The melody i fell in love with

By microcosmoslove

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14 years ago prince Jungkook saved a merman, who gifted him a melody he keeps since then close to his heart... More

In your net
In your dreams
In your spell
In your arms
In your heart
In your debt

In your melody

337 20 43
By microcosmoslove

Three weeks have past, since Taehyung brought Jungkook back to his usual human life. Three weeks where he last saw him. Three weeks of absolute pain and sadness. Joy took great care of him, and to tell her everything that happened during his week of being a merman eased his pain a bit. She laughed with him, gasped at some parts, cried along with him in the end. Two days later, he was recovered and on his way back to Busan. Away from Taehyung. More away from him.

But his heart seemed to stay with him, not coming along to his home. His parents were annoying though; talking about his and Joy's marriage nonstop, a marriage that will never happen, but they just didn't understand. Oh, how he wished to be back into the sea, waking up in Taehyung's arms, knowing it was all a bad dream.

He kept on studying and helped to keep the sea clean, making new laws he tried his father to acknowledge his ideas about fishing and so on. He tried his best to keep going, but in the evening, it yearned him to go to the sea, even when it was already dark, wind mercilessly dashing against his face in the middle of October.

Every time he was out there, he would listen to Taehyung's melody, holding the shell possessively to his ear, closing his eyes and dwell in his memories with the siren. His love didn't fade one bit, and he hoped Taehyung was feeling that too. Where could he be? What was he doing? Was his father angry with him? Did his mother stay with them? What about Hwasa?

So many unanswered questions were occupying his mind the whole day.

He didn't know that Undine parted after that again, while Hee-sun stayed a bit longer, until her duties called for her again. She promised to come back more frequently. Hwasa received her punishment and was banned to be quiet for a whole month, Undine punishing her for using Jungkook to hurt Taehyung, taking her voice away like she was taking Jungkook's away along with her magic power. She stayed as medico though, but was watched after by Jin. She was lucky that they didn't punish her harder. Undine decided that she wasn't violent yet against Jungkook, and that she even helped two lovers being together, even if her motives were bad.

Hyunjin was taking care of her though, visiting her every day, talking to her, helping her out, even when she wasn't able to speak nor be powerful like she was before. Hwasa learnt through that what love meant, and she started to change. They started a serious relationship, which the sea king allowed but didn't support much yet.

The sea king had a lot to think about, especially since Taehyung wasn't himself anymore. He was wrong with his hate for humans, was wrong with a lot of things. His wife gave him a lecture of how to treat their sons, but also explained a lot of things to him. He was grateful and thought about a solution for Taehyung and Jungkook almost permanently.

It was true love what they had, and his father wanted nothing else than his sons to be happy and safe. So he asked Undine for a solution before they parted, and they just winked at him, letting him back in confusion, but somewhat relieved, since there seemed to be one.

Unexpectedly, Yoongi visited Jungkook too. "Hey Jungkookie", he hopped onto the ship Jungkook was sitting on, reading. "How are you?" Jungkook didn't know if he should bow or straight get down on his knees, now that he knew Yoongi was a half-god. "Yoongi....hyung", he stood up quickly and bowed politely, having a snort coming from the shorter man. "Oh, stop that bullshit. You don't have to do that. I'm here to check up on you, not asking for any worshiping." Jungkook stood up and smirked lightly, as he walked up to Yoongi, who sat on the railing. Jungkook let his crossed arms rest on the wood and let his head fall on it.

"Well...I'm in pain. Miss him. Miss to be a merman too." Yoongi nodded, "he misses you too." Jungkook straighten up at that. "How is he? Did he tell something?" Yoongi chuckled. "I just checked in last week. I'm not that much around, you know. Godly business", he sighed, and stretched his limbs, having Jungkook grin. "I always thought you are a pirate, but here we are, knowing you are a god." "Half god", Yoongi corrected. "But yeah. Sorry for giving the wrong impression. Not that I wasn't smuggling merman and other creatures over the sea", he smirked "But to protect them. Nothing else. Free them, if necessary."

Jungkook turned his head to him in astonishment. "You are pretty cool" he murmured. "I know." Jungkook thought a bit. "Why did you want to buy my shells, though?", he asked, still feeling uneasy about that. "Oh that. It was a test. To see if you have pure motives when it comes to Taehyung." Jungkook lifted his head. "You knew all along?"

