Rise From The Ashes (A Pokemo...

Por LucarioTheOne777

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On the first day of his journey with his rebellious starter, Ash befriends two foreign Pokemon; a Riolu and a... Mais

New Pains, Brand New Start
Gain And Loss
Out With The Mellow, Through The Woods
Trial By Stone
Psi Me To The Moon
Cerulean Splashdown
A Haunting First Loss
Sanctuary Of The Forsaken Mons
How Charmander Got His Blaze Back
Hoodlums In A Half-Shell
Trauma Shock Showdown
Surprise On The St. Anne
Into The Depths
Lost In The Tropics
Beauty And The Bully
Tentacruel And Unsual Punishment
Psychic Squabble
Psi Of The Beholder
Kindred Spirits
Mankey Business
Of Perfumes And Prejudice
Hypno Havoc
A Grand Prix Of Mega Proportions
Venom Of The Ninja
Little Blob Of Horrors
The Next Eevee-Lution
Thunderous Ambush
Unholy Matrimony
Trials Of The Forest King
Aiden's Prehistoric Panic
The Ultimate Test
The Egg Of Joy
Mystery Of The Lighthouse
The Burning Question
Volcanic Panic
Blast Off For The Earth Badge
An Overgrown Reunion
The Champion Returns
Crisis At The Corral
A Storming Tragedy
Saving Private Green
The Rise Of Mewtwo
League Battle By Fire
Taking It By The Horn
Villain Village Squabble
Four's A Crowd
Homefield Advantage
All In
The New Frontier
A Bone To Pick
The Silph Situation
The Symbol Life
Let The Flames Begin
Fossil Fools
A Bare-Knuckled Brawl
The Little Drummer Ape
Oliver And The Gang
Maxing Out And Meeting The Monarch
Double Battle, Double Victory
The Dynamo Tynamo
Rocking It At The Virbank Contest
The Wandering Champion
The Imitation Confrontation

The Origin

865 21 2
Por LucarioTheOne777

On a distant island far from the coast of Kanto, a wreckage of an old laboratory is seen. Metal splinters rusted and broken glass still stained the ground. Though the wreckage remained unsifted, the Pokemon we know now as Mewtwo is seen standing in the wreckage, looking around and investigating, his armor now discarded, revealing his tall body of stump-like ears, a long, bulbous purple tail, and intense violet eyes that seemed to hold not just rage, but confusion.

Mewtwo: 'This place.... It feels familiar...... Like I have been here my entire life.... Who am I?...'

Though as he looks around, he stops as kneels down and his hand brushes something; a photograph depicting a hieroglyph of a small cat-like creature. At the sight of this photo, Mewtwo then clutched his head, backing away and hearly stabbing his back as he knelt, pictures and voices flashing in his head.

Mewtwo: 'What.... What is this..... Are these.... My..... Memories.....?'

Though that's all we get as the camera cuts to back just as Mewtwo kneels even lower, the backs of his hands touch the gravel.



That was all Mewtwo could see as of now. But all around him felt... liquid. Then again, he didn;t know what that was. Not only that, he didn't exactly know what the strange sounds surrounding him were. Or they're meaning.

Though as he only saw the darkness, the camera cuts to show a younger, marketable Mewtwo curled in on himself whilst floating in a black void.

Mewtwo: 'Where am I?..... Who am I?...... What am I?.....'

He didn;t know exactly what was going on. I mean, how could he. This was most likely the first Mewtwo ever had a sentient and cohesive thought. Though as Mewtwo sat, he heard some odd things being said around him. Something about him not being conscious or his other vital signs. He didn;t know what that meant, but he assumed none of it was good as he opened his eyes for the first time in the void, only to be greeted by black.

Mewtwo: 'I sense others are nearby... What are those strange sounds they make?...'

???: Those are words. They're talking.

