She Kissed the Damned

By _nevermore_x

329K 9K 2.2K

Aurora Faye is fragile, just by her name shouts out innocent and sweet. Not to mention she is half fae (fairy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5 'Him'
Chapter 6 'Mine'
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 Forever....
Little Kanina
To my Readers <3 !!!
Chapter 14

Chapter 4

23.9K 701 171
By _nevermore_x

Aurora felt her blood drain from her face, slowly met eyes with those orange hungry ones, "Y-you.." she gasped in fear, panic ran threw her.

He lets out a cold chuckle sending chills down her back, "My my my..." analyzing her up and down, "I forgot how beautiful you are up close," taking a step closer.

She quickly took a step back, letting out a scared whimper, her whole body was shaking. She felt the walls being closed up around her in the hallway they were in. Deeply wanted to run, but she was like a deer in front of headlights.

He cocked his head to the side, "I can smell your fear darlin," leaning in close to her, making her back into the wall helplessly, he too "Amongst other things..." sounded like a tempted hiss from his chest.

"Pl-please," she pleaded, tears falling down her cheeks.

"Please," he mocked, "Hearing pleading is music to my ears love," making her feel weak, "The way you stir the human kind by your beauty," he chuckled with no humor, "Couldn't help but notice how those gentlemen tried to make you theirs," she felt her heart drop," Your innocents is what this pathetic earth craves. But being a Fae," making her look at him with wide eyes, "There are other things who would want to make you theirs..." his eyes began to turn deep red, as if blood was stiring inside of them.

She felt like throwing up, or passing out. Her inner fae was cowering deep inside her.

"I scents something else in you.." taking of his glove with each finger at a time, "Something more pure.." revealing his claw like fingers, they didn't look real, making Aurora stare at them in fear, "Something...rare.." about to touch her with his cold stone hand.

He mustn't know! her inner fae cried out.

Aurora was about to let out a scream, until she felt her back being slammed against a brick wall, these warm arms wrapped around her protectively. She lets out a gasp, realizing it Xavier holding her to him closely, and Clark in front of her. Face to face with the cold pale stranger.

Without thinking she grips onto Xavier's arms tight, as if he was her only sanctuary. Helpless relief tears pore down her cheeks.

"Not her Pitch," Clark growled lowly, trying to not cause a scene, luckily it was a dim lighted restaurant, "Not her..." his back getting tensed up.

Aurora felt freaked out now knowing the pale ones name, and the fact he knew him. All though her eyes were fogged up from her tears she could see though red eyes.

"Oh?" Pitch taunted, raising a eyebrow.

Clark grabbing him by his collar shirt, his eyes turning pitch black, teeth turning into sharp knives, "Your not gonna make one fucking penny out of her!" his growls sounded like death threats.

Pitch just looked at him.

She lets out a crying hiccup, looking around the restaurant and notice red eyes scattered around, looking at them dangerously. At least twenty of them.

Xavier seem to notice as well, slowly picked her up in his arms, making Pitch snap his eyes at them, "Guarded by such big doggies," he taunted, making Xavier growl, holding her to his chest, "Makes me wonder..." looking at her, "how special is this little fae..?"

Aurora just closed her eyes tight, trying to block out his voice, holding in her cries.

"That's none of your business Pitch!" shoving him away.

He just started to smooth out his shirt, "Why so serious Clark?" putting back on his glove, "I have nothing against you or your little companion," looking at Xavier.

"What did you say?" Xavier growled, taking a step closer, but Clark stopped him.

"Not here," he informed, slowly letting him go.

Pitch lets out a chuckle, "Indeed, wouldn't want to cause a scene in front of these helpless humans," smiling with his sharp fangs, "Now would we?" his voice smooth.

Clark eyed at him then at Xavier, "Take her to the car," and he walked out with her.

Then snapped his head at Pitch, "Stay away from her Pitch," he growled, "I fucking mean it," then left the restaurant.

He just watched Clark leave as his men walked towards him. He could sense their hunger by just the scent of her. The more he knew other people wanted her, the more he had to have her, "Protected by so many knights..." he chuckled.

Xavier sets her down and began to walk to the car, "How did he find out about her?" he growled irritated.

