
By nizzybaby08

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17 year old Kiana had a rough start to life, losing her best friend was the worst although life is tough she... More



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By nizzybaby08

(A/N:Time skip!!)

Deontaes pov

I woke up to kiana laying on my chest. It was currently the day of homecoming I and still had a lot to do. I slowly got out of bed making sure not to wake her up. I gave her a kiss on her cheek before walking into the bathroom.

I washed my face and bushed my teeth before turning on the hot water and stepped in the shower. I washed with my body wash before getting out and wrapping a towel around my waist

When I walked in the room kiana was on her phone scrolling on TikTok

"Where you going?" She asked making me look over at her. She was in one of my t-shirts and she had on some red thongs underneath. Her hair was in a sloppy bun at the top of her head. She had on her promise ring and my nameplate

"Somewhere your not mama" I said kissing her lips which made her pull me closer trying to deepen this kiss

"Mmm , mama I gotta go" I say rubbing up and down her bare thigh bringing my hand all the way up , brushing her pussy wit my hand making her moan

My dick twitched under the towel making me snap out of it

"You want me to drop you off home so you can get ready?" I asked making her nod and look down. I knew she was sad but I had important things to do.

"Alright get dressed cause you ain't going outside like dat" I said as she stood up making me slap her ass

I walked into the closet and grabbed a Nike tech outfit , with a white t-shirt. I grabbed my Calvin Klein boxers before getting dressed. I slipped on my panda dunks and put on my jewelry.

I walked back in the room and watched as she put on my Nike tech which was real baggy on her and she slipped on the black crocs i brought her

"Who you tryna look good for?" She mugged me as I just waved her off. She always tryna argue wit me cause she know I be looking good.

"Yeah okay , I'll slap you and that bitch" she mumbled making me chuckle

"Watch yo fucking mouf kiana , you ain't gon slap shit. Definitely not me"

She looked into my eyes , then down at my lips. She leaned in but quickly pulled back which made me chuckle

"Come hea mama" I say sitting on the bed making her walk up to me and sit on my lap

"How I'm tryna look good , when I wear this everyday mama?"

"Because , I don't know" she mumbled and looked away

"You think I look good?" I bit my lip looking in her eyes

"You look alright" she mumbled looking away making me shake my head and chuckle.

I tapped her thigh making her stand up. We both made our way downstairs and into the car

"You going to Amiyah house or to yo house?" I ask once we both get situated in the car.

She had her seat layed back a lil as she put one hand in her bra and one hand in her pants

"My house" she mumbled closing her eyes making me shake my head. All this girl ever do is sleep

I pulled off and headed to her brothers house which wasn't really that far from my house. Once I pulled up Amiyah and Kobe were in their matching tux and dress , Nakaylah and some random nigga and Jackson and his girl was matching

Damn we just the only ones who ain't ready. I woke kiana up letting her know that we were here making her yawn, stretch , then get out the car.

"Ain't no way y'all just now getting here and still ain't dressed"Nakaylah stressed making me slick roll my eyes


Kiana walked into the house and being getting herself ready while Deontae on the other hand went to the barber shop.


Deontae pulled up fully dressed in his yellow suit. He had on a yellow dress shirt with a greyish tux. He had on her nameplate that was visibly seen , he had in his diamond earrings , Rolex, and another chain. He had on some white Alexander McQueens

He ranged the doorbell and Amiyah opened it up. She smiled at him  and told him to wait at the bottom of the steps

About 5 minutes later kiana came downstairs. She had in a gray wig , that was slightly curled at the bottom, she had in small diamond hoops. Her makeup was a really nice yellow color. She had on Deontaes nameplate chain. Her dressed was a yellow dress with diamonds at the top and her shoes were sparkly heels which was hard to see under the dress

She finally got to the bottom of the steps and kissed Deontae , they took their pictures and all gotten into the bmw limo that jaylin had rented

*this isn't them. Just kinda what they were wearing*
Deontae & Kiana

Jaylin & his girlfriend

Nakaylah & Her date


They finally pulled up to the school and it was packed. A whole bunch of people twerking , dancing, fighting. It was just a whole lot going on.

