The melody i fell in love with

Bởi microcosmoslove

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14 years ago prince Jungkook saved a merman, who gifted him a melody he keeps since then close to his heart... Xem Thêm

In your net
In your dreams
In your spell
In your arms
In your heart
In your melody

In your debt

245 13 22
Bởi microcosmoslove

"Where is he?!" Jimin asked upset, while Namjoon and Hobi tried to stop him storming into the throne room of the castle of Jeju island. Joy was still fumbling with her hands, not knowing what to say. She was surprised as she saw Jimin appear, taking him into her room for a private talk. Jimin was first really confused, until he read the letter Joy clumsily left on her desk- the letter of Jungkook. He wasn't one to just read other's letters, but he recognized Jungkook's writing and looked closer to it.

From then on, Joy tried to calm him down, and asked for a walk, which Jimin granted, feeling angry and confused at why Jungkook lied to him and his parents, and still had that ridiculous dream of a merman in his mind. As they walked over the beach, Jungkook's ship with Namjoon and Hoseok arrived. Jimin was first relieved, but then he realized that Jungkook wasn't on the ship either. He went through every cabin, searching for his little brother.

His head was already red, not wanting to believe what those three were telling him. Joy didn't know as much as Namjoon and Hoseok, she was quite shocked as they told her he found Taehyung. They didn't tell them though yet that Jungkook turned into a merman himself. That would be too much to digest for the heir, who was already losing his mind.

"I WANT TO TALK TO THE KING!" Joy placed her hand to his chest "No please", she looked sad "that isn't what your brother needs right now. That's not what he wants-" "What he wants?! You are all probably responsible for his death, what if he drowned? You let him search a merman? What ridiculous idea is that? My brother is insane!" "Just come to the ship, okay?" Hoseok tried to get a hold on him, but Jimin jerked away. "I should hang you, both of you!"

Hoseok and Namjoon gulped. Jimin could do that when they are back home. Both shuddered at that thought. But then Jimin slumped down, sitting on the shore. His head hung down, tears suddenly streaming down on his face, which he tried to cover. "I....I feel so guilty", he choked out. Joy sat next to him, stroking over his back, while the other two watched them, not knowing what to do.

"Of course I won't hang you, you both are Jungkook's closest friends. He wouldn't forgive me", he sniffed. Namjoon smiled and sat down on the other side next to Jimin. "Everything is my fault...we played hide and seek when we were younger....and...he almost drowned then...I can remember how much he shivered as I found him. The fever was bad, we all thought we are going to lose him. But he survived miraculously. I was so afraid back was all my fault...I wanted to play hide and seek..."

Joy listened to him, not speaking a word, just keeping with stroking over his back. "Since then, he came up with the idea that there was a merman saving him after he saved the merman or something....he got obsessed with the idea....and's all my fault...!" He pulled on his hair, while Joy looked up helplessly. "We can lead you to the place we went", Namjoon suggested. Jimin nodded. "But you need to calm down and- just be open minded for once." Jimin didn't say anything to that, feeling too numb for it.

They all went to Jungkook's ship, Joy quickly running a bit back to her servant, who was waiting a few steps away. "You won't tell my parents what you heard. Tell them I am on a little trip to the back side of Jeju island with the Busan princes. I'm in good hands", she smiled. So they all went on board.


Jungkook felt restless in the night. He wanted to cuddle up again with Taehyung. But they woke up somewhere in the middle of the night, and Taehyung left his room, bowing after giving him a kiss. This was so confusing. Why didn't he stay over? He tried to fall back asleep, thinking of all things that happened. As he was about dozing away, he heard the melody he loved so much echoing through his room.

He looked up, brought the shell closer to his ear, but the sound wasn't coming from there. Jungkook frowned and swam out of his room. It was dark there, only a few krill's were enlightening the sea in a beautiful light blue. His first sense was to swim to Taehyung's room, so he did; checking up on the other. His heart beat a bit in worry, hoping that his love was alright.

