The Offer That Changed My Lif...

By gigglegeek11

725K 15.7K 9.3K


The Offer That Changed My Life
The Offer
Meeting up
Tree House!?
The choice
Going To Jail!?
Campfire stories and... People getting lost!?!
Fighting and Song Writing
Fun in the sun
DairyQueen and... Robberies?
Flights to... Boston?
Chipotle status!
New York Concerts!
Movie Marathon!
The test
The secret
Ninjas and Paint Balling
Studio Stammers
Thanksgiving Feasts!
Games and Dates!
Oh No They Didnt!
There goes the power!
Holiday Traditions!
Party On!
Hide and Seek!
Nemo :)
Girls Night Out
Messy Surprises!
First Tour Concert!
Sight Seeing Gone Wrong
Marco Polo and Nightmares
Secret Meet and Greats
Last Tour!
Movie Mayhem
Ripped Contracts and Happiness
Blindfolds, Swings, and Stars
Trampolines and Sparks
Starbucks Riot!
Playgrounds and Really Rude Workers
LA Adventures

Muffins and Pasta

10.3K 269 201
By gigglegeek11

"CRAP!" Anthony shouts, immediately sitting up. "My flight leaves in twenty minutes!"

Luke's jaw drops as he sprints up and runs upstairs to get his bags. Last night we all just hung out and played board games. But I guess we all stayed up a little too late because everyone over slept and their flight is leaving really soon. Even though everyone is going to different places, all of their flights are around the same time.

"I'll help put the bags into the cars," Shawn quickly offers. He stands up and grabs Anthony's bags. "No one has time to get ready anyways."

"I'll help," I add while grabbing someone's bag.

"Me too," Connor adds.

"Just everyone help for the love of cheese," Andrew snaps, sliding on his black signature boots.

Kian grabs someone's bags and then hauls them outside.


I drag the bags I have in my hands outside and throw them into my car. Then I grab the bags in Trevor's hands.

Rebecca races outside and then jumps into my car. "DRIVE, WOMAN!"

Everyone who's ready climbs into my car. And when I say everyone, I mean everyone. Only a few people went in JC's car, and those are the people who didn't get ready as fast.

Nine people are in my car- Anthony, Jenn, Rebecca, Andrew, Luke, Mikey, Alexis, and Jack. I hit the pedal and start driving.

"Go faster!" Jack complains. "We're going to miss our flights!"

"Do you know how horrible it would be if we got pulled over right now?" I snap. "We have over the max-limit of people in this car, and if we speed too... How about no."

"Fine," Andrew huffs. "But if I miss my flight some pretty illegal stuff will happen." It gets really quiet and everyone gawks at him. "I'm sorry, but just saying."

We keep driving and then when we're right by the airport I'm almost to the street by the entrance, but the stoplight goes red.


"Alexis..." I quietly interrupt. "The light can't hear you."

"That son of a gun," Luke shakes his head. "I can't believe it's just ignoring Alexis!"

Then the light turns green and I quickly turn and go to the airport. I find a parking spot and then everyone climbs out. Well more like topples out.

Jenn starts throwing stuff out of the car when Mikey stops her. "Be careful with my filming equipment!"

"Be careful with my filming equipment," Jenn mocks him, but carefully hands Mikey his stuff.

After everyone gets their stuff, we all sprint into the airport.

"I'll see you again soon," Anthony says while giving me a quick hug. "I love you, chicka. Stay fierce and fabulous." Then he runs off towards his gate. I laugh at his comment and then tell everyone else goodbye. The last person that comes up to me is Andrew.

"Do you want to know a secret?" Andrew asks me.

"Um, sure," I giggle.

"I don't actually hate you all," he blurts. "You're pretty cool. I'll miss you." Then he pulls me into a quick hug.

"That's so heart warming," I fake sob while grabbing my heart.

"Okay, now get away from me," Andrew chuckles. "I'll see you some other unknown time. Bye!" Then he starts jogging over to where is airplane is boarding at.

"Hey," Shawn comes up to me, planting a kiss on my cheek. "I have some good news."

"What?" I ask curiously.

"They finished our house!" he cheers. "We can go back now. They also saved a few things from the fire so they'll give those to us."

"Oh my gosh," I grin. "Can we go right now?"

"Sure," Shawn agrees.

"Wait- can I have a piggy back ride back to the car?" I beg.

"Go ahead," he laughs. I jump on his back and then tightly hold onto him.

We go back to my car, since Matt agreed to drive Shawn's, and Shawn gets into the drivers seat. "Ready?"

"I think so," I nod. "I'm a little freaked out, though. You know. After all that's happened.."

"I know what you mean," he adds on. "I'm a little scared too. But we have each other so we'll be okay."

I give him a small smile and then we start driving. The car ride was very short, and in no time we were back at our house.

I get out of the car and Shawn immediately runs over to me and grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers. "Hey, we got this."

