By itsliafr

335 101 130

When a group of teens decide to play a prank on their friend the night of Halloween by using the Town's "myth... More

Cast and Backgrounds
I. Stop Being Weird
II. Do You Dirty
III. Got The Munchies
IV. Go Straight To Hell
V. Don't Make This Weird
VI. Almost Halloween
VII. Pranking Season
VIII. That's Not Funny
IX. Now I'm Scared
X. You're Strict, For What?
XI. Does It Look Like I Know?
XII. Perfect Plan Being Made
XIII. Don't You Got Daddy Issues?
XIV. Evil Lurks There
XV. Close Your Eyes
XVI. It's Finally Halloween
XVII. Prank Is In Motion
XIX. We're Actually Gonna Die
XX. Snakes Are So Cute
XXI. Say A Little Prayer
XXII. Making A Plan
XXIII. Time To Set It Up
XXIV. Stop Acting Like A Jerk
XXV. Almost Died There, Bud
XXVI. Never, Ever Again.

XVIII. You Did What?!

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By itsliafr

   Chapter 18,
     You Did What?!

  " You didn't fucking think shit through, did you? I am so furious with all three of you right now. "

~ Lorelei's POV ~

   So it happened, the prank was set and already happened before I had a chance to stop it, I could feel as if all the anxiety switched to nausea and I ran to the bathroom to throw up, the weather wasn't sunny, it was cloudy since this morning so nothing had changed one bit.
   But that doesn't mean there was enough time for it to change, there was plenty of time for everything to go wrong and for the myth to become true, I was prepared for the worst instead of the best right now.

    I could hear muffled sounds of everyone arguing with each other and sounds of things getting thrown but it was only muffled for me, I felt like my life was kicked out of my stomach and I wasn't able to breathe anymore, I felt someone kneel beside me as they pulled my hair back.
   Gagging, I lowered my head back down at the toilet bowl and threw up again, all of my nerves attacked once which results in me throwing up unwillingly, I wanted to stop and just cry my feelings out but that isn't what my body wanted to do.

    "It's going to be okay, i promise.."

   A female voice cooed, I looked over at my left to see who was it that was comforting me and trying to make feel better, I smiled at Stacy who had taken her beanie off and placed on my head, tucking all of my hair inside of it as she rubbed my back.
   I only felt faint butterflies before I got up and washed my mouth out with some water and Listerine, it wasn't until then that I had regain my hearing and all of the screaming felt like knives on my eardrums, I looked at Stacy as she grabbed my hand and led my out of the bathroom.

    "You're going to get us killed!"

   Kendra screamed back at Connor and JJ as Leo stood in the middle of them to keep them from jumping at each other, I looked around the room to see a smashed lamp which meant that Kendra lost her temper and threw it at the boys, everything was feeling all too familiar and it scared me.
   Connor tried defending his case by saying the myth is just some dumb rumor that everyone says to their children or siblings to scare the living daylights out of them but I disagree, I knew it was real.

    " You didn't fucking think shit through, did you? I am so furious with all three of you right now. "

   I spat as I pointed at Connor, JJ and Leo, even if Leo didn't come up with the idea or participated, he had the option to stop his friends from doing anything stupid but he didn't and now we all have to pay the prices, maybe with our lives.
   Kendra looked over at me and stopped screaming, she walked over and hugged me tightly, whispering comforting words to me as she knew that I was starting to feel more nervous by the second.

    "Look, I didn't do anything wrong but read the damn paper, is it really that bad?!"

  Connor shouted, I looked at him and asked him if that was all he did as the myth was if you read the paper, the stuffed snake was just so she had something to look for when she came back, a peace offering if you will but now if you disturb her grave, or hole, then she isn't leaving with just the stuffed animal.
   The boy nodded his head, I sighed of relief and smiled at him before JJ looked as if he had wet his pants, I looked at my friends before we all turned to JJ so he could confess what the hell he did.

   "JJ, what did you do..?"

  I asked with my tone dangerously low, he looked at me and held his hands together before looking around at everyone and everything as if we were going to save him from our anger, he knew if he did anything that could kill us, we would kill him.
    "I, uhm.."

  JJ stammered, he couldn't get the words off of his tongue and I walked over to him, sitting him down on the bed and looked at him as I sat down beside him, I didn't want to come off as intimidating or threatening right now, I just wanted to know.
   There's a solution to every problem, I can only pray that whatever he did wasn't too bad for me to handle.

    "I dug up her grave."

  JJ finally admitted, I lifted my hand up and lowered it down, fast and hard, the impact was so hard and loud that you were able to see the red hand print and the slap, I didn't know how hard I hit until he fell off the bed, holding his cheek as he crawled away from me.


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