The Door We Went Through

By kirito210

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Two girls find themselves in an alternative realm abounding with monsters who feed on the lost. Will they mak... More

chapter (2) and so we move
chapter (3) a bad or a good thing
chapter (4) trip
chapter(5) i was here first
Chapter (6) lay It Out
Chapter (7) Please
Chapter (8) They Walked
Chapter (9) What Are You Hiding From Us
Chapter (10) Please Let Us Stay

chapter (1) hideout

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By kirito210

Giggles of child like laughter sounds in a small bedroom in a two stories height house located on a street call vertus Avenue. the houses on this street was just average coming apart homes left for ruin devastating by the years destructive weather conditions.

The conjured up shadows shines on the walls in the room silhouette on pink and blue in the background. With one huge bunk bed in a medium size room, pulled down aqua blue sheets steep haft way down on the floor on both mattress, a kid size dresser, a mirror that was glue on the left hand side of the room closet door with a pink framed surrounding it.

Posters stick all over the walls. Some with faces of guys in fancy clothes huddled together with a microphones in front of them smiling. along with some that had cartoons characters and inspirational saying on it.

Bunnies and Alaskan huskies Stuffed animals sits in place ontop of shelves. And on the only two desks a bad combination but good sense for children's—oh and the trophies big and small no gold but still there shining in all its glory.

The room looks like it was made for a young girl or girls to inhabit and that was one of the reasons why the room was pick . . . Well half a reason.

(Mel) short for Melissa and (jen) short for Jennifer came up from inside their forth. They smile at each other hands lock together their leftover clean up is in order but too tired nor determined mind set for this after hour routine . . . we'll mid afternoon.

The lightning shriek hits follow by the loud sound of the thunder that sends a shadow from the outside in. They were spook but not too sacred as both girls huddled together their good mood slipping under again. It takes a few moments before Mel leaves jen side to pull back the curtains for a view that we'll snap them out of their illusion. But not before a quick look at the clock on the wall, it was three fifty-five a relief look take it place on Mel face than she pull back the thick light pick/blue mix color curtains.

Muddy, sloppy mess on roadside and in yards. Garbage trucks are long overdue, rust ruin vehicles sits in place as leftover light brown rust forms thickened around every known supposive vehicles, that if you can still tell.

The heavy rain falls conditions continue on like pebble size stones dropping from the heavens. And then the idea pop's into Mel head, an idea for what else they will do today before the time. She whisper in jen ears her idea than ran to the room closet sitting on a pinkes,blue rug was boxes among boxes she look good until she find the ones that had the paint and brushes then shifted back into the middle of the room as jen came with some water from the hallway bathroom.

Paint after paint, brush after brush they use to let out ALL their emotions raving in out hoping to keep it out to. They also talk about this and that in a child minded ways. After a good while Mel glance back at the clock on the wall it was seven twenty now she gets up quickly, she move their mess to the side of the room. Then run downstairs and out the front door she goes. Jen gets up to but head to the room window instead. Her red shaggy hair have a little paint on it but doesn't seem bothered by it as she scratches her tiny freckle on her face that turns red at the slightest touch. Jen look down focusing directly on  Mel movement as Mel run into the house the same as theirs cross the road.

They like to wait untill the last minutes to scout abandoned houses for food and other essential for survival it's exciting, fun . . . A practice for if something happen and they have to make a last minute decision . . . Alest That's what they keep telling themselves.

Light drizzle started dropping dimming little by little from an hour ago. It wasn't long before Mel was out making her way back with two small bags of groceries which have gone way past due. Mel cross back over not taken her time only to be shock by a sound that wasn't thunder, . . . "Who's . . . Whistling? Mel spoke to herself.

she slowly placed the bags gently on the wet soggy grass in front of the house were they stay,  looks up at jen in the window then turned to run into the direction she heard the sound.

Jen knocked hard on the window as she look on at Mel running away. Not understanding why, she head down the stairs fast almost tripping on the stairs, then out the door she goes to the road to find lightly soggy bags of soon rotten food if they don't finish it in time and Mel showdow moving away every second.

Jen pick up the bags then goes back in head lowered with a frown on.

Mel turned the first conner on her left than stops. She see a figure way down on the road it takes a minute for her to catch herself after breathing in and out a few times. She jogs there quickly to be greeted with another fidelity.

Blood drained a trail on the ground mix with that affor violet and . . . Swirls the shape of a hole on this person chest their eyes stared at me unmoved . . . Motionless. The smell was unbearable like always but I can't pay it no mine if I want to make it through in this place. the individual legs were not attached to their torso why there was no blood visible from that area I have no way of knowing, plus I don't want to.

I stared back for a few moments unsure about what I should think or do. I encounter some before with jen it was a few weeks ago, body's litter the ground with bloodless missing  body parts and the . . . Hole the only spot that showed blood it was where the heart was supposed to be which wasn't . . . Anymore.

I began to feel numb my head rattles as I clinch my faded jeans with my small hands on both side of me.