"Of course. I'm a god, aren't I?", Yoongi jumped down from the railing but not before he grinned at Jungkook cockily. "We were pretty excited of Taehyung bonding with a human. Wished for something like that for a long time. And you seemed perfect." Jungkook raised his eyebrows. " told me about Hwasa..."

Yoongi nodded. "Hwasa acted too much out lately, so we wanted to give her a lesson, but we needed a heavier misdemeanour to put her into place. We are bound to laws too." " used me?", Jungkook asked a bit upset. "Let's say we killed a few flies with one stone. First, to bring you two together. Second to put Hwasa in her place. Third, to make king Min-jong lose his hatred towards humans. Forth, to introduce Undine finally to the swarm. Unfortunately, we didn't think Taehyung messing up the 'breaking the contract' -plan", he snorted.

Jungkook glared at him and looked over the wide sea. "Very funny." Yoongi patted Jungkook's back. "Don't worry kid. Better times are coming." "Don't get my hopes up.", Jungkook murmured. "Why not? Better times WILL come. You will see. And don't act if you're not hoping anymore. I know you are at the shore every single evening, looking out for him." Jungkook looked away, blushing. Yoongi left him as fast as he arrived, leaving Jungkook still with unanswered questions. But he was right. Jungkook won't stop hoping.

Two more month passed, but nothing really changed, except for the fact that Joy told his parents that she doesn't want to marry Jungkook, which led to their disappointment, but they accepted her decision. Jungkook's parents were upset first, but Jungkook told them that it was what they both wanted. Since Joy was the next in line to be queen, she had a few benefits from that.

One evening, Jungkook walked over the beach, sand rustling under his feet, some of it frozen even. It was almost new year and the weather was freezing. Jungkook nonetheless went out like every evening, looking over the wide of the sea, his shell pressed to his ear as he listened to his favourite song. He closed his eyes and went in his imagination back to the sea, remembering the castle, remembering his room and Taehyung's, his hideout, or the Spa he loved so much. The wind brushed stinging cold over his forehead, messing his long hair up, that got sticked in his eyelashes. A little smile spread over his lips as he listened to the song he loved so much. It was so clear, so loud; almost as if Taehyung was standing in front of him.

The voice of Taehyung vibrated in his ear, even after the song died down from the shell. Wait. The song ended. Why....

Jungkook opened his eyes, his mouth parting in surprise as he saw Taehyung, singing the melody right before his eyes. "...we were ships in the night..." ,he sang. Jungkook wasn't sure if his mind was tricking him, or if it really was possible that Taehyung was standing right in front of him. "Tae", he whispered as soon as Taehyung stopped singing, smiling widely at him.

"Jungkook" ,he smiled. Jungkook was about to run into the sea, but Taehyung stopped him. "You're gonna be sick again, silly." Jungkook had tears in his eyes, not knowing if he turned mad or if this really is happening. "Taehyung", he sobbed. "I missed you so much", he sniffed, and Taehyung would have run up to him if he could. He reached his hand out to Jungkook though, who caught it, and brought it to his lips.

He kissed his hand and nuzzled into it. "My love", he sighed, while Taehyung watched him fondly. "How come you are here?" he didn't want to hope for too much, but Taehyung just made him believe in anything. Taehyung smiled and got a bit out of water, letting his fin rest in the water while he sat on the sand.

Jungkook couldn't help himself but to kneel down and hug him, kissing his lips. Taehyung kissed him back, holding his hair, humming as they parted lips. "Your hair got longer", he smiled stroking through his strands. "yeah...wanted to have the same cool look like Hyunjin and Taemin", he admitted sheepishly. Taehyung chuckled at that. "You always looked cool."

"I missed you so much", Jungkook pecked his lips once again. "I missed you too, baby." They kissed for about five minutes, till Taehyung pulled back. "Damn, you are still way to distractive", he laughed. "Let me tell you why I am here." Jungkook sat down into the sand, pulling his coat closer, shivering lightly. "I'm listening." "Guess what day today is." Jungkook closed one eye and started to think. "30th of December?" Taehyung nodded. "This's my birthday." Jungkook gasped and hugged him. "Happy birthday, Taehyung! Why didn't you tell me? I would have brought you something! Wait, did you tell me this already? Oh god-" "Jungkook, calm down", he laughed.