Everything seemed alright as he swam inside. There he was, sleeping cosily in his nest, snoring lightly. Jungkook smiled at this sight, endeared, tempted to run his hands through his blue hair. The song wasn't coming from him, and Taehyung didn't seem to wake up by it. It almost felt like a call. A call for him, Jungkook.

He placed a little kiss on Taehyung's temple before he swam out of the sea princes' room, following the song that was so close to his heart. The song was leading him out of the sirens swarm castle. He couldn't swim out, there were guards protecting the way out and in of the castle. For a moment he thought about forgetting about the melody and just go back to sleep. But then he remembered the little hidden tunnel Taehyung showed him the other day, a secret way out.

His blue and purple fin quietly moved, bringing him quickly to the destination he could gladly remember. It was a bit spooky to press himself through the gap in the dark, it was almost pitch black in there. He looked once again back and pressed himself through it.

As soon as he managed to reach the other side, he quickly swam to the direction he heard the melody was coming from. His heart was beating fast, scared to awaken any big sea monsters at this time. It was so quiet, way too quiet. The moon shone faintly through the surface of the sea down to the prince who stopped at a cave that seemed foreign, yet familiar. Jungkook almost jumped as he saw another Siren there inside. Wait. He knew who this was. It was Hwasa, the sea witch.

She lifted her head, stopping to sing into the sea shell she was holding, smirking. It was the sea shell that held Jungkook's voice in it. The one Hwasa wore closely around her neck since then. Jungkook gulped, feeling suddenly the need to turn around quickly and swim back again. "Good evening, Jungkook." Jungkook looked at her, eyebrows knitted into a frown. She swam a bit closer, while Jungkook swam a bit back. "Don't be afraid. I'm not gonna hurt you...yet."

Jungkook cursed on himself that he didn't even bother to bring any weapon with him, feeling way too vulnerable in front of the sea witch. "I came here to discuss something with you. Something important." Her smile seemed like a mischievous grin, floating a bit in the water. "I must say, you did really well so far, wrapping Taehyung around your finger just like you wanted to. He's...very responsive to you."

Jungkook couldn't talk, so he just waited what she was about to say more. "And...I can smell Taehyung pretty prominent on you, so I guess you had a bit of more fun with him already, didn't you?" Jungkook blushed and looked away, while Hwasa seemed to have a bit of a bitter tone in what she was saying. "Guessed so."

She swam over to sit on a stone. "but don't think that will lead you directly to him breaking the spell. There are only two days left, right? He didn't seem to make a proposal yet, right?" Jungkook looked away again, pressing his lips into a thin line. "Well, prepare for being my little jelly bean then", she winked. Jungkook's fear was evident, his hands cramped into fists next to his body, afraid that Hwasa was maybe right. What if Taehyung only wanted to have a bit fun with him?

But it didn't feel like that as they- "Anyway", Hwasa continued, looking at her nails, dragging Jungkook out of his fearful thoughts. "What I actually wanted to discuss with you is, that we have a little problem here. Your brother arrived unexpectedly at Jeju island, searching for you."

Jungkook's eyes went wide. "Don't be afraid, your friends and the princess managed to prevent him making a mess yet. But he wants to see you. Knowing that you are alive. You see, your brother has quite a temper, and he could cause a lot of inconvenience to us. Causing a war and stuff. And we don't want that, don't we? This could bring the whole swarm and Taehyung into danger." Jungkook was shaking his head.

"So to prevent any more inconvenience, I planned to send you to him with Taemin." Jungkook just now noticed the presence behind him, jerking to the side. "Taemin is very loyal to our swarm and to me, don't be afraid. He knows how to keep a secret, right, darling?" Taemin nodded, "of course." Jungkook looked at the familiar guard, looking back and forth from Hwasa to Taemin in insecurity.

"He will bring you to the surface, speak for you and bring you back safely. Alright?" Jungkook didn't even notice that he was in the cavern where he first met Hwasa, seeing now the boat floating over them at the surface. "Oh, and no word to Taehyung. This is a top secret mission. Oh wait, you can't even..." she chuckled.