A realization clicks in my head that there was someone standing on the opposite side of the body. I look up to find a girl younger then me and  jen (I was 12, jen was 11) she looks to be seven or eight or so, or maybe she just short. Her head was lowered staring down at the blood drained body . . .  did she make that strange whistle sound I heard?

She wasn't saying anything so was I she seemed unaffected, unemotional underneath. What could be the reason besides being stuck in this . . . Place. I got my answer the second she lifts up her head I gasps out loud, I step back one foot at a time mouth open wide but words never left.

I wanted to runaway and not look back I didn't . . . Want to know why, why was this girl mouth sow, sow together in zigzag across her lips with what looks to be bobwire?. the wire was so tightly formed together (no visible signs of blood) like whatever or whoever did it wasn't human.

I pulled myself together quite quickly I try not to look to directly at her or think to much about this situations. What I couldn't help but noticed is that, she wears short with a skirt and old miss match dirty faded tennis. Her long black extremely tangled, basher hair bearly blow in the wind.

The quiet few minutes stare we had going on was disturb when she raise up her hand, her left hand fingers pointing up at the sky, I looked up and nothing but fear take it place in me and out,

"No . . . No,  how could I forget I said in a strien voice as I turn running fast into the direction I came from. But before I turn the corner I look back to see the girl was gone only the wet cold body remains lying there for them to finish it off.

I reach back before the street light cut on. It feels like I did a massive marathon, I shut the door behind me not looking back I also barricaded it then head up the stairs to see jen huddle in the tent. After verifying she was safety inside the house.

I gone back down the stairs into basement quickly, without a flashlight to shine when I step back out. I was use to the dark. not bother by it as much as I use to be. Maybe I change, I now understand that there are other things to be afraid of outside at night. Well even if I'm not scared, jen still is so I have to be there for her. Not just because I'm the oldest by a year it's personal . . . Just personal.

I flip a switch in the meter box then the blackness set as I trudged back slowly to our room in the dark. I know she's mad at me might not even want to talk to me untill morning, but I guess I can't blame her I did made a horrible decision but we still need to communicate.

If something happens, if we need to . . . Run, if we need to plan before tomorrow or to keep out dark thoughts that turns up quite often.

I pulled the door closed behind me as I step into the dark room head lowered.

"I sorry I, I heard something, a whistle . . . I had to check it out I report softly as I look down at my feet. I have a reckless boyish personality so my parents say to themselves when they think I wasn't listening. They never call it out  in front of me. And i know it was not a good thing being me, in this . . . Place.

"So just because you heard a noise you ran into the direction it came from. You know the rules Mel when darkest falls they come the angered in jen voice spark out.

I wait deciding not to retaliate on what was said, jen did not continue her argument so I tip toe over to go into the small tent. luckily she let me stay in the tent.

"Wait . . . The bags I . . . Left . . . Sorry about that also I said nervously shaking, peeve with myself. I was supposed to be the oldest, the one who makes the most important decisions the right decisions, the one who takes care of the youngest when there was no older adults around. But I was not acting like it, I was acting reckless really reckless. I have to get over this, I know I need to or . . . I won't make it and I don't want to die . . . Not in this . . . Place

I have to start making grownup choices my resolve until we safe back home to our . . . I shake my head slightly.

"You lucky I gone to get it, it would have been bad for both of us if I didn't. Food spoil fast once they leave there orginal abundance or left out at night something you should  already  understand by now jen say in a worry tone.

"Yeah I try not to do it again i said with a hint of sadness showing not feeling the need to argue because i knows I,m  in wrong. know that because of my choice i could of course us both our lives.

"Okay . . . And if there is a next time which I  sure there will be I stop you . . . We'll try to because I don't want to lose you to . . . I don't wanna be left alone. we need to communicate better, corporate if not we won't make it jen says digging into the bag to grab a food item to eat and two water bottles she hands one to me which I thank her for.

"Understood I applied softly wondering why I was so polite here back home I was never this nice I always had an attitude whenever I wanted to get my point around to my parents who just gave me their signature stern glare  even so I would still act up so what was the difference here? Oh now I know . . . it because of jen she was always there for me when my parents was not. I always is treat her like my younger sister even if she's not . . . But I wish she was.

"Here I know its your favorite jen take out a bag of sunfun chip and Sarah hill's granola cookies with hazelnuts & seeds a luxury find. Passing it along to me, my thoughts was infiltrated by jen voice.

I garb the snacks than nodded my head in thanks before i suff my face taken big bites, too large gulp of water that we have to make last, having a little fate we find more.

Extremely heavy foot steps outside alarm us of the dreadfully problematic situation lurking under our noses. Right away we fumble about for any small enough trash to stick in our ears to block out the lond blood crawling, spine tingling sounds that will try to lure us away.

We try to have hope it won't sink through, won't resign in the room until light and . . . That nothing will get in.

Jen and me huddled tightly together in the small tent eyes close, fastened until our conscious decided to go out. It wasn't long before we were lost in darkness.


Ps. Sorry if some words are spell wrong or sentences ain't right. I will edit as much as i can

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