Clark just viciously scratched the back of his head, "I don't know.." seem to be thinking hard.

Aurora lets out a stuttering breath, "I've seen him before.." she whispered, trying to control her shaking body.

Both of them looked down at her, coming to a halt, "How?" Clark asked.

She gripped on the hem of her sweater, "At the hotel, the other night..." starring at the ground, "But I didn't know... I didn't know what exactly he was, or what he wants," then covers her face, trying hold back her tears, "Then I saw him again at the mall," turning her hands into fists.

Clark brought her into his arms, calming her down, "He got to her first.." he murmured.

"We got to call Mr. Faye," Xavier informed, "Its not safe here for her anymore,"

"Wait," pulling away from Clark's arms, "Not safe? What does he want from me?" she asked.

They both eyed one another, she could tell neither wanted to answer her question, "Pitch.. is well known in New York. He's a very dangerous vampire Aurora," said Clark, looking down at her, "That's all you need to know," making her walk again.

"But what does he want from me?" wanting a better answer, "I have a right to know," wiping her tears away.

Clark just walked to the car, and was about to open the door, but she stopped him by gripping onto his arm, "Clark please," she pleaded, her eyes searching for his, "Does he..." she gasped for breath, "Does he want to kill me?"

He just lets out a deep breath, looking down at her, with some kind of pity in his eyes, "Miss Faye," pulling the car door handle to open it, "I ju-" but as soon as he did, this certain click went off, causing him to twitch his head hearing a ticking.

Suddenly before Aurora realized what's going on, Clark yells out, "NO!"

After that everything moved so fast, in that one quick second Clark pushed her away from him and the car as far as possible. She lets out a scream smashing into Xavier as he fell to the ground. The car burst into flames, setting fire everywhere around it, with shattered glass.

Aurora quickly sat up, and saw Clark for the last time as the flames sucked him in. Letting out another huge explosion.

"Clark!" Aurora cried out trying to get off of Xavier, her hands slammed against the pavement with shards of glass, her adrenaline was so high she didn't feel any of it, "Clark!" trying to get up, hot tears pouring out.

"Miss Faye no!" bringing her back in his chest, wrapping his arms around her.

Suddenly dark heavy gray clouds began to surround the sky, swirls of them just hovered of the city. Xavier looked up at the sky in shock, hearing rumbling in the clouds. His wide eyes went back to Aurora.

For the quick second she forgot who he was, trying to claw her way out, her wide eyes never leaving the fire, "Clark! CLARK!" she screamed out till her throat felt like it was about to burst. Thunder began crash hard, lighting striking with it.

So much smoke... couldn't even see the car from it. She was just praying, pleading that he would walk out of it, but he never did.

"NO!" she cried out, bending her body forward, but he held on to her. Rain began to fall, but not even that could settle this explosion. Angry lighting scattered the sky, causing the clouds to light up.

"Miss Faye!" turning her to him, but her eyes were glued to the fire, "Miss Faye look at me!" shaking her trying to get her to snap out of it, "Aurora!" he yelled, forcing her to look at him by gripping the sides of her face.

She just looked at him, at the same time wasn't, her eyes were still in shock, her breathing was hard and fast, "I can't," she cried shaking her head, her tears mixing in with the rain, leaving dirt streaks from the explosion, "I can't! Oh god please no!" closing her eyes tight, not knowing what to say at this point.

"Aurora look at me!" keeping her facing him, she lets out another cry looking at him with her blood shot eyes, "Just stay looking at me," he said calmly, tucking her hair over her ear, "Just me, only me," calming her down.

Her breathing was hiccupping from her crying, but never looked away from him, "Cl-Clark.." she hiccupped.

He took in a deep breath, keeping himself together. Not soon after the explosion people came running to the scene with phones, taking pictures or calling 911.

Then his eye caught that bastard walking out of the restaurant with this satisfied smile on his cold pale face. Xavier quickly stood up, hand on his gun from his back, wanted to shoot his fucking head off. But that would put Aurora into more danger, and there was to many people around.

"We need to go," taking a step back, with her in his arms.

She shook her head, "No, Clark-!" but he covered her mouth.

