Infinity| A Time After

By Burakku_Herufaia

111K 3.7K 1.5K

Alright TBATE fans who are looking for fan fictions for this novel series! Here you go~ Arthur, after the dea... More

~First and last~
~First and last pt.2~
|S a v i o r|
|Tera Firma|
|A r c a n e|
|Fan Art|
|The Trial|
|The Art Of Knowledge|
|Civilitic Insanity|
|Sent from afar|
|Victoriad pt.2|
|Victoriad pt.3|
|Victoriad pt.4|
|Victoriad pt.5|
|Omnipotence, The True God|
|God killer|
|My Story|
|Mission pt.2|
|Next pt.2|
|Next pt.3|
|Next pt.4|
|Next pt.5|
|Leave Or Die|
|Threat pt.2|
|Threat pt.3|
|Coming Back To You|
|Fan Art|
|Peaking pt. 2|
|Peaking pt.2 1/2|
|The Beginning of the end|
|Truth Be Told|
|Another Decision|
|New Outlook|
|Forgiving pt.2|
|Before The End|
|Insuing Battle|


1.5K 55 33
By Burakku_Herufaia


Been a while huh?

Sorry, I'm really trying to find a good sequence to end this book.

Not to mention working and learning is kicking my ass royally.

It's kind of sad.

But anywhore, ONWARDS!!!


|Arthur's POV|

'Princess, I think you wanna get here.' Regis' voice rings loudly in the silence of my mind.

Not even a day ago, the Lances where split up in order to take back several places at once. Today is the day we were sent out to complete our given missions. Bairon and Mica would be going to Xryus, while Varay and Aya are in the Capital of Sapin, Etistin. Regis and myself given the task of evaluating the floating castle, it's condition, and to take out any and all threats that may reside within or anywhere near the location of the castle.

And where is the castles location currently? Right over top of the deepest parts of the beast glades, or at least what's left of the glades. Due to the nature of the corrupt beasts, they not only disregarded their own lives, but they rampage within and just a few miles outside of the forest. It was my job to clear the glades of the corrupt beasts, E-class to SS-class.

'Give me a second, Regis. This Moss Mammoth won't go down. What's the situation?' I conveyed to my flaming companion, who is within the castle high above already. His job? Analysis of any and all damage to the castle, while also sniffing out any known enemies and eliminating them. Our roles would have been reversed, had Regis not been so adamant on having his current role.

My attention is drawn back to the enraged Moss Mammoth before me. It lets out a guttural roar, rearing it's long, pointed tusks at me. I twist to the side, letting it's tusks pass before grabbing hold of one and using its speed to swing it over myself.

'You remember that big boobied baddie and her ethereal sensei from Alacrya?' He asks as I feel his excitement filtering through our bond, into me. I roll my eyes with a scoff, somehow knowing exactly who he was talking about.

The beast before me releases a pained roar as its back connects with the unforgiving ground harshly. Not giving it time to recover, aether ripples the space over its head, lavender particles coming together to form a long sword, which pieced the beast's head in an instant.

'Why must you always say things like that? And are you positive it's them??'

'Uh, yeah. I've been talking to them for the past ten minutes.'


'Nothing will take me away from this navy blue haired, ruby eyed, voluptuous bodied goddess.'

A scowl forms on my face as I try my best to hold back an exasperated sigh at my companions brash, horny, idiocy.

Looking up to the tree tops, I almost instantly find myself above the thick forest as I take to the sky. White wings working in tandem to take me to my destination, feeling the water vapor wet my skin and clothes.

Sun glaring brightly from its height in the sky, its rays warm up my body, which was cooled do to the cold water vapor and winds. I let the breeze dry me off as I raced towards the castle, an ocean of cotton white clouds beneath me.

Clouds encircle the floating castle, some of the towers now in ruin from the battles that took place here. Somehow, the pieces of those towers float all around the perimeter of the castle like asteroids, giving the entire sight an arcane, fantasy feel.

Since the force field that once protected the fortress from unknown personnel was disabled do to the attacks from within, it was easy for me to slip into the confines of the once bustling castle, through one of the open ceilings of the towers.

'Where are you? I'm currently in the west most wing. Third tower.'

'I am wherever the hell this conference room is.'

