Fullest Heart

By thelightchaser

15.5K 404 205

A Collection of Ross and Rachel Oneshots. The timeframe will be completely random - covering the pre-show, d... More

Frozen Yogurt
Sand Castle
Never Too Late
That Could Be Us
That Still Could Be Us
Strawberry Lips
Happily Ever After
Forever, Always
The Distance Between Us
Lincoln High, Class of 1988 : The Reunion
Friend Request
It's a Wonderful Life
Pillow Talk


909 22 4
By thelightchaser


Hello everyone! To celebrate this year's Halloween, Ali (Jenfaniston55) and I decided to do another collaboration. It's rated M for some mature content, so I'm warning you now. We had so much fun writing this, so we hope you guys enjoyed it as much as we do. Anyway, without further ado, happy reading! And of course, Happy Halloween! 🎃👻



It's Halloween's night. Ross and Rachel decide to play a little fun game by trying their hardest to make the other one fall under their spells. The question is... Which one of them is going to fall first?



October 31st, 2004

Rachel felt her heart full as she glanced sideways toward her boyfriend and their daughter. Her life was near damn perfect these days, sometimes she had to pinch herself in the morning just to make sure it was all not a dream. She squeezed the small hand intertwined with hers, looking down lovingly toward her daughter, and then toward the man who held the other side of her daughter's hand tightly in his.

Today was Halloween and the three of them were walking in the streets of New York, walking door-to-door, and doing trick-or-treating. This year would be the first real Halloween for their daughter, Emma. Last year, she was still too little to understand and instead of parading their baby girl around the busy neighborhood, Ross and Rachel opted to stay home at Ross' apartment, handing out candies whilst occasionally taking photos of Emma in her cute pumpkin costume.

"Do you think she's cold?" Ross asked his girlfriend whilst keeping his eyes on their bouncy two-year-old, wanting to make sure that Emma was warm enough in her sparkly Cinderella costume.

"She's been jumping around so much, I think it keeps her warm." Rachel replied. "-but I do bring her jacket with me just in case..."

"Let me ask her."

"You can, but I don't think she wants a jacket to cover her gorgeous Cinderella dress." Rachel giggled, thinking about how much their little girl loved her Disney's princess costume.

Getting Emma her Halloween costume was tricky.

For some reason, apparently every little girl in the city of New York wanted to dress as Cinderella this year. They both had searched all the costume stores and department stores, but they ran out the costume in Emma's size. Rachel was so close to giving up and more than ready to convince the little girl to change her mind, but it was the little girl's dad who refused to give up. Not wanting to disappoint his daughter, Ross called every costume store in the Tri-state area and he finally found one in New Jersey. The next day, Ross drove their car early in the morning, queuing in front of the store before it even opened to make sure his daughter got the costume she wanted for Halloween.

Rachel was more than amused when Ross came back home some time during lunch with the right Cinderella costume, knowing how tired he must've been for waking up so early in the morning. Emma immediately jumped into her dad's arms, showering him with wet kisses as Ross showed her the costume.

"Yeah, you're right." Ross almost cringed when he remembered how hard it was to convince Emma not to wear the costume before Halloween. "We'll be lucky if she lets us wash the dress in the morning."

"She's stubborn like that, just like her daddy." Rachel smirked, teasing him.

"Hey!" Ross frowned, feigned hurt.

"What? That's true." Rachel giggled. "She may be my carbon copy, but she definitely has your stubbornness and The Geller's competitive streaks."

At the age of two, Emma Green-Geller was a spitting image of her mother. She was a social butterfly and she loved making friends, especially now that Ross and Rachel had put her to a daycare during the day where she could meet other kids around her age. She was strong-headed - pretty much like both her parents did, and she loved, like really loved the color pink and Disney princesses. In fact, the little girl actually thought she was a real princess. She literally demanded everyone to call her 'Princess Emma', that too included the cashier at the grocery shop or even the mailman for that matter.

She was the ultimate daddy's little girl, having her dad wrapped in her tiny little fingers - like nobody else did. But when it's bedtime, Emma clung to her mom like a baby koala. It gave Ross a headache sometimes, especially when Rachel had to come home late from work. But everything was worth it in the end when Ross saw his little girl asleep in her crib, realizing that it was something that he never could take for granted again.

"Well I'm glad she inherits some of my traits, even though I'm not sure whether it's a good thing or a bad thing."

"It's a good thing." She assured him, all jokes aside. "She's competitive, but that's going to prepare her better for the real world. She's also compassionate, like her dad. Incredibly smart for her age, again, definitely from her dad. She may look almost exactly like me, but then she did something and all I can think about is how similar you two are."

"I hope that's a good thing."

