By itsliafr

371 101 130

When a group of teens decide to play a prank on their friend the night of Halloween by using the Town's "myth... More

Cast and Backgrounds
I. Stop Being Weird
II. Do You Dirty
III. Got The Munchies
IV. Go Straight To Hell
V. Don't Make This Weird
VI. Almost Halloween
VII. Pranking Season
VIII. That's Not Funny
IX. Now I'm Scared
X. You're Strict, For What?
XI. Does It Look Like I Know?
XII. Perfect Plan Being Made
XIII. Don't You Got Daddy Issues?
XIV. Evil Lurks There
XV. Close Your Eyes
XVI. It's Finally Halloween
XVII. Prank Is In Motion
XVIII. You Did What?!
XIX. We're Actually Gonna Die
XX. Snakes Are So Cute
XXI. Say A Little Prayer
XXIII. Time To Set It Up
XXIV. Stop Acting Like A Jerk
XXV. Almost Died There, Bud
XXVI. Never, Ever Again.

XXII. Making A Plan

4 3 2
By itsliafr

   Chapter 22,
     Making A Plan

  " Sometimes you need to shut up and just run, no thinking involved when you go through with a plan. "

~ Lorelei's POV ~

    As we ran through the hallways looking into the classrooms, completely destroying them while searching for some type of clue, I still couldn't believe the fact that we could die or get harmed because of a stupid Halloween prank, the sun was still up but the clouds were covering it, and there's everything wrong with surviving a murderer while it rains.
   I didn't know what to do or say so I was silent throughout the whole search, my stomach turned as I heard someone walk up the stairs and began to look around the halls, JJ grabbed my hand and we left the classroom.

   Everyone followed behind us and ran down the halls to keep away from Genevieve, if her snakes were anywhere near us then we would know that she's around, but I didn't have any time to search around for her snakes.
   We ran up the stairs which meant we were now on the third floor, sometimes the best plan to have is no plan at all which means you have to wing it.

    "Okay, so there's no clue for us to put Genevieve asleep that means what? We just let her kill us and everyone in town until she's tired enough to send herself back to sleep?"

   Leo asked as rubbed her forehead, I shrugged my shoulders knowing how stressful this is and how little time we have before Genevieve kills us all, it could be a slow and painful death and or a fast and painless death.
   I just needed to think of something that could help us, as we walked to the library that was at the end of the hall, I opened the door and we all ran around searching a book that had something to help us but we had no luck, I want to blow up this town right now.

    My mind and heart was racing as fast as it could go as I felt my heart beat in my throat, I was starting to get a migraine with the beating of my heart and I was also out of breath for every time that I had ran.
   Connor sat down at the chair and closed his eyes as he began to cry and blame himself for everything, I knew that this was his fault but right now, we don't need an argument that could get any one of us killed.

   So I walked over to him and hugged him tightly, I rubbed his back and whispered that everything will be okay, we have each other and that's all that matters at this point, even though it would be better if we actually had a plan, at least we are in this together.
   Wouldn't want to have it any other way, I sat down beside my friends as we heard Genevieve walk up the stairs and begin to walk down the hall to the library, we all gathered around the table and held hands.

   If we were going to die then at least we wouldn't have to be alone, I closed my eyes and told everyone that I was more than grateful to have them in my life and that I felt bad for ever ghosting them.
   Listening to how everyone recalled all of their favorite memories from the past couple of years made me cry, we were giving up because we didn't have any clue or any tip that could help us right now.

    We had locked the door previously and barricaded it with chairs and tables so we heard as the banging began, Genevieve screams a lot which was damaging to my ear drums, like you can shut up now.
   As the chairs began shifting and moving away from the door, Kendra gasped and opened her eyes.

   "We put her back to the hole and throw the snakes as well, then we put the dirt back in."

   Kendra stated, I looked at her as if she was insane before realization slapped me across the face as hard as it could, I smiled at her and got up from the chair, letting go of Connor and Leo's hand.

   "We kill her a second time and that's how we put her back to sleep."

   I finished for the girl, Kendra gave me a high five and we explained our plan in detail to everyone on how we were going to lure her to the field and how we would kill her again, we sounded crazy if you didn't know the context.
   The chairs and tables finally gave in and Genevieve looked at each and every one of us, studying our faces before running at all.

    Stacy grabbed my hand and we all ran to the back of the room, using the back door to get out before heading down the stairs, jumping down every so often just so that we weren't too close for Genevieve to grab.

   "Stacy! Running isn't a good idea!"

  Kendra shouted as the stairs got more narrow, Stacy only rolled her eyes and shushed the girl.

   " Sometimes you need to shut up and just run, no thinking involved when you go through with a plan. "

    Stacy shouted back before we got out of the staircase and ran to a different part of the school to start discussing more parts of the plan.
   Finally, we had some grasp on the situation.

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