His Warrior Princess

By Integra1127

5.6K 167 13

The tragic love story of Ser Harwin Strong and his Warrior Princess, Princess Visenya Targaryen, the younger... More

Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen

Part One

569 12 0
By Integra1127



You were the twin sister to Princess Rhaenyra, the youngest by mere minutes. The day of your birth, the two of you had been near identical in looks, yet as time came to pass there became a stark differ in looks between Rhaenyra and yourself as both came to age.

Whereas Rhaenyra was petite in size and somewhat refined, you were quite the opposite. Much stockier in built than your twin, and definitely far less refined. When the two of you were children, Rhaenyra had come to beknown as 'the Realms Delight', you on the other hand were referred to as 'the Realms Disaster'.

Always giving your parents split hairs at your unladylike behaviour, especially whenever you were being pulled from physical altercations between other youths of your age, whenever they would make the ill-fated fallacy of whispering the words, 'Princess Dumpy' within your hearing. You swore, if it were not for the renowned Targaryen silver-gold hair, both your parents would have been greying at a young age by the distress you had brought them with your behaviour.

Your uncle, Daemon, on the other hand found your personality amusing, referring to you as 'a fine strong-willed woman', as befitting your name. "What did you expect, Dear brother, when you yourself had named her for one of the most fearsome females of our family."

Mayhaps, naming you, Visenya, may not have been as such a wise choice for your father to have named you, those of the royal court would sometimes say. Natheless, the choosing of your name was not a choice, your father would say, but more so a duty.

As a child he would always tell you the tale of how the night before your mother's labours had begun, while in a dream, the infamous Queen Visenya herself had come forth out of a blazing fire, Vhagar standing proudly behind her. Holding out her longsword, Dark Sister to him, hilt first with the words, "the second she-dragon, shall be the one to be worthy of me."

Your father knew upon awaking that next morning, that the second daughter to be born to him should be named, Visenya.

When your mother's labours began later that day, the castle was ablaze with anticipation for the birth of the child. Two babes had been born that day, Rhaenyra was the first and thereafter, you.

In accordance with Targaryen custom, a dragon's egg was brought from the pit to be hatched for Rhaenyra, but none was brought for you. In place of an egg, your father had requested, Dark Sister, the legendary longsword of Queen Visenya, be retrieved off the walls of Dragonstone, where she had rested for many a years, to be place alongside your cradle.

When your mother had enquired as to why you had not been given an egg, his answer was, "her dragon has already been hatched." No further words would be spoken thereafter, for the Prince knew you were destined to ride Vhagar.

Truthfully, when Syrax had been hatched to your sister it bothered you not, you were far more captive at that time with wanting to play with Dark Sister than a dragon. Therefore, once you were of age, much to your mother's dissatisfaction, your father had your uncle, Daemon, train you in the art of swordplay.

However, what truthfully about near resulted in your mother's heart to cease, was the day that the entire King's Landing shook by the reappearance of Vhagar.


You were inside the Dragonpit, bored out of your wits, silently observing as Rhaenyra was training with Syrax. Though you did not have a dragon, your father had insisted that you too should learn of how to tame and handle one. Initially, you failed to comprehend as to why there was even a necessity for such a thing, but that day, you would finally come to understand your father's reasoning.

The grounds and walls of the Dragonpit shook at the loud sound of a huge force landing upon the outside perimeter as those inside stared at one another in confused fear.

"What was that?" Rhaenyra enquired out loudly.

"I do not know, your Highness" Ser Harrold finally speaks up.

"Shall we go look?" you jump up in curiosity, running out to see what was happening.

"Princess, stop!" Ser Harrold yells out, and you, ever true to your nature, ignore his pleas as you rush out to go look at what had caused the disturbance.

Upon reaching the outside, you were stopped dead in your tracks at the scene that stood right in front of you. There she stood in all her glory, Vhagar...

"Your Highnesses, please remain back" one of the Dragonkeepers instructs, "she has been riderless and away from here for some years now... we do not know the extent of what her temperament is."

"How is it that she is here?" Ser Harrold questions, looking quite frightened at the sight of her.

"We do not know, my Lord" the keeper answers, "she appeared out of nowhere, as if being summoned. As buy what or who, we do not know... though it appears that she is awaiting someone."

You paid no heed to what the two were speaking of; your attention fixed solely upon the dragon standing in front of you instead.

As if in a trance, you slowly began to walk forward toward her while the two of you stared deeply into one another's eyes. "Princess..." Ser Harrold steps forward to stop you. The keeper moves to stop him then.

"Do not take a step forward. She is calm for now. You might cause her to lash out if you do so."

"But the Princess-" Ser Harrold protests.

"Do you not see..." the keeper replies, "the Princess and she are connecting."

Instinctively, you reach out a steady hand, and in High Valyrain, command her to heel. To the astonishment of all, Vhagar instantly lowers her head down in submission.

"Gods... I have never seen anything the likes of this..." the keeper remarks in pure astonishment as he watched you petting Vhagar's head with a broad smile upon your face.

The news soon began to spread across the kingdom like wildfire; that the young Princess had claimed the legendary Queen of All Dragons, Vhagar, and she had done so with ease and at the mere age of eight.

When your parents were informed, your father had looked to your mother with a broad smile. "Did I not tell you, that her dragon has already been hatched..."

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