"I didn't finish yet. So listen closely. We siren always make a wish on our birthday, which will be eventually granted by Undine when it's something we deserve. But now comes the twist", Jungkook was listening with so much interest, he almost fell over. "Since I'm the son of one of Undine, I have some powers myself. I just figured out, really. My mother told me that, and I'm still shook about that."

Jungkook's heartbeat increased. "Taehyung, does that mean..." Taehyung nodded. "I can fulfil my wish myself." Jungkook clapped into his hands excitedly. "You will turn me into a merman again?" his eyes were gleaming in hope. Taehyung smirked and took both of Jungkook's hands in his. "I have an even better idea. Listen closely." Taehyung started to chant something Jungkook didn't understand, but the sea started to glow suddenly in a clear light blue, while the air started to rustle, running through both their hairs. Jungkook watched everything in awe, while Taehyung concentrated, having his eyes closed for a few minutes.

Taehyung then opened his eyes and the clear blue of the water went back to his usual colour. Jungkook looked down at himself, disappointed that he didn't have a fin. "What did you wish for?" , he pouted. Taehyung chuckled and kissed Jungkook's lips. "I wished for me and my true love never be parted, not through water, not through land."

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, but then smiled. "That sounds beautiful." He felt unsure nonetheless, and Taehyung inhaled nervously. "Let's test if it worked. Come inside." Jungkook looked at him questioningly, but took his clothes off as Taehyung gestured him to do so. As soon as Jungkook placed his clothes away, shivering in the cold, he stepped into the water, that engulfed him in his coldness. But the water started to prickle around his ankles, feeling suddenly warm. It started to glow. Jungkook run into the water, till he was inside to his hips. As he looked down, he saw his purple blue fin under himself. "Oh my god, Taehyung! I have it back!"

Jungkook smiled happily, and swam through the sea, having Taehyung following him in joy. "I'm so happy it worked!" Jungkook laughed and swam up to Taehyung, kissing him deeply, tongue included. Taehyung dived down under water with him, not letting go of him. "I'm back!" Jungkook giggled, "I'm back!" Taehyung stroke over his head. "But that's only one part of it", Taehyung grinned.

Jungkook looked at him confused. "Get out of the water." Jungkook obeyed and as soon as his fin touched the sand, it moved back to legs. "Holy...! I can switch!" He laughed in disbelief. Taehyung laughed, but then got out of the sand too, till his whole fin wasn't in the water anymore. Jungkook watched with wide eyes how Taehyung became legs.

"Tae..." he gasped. Taehyung stood up with wobbly legs, needed Jungkook to catch him that he won't fall. "It worked! Look at me! I have legs!" Jungkook laughed in joy, not knowing how this could be true. "How am I so lucky?" he asked Taehyung, holding his shivering body. "You're gonna get a cold, let me give you my coat." He wrapped Taehyung into his coat not, missing to linger his eyes over his long tanned legs and his.... Jungkook gulped and looked away.

"Guess you like what you see", Taehyung smirked. "So...are we standing here now like idiots or are you showing me your castle? I'm dying to see your human world." Jungkook smiled widely and took Taehyung's hand, running up to the castle. Jungkook smirked, feeling already so aroused by the other, hoping that his parents won't see him smuggle a merman inside. Taehyung giggled as his wet feet waddled over the cold stone of the floor, while Jungkook tried to keep him quiet. His parents weren't around, probably already in their private rooms, but some of the maids and servants looked at him in confusion.

He cleared his throat. "Master Taehyung will stay for this night. Please arrange some clothes for him. Also, bring some supplies and soap. Mint oil." The maid bowed and hurried away, but stopped in her track. Master Jungkook, where should I bring all that?" "To my room. He will spend the night with me." The maid blushed and walked away quickly. "I don't think she will shut her mouth about this" Taehyung giggled, and Jungkook wanted to eat him. "She doesn't have to. I'm gonna introduce you to my parents tomorrow." Taehyung hummed, pulling him closer. "Oh?" "Yes. If you like it or not, I'm gonna tell them I'm gonna marry you." Taehyung chuckled in joy and attacked Jungkook's lips, his coat almost falling down as they made out wildly.

