By bigstarqueen

899 130 303

Charlie never liked traveling or making friends, but after meeting Jungkook. he fell hard like a rock and mel... More

.... characters•◍✧*。
....Happy Kookie Day!!!...•◍✧*。


30 4 0
By bigstarqueen

Charlie tilted his head to look at Jungkook's side profile and quietly suck in air before turning around so he could face the older.

"His house is like three buildings away from here but why are we standing on this roof top?" The younger asked, perplexed.

" 'cause I want him to come to me. Hana, du, se." Jungkook mumbled, making his lover to squint his eyes before drifting his attention to the lane.

"Appa! Catch me if you can!" A girl of about 8 years old, wearing a pink mini casual gown, with pink design boot and pink headband tying her hair in ponytail squealed with a round cheeky smile printed on her cute face as she took off in full speed, making her father to run after her.

"Yah! Park Micha I'm coming for you!"

Charlie gasped, darting his eyes between the man and Jungkook before using his hands to cover his mouth.

"What the did you know he was coming.?" The younger asked as he pull his hands away and took a step closer to his lover.

"Jimin told me everything about him."

Charlie noticed the older's down expression and step closer to him, pulling him into a gentle hug.

"Who are you?" A tiny voice asked, causing the lovers to pull apart, slowly as they stare down at the little girl with Bambi eyes.

'Park Mi Cha is my step sister.'  Jungkook thought and began to wonder why Jimin didn't say anything about his father's Kids.  When the assistant said 'his family' all Jungkook thought about was his father and step father, he has no idea they have a kid and another one on the way.

He felt tears gathering in his eyes as he look up from Mi Cha and saw his father staring at him in curiousity while his step-father carefully walk towards him with his hands supporting his waist.

Jungkook felt a different emotion, knowing this people never knew he exist. He wanted to blame his sorrow on someone, but he couldn't. It's not like Park Chanyeol knew his mother got pregnant and to be honest, everything happened this way because of his mother.

"Oh, i didn't think we'd see anyone here."

Charlie felt awkward, hearing the deep voice of his lover's father. This is the true father of his lover, it makes him feel nervous and a bit scared.

"Oh annyeon gha se yo!"

"Ooh, you're from Korea." Chanyeol pointed at Jungkook as they both stood upright after greeting them. "Er....yes, my boyfriend is a Korean but I'm an American."

"I already know that. Your faces gave it away. I'm just surprised." Chanyeol laughed making Charlie even more awkward and nervous.

"Yeobo. Look, we've a couple here on the rooftop." Chanyeol announced as he kept some picnic boxes on the large table and wrap his hands around his preggo husband.

"annyeong ajeossi" Jungkook and Charlie both bowed and smiled.

"Ajeossi? Omo just call me Hyunnie, I'm Park Baekhyun and this is my husband Park Chanyeol."

Jungkook felt an unknown feeling spreading across his chest as he awkwardly smile and nodded. " family and I always come here for picnic. The owner of this building is a good friend to us, so it's literally like we owned this building, hahahaha."

"That's right, come here, come over and join us." Baekhyun invited the couple who awkwardly obeyed, bowing as they sat down with the family.

"You see my husband is the one who design this house. He's been friends with the owner since childhood. This is the first house he designed after graduating from uni and to be honest we spent most of our time here than our actual home." Baekhyun smiled as he reminisce the food memories while opening the lid of the boxes.

"Really?That's awesome. My dad was an architect as well."

Jungkook gulped and looked up at Charlie who has a smile on his face as he helped the couple with the dish. "Oh" Baekhyun pouted his lips before nudging his husband.

"You know, life is like a school. O-once you begin to understand the world, you need to live your life to the fullest, make plans to become a somebody and find happiness because the best feeling in this world is being loved." Chanyeol lectured while looking at his husband.

"You two look like a cheesy couple." Jungkook had finally managed to say a word, earning the couple's attention.

"They're not just cheesy.... they're wild and dramatic." Mi Cha suddenly spoke, earning a snort from Jungkook.

"Yah...why are you always selling us off? You don't even keep secrets for your parents anyone."

"Aigoo...i thought, Eunwoo was finally gone, i didn't knew he passed down his attitude to his little sister." Baekhyun dramatically sigh.