Mewtwo was alerted at the sudden voice as he fully awakened in his mind. Looking around, he saw some odd light forming nar him, morphing and changing before his very eyes. The light faded to reveal some sort of odd specimen. A small body with fair skin and a frilly white covering and some weird blue fur on its head.

Mewtwo: What.... Are you?...

???: *smiles* What do you mean? I'm a girl, I'm a person.

Mewtwo: A person?... Am I a person too?

???: Well.... You look like a Pokemon. But you can talk. I didn;t know a Pokemon could talk like a person.

Mewtwo: Pokemon? Person? What are those? Which one am I?

???: Well... It might matter to you if you're a person or Pokemon, but not to me. *twirls* If you're in this place, I guess you're the same as all of us.

Suddenly, like the "person", more creatures appeared. These being an odd looking four-legged creature with a bump on its back, an orange one with a light on its tail, and a blue one with a shell. For some reason, they couldn;t talk. Maybe they were too young?

Just then, more weird words appeared out of nowhere. Something about telepathy, whatever that was, but one word stuck out to the little one.... MEWTWO.

Mewtwo: Mew....Two..... What is that?

???: It's your name.

Mewtwo: What's a name?

???: It's what people call you because that's who you are. Everyone here is a copy, that's why we have "Two" at the end of our names.

Mewtwo: I don;t understand.

???: Like you, your name is Mewtwo. That means you're a copy. My name is "Ambertwo", but I'm really Amber.

Shelled One: Squirtle.

Four-legged One: Bulbasaur.

Light One: Char-Charmander!

More and more days passed, but to Mewtwo, it was an eternity. He had a really nice feeling when he was with Amber, along with oining her to play with Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and Char-Charmander. They couldn;t do much, but it was nice to not be alone for once.

Eventually, the black filled in, revealing some odd plains with many stalks and boxes around.

Mewtwo: What is this, Amber?

Amber: I call this my "Remember Place". This is where I used to live.

More light appeared out of nowhere from above, Mewtwo looked up to see a large round light shining down.

Mewtwo: What is that?

Amber: That's the Sun. It keeps everything bright and keeps us warm all day.

As the "Sun" shone down on them, Mewtwo looked around to see his friends in the sunlight. Bulbasaur and Char-Charmander really seemed to like it. However, he also saw that everything looked different. They were..... Brighter. His friends... were brighter... HE... Was brighter.

Mewtwo: What is this brightness on us?

Amber: It's called color. It makes everything pretty.

Mewtwo: "Color"?

Suddenly, Mewtwo staggered in midair as Mewtwo covered his face as the force blew Amber's weird fur back.

Amber: This is called wind. It helps us along. Sometimes it's strong but sometimes it's nice and soft.

They then flew above the odd boxes as they pushed against the wind. Funny. It seemed like the wind should be stronger. As they flew, Mewtwo noticed the sky got... Very bright, but not bright. It was... What did Amber say about color?.... Pretty.

Amber: And that's the sunset, It's the Sun saying "Good night. See you tomorrow."

As the sunset ended, the sky grew darker as everyone got darker, but not by much.... Wait... It;s another sun! Only... Not as bright and it wasn't warm.

Mewtwo: The sun is back!

Amber: No, silly. That's the Moon. It tells us it's nighttime. And the stars are there to tell us we're not so alone in the dark.

Suddenly, something was happening to Char-Charmander. He began glittering and becoming more and more see through.... Before he then disappeared.

Amber: *concerned* Charmander?

Suddenly, the same thing happened to Bulbasaur and Squirtle, where they also glittered and faded as well before disappearing.

Mewtwo: Where did our friends go?

However, Mewtwo felt really bad.... Amber smiled as she too began to glitter

Mewtwo: What's wrong, Amber? What's happening?

Amber: It feels like it's time... To say goodbye.

Mewtwo: Good...... Goodbye?

Much to his dismay, Amber's Remember Place began fading. The boxes, the stalks, even the pretty moon left them, leaving the two in an eternal dakrnessl the same one Mewtwo was brought into. Something... Didn;t feel right.... Not just in his eyes but..... Inside of himself.