"God, You are so sexy, Jungkook. Love your demanding voice. How could I live a week without it", he smirked and kept on kissing, until a servant cleared his throat. Jungkook turned around seeing a servant with red head, carrying a plate with tea that he wanted to bring into his parents room probably, but couldn't since the two lovebirds blocked his way.

"Oh", Jungkook made space for him, bowing, which the servant returned "Master Jungkook", he said with a shaky voice, that made Taehyung fail to supress his laughter. Both guys laughed, while Jungkook led them into Jungkook's room. Taehyung was still laughing and plopped down on Jungkook's bed, the coat opening, exposing his naked body. Jungkook who was laughing too, stopped, and took the sight in. Damn.

He stepped closer to the bed, eyes raking over the beautiful man, who stopped laughing eventually. They locked eyes. "That's all yours", Taehyung finally said, and Jungkook didn't need to be told twice as he sat down on the bed, hands slowly running over the others body. "So handsome", he whispered, leaning down to kiss every part of it. Taehyung shivered under the hot mouth of Jungkook, letting himself fall.

He crawled finally on top of him, kissing him feverishly under him. Taehyung moaned into the kiss and wrapped his legs around Jungkook's waist. "So that's what legs are good for", he grinned, while Jungkook chuckled endeared. They looked into each other's eyes, both feeling so ready for one another, so needy for their close proximity, for their touch, wanting to devour each other.

"Jungkook", Taehyung called out under him, his hand cupping his cheek. "What is it, love?" He bit his lips, looking down at the sin under him. The beautiful ethereal siren with the blue hair and blue eyes. "I want to...can you..." "hmm? What is it?" Jungkook kissed his throat fondly. "Can you...make love to me? I want to be...on the receiving end this time."

Jungkook's breath hitched at that. He stopped kissing his throat and looked up. "Are you...sure?" Taehyung nodded and smiled warmly at him. Jungkook's heart started to pound wildly in his chest. He was so willing to make him feel good. He won't forget this. Jungkook pushed up to undress his blouse and let it fall to the ground. He undressed every layer till he was naked. Taehyung watched him and smirked, eyes wandering over his beautiful body. "You got more muscular", he stated. "I felt the need to work out and train more lately", he smirked, laying on top of the merman again, who hummed.

"And why is that so?" Taehyung's fingers grazes softly over Jungkook's arm, loving to feel the soft skin under his fingertips. "I needed to distract myself. From thinking of you", he leaned down and kissed his neck, sucking there. "Did you succeed? With the distraction", Taehyung asked shakily under him, trying to hold the moan inside that was threatening to leave his lips. "Unfortunately, no. I couldn't stop thinking of you. Not a second." Taehyung finally let out that moan while Jungkook worked on his neck.

He let himself sink down on Taehyung's body grinding on him. Both naked bodies were embraced tightly, only candle lights enlightening the room, showing off those heated bodies. Taehyung loved, how completely else, how soft and vulnerable he felt, exposed like this, for none other than Jungkook. He could let himself fall with him, letting go of that strong siren persona he needed to pull up in his swarm as the prince. Right now, he was nothing else than a human, unknown except for the warm body on top of his that showered him in love and affection. The dryness of his skin was foreign, but not unpleasant.

Jungkook made sure to cherish every centimetre of Taehyung's body, leaving hickey's all over it, marking him up. His mouth travelled down over his pelvis, making Taehyung shudder. His warm kisses went down to Taehyung's legs, till he reached his feet. Taehyung never felt like this before. His whole body was on fire.

His eyes met Jungkook, who smirked, darkening as he looked at Taehyung's lustful gaze. He quickly reached for the oil he had there, and started to massage Taehyung's legs, who sighed and relaxed. His hands didn't leave out his intimate parts, oiling his shaft up, while his other hand slipped between Taehyung's cheeks. His eyes never leaving the pleasurable expression Taehyung made while he penetrated him with his fingers and stroke him at the same time.