"Mama , stay by my side" he mumbled in her air as they walked to the back and sat in the chairs.

"You look beautiful" he smiled at her as she watched everyone dance

"Thank you , Youn look to bad yourself" she said making him chuckle

"Hi Mr.Brown" she heard making her look up and see one of the girl from her 1st period class

"Wussup" he smiled being polite.

"You look nice" she said biting on her look

"You do to" that's all it took

"I uh gotta use the bathroom" kiana said lowly giving a small fake smile before standing up. She made her way to the bathroom watching the couple dance on her way.

After the dance kiana met up with Deontae again.

"What's wrong wit you mama you been gone this whole time" he said as they got in the car.

"I was with Amiyah" she said lowly looking out the window.

"I know you not mad cause I was talking to dat girl" he chuckled making her mug him

"Mama , I was just being nice. I'm a teacher I can get fired if I acted out" he scoffed before all of them got in the limo

"Y'all had fun"jaylin asked

"It was cool" Deontae mumbled. He felt some type of way because she came to the dance with him , but wasn't even really with him. He was sitting at the table waiting for her to come back from the "bathroom" while the whole time she was with Amiyah twerking and stuff

"What's gon on wit y'all?" Amiyah asked

"Nothing just drop me off home please"

He didn't understand why she was acting like he did something wrong.

"Nah bruh just take "US" to my house" Deontae said loud enough for them to hear. He knew she was gonna have a problem with it but he didn't like how she was being childish.

"Bro Deontae I don't wanna go to your house" she rolled her eyes making me mug her

"Look kiana I'm tryna not to curse at you so please just sit there and stop talking. You coming to my house end of story" he shrugged making her mad

The whole ride to Deontae house she was looking out the window. One they got there everybody got out. Sense Deontae has a couple extra room which means kiana is gonna have to sleep in his room.

"Kiana come here" he said for only her to hear before walking up the stairs to his room

Once she got in there he grabbed her by her neck and pushed her against the wall

"Fuck is your problem?"

"Ion got no problem" she mumbled pushing past him before sitting on the bed

He mugged her but just went bout what he was doing. He wasn't gonna let her make him mad.

"Aii bruh if you really wanna go home change outta yo dress , and put on them house slippers I brought you"He shrugged before going into the guest bathroom , and changed into some sweatpants and a white t-shirt

"You got sombody coming over?"she walked in rolling her eyes. She now has on a mike sports bra with some Nike pro shorts

"Kiana, I'm taking you home then coming back to go to sleep"He stressed.

"I'm just gonna stay here" she said making him sigh.

She pulled the blanket back then got in my bed and went on her phone.

He shook his head and made his way to darcies room were her and rio was cuddled up sleeping. He shut her light off before closing the door. He then walked in the living room seeing everybody was now out the dress clothes and in pajamas

"Aye bruh y'all cool?" Jaylin asked making Deontae smile and nod. He wasn't the type to tell his business , especially when if came to him and kiana.

"My good sis was shaking asss" Nakaylah hyped as she showed him a video of kiana twerking. He watched as some boy came up behind her , she Amiyah quickly pushed him. Deontaes clenched his jaw before walking up the stairs

"So you wasn't gon tell me you was shaking ass on niggas" he asked pulled the blanket off of her making her groan and roll her eyes

"Bro deontae I'm fucking tired"

She explained to him what happened. She was twerking , and the boy walked up behind her. She stopped twerking once she noticed someone was behind her and Amiyah pushed ole dude.

"Kiana it's the fact I told you to stay by my side at all times and you decided to test my patience"

She looked up at him. She tried to keep a straight face but she couldn't. She loved the way he looked when he was mad. She bit her lip and leaned in to kiss him

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