"You will behave, don't you?" she swam closer to him, caressing his cheek, which he disliked, backing away from her hand a bit, not too much, just to have a bit of space. "Will you?" she asked again, eyes flickering a bit in black. Jungkook quickly nodded. "Good. Good luck then. No word to anyone, remember this. Especially not to Taehyung."

She gave a quick nod to Taemin, who gave her a little bow, guiding Jungkook up to the surface. He was met with the moonlight almost immediately, that shone over the water in white glowing stripes. The Boat was still there, his clothes neatly folded. In the distance, he saw his own ship floating on the sea, calmly moving with the waves. Taemin gave him a reassuring nod and swam along with him to the ship.

They were all sleeping, Jungkook was sure, not knowing how to make himself noticeable.

Suddenly a wave made the ship shake, more waves making it move from the left to the right dangerously. Jungkook looked around scared, but Taemin put his hand on his shoulder. "It's Hwasa, don't worry. They are safe. It's only to wake them up." Jungkook nodded and looked back at the ship. It didn't take long till Namjoon ran on deck, looking over the railing. His eyes studied the waves first, until he noticed Jungkook next to another guy in the water, shrieking.

Jungkook waved at him, while Namjoon looked at him with wide eyes. "Jungkook?!" Jungkook nodded, but Namjoon ran away. He waited for a bit, till he saw first Hoseok get into sight, his hair messy from sleep, blinking down at the water. Joy was there too, her mouth falling open. Taemin blinked a few times, surprised to see such a beautiful young woman.

At last Jimin got on deck, running almost, his arm halfway in his coat as he dashed to the railing. "Jungkook???" Jungkook swam a bit closer, along with Taemin. "Jungkook, what are you doing in the water?! And who is he?" Everyone was staring down to the two. Jungkook opened his mouth, but nothing came out. For one second, he forgot that he couldn't speak.

He turned to Taemin helplessly. "Just show them", he smiled. So Jungkook did. He swam around, diving, making sure they saw his fin. "WHAT THE HECK!!!", Jimin was yelling, looking at the fin in disbelief, eyes wide. Everyone looked at Jungkook shocked. Even Namjoon and Hoseok, who already knew about this for a bit, but to see it with their own eyes left them speechless.

"He's a merman now." Jungkook nodded proudly, waving a bit with his fin. "Is this a costume?" "It isn't", Taemin answered "It's magic." Jimin licked his lips nervously. "Jungkook....were you forced to turn into....this?" Jungkook shook his head. "It was his own decision", Taemin told them, his eyes finding back to Joy, smiling at her, who blushed a bit.

"Is this Taehyung?" Jimin asked Jungkook, pointing at Taemin. Jungkook shook his head again. "I'm Taemin, a guard of the Siren's swarm." "what about Taehyung?", Jimin asked. "He's asleep currently", Taemin answered again instead of the prince. "Who said you need to talk for him the whole time! Let my brother speak for himself!", Jimin snapped. "I'm afraid he can't, prince." Jimin's eyebrows shot up. "What do you mean?", his voice was filled with worry.

"Prince Jungkook exchanged his voice to a fin." Everyone was gasping on the ship, Jimin shaking his head, tearing up. Jungkook felt guilty, a lump forming in his throat. He didn't think of Jimin when he decided this. Didn't think of anyone else than himself. He felt ashamed, selfish.

"Let me down with the boat", Jimin breathed out, facing the floor. "Sir?" "I said, bring me down. Now." Namjoon nodded and walked up to the boats, helping Jimin inside. Hoseok joined him. He let the prince down, rope squeaking a bit in his metal hold. As soon as the water embraced the boat, Hoseok started to row closer to the two mermen.