"Oh, honey." Rachel smiled, leaning in to kiss his cheeks quickly. "It's the best thing."

"Are you sure it is okay to leave Emma with your mom tonight?" Ross asked as he and Rachel sat in the taxi on their way home after dropping off Emma at Sandra's condo.

"They will be fine." Rachel assured him. "My mom has been begging us for a visit, I'm sure she's going to have so much fun with Emma tonight."

"Well maybe on a normal day, but it's Halloween. She's pumped in sugar even though we managed to stop her from having too much."

"Oh, honey... My mom has three kids, she's used to the chaos. Besides, what else can we do? We can't possibly bring her to my office party. Hell, I refused to bring my baby to an alcohol induced party."

"Well..." Ross sighed. "If you're sure."

"My mom will call if something happens or if it's too much for her, but honestly? We have nothing to worry about. They're going to be just fine."

"I know, I might have overreacted a bit there." Ross admitted. "When did we switch places?" Ross asked, thinking about how she was to be the one who couldn't be a part of their daughter even for just a bit.

"That's because Emma has you wrapped around her tiny finger." Rachel shook her head, amused. "You two are inseparable, sometimes I felt like an intruder."

"Oh, come on. We're not that bad."

"Really?" Rachel cocked an eyebrow. "Remember what happened last weekend when we all went to the zoo?"

"Oh, right." Ross smiled sheepishly as he recalled their little incident.

Rachel was just admiring some exotic birds when suddenly she noticed that her boyfriend and daughter were missing. She had to fight the urge to snap as her calls kept going into Ross' voicemails, she couldn't believe that they left her alone. To make it worse, the zoo was jammed with visitors on Saturday and it eventually took Rachel more than an hour to find their whereabouts. Later that night, after they put Emma down to sleep, Ross apologized profusely and even admitted that he might've forgotten about Rachel when Emma dragged him to the directions of one of Emma's favorite animals, monkeys.

"That's what I thought." Rachel giggled.


About an hour later, Rachel was applying the last touch of her makeup. For this year's Halloween party, Rachel decided to dress as a witch. That's right... A sexy witch. She purposely chose an outfit with a low cut around her cleavage, wanting to have fun and tease Ross throughout the night.

It was going to be fun watching him squirm as he tried hard not to become, well... hard.

"Rach?" Ross' voice came from the doorway of their bedroom, but Rachel was still busy applying her lipstick that she hadn't seen him yet. "Are you done yet? We're going to be late again."

"I just need to apply this evenly... and... I'm done! Let me grab my purse and we're ready to..." Rachel's jaw almost dropped as her eyes finally landed on her boyfriend.

"Like what you see?" Ross smirked, knowing what effect he had on her every time he dressed in a uniform.

A sailor uniform to be precise.

The exact same uniform he borrowed from his friends almost ten years ago.

Her fantasy.

"I-I uh." Rachel swallowed hard, feeling her cheeks warm as she continued to eyed him from head-to-toe.

It was not every day that he managed to make her speechless by simply dressing up. Deciding to have more fun, Ross spun around, loving how her cheeks were instantly flushed as she gawked at him.

Meanwhile, Rachel's cheeks grew warmer as her eyes glued on his ass, noticing how his pants hugged his ass so perfectly.

Rachel gulped.

Damn it, it looked like her whole plan had come backfired on her.

"I hate to break your imagination, but we have to leave now if we're going to make it on time." Ross smirked.

It was only then when Rachel stopped staring at him. She shook her head, erasing a very naughty imagination about her boyfriend out of her head. Now it was not the time to feel aroused.

"Y-yeah." Rachel cleared her throat. "Let's go."

"Rach?" Ross bit his lips, trying hard not to laugh as he noticed how flustered she looked.


"Your purse." He nudged his head toward the direction where her purse was, smiling amusedly at her.

Rachel blushed, quickly grabbing her purse and dashed right passed through him without even meeting his eyes. Ross finally laughed as she disappeared toward the living room, feeling extremely happy that his plan had worked.

It was going to be a really fun night.

Let the game begin!


Ross and Rachel arrived at the party, and for the last hour or so, they've been mingling with all of Rachel's work colleagues. Hand-in-hand, the pair went from one person to another - making small talk, so they could get all of that out of the way and just enjoy the party.

During some conversations, Rachel kept finding herself zoning out, unable to stop herself. Her eyes began their journey from Ross' head to toe. She couldn't even remember a time where she felt this flustered over him. Seeing Ross in that sailor uniform, did things to her she never thought imaginable.

Ross on the other hand, was just as flustered, although he hid it much better than her. Seeing Rachel dressed in a skin tight outfit - her cleavage basically in direct view of his eyes, made him feel something indescribable deep down at his core. The way her breasts bounced when she walked in those insanely high heels, caused a certain tingle in his special place.