"You see, they're dramatic." Mi Cha spoke.

"E-eunwoo?" Jungkook curiously inquired staring at the couple for an explanation. "Oh...Eunwoo is our first child and our first son." Baekhyun explained, rubbing circles on his balled-belly.

Charlie grab Jungkook's hand to caress it and smiled back at the couple. "Is that so? Does that means your baby is a male child?"Baekhyun enthusiastically nod his head.

Meanwhile, Jungkook tilted his head, thinking the name sounds familiar until he suddenly hard a flashback.

"seonsaengnim , nawa hamkke gago sipni?"

(Teacher, do you want to go with me?)

Jungkook looked up from his phone and smiled, before shaking his head. "Oh Park Eunwoo. I thought you left with your friends." Jungkook spoke in fluent English.

"No. I saw you weren't taking a cab so i followed you." Eunwoo replied in English.

"You don't have to." Jungkook immediately replied, he wasn't stupid to not know what this kid was up to, from the way he looks at him. Jungkook was able to figure him out.

"But i wanted to."

"You don't have to. My boyfriend is coming to pick me up."

"Your boyfriend? Y-you have a boyfriend?"

"Yes. Is something wrong with that?"

"No. Not at all. I'm just surprised, he's lucky to have you."

"No. I'm the lucky one." Jungkook silently giggle before stoping a taxi. "You should go back home and take a rest."

Eunwoo gulped and awkwardly nodded, before waving at Jungkook and got into the cab.

Jungkook watched until the cab was out of his view before kicking a stone off and storm his foot like a child.

"Look what you cause! Ani wae? Huh? Why does he have to like me when his mate are whipped for him? Aish! This is messed up! Totally messed up."Jungkook grumbled, feeling sorry for the kid.

"It's been three years since Eunwoo left to study mathematics in Korea. He'd be graduating with a bachelor's degree next year." Chanyeol spoke with a proud smile.

"Is that so? That's really awesome." Charlie chuckled and took a bit from the kimchi prepared by Baekhyun.

"Wow...this tastes really good. You should try it babe." Charlie said to Jungkook who blushed and awkwardly grin as he eyed his father.

"The boss is coming!"

People moved out of the way and towards their desk, frantically as soon as the elevator dings. Taehyung stepped out, a solemn look on his face as he strolled around, checking around to see if there was anything displeasing.

A Chinese client was coming over for a meeting today, so he had to make sure those who stayed up all night in the office aren't still in their pajamas. He nodded his head in content, seeing everyone arranging their desk in a hurry before bowing as they greeted him but hell break loose as Taehyung rested his gaze on his P.A who drowsily leap out of the restroom, hair pointing different direction and pajamas wrinkled.

Taehyung first of all, eyed his different rainbow stockings before shifting his gaze to the younger boy's face, making him to scream in shock.

He quickly put his hand over his mouth, before glancing at the guards behind his boss and awkwardly smile, bowing.

"Oh, Good morning Mr Kim Taehyung. Did you have a nice sleep?"

Taehyung sucks in air with irritation and slowly step closer, causing jungwon to gulp as he step back in fear.

"I did....but i don't think you slept at all, considering how you look like Yoon Gwi Nam. The presentation must be ready."

"Excuse me?" Jungwon slightly tilted his head in confusion before realizing what he said, he gasped, putting his hand over his mouth and bow in apology while stuttering in fear.

"Er....yes, yes it's ready. You should have a look at it boss."

Few Minutes Later

"How is it sir?"

"Okay your idea is brilliant but do you think a commercial without the actual product makes any sense at all? Besides, i can't see our brand name."

"Er...well i propose this strategies to imprint our brand on people's mind." Jungwon elaborate.

"What does that mean?"

"By not exposing the brand name and the product, we'll make people try to find out more about our company themselves and after that, we'll open a pop-up store to let people experience the brand both on and offline."

"Hmm...i see."

"That way they-"

Jungwon awkwardly shut his mouth as Taehyung's phones began to vibrate. He took it out of his pocket and smiled as he saw the caller id.

Without wasting much time, Taehyung signaled his guards to not follow him before shifting his sharp gaze to his P.A

"Go change." He ordered and spun on his heels, going to his office.