"This good..!" Taehyung moaned out, veins popping out as his hands fisted into the sheets under him. "Jungkook...come...please..." He didn't need to say it twice, Jungkook felt like exploding already. He nodded and pulled his fingers out, replacing it with his length. He put a bit of oil on it, slipping inside easily. Taehyung moaned out loud, but got silenced as Jungkook kissed him while bottoming out.

"Hey", he smiled, as he pulled away, feeling how the merman was shaking under him. "Are you okay?" Taehyung nodded and smiled back. "Just so...damn aroused", he bit his lower lips before Jungkook attacked his mouth again, starting to move his hips as Taehyung pushed his own up. Both panted and kissed, bodies moving sensually and slow, enjoying every second of it, savouring every moment.

It was tender and intimate, intense, how the love between the two creatures was blooming. They reached their high together, orgasm hitting them like a wave, while both guys moaned out loud, not caring about who would hear them. They panted and kissed and laughed, until they fell asleep, entangled.

To say Jungkook's parents were shocked as he came to breakfast with a blue-haired guy was an understatement. Jimin was smiling widely as Jungkook announced that he and Taehyung are a couple, and that he plans to marry him. He didn't officially propose, it was more like a whisper last night, where Jungkook stated that he wanted to marry him. "Then do it", Taehyung whispered back in Joy.

Taehyung stayed a whole month, which Jungkook's parents needed, to adjust to the situation. They showed them their fins as they walked into the water, having them shocked again. But they accepted eventually, maybe because of Taehyungs charming personality. Jungkook showed Taehyung around, just like Taehyung did it back in his swarm, explaining everything.

He came to love the land, just as much as he loved the sea.

After that month, they turned into merman and wanted to go back to the swarm. Because both of them were younger siblings, there wasn't a kingdom to rule, but they're work was more of an embassy, mediate and connect the two worlds.

However, it took half a year till they were done with their big wedding. It should be spectacular, the first wedding where siren and humans will attend, both kingdoms and even other swarms. The wedding was held on the beach, the meeting place of the two worlds.

Everyone was there they wished for, even Yuna, Yoongi and Hee-sun. Jungkook was feeling restless as he dressed, felt so nervous. Jimin tried to calm him down, while his other best man Hoseok blabbered about how good the cake already smelled as he pass the kitchen. Namjoon was the one holding the ceremony. As a captain, he was allowed to wed them. And who was more fitting for this job than the captain, who always told Jungkook about the mysteries of the sea; the one who helped them getting together? He was a symbol for them what they stood for, not land not sea, but both.

The ceremony was held in Busan, before they would sail to the south swarm, escorted by the big mob of sea creatures doing there all siren ceremonies that they wanted to do as well. Everything was going well; the sun was up, the flowers already blooming, summer already scratching at the door.

"I look ridiculous with those ruffles" Jungkook whined in pure stress. "Shut up, you look gorgeous. Besides, YOU chose this outfit. You said it makes you feel confident, so don't talk crap right ow. You look awesome." Jungkook closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. "Okay." Hoseok checked his pocket watch, looking at Jimin, who nodded.

"It's time", Hoseok said, opening the door. Jungkook was so nervous to step in front of everyone. It wasn't him having cold feet, in the contraire, he thought the only thing really calming him down right now was his soon to be husband. Taehyung. He will ground him, like always. It was just a lot of pressure having all those eyes on him. He was afraid of tripping or ridicule himself in another way.

Taehyung...he sighed as he thought about him. Just then he got an idea. He quickly pulled his shirt open to Jimin's complain, but he needed this right now. Jimin rolled his eyes, but Jungkook pressed the shell to his ear, hearing Taehyung's beautiful voice, his melody; that started to engulf him like a warm safe blanket.

It stopped, making Jungkook look up with a more relaxed face. "Thank you hyung", he smiled "I needed this." The three of them stepped out, heading to the outdoor. He was wearing a purple hanbok and white light ruffling blouse underneath, not too pompous, but still elegant. A little white rose was attached to his jacket. They decided to marry in their human forms, but in merman fin colours. So as he stepped out, he saw all those people sitting at the beach, waiting, while the big swarm was watching from the water. Taehyung was waiting next to Namjoon in his turquoise hanbok outfit with a green glimmer. A white blouse just as he, and an equal white rose.

