Female Gohan x Male Saiyan/An...

By Victor_TheRiper

197K 4.5K 2.3K

After the arrival of Gohan's Father, Son Goku, back to earth, he then had a little chat with an unknown ally... More

Prologue 1: Andorid Saga
Chp.1 The Saiyan Andorid Is Born
Chp.2 The Rise Of The Androids
Chp.9 Enter Imperfect Cell Pt.1
Chp.10 Imperfect Cell Pt.2
Chp.11 Enter Semi-Perfect Cell Pt.1
Chp.12 Semi-Perfect Cell Pt.2
Chp.13 Semi-Perfect Cell Pt.3
Prologue 2: Cell Saga
Chp.14 Enter Perfect Cell
Chp.15 Cell vs Trunks
Chp.21 Cell Games Pt.1
Chp.22 Cell Games Pt.2
Chp.23 Gohan's Awakening Anger
Chp.24 Super Perfect Cell
Chp.25 The Unleashed Transformation
Chp.26 Cell's Defeat
Before I Continue...
Chp.28 Goten Is Born
Chp.35 Date Night
Chp.36 AfterMath
Chp.37 Lemon
Final Chapter


4K 112 65
By Victor_TheRiper



As we then left off, days have passed now and yet there's one more day for the Cell Games....One day noon, (YN) and Gohan were at Kame house as they were outside looking at the Ocean View, for the past days they've been some time together here in Kame House, and enjoyed it every bit of it...

Gohan: Man, waves looks nice today.

(YN): Yeah, they sure do.

(YN) looks at Gohan, and to see her smiling...and to remember what she said that one night about her seeing the beautiful one last time before fighting Cell at the Cell Games...

(YN): Gohan?

Gohan: Yea?

(YN): Remember that one night, what you said about seeing the stars will be the last time before fighting Cell.

Gohan: Yeah...why?

(YN): Well....I don't know if I will be strong enough to beat Cell, but...if there's one thing that'll be the last time for me to see and spent time....it'll be you, Gohan.

Gohan silently gasps, and to blush...

Gohan: (YN)...I...

(YN) approaches closer to Gohan..

(YN): I know it's been days since we've barely known each other, but...you're a really sweet, and...beautiful. So...yeah, I'm happy I met such a good person, and friend like you.

Gohan blushes more....and to hold her hands, and to smile soflty, and to look at him and reply....

Gohan: Thats...really adorable to you to say (YN), and...I'm glad to hear that, and also... I'm happy I met you too.

The two smile at each other....and then, the two looked at each other...and to get closer, and closer...as the two began to reach each other's lips, and to land a kiss.....until.

Krillin: Hey Gohan-Woah!

Gohan: EEK! Krillin!

(YN): You startled us!

Yamcha: Woah no way, were you two about to-

(YN)/Gohan: Shup up Yamcha!

Yamcha: But I-

(YN) and Gohan clenched their hands...

Yamcha: Okay I'll keep quiet.

Krillin: ...Uhhhh, anyways, Gohan, your dads here.

Gohan: W-Wait what??

(YN): Goku??

The two looked at each other, and blush a bit knowing that they get a bit awkward of what we're they gonna do....so they jog in the house and to find Goku in there, who transported from his home to kame house and to pick them both up and krillin and taking them to the lookout with Trunks and Piccolo waiting...
Minutes later, they arrived at the lookout...

(YN): Goku, what's going on?

Gohan: Yeah, why did you brought us here?

Goku: Cause you're mother will question you, and you will just talk.

Gohan: ...Yeah I would, but now that I think about it, I just realize that we live in a world with no dragon balls.

Trunks: Oh yea, that's sounds terrible, I'm soooo sorry.

Gohan: It's alright, we'll manage.

Trunks: ...I can't be mad at you.

Goku: But here's the thing, how come you don't make a new pair of Dragon Balls Piccolo?

Piccolo: Because Goku I'm from the warrior clan, and Kami was from the dragon clan. One punches, the other makes dragon balls. So, if you want dragon balls, you'll need another namekian.

Krillin: What about New Namek? I bet there's a whole gaggle of Namekians that can make a new set.

Piccolo: We'd got to find the planet first, and who knows where that is.

Goku suddenly and out of nowhere transports himself somewhere...

Piccolo: And also, gaggle?

Krillin: I mean what would you call them?

Piccolo: A cornucopia, what do you call a group of people?

Mr.Popo: An Infestation.

Piccolo: Point is, without a namekian with the dragon calm, we won't be able to get the dragon balls.

Everyone then startled to see Hoku appeared out of nowhere...and brought himself a familiar foe Krillin and Gohan met at Old Namek, Dende...and he began to squeal...

Goku: Is this a dragon clan?


Dende sees Gohan...and to then miss her and picture her with sultry jazz music...

Gohan: ...Hey~

Piccolo and then told everything to Dende why they need him here on earth...

Dende: Okay, let me get this straight and clarify what just happen, THAT asshole-

Goku: Names Goku.

Dende: LITERALLY kidnapped me from across the entire galaxy, with either my knowledge, so you can have me make you set up a new mystic of dragon balls, because you are all nothing but fuck ups. So, did I miss ANYTHING?

Piccolo: We missed you.

