Trust or danger?

By GiaKon

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One is a psycho and another is smitten with you! But which one is who? Should you trust Jungkook or Taehyung... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - YN POV
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 21

30 10 26
By GiaKon

The next day, yn woke up first. Her body was all sore, as she could barely move. The boys were still glued to her.
"Morning..." she whispered while playing with Yoongi hair, which has longer, and also caressing Taehyung ear lobe.
"Could I get up, please? I need to use the bathroom...!"

Yoongi was giggling, he hugged her belly and placed kissed on it.
"Are my boys to active for mommy?"
"They are.... All night they weren't quiet..."
Taehyung woke up and he was stretching.
"I could feel them move and kicking my hand. They don't love daddy?"
Yn was laughing so hard.
"Now I wanna get up, move!" She was running to the bathroom.

"Yo, morning to you, kitten! Slept well?"
Yoongi gave Tae a long stare.
"Surprisingly, I slept really well. You?"
"Same! I felt asleep so fast! Usually I can't, until I get used to the place."
"Hmmm, maybe this is the right house for us..."
"It should be! It costed a fortune!" Tae was grunting.

"That's cause you wanted a big yard! Like we have a football team here!"
"But we can have, no?"
"Shut up!" Yoongi threw a pillow at Tae.
"Only if you birth the rest!" Yn was yelling with the door open.
"Cause hell I won't go trough this again!"
They were all laughing.

Tae and Yoongi scurried to their room, they washed and changed themselves and went downstairs. Yn was cooking scrambled eggs and some berry pancakes.

"Have time to grab a bite?"
"We are free until Monday... so yeah. Let's eat together." Yoongi said.
"Ohh... sounds good."
"We will leave from here directly. Wanna spend some time together, outside?" Tae popped his head near the stove.

"I would love to! I'm so sick of staying inside! I already feel like I'm in a prison! Where can we go?" Yn said without realizing...

Yoongi felt how his smile dropped. Taehyung eyes were so big, staring at him.
"Prison, she said.... Damn! And we want her to feel normal... how! With us?" Yoongi was thinking.

"We can't go anywhere, but for you, yn, I could go trough flames! Cause you deserve it all! I never realized she would feel trapped inside.. this empty house.. fuck!
Tae you're not smart! Let's think of a plan..."

"How about be go to visit Daegu?" Yoongi spluttered without even asking Tae.
"Yes! I wanna go! It's your town, no? I was never there!! Can we?" Yn was already jumping.

"Of course we can! Let's eat and pack lightly!" Taehyung gave her a smile.
"It's good, no?" Yoongi asked him low.
"Yeah! I'm surprised I  never thought about this! Maybe... it will be good! "
"I can't wait!" Yn was squirming and ate everything and ran to her room to pack.

"A small change.. should do us good! But like, wanna visit home?" Tae asked Yoongi.
"No! My parents don't know... yet. I can't bring myself to explain all this.. to them."
"Mine don't know yet. But I wanna tell them! Fuck, Yoongi, I wanna scream to the whole world I'm gonna be a father! But..."

"You can't... cause we are both.. I know! I wanna do the same! Ugh..."
"How can we untangle this?"
"I have an idea, but it's not that great. And yn will never approve of it, I'm sure."
"What do you mean?" Tae was fixing Yoongi.
"Let's go pack. I'll explain to you later."

They both went up and took a small bag. It's not like they will stay to much there, so they only took one change of clothes.
"Are you ready?" Yn was yelling from the lobby.
"Yes! Ready to go?" Yoongi was running down the stairs.
Taehyung was already outside, preparing the car.
"You gonna drive?" Yn was looking at the big back SUV.
"Yes. Why? Scared?"
"Ahh. No. Just... hope I won't be sick."

When they were ready to get out of Seoul, Yoongi gave Namjoon a message, telling him they are making a trip with yn to Daegu.
He was on the back, with yn, trying to help her is she felt car sick. Taehyung was looking at them in the mirror.

"Just how can I get rid of them all and make her mine? Fuck! The bridge? I need to be careful, I can't also kill her..." Taehyung was brainstorming and his mind clouded.
He locked all the doors and took his window down.