A policeman sees that we've arrived and then comes over to us.

"We managed to save some of the things in the house," he explains to us. "Not many, but a few. We think the fire was caused by some messed up wiring, but we fixed it." Then he leads us over to our front porch and scatters the contents of the bag of saved items onto the ground.

I see my locket that Shawn got me for Christmas and pick it up. It's slightly deformed from the heat, but it looks almost exactly the same other than that.

"Shawn, look," I gasp.

Shawn opens it up and then looks at the pictures of us inside. He smiles and then puts the necklace on me. Then he pulls my hair over it so it doesn't look so weird.

"You're beautiful," he blurts out. "I don't tell you that as often as I should, but you truly are."

I smile and then start blushing. I'm so awkward when I get compliments-I always have no idea what to say.

"So, what did they save of yours?" I ask.

Shawn picks up a few guitar picks and a flannel. "These."

"How did they manage to save your favorite flannel?" I laugh.

"I have no idea," he chuckles, "but I'm not complaining."

There's also a small thing of nail polish and a mascara bottle that's mine. But that's not anything too special.

"Do you want to go inside now?" Shawn questions me.

"Yeah," I agree. We walk inside and odd enough, our house is almost exactly the same. Same furniture, same TV, same flooring. "What the heck- why is everything the same?"

"I don't know," he shrugs, but laughs a little bit. "I don't think it's a bad thing though. They must have replaced everything somehow. I think all of our parents pitched in a little money to help out."

"Ohh," I nod. "I guess that makes sense."

"WAIT!" Shawn freezes. "Is the kitchen full of food?"

I sprint into the kitchen with Shawn following close behind.

"I'll open the pantry and you open the fridge on the count of three," I explain to him. "One. Two. Three!"

Both the pantry and the fridge door go flying open and sure enough, there's food in there.

"HALLELUJAH!" Shawn excitedly yells. "Food! Yes!"

A few seconds later Cameron, Nash, Jack G, and Taylor walk in.

"Hey," Jack G smiles. "I'm so happy our house is back to normal!"

"Yeah," Taylor nods. "But we need some food."

"HOLD UP!" I scream before looking at Shawn. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Probably not, unless you're thinking about muffins," Shawn sighs.

"Everyone except for Shawn leave the kitchen," I demand. "This is a top secret mission."

Nash gives us a weird look, but walks away with everyone else without resisting.

"We should make dinner!" I whisper-shout.

"That sounds fun," Shawn agrees. "Can we make muffins and pasta?"

I start laughing and then lean into his shoulder. "If that's what you want, then yes."

"Yes!" he cheers in a high pitched voice. Then he awkwardly coughs and then cheers in a deeper voice.

"You're so weird," I giggle, "but I still love you."

"THE L-BOMB," Shawn fake gasps. "Just kidding, I love you too."

"SO LET'S COOK!" I exclaim. "Okay I'll be Paula Deen and you can be Rachael Ray.

"Hashtag cooking squad goals," he jokes.

"No. Please never say that again," I shake my head.

"Hashtag cooking squa-"

"Ratchet Rachael, you need to stop right now," I shake my head.

"Or else what?" Shawn smirks while leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Or else we won't make muffins and pasta," I threaten.

"Okay, okay, you win," he quickly forfeits.

"Do you want to make the muffins while I make the pasta?" I ask.

"No!" Shawn quickly rejects. "We have to be a cute-cooking-couple and actually cook together."

"Paula Deen and Rachael Ray aren't a couple," I point out.

"But we are," he smirks. "Let's start with the muffins."

"Okay," I giggle. "Let me check and see if there's muffin mix in the pantry." I skip over to the pantry and sure enough there is a box of mix. "Yep, we have some!"

"Throw it to me!" Shawn tells me. I throw it over to him and he catches it and then starts to read the directions. "Okay, so first we'll need some water and eggs."

(A/N: tbh I have no idea how to make muffins so basically I'll be using my own little imaginary recipe so please don't freak out if my recipe is different than its suppose to be lol)

"Can you crack the eggs?" I plead. "I'll probably get the shell into the eggs and then mess up the whole thing."

"I'll crack the eggs," he approves. "Can you get the water?"

"Nope, that's too hard," I joke. I go over and grab a measuring cup and fill it up with water. Then I go over and pour all of the water into the measuring cup

"There. The eggs and water are in the bowl now," Shawn states. "I'll pour in the mix and you can stir."

"This is the part where you're suppose to be all cute and romantic and help me stir the mix," I remind him.

"Noooo," he rolls his eyes. "I didn't know that."

Shawn puts the mix into the bowl and then comes up behind me. He puts his hands on top of mine and then helps me stir the mix. "Better?"

"Better," I approve before kissing him. Gosh, I've fallen way too hard for Shawn..

"Okay," he smirks. "Now we pour everything into the muffin container pan thingy."

"Good word choice," I giggle.

"Whatever," Shawn laughs.