"I was hired to protect you, its not safe here," then walked away.

Aurora quickly squirmed in his arms, trying to get down, "No! He can be still alive!" crying, "I can't leave him! Let me go!" more thunder began to rumble in the sky, more rain started to pour down.

He lets out a growl walking to a alley for no eyes to see, and roughly sat her down, "Stop!" shaking her, but she tried to getting out of his grasp.

"How could you leave him?!" she cried out, lighting struck hard, lighting up the dark ally, "He was your friend! And you left him!" starting to hit his chest, "As if he was nothing!" hot tears were poring out, she could only see red.

He caught her fists with his hands, meeting her eye level, but she was trying to pull away, "Don't you touch me!" she screamed

But he still held on, "He was my friend Miss Faye, there was nothing we could of done," looking at her , "Clark is gone," making her shake her head, closing her eyes tight, "He did so to keep you alive, understand that!"

"NO!" finally pulling from his grasp, "Shut up! Shut up!" she screamed till her throat felt like it was about to bleed, covering her ears.

Suddenly lighting struck no closer than ten feet from them, harsh wind began to howl around them.

He held her to him, but she was screaming and thrashing, "You need to calm down!" as the strong wind flew past them with rain.

She began to feel this un-described despair in her chest, causing her to cry hard. Remembering Clark getting sucked into the fire, just to protect her. She lets out another cry, the black, gray clouds bringing more lighting to the sky.

People began to gasped, and run as fast as they could for some kind of shelter, not prepared from this sudden lighting storm. Xavier looked up, and saw the clouds began to swirl. As if a tornado was about to form.

"Aurora!" making her look at him, but she was loosing it, "Aurora! Get a hold of yourself! You mustn't get lost in your mind! Do you hear me!" shaking her, yelling over the heavy wind.

Aurora's ponytail became un-done, her hair flying around her face, body shaking. But her inner fae began to chant something in Aurora's mind, bringing her back to him. knowing if this continues, it'll end badly, she wasn't ready for this kind of power.

Xavier's eyes snapped to the floor and saw green grass growing threw cracks of the concrete beneath her, from his very own eyes he saw them sprouting. Branch vines started grow around them against the buildings in the alley, throwing him off completely.

Aurora lets out a gasping cry, loosing feeling of her whole body, as Xavier held onto her from falling to the ground. Suddenly everything stopped, the rain, the howling wind, lighting... everything just ended.

Xavier looked up and saw the clouds pulling away from each other, the moon slowly peeking threw the gray clouds.

He slowly looked back down at Aurora, a little thrown back, "How..." he murmured, seeing the flowers from the vines slowly started to blossom, which were just beautiful. He blinked looking down realizing that a grass patch grew beneath them.

She was just breathing hard and slow, staring at nothing. What ever just happened took a lot out of her. She never felt so weak and lifeless. Even her heart was beating slower than usual. Whole body was practically shut off.

Something inside her began swirl, quickly she hunched over and started throwing up.

"Miss Faye!" touching her back, "are you alright?"

She lets out a skipping breath, "I-I..." trying to talk, but her throat felt clogged.

He made sure her hair was away from her face as she threw up.

But Aurora used all her strength to get away from him, "Don't touch me.." she hissed weakly, stumbling to the ground.

Xavier shook his head, "I need to get you somewhere more safe Miss Faye," slowly getting closer to her.

"I said don't touch me!" she repeated, slapping his hand away, never have she felt this angry, this livid before. This anger just stirred inside her, but she was to weak to express it.

"Let me help you," continuing walking to her, as she tried to stand, but felt so helpless.

"I will scream bloody murder if you dare to get any closer to me you heartless bastard!" she yelled, breathing hard from her out burst, could see blue dots in her eye sight.

He lets out a irritated growl, grabbing her shoulders, and turned her face to him, "Hate me all you want Miss Faye," he growled a inch from her face, "I wasn't hired to be your fucking best friend, I was hired to protect you, so was Clark!"

By just saying his name, newly fresh tears came pouring out of her eyes, trying to pull away from his grip. But had no strength in her.

"He's gone Aurora!" she shook her head, closing her eyes tight, looking away from him, "Except death! Your not in a simple little town! This is the real world!"