"Tae, be careful, it's kinda windy.. better turn the acc on if you're hot!" Yoongi told him.
"Yeah, no, I wanted some fresh air.."
"It's fine! I like it better this way.." yn grabbed Yoongi hand.

Taehyung was speeding up gradually, and when he saw an opportunity, he steered the wheel right and jumped off the bridge.
While falling, he released his seatbelt.
It took just a few minutes until they submerged under water. Yoongi was trying to unbelt yn from her seat, while yn was telling them to open the doors and windows.
Taehyung took yn out on his window, signaling her to go up. Yoongi was struggling to get out...

Taehyung went out and see made sure yn is on the surface.
"Yoongi... where is he?"
"He is stuck inside..."
"You can't! Tae! Go help him!"
"You want me to what?"
Yn took a good breath and went under water. The car was going further down. Taehyung went after her.

He grabbed her hand and wanted to make her stop, but yn tried to kick him. She went to the car window and looked after Yoongi.
Taehyung was angry. He didn't want to make yn suffer, but he did this, ahh, for what?

"Damn, I can't kill him! She would never forgive me, if she knew!"

He went inside and managed to detangle Yoongi. They all 3 went on the surface.
People from the bridge already called to report a submerged vehicle, so in a few minutes, a boat arrived and got them out.
They were all rushed to the hospital for checks.
Yn felt a sudden pain in her stomach.

"Yoongi... I don't feel good. My stomach.."
"What's wrong? Tae also rushed to her.
"I, feel, hot... I need..." yn got up and saw how blood was dripping down her tights.

"Fuck! This can't be happening!" Tae was rushing out yelling for a doctor.
"It's gonna be just fine! They are strong! We can make it!" Yoongi was crying.
"They need to make it!"

Yn was sobbing as she passed out.
The doctor came and rushed her to a private room.

Taehyung and Yoongi were both going crazy waiting. They had no phones, nothing. Everything was in the damned car!

"Fuck you! Tae! What was that? Now you wanna be a murderer?"
"What? I.. I.. would never!"
"I know you did that on purpose! Why the fuck would we go outta the road? You're a great driver!"

"I didn't... it just... my mind.. got foggy.. I realized when I was already in water!"
"Ohhh! You and your damn split personality! Now look what you've done!"
"I never wanted to!! Yoongi, not!"

"I know. You came after me! You idiot!" Yoongi punched him in the face and busted his lip.
"Pray they will be safe!"
Taehyung was just staring at the doctor.

There was a lot of commotion inside the hospital. The other members came fast and searched them at the hospital. Security came up to them.

"Sir, there are some people searching for you. Do you wish to meet them? They don't stop asking about you both."
"Ohh, damn! Just great! Get them here, they are our brothers."
"I got it. Will be here in a minute."
"Now think hard what you're gonna say to them!"

"I know.. but.. can you? Please, don't.."
"I won't! Just this time! Only! Never ask me again!"
"I appreciate it."

The others were running up to them.
"Are you ok? Where is yn?" Jimin and Jungkook asked both in the same time.
"She is in surgery. Had some bleeding. I don't know. We don't know yet!" Yoongi was panicking.

"The babies...." Namjoon muttered.
"They will be fine! They have to be! Yn is strong!" Jimin was crying.
"What happened?" Hobi was staring at Taehyung and Yoongi.
"We just... got into the water..."
"I know! I saw the news! But how the fuck that happened? Who was driving?" Namjoon was ragging.

"I was! But, I don't know. I just remember driving and then I found myself into the river... nothing happened!"
"Fuck you, you asshole!" Jungkook wanted to punch him but Jin stopped him.
"I see he was already shaken enough.
Leave it like that!" Jin was looking at Jk with anger.

"Taehyung, you better remember what and why it happened. The company will cover it all, but we need an explanation. Got it?"
"Yes, Jin... I know.. but I... never wanted to hurt her..."
"But who you wanted to hurt?" Namjoon growled.
"Yoongi? The babies?" He continued.
"No! I wouldn't... I saved him!"