"Shall we go and grab a drink?" Ross asked, wrapping his arm around Rachel's waist.

"Yes! I could really do with one after making small talk with all these people."

Ross knew how much Rachel hated small talk. She'd much rather avoid it at all costs, but she also knew that at certain events, it was inevitable.

Once they had their drinks in hand... Ross a beer, and Rachel a margarita, they both went and found a seat by one of the office windows - away from the hustle and bustle of the already insanely crowded dance floor.

"You okay?" Ross asked, a teasing look on his face as he knew exactly why she's still got flustered cheeks.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine, w-why?" Rachel said, still trying her hardest to mask the horniness she currently felt.

"You suck at hiding it, sweetie" Ross stated, watching Rachel's cheeks turn even more of a crimson color.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Okay, if that's the way you want to play it. But I have to say, I'm feeling exactly the same about you" Ross commented, hoping that this would make Rachel feel that she didn't have to hide it anymore, especially around him.

"You are?"

"Uh-huh... come here" Ross patted the empty seat next to him, beckoning her to come over. Once she sat down, he placed a kiss on her sweet lips, before whispering in her ear. "Place your hand over there and feel it for yourself."

Rachel knew exactly where 'there' was, so she looked around to make sure no one was watching them, before she placed her palm over his suit cladded groin, feeling all the effects of his own horniness.

"See, I told you so." He murmured into her ears.

"God..." Rachel muttered, keeping her hand there. "I wish there was no one else around, because fuck, you know how much I enjoy feeling how hard you are."

"Miss Green... that's enough of that. You can't speak like that when I can't fuck you right here."

"Well then, take me home? Then you can fuck me all you want" A devilish smirk took over her face, knowing how much Ross would want this, but also knowing this couldn't happen just yet as they've literally only been here for two hours, tops.

"We can't do that, Rach. We haven't got here long enough" Ross squeezed her thigh, indicating how much he was really contemplating just getting up and leaving.

"Yes, we can. We have a toddler, don't forget. We can just say we need to go home because she's not settling well."

"You really want to use our daughter as an excuse to leave a party to go have sex?"

"Okay... maybe we can think of a different excuse."

"How about we just stay for maybe another thirty minutes, and then we can go?"

"Ugh fine, but you better make it up to me for the delay, Geller."

"Oh, trust me, I'll make it up to you." He smirked, kissing her pouty lips.


Their plan to leave after only two and a half hours at the Halloween party soon became a distant memory as the more alcohol they consumed, the more they really got into the party and even decided to hit the dance floor.

Ross made Rachel laugh until she was crying as he danced along to 'Thriller' by Michael Jackson. His goofy side was one of the things she loved most about him. The fact that he could let loose and not care what anyone around him thought was just incredibly attractive. She wished she had even half of the confidence he possessed. With enough alcohol seeping through her veins, she soon joined in with his silly dancing, letting her hair down as she thoroughly enjoyed the upbeat atmosphere.

During some of the 'sexier' songs - I guess you could call it, Rachel decided to carry on with the flirting fun, and started to grind her ass into Ross' crotch, where soon, his hands were placed on her hips as a signal to keep going.

It wasn't too long after this that they decided enough was enough. Both drunk - but not too drunk, stumbled their way into their apartment, clothes already being torn off before they even fully got through the door.

What they were feeling was such an intense need of lust and desire, that they found themselves using words they've never used before... not even when they were at their horniest.

"God, Rach. I'm going to fuck you so good" Ross said, matter-of-factly, earning a big smile from his girlfriend.

"Mmhmm... and I take it by that comment, you certainly aren't going to hold back" Rachel commented, her fingers tracing a line from his bare chest to his boxer-covered groin.

"I'm certainly not... only if that's okay with you."

"Oh, that's more than okay with me. Take me, Geller. Have your way with me tonight" She purred.

Rachel always loved that Ross still found it in himself to check permission, even when they were in the heat of the moment. He was so respectful... she really lucked out.

Ross placed both his hands on Rachel's ass - giving it a squeeze, before moving them to her under thighs, lifting her up. Her legs automatically wrapped themselves around his waist and their lips met in an instant as he quickly carried her into the bedroom.

Without breaking lips apart, he set her back down on the floor, his mouth now moving to her neck and then to her naked chest, where he began to suck and caress her perky - passion-hardened nipples with his skillful tongue. As he was doing this, his bold fingers hooked under the waistband of her skimpy black lace G-string - pulling them down her legs, and when they pooled at her feet, she kicked them away as she began to massage his hard, confined shaft that was eager to set free.


