𝑆𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟 || 𝑇𝑟𝑖�...

By arianarz_

274K 4.2K 1.1K

i wrote this a long time ago so sorry for grammar mistakes or if it's just plain horrible or cringe More

A/N again...


12.4K 205 16
By arianarz_

Angel walked downstairs to see Taylor bugging Luke telling him to decorate his diner.

"Angel please tell your dad to decorate."Taylor told her and she sighed.

"no can do nothing will make this man budge."She told him and Luke smiled.

"Do you want decorations up?"He asked her and she shook her head.

"Nah i've been so used to basic live rather than festive."She laughed to herself pouring herself some coffee.

"Look what you've done to the young generation!"Taylor exaggerated and Luke sighed.

"by dad!"She said and left the diner and on the bus.


"hey i gotta go to the store for some... thing you can go ahead and head to lanes."Rory told Angel who smirked and nodded.

"Okay sure."She told her and they headed opposite ways.

"Hey lane."Angel said walking into her house.

"Angel."She greeted looking for Rory. "where's Rory?"

"spying on her boyfriend crush."Angel said and Lane chuckled.

"Rory?"both girls wondered watching as she ran inside.

"i got kissed."Rory said and both girls jaws dropped. "and i shoplifted."She said holding up the cornstarch.

"What!"Both Lane and Angel said laughing. "who kissed you?"Lane asked and Rory blushed.

"Dean of course!"Angel said and Rory giggled and smiled. "yes" she said.

"you got the new kid?! oh my god!"Lane exclaimed happy for her best friend.

"it happened so fast. i was standing there."Rory started. "where?"Lane asked. "Dooses market"

"he kissed you in the market!"Lane asked intrigued. "on aisle 3"Rory said.

"by the ant spray?"Angel asked and Rory nodded vigorously. "yes."She answered.

"oh that's a good aisle."lane said and Rory scrunched her face in confusion."what defines a good aisle?"She asked

"An aisle where you get kissed by the new kid is a good aisle."Angel said and both girls laughed.

"oh my god i can't breath."Rory said trying to wrap her mind around the fact she was kissed.

"okay sit down."Lane said and gave her a stool. "no i can't sit down i'm too-oh my god he kissed me!"Rory exclaimed.

"who kissed you?"Mrs kim asked wiping down a glass cup.

"The lord."Angel said and Mrs kim ohed and walked away.

"so tell us everything!"Lane told her and brought her away from her mom.

"so i go into the store and he offered  me a soda .then he puts two behind his back and asked me to pick one.and then i left forward and he kissed me."Rory said and Lane sighed in admiration.

"that's so great Rory!"Angel said and Lane agreed. "were so happy for you!"Lane said

"i have to go tell my mom."
"i gotta go back to the diner!"
"okay call later!"Lane said. "okay!"

"i cant."Rory said and Lane frowned. "you can't leave? it's hymn night at kim's house."Lane said and Rory frowned.

"My mom doesn't know about Dean."Rory said. "so tell her!"Angel said knowing how lenient her mom was.

"The last time the subject of boys came up it got ugly."Rory said. "we'll that was different she thought you were gonna leave school for a guy."Lane said and Angel sighed.

"this is the same guy."Angel said and Rory nodded and lane ohed. "okay fine but she doesn't have to know it was him."Lane said and Rory sighed.

"She'll know."


"She's lorelai."Angel said and Rory nodded. "we'll maybe shell be more open to the concept."Lane said trying to persuade Rory.


"try it if not lane don't worry i'll call."Angel said and Lane nodded and both girls left.


"i'm sorry she invited him?"Angel laughed and Rory rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Sounds like Lorelai."Lane said and the girls laughed.

"well i'm gonna go to bed now bye."Lane said and they girls said their goodbyes.

"i gotta go i i promised mom i'd watch willy Wonka again with her."Rory sand and Angel laughed.

"okay Rory bye."She said and hung up the phone.

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