"Stop!" she cried, slamming her hands to his, "Please... no more..." she cried, her hands gripping on to his shirt tightly until they shook.

Xavier lets out a sigh, wrapping her in his arm, to his chest. And this time she didn't fight him off, she just aloud him to shield her from everything else, from this cold world.

"I've caused all this.." she whispered shakily, "Because of me..Cl-Clark-"

"Enough," he said sternly, his hold around her became more tighter, "None of this is your fault Miss Faye, you hear me?"

Her inner fae began to feel a little un-easy, making her uncomfortable. She gently pushed away.

"Miss Faye?" he asked.

She scanned the dark ally, "Something isn't right..." she whispered, feeling the cold feeling going down her spine.

'Bad things.... ' her inner fae whispered, making Aurora's stomach drop.

Quickly she tried to stand up but fell from unbalance, Xavier caught her, "Miss Faye what are you doing?" trying to steady her.

"We need to leave Xavier," she whispered, looking around the dark ally, "Now," she shakily added.

"I don't-" but then he froze in place, smelling something that made his eyes turn pitch black. Without another word he picked her up and was about to walked out of the ally.

Suddenly a black giant van blocked their way, making her gasped. Xavier protectively held her closer to his chest, letting out a growl.

Someone got out of the car, but couldn't see them from the headlights of the car hitting their face.

"Well now.." the familiar chilling voice spoke, "What a show that was," Pitch chuckled.

Aurora's inner fae made her even more terrified. By his voice she felt her blood go cold.

"Never in my entire existence have I ever witnessed such a sight," looking up at the cloudy sky, "Very interesting indeed," rolling his sleeves up with ease, "I guess your little fairy is a special little thing huh?"

Xavier quickly took out his gun from his back belt, aiming it at him, "You pale little fucker," he growled, his teeth turned razor sharp.

Pitch looked back at him, "Now Xavier, let's not take death to seriously.." he taunted, "As much as I liked your companion, he threaten me," playing with his rings on his fingers, "And I don't take threats to well," eyeing at his gun then at him.

More people began to get out of the car, then another car completely blocked their exit, caging them in.

Aurora's whole body began to shake, as more pale faces got out of the car, "Oh god.." she shakily whispered.

"You're not taking her Pitch," he spat.

"Oh but I intend too," flashing his fangs as he smiled coldly.

Xavier held her closer to him, until his mouth was next to her ear, "When I shoot, run," he said lowly.

Aurora blinked at him in shock, before she could say anything he sat her down behind him.

"N-No.." she whispered, gripping onto the back of his shirt.

"Shall we make this easy Xavier?" Pitch asked, "Don't want to kill another pup,"

Xavier lets out a dry snicker, "As my friend once said," slowly aiming it at him, "People like you is the reason why there's a hell," then pulled the trigger, sending a silver bullet flying at him.

Aurora flinched at the shot, it was like a bomb went off after that. She could hear all them hiss coming at him, but he kept his aim and shooting going.

"You fucker!" Pitch yelled out holding his bloody shoulder.

"GO!" he yelled at her, still shooting.

Tears came pouring from her eyes, taking steps back, not wanting to leave him. Then he did something she never saw before, he shifted. Right before her eyes there was this giant bear size brown wolf. His skin tared like bed sheets as patch of fur ripped the it. He was now on all fours giving out a hungrily growl. Her eyes went wide, staring at such a magical creature.

He turned to her a let out a angry growl, making her jump, as if he was telling her to run. Aurora lets out a cry, then turned and ran down the dark ally, she could hear angry hissing as she ran. Tears wouldn't stop.

Finding the first door she saw, quickly she slammed herself inside, running into a worker caring boxes.

"Hey! You're not suppose to go threw here!" he called out as she ran.

She ended up in some type of liquor store, people looked at her oddly. She just let out a few huffs, her heart was racing violently.

"Hey!" the box man said, grabbing her shoulder, "Did hear what I told you?!" turning her to him.

Once he laid his eyes on her, her inner fae kicked in quickly, all his irritations went away, "Little lady," looking at her panting, "Are you alright?" sounding concerned.