Rachel kissed her way down Ross' body as he laid on the bed, his hands in her hair as she made her way further down south. He was so thankful when she freed his throbbing length that he immediately sprung out of the boxers, causing them both to have a little giggle before he pushed Rachel onto the bed. With full intentions of pleasing her first, he began to kiss his way down her body when she suddenly sat up, flipped them over, ultimately deciding that she wanted to take over for now.

Ross, definitely not complaining, letting her do whatever she pleased with him... and he was so ready.

She gave him a wink, before she ran her tongue over his oozing tip, already gaining a groan from him. Whenever she did this to him, Ross lost all inability to stay quiet... She's just too damn good.

As she descended him further into her mouth, Ross' moans got louder and deeper... definitely taking full advantage of being all alone.

"Fuck... god, Rach" He moaned, his hands holding her hair out of the way - gently pushing her head down onto him.

Rachel began to moan as he repeatedly hit the back of her throat - one hand was supporting his length, whilst the other was massaging just a few inches below her chin.

She carried on for a little while longer, Ross' moans filling the room, until she could feel him beginning to swell. She knew that if she carried on, they'd have to wait at least an hour before they could engage in their activities again, so she abruptly stopped her movements - squeezing at the base of his shaft until his throbbing subsided.

Once she successfully stopped him from his premature spillage, she climbed back up his body - licking the corners of her mouth as the residue of his clear liquid still resided.

"You drive me absolutely insane" Ross said, his voice full of lust knowing he finally got to have his way with her.

Tongues met tongues as Ross positioned himself over her, beginning his journey down her body. Once he paid close attention to the perky belongings on her chest, he kissed his way down her stomach over her belly button, until he finally reached her moist, begging center.

Just because he could, he decided to tease her just a little. He knew exactly where she wanted and needed him most, so instead of diving in head first, he started to leave soft kisses on the insides of both of her thighs, lightly grazing over her center as he made his way from one thigh to the other.

"Please, Ross" She begged, her eyes locking with his as she pleaded for him to make her feel all kinds of things.

Unable to resist, Ross took his tongue and slowly brushed it over her entrance... a deep, pent-up moan escaping from her mouth almost immediately. His hands pushed her legs wider apart as he delved his tongue between her slippery folds, tasting her amazingness as she gripped tightly onto his short locks.

"Oh god... oh good god" Rachel panted, her legs already threatening to close around his head.

"Nu-uh" He murmured, pushing her half-closed legs apart again, knowing this gives him all the access he needed to pay very special attention to her now swollen bean.

"Ross... if- I- fuck, I'm gonna-" As Ross introduced two fingers, Rachel absolutely lost it - screaming as she catapulted over the edge, her legs squeezing tightly around his head as he slowed his movements down.

"Whatever the fuck that was, don't make it be the last" She panted, her lower stomach contracting as she was slowly coming back down from her incredible high.

Rachel pulled him down onto her, smashing her lips against his as their tongues began to battle against each other. She reached between their bodies - guiding him inside, where they both let out a long, drawn-out moan.

He settled comfortably inside as she wrapped her legs around him, her feet locking together on his back, pressing down urging him to start moving.


Their hips were now moving in sync with one another, Rachel still pressing her heels into his lower back, silently pleading with him to go deeper and faster, which he instantly complied.

Tongue against tongue.

Skin slapping against skin.

The headboard hitting the wall.

The only sounds echoing throughout their entire apartment.

Neither of them could remember a time when they've been this horny for each other... their needs never being this intense.

As their sweaty bodies grind against each other, Ross continued to thrust deep inside her, his tip repeatedly hitting the exact spot she needed him to.

It wasn't long before Ross began to tremble, knowing that within a matter of seconds he was going to reach his explosive ending. With a few final thrusts, Rachel toppled over the edge once more as Ross exited himself from her - ejecting his warm, creamy contents over her sweaty stomach.

Ross collapsed onto the bed next to her, both of them completely out of breath - no words being exchanged as they took their time to regain their composure.

"I think that was the best night we've ever, ever had" Ross finally spoke, breaking their comfortable silence between them.

"I definitely have to agree with you there. I don't think I can remember it ever being that good. Don't get me wrong, every single time with you is amazing, but that... that was different, in a good way of course" Rachel replied, grabbing some tissues from the night stand as she wiped her stomach clean, before cuddling into Ross' arms.

"Well, happy Halloween" He murmured, kissing the top of her head.

She looked up to see his face - grinning when she did so, and then she whispered, "Happy fucking Halloween."

They stayed in conversation for a little while before exhaustion won and they both eventually fell fast asleep, their bodies tangled together under the thin layer of sheets.


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