Taehyung smiled at the caller id on his screen before answering the call and gently pressed the device against his ear.

"I just left home not long ago, did you miss me so much?" He chuckled, leaning into his seat after adjusting his tie.

"Do you want me to get something for you? I-"


"MWO?!" Taehyung yelled, eyes widened in surprise as he jump out of his seat.

Meanwhile, Jungwon walks towards Heeseung hissing in annoyance as soon as their boss left.

"Yah.....who is Yoon Gwi Nam?"

"You don't know?" Jake butted in, making the P.A even more curious.

"Ani, wae?"

"Oh...lemme tell you then. Yoon.Gwi.Nam. is the villain in 'all of us are dead'."

Jungwon let out a strained gasp of disbelief, touching his face as he stare at the guard in embarrassment.

"Yoon Gwi Nam that bastard zombie, how can Mr Kim Taehyung compare me to....oh my! Is he looking down on me, huh?"

Heeseung snorted with a loop sided smile, "you go ask him that. I'm sure he has an answer."

"Yeobo..... doesn't he look familiar?"

Chanyeol quickly chewed the food in his mouth and whipped his head up to stare at Jungkook who seem slightly tensed up.

"Huh?" He mumbled, confused.

"I mean...take a good look at his face, he looks familiar."

"Familiar...." Chanyeol trailed off, squinting his eyes as he stare at Jungkook's face.

"I can swear I've seen someone who looks exactly like him. I just can't remember who it was..... I'm sure he looks familiar."  Baekhyun pouted.

Charlie stopped eating and began to caress his lover's hand as he stare at his side profile with concern.

"I.....use to think i look a lot like my mother, but after seeing my father for the first time i..... realize i didn't just look like her. We both share some resemblance." Jungkook quietly spoke before gulping the lump in his throat with a forced smile on his face.

"I am....Jeon Somi's child. Jeon Jungkook."

Baekhyun dropped his spoon in shock as his eyes widened in surprise meanwhile, Chanyeol felt different unknown feeling.

The child of the lady who almost ruined his life was sitting before him...he felt too weak to even speak.


"MWO?!" Beomgyu and Yeonjun both screamed, surprised as they stare at the Television.

"Wae?! Wae?! Wae?! Huh?!!"

"Mr President is stepping down from the presidential race."

"Mwo?!" HueningKai screamed out of shock. "Ani wae?!" He drawled, perplexed.


"I'm sorry."

Jungkook gulped and stopped walking to look at Chanyeol's face.

"I didn't get to see you earlier because I couldn't make it to your mom's funeral. The both of us used to be so close." Chanyeol sighed, exhaling through his mouth...

Jungkook hummed in acknowledgment and gently nodded his head.

Chanyeol tilted his head and suck in air, thinking deeply before looking up at Jungkook who was already staring at him. "You said you used to think you look a lot like your mother until you met your father for the first time. what does that mean? Are you saying Seokjin isn't your father?" Chanyeol inquired, wanting to know the truth.

Jungkook knew it was time, it was time to be accepted or rejected by his biological father. He had to muster a lot of courage to in order to speak.

"I'm not sure if this is something you'd want to hear but..... i think you have the right to know."

Chanyeol confusingly blink his eyes, pulling his hands out of his pocket.

"I am your son. I mean you.... you're my biological father."

Chanyeol felt air been knocked out of his lung as he process what he heard.

"I didn't come here to ruin your perfect family and after learning the truth, i was curious about you. I wanted to know how you were doing all these years, what you look like. I also came on behalf of my mother to ask you to forgive her. Jimin told me what she did to you and I felt....i-i felt so-"

Jungkook frozed as he felt his father arms around his body, though it came out of blue he felt comfortable in his father's warmth. Chanyeol had his large hand, gently patting Jungkook's back while petting his hair with the other. Jungkook couldn't help but give in to his emotions and began to weep.

"I always wondered how come she put to birth before getting married to Seokjin. I wanted to confront her but because of my foolishness i decided against it. Jungkook-ah, I'm sorry for running away like a fool. Though, i didn't love your mother. I shouldn't have neglected you as well. I'm sorry, I don't deserve to be forgiven." Chanyeol spoke his mind aloud, silently shedding tears as he pat Jungkook's back.

