By itsliafr

371 101 130

When a group of teens decide to play a prank on their friend the night of Halloween by using the Town's "myth... More

Cast and Backgrounds
I. Stop Being Weird
II. Do You Dirty
III. Got The Munchies
IV. Go Straight To Hell
V. Don't Make This Weird
VI. Almost Halloween
VII. Pranking Season
VIII. That's Not Funny
IX. Now I'm Scared
X. You're Strict, For What?
XI. Does It Look Like I Know?
XII. Perfect Plan Being Made
XIII. Don't You Got Daddy Issues?
XIV. Evil Lurks There
XV. Close Your Eyes
XVI. It's Finally Halloween
XVII. Prank Is In Motion
XVIII. You Did What?!
XIX. We're Actually Gonna Die
XX. Snakes Are So Cute
XXII. Making A Plan
XXIII. Time To Set It Up
XXIV. Stop Acting Like A Jerk
XXV. Almost Died There, Bud
XXVI. Never, Ever Again.

XXI. Say A Little Prayer

3 3 6
By itsliafr

   Chapter 21,
    Say A Little Prayer

  " Awe, you're not going home at all. "

~ Lorelei's POV ~


  Stacy screamed as I helped her move the couch to the front door to keep Genevieve from trying to get into the house, Connor and JJ were currently rereading her paper to see if her father had written a way to put his daughter right back to sleep but it was hopeless, and if we wanted to stop her then we would need to go back to the school and look around where Genevieve died to see if anyone wrote directions.
   My mind was racing and when the couch was in front of the door, I grabbed Stacy's hand and ran to the living room where the others were, tears burned my eyes but I blinked them away since now is not the time for crying.

   I cannot believe that we had just woke up a dead girl who was going to murder us, I didn't want to die, even if I made it seem as if I wanted to do so.
   "The, the school! We need to go to the school!"

  Kendra stammered as she grabbed the stuffed snake and paper, I agreed with the girl and looked around to see if anyone else had agreed as well, reluctantly, we all ran out of the living and walked to the kitchen, using the back door to escape away from her.
   Connor's car was in front of the house but we would be idiots if we were to use the front door, knowing that she is at the front door, or so I thought.

    "Where are you going?"

  A voice squeaked, I felt the blood drain from my body and I turned around slowly, they didn't call Genevieve the queen of snakes for nothing man, she had about two handful of snakes, which meant that there could be more where she died and I don't know if I'm ready for that.
   I didn't notice how everyone else ran to the front of the house to get into Connor's car, until I felt a pair of hands lift me up and throw me over their shoulder as they began to run, I was frozen in shock as I made eye contact again with Genevieve.

    "Come on Lei, we need you to get your head in the game. Do not psych yourself out."

   JJ spoke to me, I nodded my head knowing that I'm no help if I don't focus on helping everyone out, Connor didn't wait for anyone to put their seatbelts on as he sped off from his house without looking back, I closed my eyes and tried to collect all of my thoughts that were running around.
  I knew that everything will be okay because we weren't going to give up, I just needed to think of a better plan that could stop Genevieve before she started to slaughter anyone and almost everyone.

   "Nobody is splitting up, that's just a stupid idea and we can die faster alone."

   Connor stated as he parked in front of the abandoned school, I nodded my head in agreement before being the first one to get out of the car, there had to be a paper or a photo somewhere that could help us out.
   Once everyone had gotten out of the car, we rushed to the front door and opened it as the lock was already unlocked from the last time we had came here.

    "We gotta go to the field, there's no doubt that there could be something there that can help us."

  I explained, I didn't care about the fact that this was the most irrational idea that I have ever had in my life, going outside and checking around where she had died could be helpful.
   Without waiting for anyone to join me, I ran through the halls and looked left and right before running to where the doors where you enter the field and opening it up, I heard screams for me but I continued running.

   Once outside, I looked around and saw where the hole was, I ran over and checked around it as their was dirt all around it, my friends had also ran out of the field and we're now making my way towards me.
   They helped me look around the hope but there was nothing for us, I wanted to cry and scream like a little girl going through a small tantrum at a  store because her mom said no to getting a toy.

   I wanted to do a head count just to make sure that everyone was till here and nobody was left behind or wandered off to go on an adventure on their own, I swear I wanted to cry even harder when i noticed that we were missing one person.
  Connor was missing but as if on cue, he ran out of the school and onto the field, making his way over to us all scared.

   " She's freaking gorgeous but she's, she's bat shit crazy man! "

     Connor shouted as the veins in his neck and on his forehead, began to pop out even more as his face went all red, we were going to ask who when snakes began appearing all over and Genevieve appeared.
   She was gorgeous but she's also dead, and that's something weird.

    "I just wanna go home!"

  Kendra shouted as she began to freak out even more.

   " Awe, you're not going home at all. "

  Genevieve smirked as she hissed at us, her snakes began to slither over to us and we all ran quickly, going into the school and running around like headless chickens.
  Stacy grabbed my hand and we ran up the stairs, going through classrooms in hopes that someone left something for us.

   But if anything bad happens, I just have to say a little prayer and hope for the best.

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