"INTO THE OVEN THEY GO!" I cheer after the mix is put into the pan and we put them in the oven.

"Now onto the pasta!" he chirps.

"Let's just make spaghetti," I suggest.

"Alright," Shawn nods. He goes over to the pantry and then gets the noodles. They're called Angel Hair noodles which kind of scares me. Hair is actually dead cells. So does that mean we're technically eating Angel cells!? (A/N: Ha.Ha.Ha.Ha.Ha. I tried to be funny but failed okay I'm done now)

"I'll boil the water!" I quickly volunteer. I grab a big pot and then quickly fill it with water. Then I put it on the hot burner for it to boil.

"The noodles are too long," Shawn whines. "We'll have to cut them in half."

"This is where my inner ninja comes in," I warn him before karate chopping the noodles and basically smashing them all up.

"Lexieee," he pouts. "Now all the noodles are crushed!"

"Not really. They're just a little shorter," I disagree. "They'll still work."

Shawn takes the box of slightly crunched noodles and slides them into the now boiling water.

"YAY SPAGHETTI AND MEATBALLS!" I grin, but then my smile quickly falls. "We forgot the meatballs!"

"Making meatballs is so much work though," Shawn groans before pulling me into his warm arms. "I'd much rather cuddle with you than make meat balls."

"True," I give in. I rest my head on his chest, and we stay like that for a few minutes until the spaghetti starts making weird sounds.

I sigh and pull away. The water is bubbling over.

"Crap," I mutter while running over to a cabinet and grabbing a towel. Shawn's standing there blowing on the noodles trying to get he bubbles to go away. I take the towel and wipe away the mess.

"I think we can strain the noodles now," Shawn decides. He takes the pot of noodles over to the sink and then pours them into a strainer. A few seconds later we just have a bunch of hot noodles.

"I'm too lazy to make any special sauce," I admit while opening up a container of marinara sauce and putting it into the microwave.

"That's smooth," Shawn jokes.

"Shut up," I laugh. "That was pretty fabulous and you know it."

After the microwave goes off, I take out the sauce and put it into a big bowl. Then I add the noodles too it and stir it together.

The oven starts to beep and Shawn immediately jumps up. "I'll get the muffins!"

He takes oven mittens so he won't burn his hands and then takes the muffins out of the oven and place them on the stove.

"I think dinner is officially ready!" I explain excitedly.

"Let's go tell everyone!" Shawn exclaims, dragging me into the living room.

When we walk into the living room, everybody is sitting there eating pizza.

"Seriously," I frown. "We just made dinner."

"Ohh, that's what you were doing?" Cameron asks. "You said it was a secret mission so we didn't know that. And then we were really hungry so we just ordered pizza..."

"We made tons of spaghetti, though," Shawn groans. "We can't eat it all on our own."

"You two can eat together and then we can have the leftovers for lunch tomorrow," Matt quickly suggests.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yes. Now go have a dinner date together. Shoo. Get away. Leave." Jack J commands.

"Wow you're so nice," I scold over my shoulder while walking away.

"Okay, well we still get to eat our fabulous dinner," I smirk.

"True," Shawn nods. "This is way better than pizza."

We each pick up a muffin and then say,"Cheers!" as we hit our muffins together.

"Cheers to us," Shawn grins cheekily before taking a bite of his muffin.

"Cheers to us," I repeat happily and then take a bite of one of our wonderful homemade muffins.


Song Suggestion: Aftertaste by Shawn Mendes

Reader of the week: praisingmendes

Thank you all so much for reading this new chapter! I'm sorry for not updating last week- I was super busy. But hopefully this super cute chapter made up for it! If you liked this chapter, make sure to vote, comment, share, and follow me!

And sadly, this is the 2nd to last chapter. That means that the next chapter is the very ending of the series. The last chapter of The Offer That Changed My Life. I honestly can't believe it- and thank you to everyone who has supported me at all!! I couldn't have done any of this without you!

GUYS IM GOING TO A SHAWN CONCERT ONG AHSNAJJSJSJSS!!!!! If you're going to one, dm me which one you're going to! If we're going to the same one we should totally hang out and take selfies and fangirl lol.

Also, today I was texting my friend who's 10 years old and I told her I'm dating Shawn and she's like wow that's pretty cool. Then she listened to one of his covers and was like wow he's a really good singer and I was like duh. I don't know, I just find that funny and I still haven't told her we aren't actually dating.. It's all in my imagination. CUE SHAWN'S SONG IMAGINATION!!! okay this is why I don't have friends

Love you guys❤️❤️❤️

Twitter- gigglegeek11 (if you follow and tweet me 'Wattpad sent me' I'll follow you back)

YouTube- Fangirl Faith

Vine- Fangirl Faith

Patreon- Fangirl Faith

YouNow- gigglgeek11 (I might do a YouNow tomorrow so you should definitely become a fan of me on there so you don't miss it if I do a broadcast!)

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