The young man finally wrap his arms around his father and hug him tight as he sob out his sorrow.

"I'm sorry." Chanyeol repeated, bitting his lips to hold back his tears.

From afar the rooftop, Charlie walked towards the barrier and smiled as he saw them hugging.

"Thank you so much Mr Park. Kookie could finally sleep at night now." He said to himself before tilting his head towards Baekhyun who suddenly gasp.

"Hyunnie, are you okay?"

"I-i i think my water just broke." The older stuttered, gripping unto his chair.


Taehyung ran into his home, panting heavily as he entered his room to find Yoongi lying on their bed with a sleepy baby boy wrapped in a blanket in his arms.

The younger male finally release a sigh of relief as he began to step closer. Kim Bum stood up from the chair and smile at his son, before patting Yoongi's fluffy hair, causing the male to avert his gaze from his sweaty husband.

"I'll be downstairs, call me if you need anything."

"Ne. Appa." Yoongi softly replied before looking back at Taehyung who was slowly walking towards them as if he was afraid to wake up their son. "What took you so long?" Kim Bum inquired and for once Taehyung took his eyes off his child to look at his father.

"Give him a name so we can take them both to the hospital. Though it was a successful home birth, We still need to go to the hospital for check up." Kim Bum informed with a smile before going out, leaving the couple and their baby alone in the spacious room.

"What are you doing right now? Hurry and come look at your son's face."

Taehyung gulped and quietly hop faster to them, before sitting down and grab Yoongi's hand with care.

"Was it painful?"

"Of course it was, if you were here Namjoon hyung won't have his head bandaged right now."

"M-mwo?" Taehyung stuttered, rapidly blinking his eyes. "D-did you..ah, no way. Jessi Noona will come and kill me."

Yoongi chuckled before darting his gaze to his baby's cute face.

"Handsome right?"

"He's my son, of course he'd look handsome, we have a pretty handsome gene you know. It's runs in the family."

Yoongi tsked, shaking his head. "Fine, fine, fine. You're just so full of yourself."

"Right? I know."

"Say hi to your son, Mr Kim Taehyung-ssi."

Taehyung laughed and smiled widely before tilting his head to his son and gently caress his face.

"Hello Kim Tae Yoon-ah, appa is here."


"He has given birth to a baby boy." Jungkook gasped, covering his mouth as he stare at the doctor in surprise before looking down at his step sister who jump up in joy, jubilating.


The door creaks opened and a nurse came out of the room with Chanyeol, holding a newly born against his chest. This made Jungkook even more happy as he watches his father, cradling the baby in his arms while he cries aloud.

"Appa! Lemme see my baby boy."

Jungkook step closer as well and smiled widely as he watches Mi Cha playing with his crying step baby brother.

"What's his name?"

"Jeon In. Park Jeon In." Chanyeol smiled before looking up at Jungkook and spoke. "And you're Park Jeon Gguk."

Jungkook gasped, it felt like his heart was about to explode.

Few Years Later...

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Moon Bin happy birthday to you! Hurray!"

The aforementioned giggled and clasps his hands together, closing his eyes shut as he proceed to blow out the candles.

"Yah....what did you wish for?"

"Yes, that's right. Tell us."

Moon Bin grinned

Ding dong!..

The 8 years old gasped in surprise and rush out of the parlor running towards the door.

"It's a present! I got a bicycle!" Moon Bin squealed in joy as he rode the said present into the house.

"Huh? What is that? Yah! Step away from that you don't even know where it came from." Taehyun told the boy.

"But i wish to get a present from Santa claus tonight. Oh, there's a note in here."

Namjoon walked towards his son and snatched the note, tearing it open before reading the letter aloud.

"Moon Bin-ah, here is a present from your uncles. Dear, Park Jeongguk and Charlie Puth."

The flute which beomgyu was holding slip out of his hand as he release a strained gasp due to shock.

"Annyeon ghaseyo, is this the Kim's residence?"

"Oh, you all are here. Babe, i told you I was right. I got everything in detail so you need to give me a reward tonight." Charlie winked at Jungkook before tilting his head to look at everyone.



"Woah..... This is unbelievable."

"Jungkook-ah....Wait a minute so now you're saying. The formal present Mr Kim Seokjin is not your father."