Jungkook swam up to him resting his wet arms on the side of the boat, looking up. The boat shook a bit as Jimin scooted closer. Hoseok needed to sit on the opposite side to balance the boat out, waiting quietly. The heir stroke over his brothers wet arm, tears in his eyes. "Oh...kookie...what have you done..." He stroked over his wet hair that seemed a bit longer than he remembered.

A tear escaped his eye as he looked at his brother. "Are you happy?" he asked quietly. Jungkook nodded, giving him a genuine smile. Jimin nodded too. "Sorry for not believing you, I guess", he chuckled, wiping the tear away. Jungkook smiled widely, taking Jimin's hand. It was like he wanted to say something, but didn't know how to express it. "I think he wants to say ' don't worry'", Taemin carefully interrupted this intimate moment of the two brothers.

"You know, I missed you in the castle...I thought you were courting Joy", he chuckled, while Jungkook chuckled too soundless. Taemin looked over quickly to the princess, who looked away. " But you were courting a merman, right?" Jungkook nodded, smiling as he thought about Taehyung and the time they shared so far.

"How is it going with him?", Jimin smirked, as he saw Jungkook's dreamily gaze, "Is he treating you well?" Jungkook nodded enthusiastically, making Jimin laugh. "Taehyung is a prince as well", Taemin smiled. "Oh, he is? Good choice then, Kooks! Maybe we can start some business with the fishes", he grinned, while Jungkook slapped his arm.

Jungkook's fin was moving up and down, which made Jimin stare at it. "Can I touch your fin?" Jungkook nodded. Jimin gulped as he extended his arm, sniffing still a bit. His fingertips stroke over the scales, feeling them wet and a bit rougher than he thought it would be. "It's beautiful", he smiled amazed. His hand stroke up in the other direction, having Jungkook jerk and shudder.

"What's wrong?" Taemin swam a bit closer. "Um...stroking against the scales arousing effect on us." Jimin quickly took his hands off. "Oh....eww...that...sorry...eww...that's really strange..." Jungkook chuckled again, shaking his head.

"Jungkook, are you alright?" Namjoon shouted from his ship. Jungkook nodded and smiled, waving at them above. "I'm glad!" His attention went back to Jimin, after he smiled at Hoseok softly. "You look cool", Hoseok blurted out, having Jungkook showing himself off a bit. "But your this permanent?" he looked at Taemin, who shook his head. "It shouldn't. Taehyung could cure him." Jungkook looked at Taemin surprised, wondering how much the guard really knew.

"I'm glad. I hope next time I will see you, you will be able to answer for yourself instead of a guard. No offense, Taemin." "It's alright." "Thank you for bringing my brother to me." He bowed to the guard, who bowed back pleasantly surprised "It was my pleasure." "Will I see you again?" he asked, voice cracking a bit in the end. Jungkook nodded, not knowing if that will be true, but he hoped it.

"Okay then...have a good time Kookie...", he gave him his hand, holding it for a bit, trying to supress his tears as Jungkook nuzzled himself against his brothers hand. Joy was holding her heart at that fondness, feeling like crying herself. Hoseok rowed back, bringing the prince safely into the ship. They waved at Jungkook, who looked at every one of his friends and his brother, feeling content with meeting them.

Taemin bowed at the little crew and winked at Joy, who gasped, smiling flustered. They dived down, swimming back to the cavern, passing the boat, swimming further down, where Hwasa wasn't anymore around. Both mermen swam quietly next to one another, going back through the quiet and dark sea; this time through the official entry, where Taemin bowed to the other guards that let him in without any further questions.

The guard left Jungkook only as they reached Jungkook's room, bowing and wished the prince a good night. Jungkook looked after him, thinking that he's a nice guy. Just as he was about to swim into the room, he stopped. Not feeling like sleeping alone this night. So he swam into Taehyung's cave, up to his nest and cuddled himself into Taehyung's side, who sleepily hugged Jungkook, holding him close. Jungkook fell asleep pretty fast, with a big smile on his face.