The doctors came outside the surgery.
"Who is with miss yn?"
"We are!"
"Ok, follow me. She is safe now. It was an internal bleeding because of the collision, but we managed to control it."
"And the babies?" Yoongi's voice barley had any sound.

"They are fine. All three. But we need to monitor them further."
"What? Three? Where?"
"Yes, triplets. You didn't know?"
"No! We knew she is expecting twins!"
"Ohh. I see. The other one is in another sac, so maybe it wasn't seen on ultrasound yet."

They were all shocked. Like twins weren't enough! Now three babies! Jungkook was laughing.
"Maybe it's mine!"
"Ohh, shut up!" Jimin slapped him.

"Who is the father?" The doctor asked
Yoongi and Taehyung both stepped.
"We are..."
"I understand. Did you made any testing?"
"Yes, we did, but only for two."
"Ok. I will make another one, for them three. Would you give some blood samples?"
"Yes. We will. Jungkook, maybe you should also?" Yoongi was staring at him.

"Yeah, maybe I should! But I wanna see her first!"
"She will be moved to a private room, but later. Please, come this way."

A few hours later, yn woke up. She was in a really big room. Jimin was sleeping on a chair, next to her.
Jimin jumped from the chair.
"Yn! Are you awake!?? Are you fine?"
"Yeah... I'm. Fine. Jimin? The babies?"
"They are ok! All of them!"he smiled at her and grabbed her hand.

"I'm sorry! If I didn't leave you.. that night! This would never happen!"
"Jimin! Don't blame yourself! I wanted to get out.. I was bored inside.. I believe Tae was just to tired."
"You think so?"

"I'm sure! It was an accident! He helped Yoongi get out... he got me out first... we were lucky to be all safe.."
"Ok. I trust you! Can you, forgive me? I... I know I messed up! But! I can't be without you! I love you!"
"I already forgave you, Jimin! I mean, I understand you. I just wished you would fight for us!"
"I will! I promise!"
"Ihmmm... ok." Yn snuggled in bed again. Her head was spinning.
"Can I call the boys?"
"Yeah... sure."

Jimin went outside and told them yn is awake. Jungkook ran first into the room.
"How are you? Why did you wanted to go away? You wanted to run again? Why didn't you call? What if, if," tears were running down his cheeks. "I would've never seen you? Do you want to drive me insane? Did you forget how much I love you?"

"Kookie... I wanted to have fun. Relax a bit. My heart was heavy, so a change of scenario was something I would've liked. It... just, an accident! Nobody is to blame! And I didn't ran!"

"Are you sure?? It was an accident? Think! Why did you go with Taehyung?"
"Jungkook! Stop it! It was an accident! Tae is just to tired... and upset. I know! I was there! Don't thing to much into this... promise me! Trust me!" Yn tried to squeeze his hand hard, but she had little strength left.

"I know what he is thinking.. I'm sure it wasn't an accident. I saw Tae releasing his belt before impact and I know he opened his window so he could get out. He wanted to kill us, or maybe just Yoongi. If I didn't dive after him, he wouldn't go back to the car... I know! But I can't say, never!" Yn was thinking while her gaze drifted to the door.

Taehyung and Yoongi were looking at her. They were both fine.
"Ahh! Thanks heavens! Come here!"
They ran to her and hugged her tight.
"How are you? Do you feel fine?"
Yoongi asked yn.
"I'm ok! I heard the babies are also good?"
"About babies, we have a surprise!"
"What happened?" Yn got scared and caressed her belly.

Jk was displeased she let go of his hand, but as she couldn't do both, because of her lost arm, he knew a tantrum can't be thrown.
He got up and left and went beside her bed.
"We have another baby!"
"I don't...understand. What baby?"

"You're having triples! The doctor found during surgery the third one!"
"I'm what?" Yn was shouting.
"You've got to be kiddin!"
"He is not!" Yoongi was wiping his tears away.
"I.. we... no... so? Whose is it? Can we find? I mean... three? OMG!" Yn was crying.
"We already took a test and the doctor announced the results." Yoongi was smiling.
"So?? Tell me!"
"Who would you want it to be?" Taehyung asked.

"Does it matter? I mean... I would love whoever it would be. Now, don't be a tease, and tell me!"

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