Both were wearing a flower crown on their head, because that was a Merman tradition. They looked absolutely gorgeous, even more as they locked gaze and smiled widely at one another. The violins started to play, but the swarm started to harmonize as well, creating an unique beautiful song together. Jungkook's mother and Hee-sun walked up first with a blue and red candle, signalling the opening of the ceremony. Joy and a bunch of kids were walking before Jungkook, spreading some flowers. Jungkook was about to tear up, walking over the aisle, with Jimin escorting him.

His vision got a bit blurry as he got closer, tears of joy already started to threaten out, even before the whole ceremony started. He arrived at the end of it, thanking Jimin, who bowed and stepped to the side. He sniffed a bit, feeling silly, but as soon as he looked over the crowd, he saw most of the guests tear up as well, patting their tissues over their eyes.

They didn't wear traditional Korean wedding outfits, but they held the traditions up and went through all stages of Korean traditions. They mixed it up though with the merman traditions a bit though. Namjoon held a beautiful speech, making the guests tear up even more before they said their vows and sipped the wine, sealing the bond with a kiss in the end. Everyone was cheering loudly as Namjoon declared them to husbands. All humans went to Jungkook's ship, dancing and eating cake, while they headed to Jeju island. The swarm swam back to their home, preparing for the newlyweds. Jungkook didn't leave Taehyung's side, holding him close, needing him as he talked to several people. As soon as they arrived in the evening, Taehyung and Jungkook rowed in a boat to the familiar cave. They could just have dived into the water, but that would have ruined their dresses, and to undress in front of their guests was inappropriate. In fact, Namjoon came up with the idea. He thought it will be more dramatic and make them think of how their romantic relationship started.

Both got naked as soon as they reached the cave, not without kissing and giggling, till they left the boat with the neatly folded clothes and the flower crowns on top, jumping in the water, head ahead. They swam up to the waiting humans, who will head to the Island after saying their goodbye's.

Everyone cheered as they saw Taehyung and Jungkook swimming up, their beautiful colourful fin shining in the sunset. They dived down and swam back, down through the secret opening of the cave, all the way to the castle. Taemin and Hyunjin were waiting for them, smiling and dressing them into merman jewelleries and flowers.

Jungkook held Taehyung's hand as Beomgyu led him into the wide hall, where everyone was waiting already. Jungkook's mouth fell open at how beautiful everything was decorated. The sea king and the whole swarm was waiting, letting 'Undine' hold the ceremony. Yoongi looked less mean and less annoyed as usual, casually giving a gummy smile from time to time. Yuna was saying some words, before the three of them held their hands out, where Jungkook and Taehyung placed theirs on top. They chanted something to seal their bond in a special way.

It tingled under Jungkook's hand, before it started to glow in blue shades. His eyes looked at their connected hands in surprise, but Taehyung was nodding at him in approval, so it must be something good for them. "What was that?", Jungkook asked, giggling nervously. "We gave you our blessings and divine protection", Hee-sun smiled at them. Jungkook bowed in respect "Thank you so much!" They kissed after that once again, having the whole swarm cheering and chanting in harmony.

The party went on the whole night, having them dancing and eating, until sunrise. After that, they said their goodbye's, and headed back to Jungkook's ship, that was cleaned up by then. The guests would head home with another ship that was already waiting for them at the shore. Namjoon and Hoseok waved at them tiredly, clearly tired from the whole wedding, but they looked as if they both already slept a bit.

The husbands entered the ship, turning back to humans. They waved at the swarm that came to send them off, the sea king and Hee-sun under them, also Jin, who finally seemed to relax, resting his arm over Beomgyu, who waved at them happily.

Two hours later, the two were naked entangled in Jungkook's big cabin bed, only a white blanket covering them. They were so on a high, that they didn't feel tired at all until now. Their heads turned to one another, while the sun rays sneaked through the window, warming their bodies. Taehyung caressed Jungkook's relaxed sleepy face, while the ship headed to their honeymoon trip. "I love you, prince husband", he smiled, tenderly kissing his nose and cheeks.

Jungkook smiled, his drowsy eyes closing, trying hard to open them again. "I love you too, my merman husband." He turned and wrapped his arms over Taehyung, who chuckled, humming a familiar melody that took both of them into dreamland.

The end

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