Taehyung woke up with something heavy laying on his arm, hearing a bit of snoring. He looked over his arm, seeing Jungkook cuddled up to him, one arm lazily laying on top of his, while his head rested on the other one of Taehyung. It was cute how air puffed out of his mouth, the little snoring endeared him. Especially since Jungkook wasn't able to speak. It was a pleasure to hear a sound coming from the prince.

He watched him fondly, without moving. His eyes moved over all his features that he learned to love through all these years, diving into the astonishment of the prettiness of him. Having him so up close, in his arms, after waiting year over year had his heart swell with joy, his mind clouded with happiness. He felt addicted to the curve of Jungkook's brows, to his scent, to the pout his lips formed, or that mole on his neck, that looked sexy even.

Above his absolute mesmerizing looks, he was a kind and humble person; strongheaded, but good hearted, smart and very talented. He loved his humour and his sudden shyness, his softness as much as his pride and sass. He was sure, if Jungkook was able to speak, he would be so much more sassy. He smirked at that thought. There was so much he liked about Jungkook.

He couldn't describe this else than love.

Jungkook freely joining him into his nest gave him more confidence again. Confidence he needed. Because he wanted to propose. Wanted to scream out into the wide of the sea how much he loves Jungkook, and that he want to keep him forever. Was it possible? Is it possible? To ask for something as crazy and mad?

He bit his lips, hoping that Jungkook will say yes. When should he do it? Tomorrow will be a swarm gathering, maybe then? He felt all giddy about that. He needed to prepare himself mentally though. His chest swelled with pride when he thought about having a siren mate. Jungkook. He sighed, caressing him further, till Jungkook opened his eyes slowly, smiling at Taehyung, who started to giggle, kissing Jungkook's nose. Fuck, he was so gone and in love for Jungkook.

Jungkook almost fell again out of his nest- well, Taehyung's nest; but Taehyung caught him, pulling him to his chest again. "You need to learn how to wake up properly, silly", he chuckled throatily, kissing Jungkook's cheek, who covered his face in Taehyung's chest in embarrassment. They cuddled like this for some time, till he heard Jungkook's stomach growl. "Someone's hungry", he chuckled.

Both swam into the big hall, taking food from the buffet that was presented today. Jin greeted them sleepily and watched them unamused how they started feeding each other. Min-Jong, the sea king joined them to their breakfast, smiling as soon as he saw his son all lovely-dovely with the other merman, that he started to like. He can't wait to get the letter from the north swarm. The sea king excused Taehyung from his responsibilities for today, having both merman beaming up at that. They had a whole day to do what they wanted.

So they did just that, started with a bit of wrestling and an adventure ride outside of the castle, where they were swimming with dolphins again. They collected pearls, and Taehyung made another bust of Jungkook. They communicated a lot, Jungkook by writing into the sand, and Taehyung by talking, chased each other around, just to make out secretly somewhere in a gap. They went to the little bar and to spa, enjoying life together. Their hands were glued to one another, and Jungkook was just smiling all over his face.

This would be the happiest day of his life, he was sure. As it got darker after dinner, Taehyung pulled him into his cave again, grinding on him restless. They made love for a few rounds, till they laid lazily on Taehyung's nest, facing each other.

"Tomorrows swarm gathering is a celebration of peace in our sea world. It's also a sacred day which has Yuna, the nymph and goddess protector of our territory be part of. She will be there too", Taehyung smiled. As he sensed Jungkook's curiosity, he continued "Yes, Yuna is a half goddess. She is part of the mystic team of our three nymphs called 'Undine', the three goddess who are obligated to watch over the whole Japanese sea and their lands."

Jungkook's eyebrows shot up. Undine? He heard of it from Namjoon once. But his story sounded completely else. "I know it's hard to believe, but they rule this here all. My father might be the sea king of the south swarm, but Undine is the real ruler of our world. We only know Yuna though. She's kind but powerful, so don't mess with her."

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows and wrote something into the sand, next to the nest. "Hwasa? She's a sea witch. Powerfuller than us siren's, she's like our medico. Every swarm has one. They were born into our swarm, so they are part of us, but with more power." Jungkook nodded in understanding.

