
By Rileyceith

232 61 24

Starting to say hie is too common but if its all what could come out of my mouth, that's what I will go with... More


Dethroned book 1

51 9 11
By Rileyceith

This is the first book I have ever written and excited to know what you think.


                       THE LAST HEIN

Tall ever green grass sowed upon the dark clays of the hidden realm is where the line is created. If you scrutinize your way onto the surface, you can see them. The giant cracking termites collecting small twigs and foliage alongside the small stream. That rare sound of gently flowing clean water gurgling its way through the rapids, a few steps beside the giant Mahogany invited these small creepers. Well, one stubborn termite decided to draw itself away from the line just to collect a freshening from the stream bank. It climbed on the grass up to its longest leaf, which sank its narrow mouth to the flowing water.

Presently, that's where he comes in. Kalmar Vkkosh, the last hein of the present generation. At this time, well, one might conclude that everything was in a rightful state. The state of peace, blended by nature's mood and the lively attitude of what he called home sweet home.

If he wasn't to see and learn more, out of his domain, this was to be a paradise of his own. Down from his tree house, which he named Mahogany, was a well-respected garden full of various kinds of vegetables you could imagine. When he stared down at the exquisite composure of cabbages, sparrowgrass, onions, spinach, carrots, celery, berries, and beatroots, he felt his contribution to the environment. The manner in which they were bedded, located, and taken care of was quite impressive. He had to keep it that way. Who would know a twenty-year-old youth could pull such stunts? To be honest, he was old enough, but only for the case that he had noway to learn from, made him quite a genius.

This would've been a good start to a story, but that's not just it. It didn't start as one might choose. In that case, well, l take you back to five years earlier when all the heins' leneage were killed by the sacred council of Elders; that's what they were told, but actually, they were wiped for spot. Precisely, it was the last of the Vikkosh's leneage which was killed.

This was the King's vitious plan all along, for he knew if he got rid of these powerful beings, there would be no one who could challenge him. Everyone was made to believe it was an elementary need of the state. They praised the Supremes for that, but the wise minds never bought it. Such a well-planned magnum opus.

Only an extremely devious, yet a throbbing hearted mother wouldn't allow a child to be taken without a fight. She was hiding for such a long time. The rumor grew bold, and she couldn't stay anonymous.

There she is, eyeing the sentinels, quickly skedaddled, and placed her son's head tightly on her belly, leaning beside a damp wall at a narrow passage between two shackles. She couldn't catch her breath. They were still sniffing around. Prostitutes' house was almost a perfect place to hide, but not for long. She was almost busted. Lickily, she'd already suspected a breeze of betrayal from her own friend, so she had to rely on someone more trustworthy. She saw Natty waving her hand, giving her a signal, and she scanned the whole road in front of her. She did it twice.

Clear! With a strong grip on Kalmar's wrist, she ran across the muddy road. Inhaling the petrichor, she snizzed and entered into the wheat store. Nobody could have seen us, she thought.

She tingled from a transient cold and pawed her hands on Kalmar's cheeks. "You remember that place I used to visit with you, Kalmar?" she insighted.

At the time, Natty held her gut, peeping over an opening, while she surreptiously observed the mother and son moment.

"I do, mom," he heard the tone in her mother's voice. It was not good, and that made him shiver with confusion and fear.

"What's wrong?" He stammered and looked up to her face. He found agitation.

Before she uttered, she took a deep breath, "What's wrong?" She turned furious. "I don't know what's wrong. Do you?"

Kalmar nodded in disagreement.
She made eye contact with her pity faced boy. "Good! I like that." She said that when she pointed her fore finger to her boy's nose. "Now, son, I want you to close your eyes and remember this; only darkness knows how bright the light is." She insisted.
Kalmar nooded. Was it a response or a sign of comprehension? He was completely intricated.

"They are coming!" Warned Natty.

How did they see us? She wondered. "Go, he will be fine."

She concernedly asked, "What about you?"
Kalmar's mother shouted back, saying, "I said go!!"

"Okay, so then close your eyes," her voice quickly changed when she instructed Kalmar.

She placed her cold palm on his forehead, then whispered some charming phrases. Hard tears dropped from her red chicks. She had to stop crying. Otherwise, I wouldn't perform quite so well. She had to stay strong.

There, in a blink of an eye, he disappeared. She trusted herself and where she sent her son as well. Soon after that, the door was hit, and it was time. Time for what? She quickly rubbed her watery chicks.

They banged in.

"All hail descendants of the great Southerlands empire. We are so proud of every honest citizen who informed us before the treachery happens. This is not for me nor any of my fellow guidances but all is done for your better tomorrow." The superficial King uttered loudly with his deep voice and induced fear in each and everyone's soul.

As for Linaa, it didn't affect that much for she had a prepaid plan that perfectly worked out. She used her sources to find out what she needed to know about concealing her son. She obviously snored when she heard the King's speech. Never did she lose her dignity and pride when she glanced into the crowd. She kept on moving forward as the sentinels pushed her. Her in stings were concealed, her heart was pounding, foot trembling, stiff limbed, and barely put the chin up, for she tried to look normal all the way.

Yes, the assistant soldier ferociously eyed her, and she firmly stood for it. That's what she intended to, but her trouble was huge, and the soldier never blinked. She prepared for that, too. He harmfully squeezed her wrist, and she responded with a firm facial expression. He forced her to nill.

"You're tough, huh?" he hovered.

She spitted a glue of saliver onto his face, and she received a hard slap. She fell with her left side, then momentarily felt the pain in her head as her hair was toughly gripped and ragged up.

She quivered the words out, "You call yourself a man?"

The sentinel felt ashamed of himself, but it wasn't going to change anything. He was to follow the orders, and so did he briefly wait for one.

"Don't hesitate,' the king commanded, looking away as if he was disgusted.

What happened? The head rolled, blood shots from the stealth body, then it fell down. Yep, that was it, messing up with the king, ending with an unlikely death. Fortunately, her son was already a way out of the realm. He totally missed it for that moment.

This is the first book I ever written and excited to know what you think.


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