Dende: No-oh-yea okay GREAT! And what do I get out of this? Gonna make me your king?

Krillin: No, kings a dog, but we can make you God.

Dende: The fucks a god?? I mean, who the fucks a dog?! I mean, the fuck!??

Mr.Popo: As the creator of the dragon balls, you shall now presume the throne of Kami, guardian of this planet. Nobody's thankful, there are no days off and no one ever visits.

Dende: Ugh sounds like being a parent. Fine, I graciously accept this addition of being your all mighty god.

Trunks: So you'll help us?

Dende: No bowl cut, I'm gonna help Gohan. Speaking of her, loooving the new look, rocking that blonde.

Gohan: Oh, thanks! Super sayin style, you know?

Dende: Deeelightful, and uh, were you been hitting the gym? Cause Uh *whistles*.

(YN) approaches to Dende behind...

(YN): Hey.

Dende: Eh? Who are you?

(YN): (YN), and if I were you, I wouldn't get too close to Gohan.

Dende: Oooh, shiver me Timbers, think you're some tough shit?

(YN): Oh you wanna show you?

Gohan: Uhh, (YN), Dende-

Dende: Oh do your worse.

The two began glaring at each other...

Piccolo: Okay lets stop wasting time alright? Dende, how long will it take for you to make a new dragon?

Dende: Depends, have the original sculpture around?

Mr.Popo had the sculpture with him and gives it to Dende

Dende: Wow, this is your dragon? Our dragon will wear him like a literal scarf. Okay before I get started, any alterations?

Piccolo: Can we get three wishes?

Dende: Not if you want multi res, but I can give you two though.

Piccolo: Seems like a awkward number no?

Dende: It's a magical wish granting dragon Nail, I don't make the rules, now...let us begin.

Dende looks at the sculpture and focuses on creating a dragon...

Krillin: Man the lore we're learning right now, and we get to see a new made dragon, this is gonna be awesome-

Dende: Hey dragon wake the fuck up! It's already past noon get your life together!

We then see the sculpture shine, and then a huge beam coming out from it, as a bright dragon was well made by Dende...and with a dragon made, all the dragon balls are back in business.

Dende: And by the way, I took of the wish of immortality, not trying to see anyone pull that Frieza shit.

Gohan: Well, let's hope Vegeta doesn't get mad about that....wait, Trunks, is he still in the chamber?

Trunks: Yeah, why?

Gohan: It's been 3 days!

Mr.Popo: Oh I muted the time dilation on the chamber, so one day in, one day out.

(YN): You can do that? Why though??

Mr.Popo: Causes fuck him.

(YN): ...Fair point.

Dende: You like screwing with people don't ya?

Mr.Popo: Hmm, of course his first mistake was going in alone.

Piccolo: Why? ...Is that bad??

In the chamber...we see Vegeta...well...not himself lately...

Vegeta: They called me crazy! They ALLL called me crazy! For letting Cell achieve his Perfect Form! Well guess what? When I get out of here, I'll be so much stronger, and no one will be able to surpass me, especially Cell, right Nappa ?!?

When he meant Nappa, he meant by talking a Volleyball with Nappa's face on it drawed....

Vegeta: How dare...How dare YOU!!! HAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!

Later, he exits the chamber...

Vegeta: Ha, showed him.

Later on, Goku grabs the radar and to collect all the dragon balls, in the meantime, it was now sunset as Gohan, (YN), Krillin and Popo helped Dende to sign some paper for being the new guardian...

Gohan: Okay so article 5 says that's atrocities can and will be committed by your name...but can't do anything about it.

Dende: Awesome, but question: do I have to answer all of these prayers?

Gohan: I mean I guess you technically don't have to answer by of them.

Dende: Oh thank god, or I should I start saying "Me".

Gohan: Well that does raise the question, which do you prefer? Kami, God, or Dende?

Dende: Oh Gohan, you can call me WHATEVER, you like, I don't mind~

Mr.Popo: Well I'm gonna call you Little Green.

Dende: Your funeral.

Mr.Popo: *creepily smiles* I like you.

Krillin: Heh, don't feel bad Popo, I'm his best friend and Im the only one he lets me call him little green, ain't that right little-OW!

Dende hits Krillin with the wooden staff...

Dende: You will call me Dende! DENDE! Say it! Say my name!

Krillin: Dende! Dende!

Dende: Nooo...Super Kami Dende.

Gohan sighs about it as she walks away while Dende still makes Krillin call him by his real name, Hohan walks towards the near edge of the lookout, and (YN) was leaning towards the trees and noticing her looking at the sky view, he approached to her...

(YN): You okay?

Gohan: Yeah, No...*sighs* I don't know...I mean I'm glad we got the dragon balls and all...and now....tomorrow...is the big day..., I don't...I don't think I'm ready for this, I mean you already know I don't like to fight...but, I don't have a choice...if I don't fight, or any of us don't fight and win against Cell...then our home planet will be gone, for good.

(YN) can hear Gohan's voice being worried and discouraged....(YN) gets closer to her, and to then grab her hand, Gohan notiecs it and blushes and looks at him...

(YN): Don't worry...we're in this together, especially I'm on your side.

Gohan: ..Right!

(YN): And now....all we do...is wait till tomorrow...The Cell Games.


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