She looked around frantically, "I.. umm.." trying to keep her mind together, "Phone!" she suddenly yelled.

He looked at her worried, "You in trouble missy?"

"Please," she pleaded, "I need to use your phone," felt like she was about to cry.

He nodded, "Alright alright, right threw here," taking her behind the counter, and handed her a phone.

"Thank you," sighed, quickly dialed her brothers number, her fingers were shaking.

"Put it back on the receiver once you're done," he said leaving her with the phone.

She clicked the call bottom and it started to ring, her lips wouldn't stay still. Eyeing around.

"Hello?" answered Edgar.

Once she heard his voice, she burst into tears, "Edgar!" she cried, whispering.

"Aurora?!" his voice turned angry, "I've been trying to call you! I'm at the room and you're not here! I want you back here-"

"Edgar oh god.." she cried, sitting on the floor, her legs gave out.

"...Aurora whats wrong?! Hello?! Aurora?! Talk to me!" he sounded frantic.

"I-I'm so sorry.." she cried, holding the phone tight, "I'm so frighten Edgar.."

"What's going on?!" he yelled, "Where are you?! Where's Clark and Xavier?!"

She covered her eyes with her hand, "Clark's dead.." she cried.

She could hear him growl threw the phone, "What is going on Aurora?!"

The wanted to explain but she just couldn't, the only word that came out of mouth was, "Vampire.."

The other line went dead silence, "Aurora, where are you?!"

She was about to speak but the phone went dead as did the lights, everyone in the store screamed or gasped.

"No..." she gasped, looking at the dead phone, began to feel dizzy.

"I know your in here..." Pitch spoke out walking in the store.

Her body froze.

"Hey! You can't walk in threw this door!" called out the same old man.

But more people walked threw it.

"Did you hear me?!" he yelled.

Pitch sighed, turned to him, then shot him in the head. The whole store went screaming, trying to run out. But the other pale faces blocked their exit.

Aurora quickly held in her scream, by covering her mouth, huddling behind the counter.

"Shut up!" Pitch yelled, making all them freeze in fear, "You worthless bags of blood," pointing the gun at them.

Then eyed around the store, "I know your in here little fae.." he taunted, making her heart drop, "I can smell your sweet scent.." he added hungrily.

She just closed her eyes tight, covering her mouth with both hands.

"Such a shame really.." he continued, "Xavier tried to give you ahead start, what a waste of life for him," he chuckled with no emotion.

Aurora held in her cry, her breathing went hard.

"Come out.. come out... where ever your are.. " he taunted, walking around.

He grew irritated, "Want to play," taking out his gun, the grabbed a women by her hair.

Aurora's eyes went wide, hearing her screams, as with the others, "Come on out!"

But she couldn't feel her legs, to shocked.

"This women's blood will be on your hands little fae," she could hear him load the gun, "I don't care for these worthless humans," gripping on to the women's hair harder, making her whale out in pain, pushing her knees to the floor.

"Well then," putting the gun at her head, "So be it," about to pull the trigger.

"STOP!" Aurora screamed, quickly standing up.

All eyes were on her. Pitch lets out a amusing smile, "Just in time,"

Aurora just stared at the poor shooken women, looked like she was about to faint, "Pl-please, don't harm them," she pleaded.

He dramatically put his gun away, "Wouldn't dream of it darling," making her quicker.

"But they might think differently," motioning to his group of pale faces.

And just like that everyone of them started to attack the humans.

"NO!" Aurora screamed, running towards them.

But suddenly this cold hand gripped her back, and brought this towel to her face. The frumes was over powering causing her to get dizzy. The only thing she heard last was the people screaming in pain. Everything went black.

Pitch finally held her little body in his arms, eyeing at her beautiful features, "Clean up this mess," he ordered, "And have her checked," gently brushing her hair from her face, "She's going to be the finale,"


HOLY CRAP IT IS FINALLY FINISHED =_=; !!!!! I can't tell you guys how irritating this freakin chapter was! And I know its been a looooong time, I just had some serious Writers Block +.+ But I finally finished it ~(>-<)~ !!! Lol I hoped you liked it! Till next time <3 <3!

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