By itsliafr

371 101 130

When a group of teens decide to play a prank on their friend the night of Halloween by using the Town's "myth... More

Cast and Backgrounds
I. Stop Being Weird
II. Do You Dirty
III. Got The Munchies
IV. Go Straight To Hell
V. Don't Make This Weird
VI. Almost Halloween
VII. Pranking Season
VIII. That's Not Funny
X. You're Strict, For What?
XI. Does It Look Like I Know?
XII. Perfect Plan Being Made
XIII. Don't You Got Daddy Issues?
XIV. Evil Lurks There
XV. Close Your Eyes
XVI. It's Finally Halloween
XVII. Prank Is In Motion
XVIII. You Did What?!
XIX. We're Actually Gonna Die
XX. Snakes Are So Cute
XXI. Say A Little Prayer
XXII. Making A Plan
XXIII. Time To Set It Up
XXIV. Stop Acting Like A Jerk
XXV. Almost Died There, Bud
XXVI. Never, Ever Again.

IX. Now I'm Scared

9 3 7
By itsliafr

    Chapter 9,
      Now I'm Scared

  " He seemed pretty legit about the story, maybe his daughter died because of Genevieve or maybe she went to the same school as her. All I know is, he was serious about it and I do not wanna cross him. "

  ~ Lorelei's POV ~

        "Okay Connor, what type of mood are we going for, for Halloween?"

   I asked as we looked around the mall and walked straight to a store that only sold Halloween decorations, he only shrugged his shoulders and told me that anything was fine as long as they were scary enough for people to get actually get scared.
   With that sentence alone, I knew he was looking for something more horrific or gorey, which isn't going to be that difficult because with just the right help, his house would look as if it's a haunted house.

   So while JJ, Kendra and Connor left the Halloween store and walked to go some additions to their Halloween costumes, Leo, Stacy and I stood to gather around all of the things that were going to be needed.
   It was going to take us a bit until we were ready to check out since his house was big and had a bunch of rooms, but i was determined to get every room in that house looking amazing, and I'm gonna get there with Stacy and Leo.

    "Do you think we should get fake blood and some fake police tape for the front of his house? Like we can make it look like a crime scene and go for that as a theme."

    Leo suggested, both me and Stacy nodded our heads because that was a way better theme than just winging it and hoping that it looks better than we could actually imagine, so that's what we did.
   We grabbed all of the decorations that look like you can make a crime scene out of them or add it to make it more skin crawling and blood draining, I love Halloween.

"We spent two hours in this shop, are we ready to go or are we actually missing something?"

   I asked the two, Stacy stated that she had everything she needed and so did Leo so we walked to the back of the shop and waited in line so that we could pay for our items, there was a man staring at us but I didn't wanna say anything.
   Men stare for different reasons, they're all the same but I always have a little hope that at least one of them will be different and just either compliment my outfit or tell me i remind them of someone that they loved dearly, one can only hope.

   "Yo, why is he staring so hard at us?"

  Stacy whispered to the both of us as we moved up in line, we were now the next ones up to pay for their items which was exciting since we waited at least fifteen minutes in line, I shrugged my shoulders and told her to not stare since it might not be us he's looking at.
   As we moved up and began placing our things on the counter for it to be scanned, the man began to move over to us and it made me feel a little uneasy so I began to add our items onto the counter faster and watch as the lady scanned them as fast as she can.

    But as she was bagging the items, it was already too late and the man was now next to us, but he didn't say anything for a while until Stacy brought up Genevieve Maison, the girl that died with the snakes.
   His eyes lit up and he looked at us when we showed remorse for her, I took a deep breath and decided to ask why was he standing close to us and what was the reason for staring at us as hard as he was.

    "Excuse me sir, do we know you?"

  I suddenly asked, the man shook his head but he cleared his throat as if he was about to begin to tell a story from his childhood, Leo moved in front of us, he looked like he was hiding us but in reality he was protecting us.

    "You were talking about Genevieve Maison, the girl that was buried alive with snakes, right?"

  The Man asked me, i looked at him and nodded my head, now I'm intrigued on what he was going to say about her, he seemed much more surprised at this and smiled at all three of us.

    "Genevieve was a fragile young girl, she didn't hurt a fly even if she wanted to. One day, a Halloween prank had gone too far with a group of kids that used to pick on her, they pushed her in a hole and watched as Genevieve struggled to get out. When they had enough, they had began to throw snakes down the hole that they found in the woods. As she was bitten alive and had her veins be filled with posion, she was buried, her screams were muffled but they were there, the worst part was, her friends had listened in and only laughed."

    The man had explained her story, it was a prank that went wrong and instead of helping her out, they watched her die, without feeling any type of remorse.
   But the thing that sent shivers down my spine, was the fact that her friends were even there and don't call off anything, they laughed and listened to the cried of help.

   "Oh, well sir, that was erm, a story to tell.. but we got to get home now."

   Leo spoke out for all of us as he grabbed our bags and turned around, we didn't wait for the main to saying anything else as we sped walked out of the store and looked around the mall for the others.

  " He seemed pretty legit about the story, maybe his daughter died because of Genevieve or maybe she went to the same school as her. All I know is, he was serious about it and I do not wanna cross him. "

    Stacy spoke as a shiver went down her spine, I nodded my head in agreement as we finally found where our friends were.
  If I wasn't scared before, I was sure as hell scared now.

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