being one with Lan Zhan reaffirmed their everlasting love and everything it endured. He never imagined they could be like this... that he could be unconditionally loved. Silver eyes twinkled with warm emotions as he brushed a strand of hair from Wangji's sleeping face.

A spirit of a beautiful woman in red robes materialised by the entrance. She knelt and bowed her head. "I'm sorry to disturb you, Master, but Sect Leader Lan will be here within half an hour."

"Thank you, Qianqiao," Wei Ying replied, tightening his embrace on Wangji's waist. "How's your mission?"

"Wen Ruohan gathered three pieces of Yin Iron. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to find the fourth. My apologies, Master."

"It's fine. We still have time."

"You seem in a good mood, Master," she said with mischievous sparks in her crimson-red eyes. "Is it because of him?"

"Mm," he hummed, gently caressing his soulmate's face. "I entrust his safety to you and your sisters. He is more important to me than anything."

Qianqiao nodded and vanished with a gentle smile, pleased with her Master's happiness.

"Lan Zhan?" he whispered, brushing his ear. "Lan Zhan?"


"Your brother will be here soon."

Wangji jolted awake, but as soon as he sat up, he dropped back on the mattress with a painful 'ow'. He glared at Wei Ying's satisfied smirk before shifting closer and kissing him. "I guess he will have to wait."

"Are you sure?"

Lan Zhan nodded. "There is no way I'm going to move any time soon, you unsatiable monster."

"Me?" he asked, cocking his eyebrow questioningly. "Who begged me to not stop?"


"I missed you calling me that," Wei Ying said with a nostalgic smile. "Lan Zhan? Thank you for not giving up on me. I wouldn't be able to leave Burial Mounds if it wasn't for your inquiries."

"You heard them?"

"Yes, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't respond," he said, preparing the hot bath. "This should help you."

Using a peaceful and relaxing time during the bath, Wangji leaned on Wei Ying's chest and asked about Lotus Pier. It was a long and difficult conversation, especially about Burial Mounds. Wei Ying only omitted the truth about Jiang Cheng's core. Lan Zhan also asked about demonic cultivation and did his best to understand it. He was genuinely pleased to see Wei Ying so excited about it and explaining all the details. It seemed challenging but not as dangerous as textbooks claimed.

They were almost ready when Lan Xichen arrived. "Wangji? May I come in?"


Xichen lifted the entry flap and froze. His face expressed immense displeasure for a split second, but before anyone could notice, he regained composure. "Oh, Master Wei, you are here as well. I'm glad to see you safe," Xichen added. "Did something happen? You missed the war council, Wangji."

"Injured after the battle," he replied with a straight face, while Wei Ying barely managed to hide an amused chuckle.

"How are you feeling now? Are you still in pain?"

Lan Zhan glared at his soulmate, telling him: don't you dare. Then reassured Xichen that there was nothing to worry about and shifted the conversation to the strategies for the next battle. 

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