Mewtwo: I feel..... Something... *wipes face* What are these?

Amber: Tears... It means you're crying.

Mewtwo: Crying?

Amber: My Daddy told me a bedtime story once. When Pokemon are sad and they're crying, their tears are filled with life. And if they cry for something pure, miracles happen.....

Mewtwo: I'm.... So..... Sad.....

Amber: I have to go.

Mewtwo: But Bulbasar, Squirtle, and Char-Charmander are gone... Why do you have to go?

Amber: I don't know... But it's alright....

Mewtwo: I..... I don;t want to be alone....

Amber: I'm sorry.... Thank you for caring about me. And don;t cry, Mewtwo. Be happy. You get to be alive.... And life.... Life is wonderful....

Those were the last words Amber said before she, just like his friends and just like the Remember Place, disappeared... And now, just like before... Mewtwo was alone...

Mewtwo: 'These tears... What good are they?..... Amber!..... Amber, come back!..... Don't go please!..... AMBER!!!!!!'

Suddenly, some odd noise balred as more words were said. Mewtwo couldn't make them out, he was so sad. He didn;t want to listen to words. He wanted things to go back to what they were. He wanted his friends. He wanted Amber. It was so much. The noise. The speech. Amber.... Amber? What was Amber? Where was he? Who was he? It was so much... He just... Wants to go to sleep....

He's been sleeping for what seems like... Forever. But Mewtwo at least remembers something... Someone.... Saying something.

"Life is wonderful"....

But...... Why......?


As Mewtwo was having his latest experience, a lab full of people were panting, exhausted from anxiety and fear. A man leaned against an empty tube, near it 4 other tubes stood. In the tubes were three skeletons... And Mewtwo. Another man walks up to the one leaning on the tube.

Man: Fuji.... It's okay.... Its brain waves are back to normal... We're alright.

The man suddenly punches the glass, cracking the empty tube as he turns to the other man.

Fuji: Don;t you DARE say everything is okay, Blaine! It's not okay! My Amber is gone!... Gone forever..... Only Mewtwo survives....


Years have passed since then and since the original point of the project, to resurrect one of the scientists'daughter from death, they had decided to focus solely on Mewtwo. The Pokemon had grown and matured over the years as they subjected the unconscious clone to tests, even ones that involved seeing how Mewtwo reacted to Mega Stones that another scientist got from another region.

However, to Mewtwo, he felt like he had been asleep for eternity. After experimenting with Mega Stones, another scientist, a man named Charles Blaine, left the project, taking a sample of Gengarite with it. This changed nothing as the clone had grown larger, more powerful, smarter. His brain waves eventually became so powerful, he frequently almost overloaded the system, which of course, the scientists scrambled to fix. However, one day during an overlord...

Mewtwo heard them. Saying things about running another scan and "We can't lose this one."

Mewtwo: 'Those voices... They're outside.... Where I must be.'

Mewtwo opened his eyes to the physical world for the very first time, where he had to close them again to protect them from the liquid and flying shards of glass as his power shattered the tube he was in. The scientists cooled down the system just as this happened, looking in awe at the Pokemon sitting before them.

Man: It's free.... Radio Giovanni's helicopter! Tell him what's happened!

Fuji: QUIET!.... Let us hear its psychic powers.

Mewtwo: ....Psychic..... Powers?....

Fuji: Telepathy.... *to Mewtwo* Yes, psychic powers. For years, we have struggled to successfully clone a Pokemon to test our theory. But you're the only specimen who survived.

He then gestures to the wall, where Mewtwo sees the very same hieroglyph that started this memory trip.

Fuji: That is Mew; the precursor of all Pokemon. From a single eyelash, we managed to create you. Mewtwo.

Mewtwo: Mewtwo?.... Am I..... Only a copy? Nothing but a husk in Mew's shadow.