'There are five conference rooms, Regis—nevermind.' Shaking my head, I opted to find his aetheric presence instead of trying to take directions from a directionless dolt.

'I heard that princess Stoic.' I nearly facepalm at his reference from my previous world as I made my way to him, walking casually down the halls of the castle, avoiding debris either on the floor or falling from the hallway ceilings.

This place got pretty messed up, huh?

Nostalgia falls over me in a calm wave as memories of this place floods back to me, both good and bad. A small smile slips onto my face as I reminisced silently.

I stop in front of old, mahogany doors that lead into the dome shaped conference room of the northeast wing of the castle. I could hear voices on the otherside, two of which I hadn't heard in a couple weeks—nearly a month.

Pushing open the door, I'm gifted with the sight of Regis sitting in a chair, making star eyes at Caera, while Seris grins in amusement at my awestricken dog.

"Grey. It's good to see you again." Seris greets as she stands from her chair, nodding in my direction.

"Scythe Seris, it nice to see you are still alive. Caera Denoir, seeing as you are also alive, you must be well." I nod curtly as I walk into the room, taking a seat across from them. Crimson eyes follow my every movement as she says quiet, simply boring holes into my head.

"That is quite the greeting, Arthur." Seris scoffs as sarcasm leaks from her tone of voice in an almost humorous way.

"What brings you two here?" I sat as Regis lays his head between his paws, on the table. Seris regards me with a hun as she too sits back in her seat. Caera remains silent, watching me. I could see the plethora of questions racing through her mind as she sat in her silence, seemingly stuck too deep in her thoughts to speak.

"I'm hardly a Scythe anymore. So there's no need to call me 'Scythe Seris. After the stunt I pulled in Sehz Clar, Agrona is out for my head these days." She hums as I raise a brow at her in question. She see's my unasked questioning look and swiftly answers.

"I killed the sovereign that rein over Sehz Clar, with the help of Caera here. Both of us are fugitives." Her tone made it seem as though she was conversing about the weather, and not the fact that she killed a sovereign.

"When? And why would you kill a sovereign?? Wouldn't the move you made not only endanger you, but your plans as well? I thought you would stick to the shadows and work from there." My curiosity getting the better of me as I listened intently to her.

"It happened a week after your stunt at the Victoriad. You pissed Agrona off to the fullest, and his mind was completely centered on finding you and regaining the Legacy. It was the perfect punch to pull. Yes it was dangerous and we almost died, but that was all apart of the plan. Taking out a sovereign from the inside would cause conflict, the people of Alacrya are already loosing faith in their sovereignty and slowly but surely looking to you, after all that you said at the Victoriad. Not to mention the fact that you are merciful enough to send soldiers back home, safely at that." Seris grins at me, while I connect the dots from what she was insinuating.

"You're forming a rebellion. Starting a civil war in Alacrya, keeping Agrona preoccupied with the happenings in his own continent so that he can't control what's happening here in Dicathen." I nod in understanding as Seris's grin widens into a cunning smile.

"Exactly. It's given you time to get things back under control here."

"You do understand that even if you do start a rebellion in Alacrya, the humans of that continent won't stand a chance against the Vritra and Vritra blooded humans of their country, right? Even if you do gain the favor of some of the more shifty Vritra blooded humans, it still wouldn't be enough." My query is met with the relaxed expression resting on Seris's face, while Caera sat up just a bit more.

"That's why we are here, Arthur. Just as I have helped you, it's time that you help me as well. I want you to become a beacon of hope, not just for your people, but for mine as well. You've already gotten through to the people of Alacrya at the Victoriad, and there are thousands of soldiers that look to you with respect and thankfulness because of your benevolence." She finishes as she watches me expectantly.

"You want me to become the sword and shield of the rebellion against the Vritra." It suddenly clicks in my mind as every other question I had in my mind is immediately answered. If I became a figure head for the rebellion, with the help of the Alacryan people, it would be easy to infiltrate Alacrya again and would make it a whole lot easier to find and kill off as many Vritra clan members as possible, before they launch an all out war against me.


"In that right, Arthur, I need a place to keep the innocent Alacryan people safe. I was hoping they could come here, somewhere on this continent. I know that seems impossible considering, but it's the only good option I've got. You can imagine just how devastating the war on Alacrya will be." Her tone shifts into something somber as her eyes reflect apprehension.