"Yes and to remind you all.... I'm Park Jeongguk now, Park Jeongguk."

"Wow....daebak." Yeonjun mumbled, unable to close his mouth.

"Ah...Yeonjun-ah, i heard you and Hoseok hyung are now dating."



The culprit both coughed out loud.

"Ooh...i see, that was still confidential. My bad. Sorry." Jungkook bow in apology. Meanwhile, Soobin and the others were busying staring at SeokYeon...

"How long has it been."

"What? O-oh that....i-it's it has b-been-"

"Since we met at the cottage."

"I knew it! Yah Soobin-ah give me my 50 thousand won."

"MWO?" Yeonjun felt speechless as he stared at Beomgyu before tilting his head towards Soobin who was fiddling with his wallet.

"Wait a minute, you all are okay with this?" He softly asked.

"Of course? I mean why should we even interfere? It's your love life and your business not ours." Taehyun mumbled and tsked before gulping down the glass of whiskey with him.

Yeonjun scoffed in disbelief and gently runs his fingers through his head as he began to pace back and forth. "What the, I've been scared and discreet for nothing. But then, why were you guys acting like that?! "

"Huh? Well....we were only curious, you both acted so weird and you fight a lot whenever we're on get-together. It was hard to pinpoint if you're really dating or not." Soobin complain.

"Right, one time Soobin suggested we stalk you both."

Hoseok scoffed loudly, and took Taehyun's whiskey, gulping it in one go.

"Ah.... finally we're here! Are we late?"

Everyone tilted their head towards the door, blinking their eyes as they stare at Piti and Daonuea who were panting heavily.

"Noona! Did you bring me some presents?!" Moon Bin stood up from Namjoon's lap and ran towards the girls.

"Ah.... ye. This are all yours." Piti gestured to the bags she was holding before looking at everyone. "Omo! Jungkook-ah! You're here too? two completely ghosted us."

"What do you mean, ghosted we even met in-"

"Ahhh! Anyone hungry?!" Piti quickly butted in to save her ass.

"Wait a minute." Hoseok hissed, walking towards the girls.

"Huh?" Piti try to play dumb but unfortunately failed.

"Yah. You were in Canada right? All these while, you flew to Canada to hide Rose from me, didn't you?"

"Ani, wae? Why would I do something so absurd."

"You knew from the beginning that she was my sister."

"What are you talking about? I have no idea what you're saying." Piti nervously laughed.

"That's why you told me i will come looking for little...yah! Come back here!" Hoseok yelled, chasing Piti around the dining table.

"What's with those two?" Namjoon asked, confused.

" know, i told you guys that Hoseok hyung was looking for his lost sister....well, she happen to be Author-nim's friend over there. Daonuea."


"What the...."

"Oppa! It's okay now, stop chasing her she might break her ankle." Daonuea or rather; Rose spoke in worry.

"That's right. You should listen to your sister, okay?" Piti spoke, panting loudly.


"What are you doing out here?"

Jungkook tilted his head and smiled at his lover before turning on his heels, grinning as the younger gently wrapped his arms around his waist.

"You know this is the first place i saw you. I was standing right here when you arrived with your mom and Noona." Jungkook said, smiling.

"Really? Then.... what came to your mind when you saw me?"

"That you were cute. You were staring at the condo with a dumb funny look. I had to bite on my lips so that i won't laugh."

Charlie blushed and tighten his grip a little while inhaling the older's vanilla musk.



"Sarang hae yo."

The older smiled and spun on his heels, gently grabbing Charlie's cheek before interlocking their lips in a passionate kiss.

After a while, they pulled away, smiling at each other in bliss until they heard a familiar voice.

"I knew you both would be here. What a sad that i can see everyone is happy i wish I could have a family of my own as well." Piti sighed with self-pity and tsked in disdain.

Jungkook eyes suddenly lit up as soon as he saw her.

"Wae? Ani mwo? Huh? Wae?! Why are you staring at me like that? Uh? Geez" Piti was definitely not freaking out.

"Piti.... could you be our surrogate mother?"


•◍)✧*。The End•◍✧*。

Word count: 4 0 0 0
I hope you enjoy the last chapter, feel free to ask me any questions.

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