Fuji: Far from it, dear boy. You are greater than Mew. Improved through the power of human ingenuity and the use of advanced technology in order to develop your extraordinary psychic power.

Mewtwo: So, I am not but the end result of your experiment. What shall become of me now that the experiment is over?

Fujo: "Over"? Oh no no no, my friend. Now that you're finally awake, the serious testing begins.

The team then congratulated each other, now knowing they were finally able to create life itself and create a copy of the world's most rare Pokemon. However, Mewtwo.... Wasn;t so happy.

Mewtwo: 'These humans. They care nothing for me.... *looks at hands* This is my purpose?... To be just an experiment?... A throw-away laboratory experiment..... No.... No!'

Suddenly, everyone stopped as Mewtwo began to float up and surround itself in a psychic bubble.

Mewtwo: This! Is not! MY DESTINY!!!!

The power was too much as the tubes around Mewtwo cracked and shattered and a psychic pulse sent the scientists back. Mewtwo was stalled by the security system, but to no avail as he simply pushed back. The only one who managed to escape was Fuji, since he was the first one out before the building's entrance collapsed. As Fui rode away on the boat they had used, he heard a loud explosion, causing him to look back in horror as the lab had just blown up.

Fuji: ....*horrified* What have I done?

Back on the island, Mewtwo stood in the flaming rubble, looking around at his work. His head hurt a tad, but it was nonexistent compared to the power high he just experienced. However, this piece is interrupted as a helicopter rpoceeded to alnd on the island behind Mewtwo, making him look back to see Giovanni step out.

Giovanni: Those fools thought you were a science experiment. But I,,. I see you as a valuable partner.

Mewtwo: Partner?

Giovanni: With your vast psychic power and my resources, together we can control the world.

Mewtwo: I do not need your help for that, human!

Giovanni: A wildfire destroys everything in its path. It will be the same with your powers unless you learn to control them. I can help with that.

Mewtwo: .....How?

Giovanni: Trust me and I'll show you a way to focus your powers that will make you invincible.

Mewtwo didn;t trust the human. To him, all humans were the same; selfish pests that do nothing but enslave. Then again... Being invincible would benefit him greaty.

Mewtwo: .....Show me.


Mewtwo suddenly gasped as he awakened, pushing himself off the ground as he looked around. Feeling some odd sensation on his face, he wiped his nose to be greeted by some odd dark blue liquid that stained the back of his hand. Frowning at this, Mewtwo looked upon the horizon, frowning as the memories ended.

Mewtwo: 'Who am I?... What is my true reason for being?...'

He once again looked upon the rubble of his birthplace, shaking his head. He wasn;t a Pokemon, he... Didn;t know what he was. He was a clone. A copy of an already existing creature who had no purpose to exist.

The only other purpose he could possibly be given is that of a human's servant. But... He refused to go down such a path. Using his telekinesis, Mewtwo then began to levitate the rubble, piecing it together bit by bit and using his abilities to weld them together. The mass grew bigger and bigger as Mewtwo floated in the middle of a small cyclone of parts.

Mewtwo: 'Instead of questioning my purpose... I shall simply create it. I will purge this planet of all who dare to oppose me, human and Pokemon alike.'

The pieces pierced together more and more before constructing into a small palace, which he landed on the balcony of before overlooking the horizon as more and more parts flew onto the build. Something fell beside him, which Mewtwo looked down to see the same hieroglyph of Mew. Frowning with utter hate at the photo, Mewtwo leered at it as it was set ablaze by his powers.

Mewtwo: 'All lifeforms on this planet shall heed my warning! The era of Mewtwo shall soon begin!'

As the build got bigger and bigger, the photograph got caught in the wind, still burning. However, the camera spots the picture turned over in the wind, revealing a photograph of Amber and 2 non-descript adults with her paperclipped to the back of it. The photo of Mew's hieroglyph then burns away... As does the photo of Amber.

There's no stopping this now.... The era of Mewtwo is nigh.....

To be continued?......

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