"....I don't know how this would work, Seris. We would need to talk to the commander and the council. I'll contact them about it before I go back. On a side note, Aldir, instead of standing in the shadows like a creep, come out and sit. Just say what you have to say." At this, Regis cackles at my side as my eyes shift to look over at the dark righthand corner of the room. The tri-eyed Asura steps forward silently, eyeing me with a raised brow.

"Only you are bold enough to insult an Asura by calling one a 'creep', Arthur Leywin." He says as he suddenly appears in a seat, to the left of Seris. The pearl haired woman nods to Aldir. As I watch the small exchange, I could tell that this wouldn't be their first time seeing each other, let alone the first time they've talked.

"Arthur, the Lord and Lady of the Indrath clan would like to send battalions as needed in order to aid you when you do wind up warring with the Vritra—"

"-Out of the question. The entire continent of Alacrya would be decimated." I cut him off with a shake of my head.

"Gre—Arthur, don't be unreasonable. You can't fight a war all on your own! There is only one of you, and at least just shy of a few thousands of pure blooded and half blooded Vritra within that clan." Caera voices, much to the subtle amusement of Seris.

"Lady Caera is correct, Arthur. As much other worldly strength you have, it may not be enough for you to continuously fight in a war that seems like it may never come to an end. This is a sacrifice the rebelling lessers of Alacrya are willing to make." Aldir reasons adamantly as his other two eyes open to look at me. It falls into a tense silence as I delegate with my thoughts to try to find a better alternative.

'There isn't one, princess. I say we accept their help. Lord lizard lips knows his place, and won't do anything else to insight the wrath of the goddess.' Regis points out as he too, reads into my thoughts, not finding a valid idea that could result in the saving of the Alacryan's continent.

"....Fine. I'll take you up on that offer, but just know that one wrong move and you're race will never see the light of day again." My eyes narrow on Aldir as he nods in understanding. His normally blank expression taking on a look of dead seriousness, letting me know that he, at least, could be trusted.

"Then it's settled!" Caera sighs with relief.

"Not quite, we still need to talk to the council about several things now." Aldir and Seris nod as we all stood up from our seats, before walking out of the room.

"So, are we heading straight back to your lover? Or do we still have something to do? Like commit mass genocide on the remaining beasts in the glades?" Regis hums in thought as her trots along at my side, his height now reaching just below my shoulder.

I look over at him with a raised brow, mild amusement filtering into me as I shake my head. Looking at my surroundings, an idea suddenly pops up in the chaos of my thoughts.

"No, we are not going to commit mass genocide. We can do that later. I am going to restore this castle." I answer him as I launch myself out of the broken window to my left. Seris, and Aldir, who is using his abilities to help Caera levitate, follows my lead as we all take flight.

I come to a stop just a few yards above the entire castle, letting the aether in my core flow, gathering at a specific rune that starts to glow through my clothes.

Outstretching my dominant right arm, an aetheric, chromatic, dial forms before my hand, while arcane runes glowing a radiant blue forms a two layered ark a few feet above the castle. Feeling the weight of the spell, I grit my teeth as I turn my hand counter clockwise, watching the dial in my hand turn with my movement, as time starts to turn back.

Another rune starts to shimmer on my skin with a taunting burn as I continue to reverse time. The rune of Spatium. It works in junction with the Rune of Avuim since I'm only turning back time in a specific place, on a specific object.

The others watched in unmasked awe as the castle slowly rebuilt itself from the inside out, the blocks of stone that made up the towers rushing back to settle into place as a purple glow starts to surround the castle.

With a tense breath, I let the spell dissipate as the castle returned to its former glory.

"Amazing. I've never seen time being used to this extent. Not even from the sacred aether arts of the Indrath clan...." Aldir trails off at all his eyes look over at me, while both Seris and Caera stare at me in wonderment.

"HA! WHO SAYS A WOLF CAN'T FLY!?" My attention is directed at Regis as I watch him fly towards me...

Flying. Wings.

What the hell is wrong with this dog??



Gave you guys a semi-long chappie this time around!

What did you think?


See ya~
(2,528 words)

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