He wanted to ask more, tell so much more, but he couldn't. So he just pecked Taehyung's lips repeatedly, ready to spend perhaps his last night with the love of his life. Taehyung held him close, humming his melody, while he caressed Jungkook's hair. Not knowing how sad his love was. Jungkook didn't want him to worry. There was still one day. The last one. Jungkook drifted into sleep, lulled into that beautiful song that touched his heart.


Taehyung felt how his heartbeat picked up as he walked to the front. The swarm gathering was just about to start, as he saw the others swimming into the hall; his father holding a seaweed letter in his hands, gaze concerned, but looked up nonetheless, where Taehyung smiled at him. He spotted Yuna already in the back of the swarm, smiling at him, so he smiled back in respect, bowing at her. Jungkook was busy nodding to another siren that was also part of the warriors, listening to him.

Taehyung's eyes rested in pure fondness on him, before he snapped out of it, remembering what he is about to do. He just prayed it will go well. As soon as everyone is seated and the music starts to play, Hwasa raised her eyebrows, while he cleared his throat, waiting for the music to stop.

He looked over at Beomgyu who held two thumbs up. His friend encouraged him to take the step and make Jungkook his officially. He took a deep breath.

"Everyone, welcome to the swarms gathering. I wanted to use this opportunity to say a few words", he stopped and looked at Jungkook, gulping before he took another deep breath. "A week ago, we took Jungkook in into our swarm. I already knew him by then and...", he swam a tiny bit higher, holding a shell out. A big one. A shell they use to make a proposal. He put it to his mouth and blowed in it, making a steady vibrating sound. Jungkook looked at him with big eyes, while everyone gasped and murmured in surprise.

"Jeon Jungkook, my love, I love you more than this castle, more than the waves of this sea. Will you do me the honour and be mine?" his hands clam on the big shell in nervousness, almost not daring to breathe. Jungkook got up from his spot, swimming to Taehyung with teary eyes. As soon as he stood in front of him, he nodded, having everyone cheer, while Hwasa scoffed on them.

Taehyung swung him around, and was just about to seal the bond with a kiss, feeling already the tingling on his lips, as his father spoke up. "Stop this, right now!" Taehyung jerked around confused, frowning at his father. Hwasa sighed in relief, crossing her arms in front of his chest. "Father?"

The sea king swam up to them. "I just received a letter from the north swarm. Jungkook isn't from there." A gasp went through the rows. "Before we seal anything here. I want to hear the truth. Where are you from, Jungkook?" Jungkook gulped, eyes wide. He was about to panic, as Taehyung got in front of him protectively. "What does it matter? What matters is that I'm in love with him." The sea king shook his head. "It does matter, when he is a human."

Taehyung's heart dropped, along with Jungkook's. A shocked gasp was to hear from everyone. "Are you a human, Jungkook?" Jungkook nodded, having everyone getting into an upset murmuring.

"I take care of him", Hwasa swam up to them, holding onto Jungkook's wrist, who looked at her in panic. "The heck you do!" Taehyung said angrily, pushing her hand away, making her eyes glow in gold. The sea king looked around, seeing Jin watching the scene. "Seokjin! Did you know that Jungkook is a human?" Jin gulped and looked to the ground. "Yes, father." The sea king felt angry at his son, betrayed.

"I'm not gonna allow you mating a human!" he yelled, looking back at Taehyung, who felt his heart break. "But dad...", he whispered devastated. "Away with him into Jail!" the sea king shouted, but then Jungkook suddenly started to glow himself. Everyone backed away, startling. "Oopsie. Guess Jungkook's time is up", Hwasa said behind them, using her magic to pull Jungkook into her arms, the imprint on her arm starting to glow along with the sea of shell around her neck. The poor Jungkook looked at Taehyung helplessly. "I think we can speed things up then." The sea king looked bewildered at Hwasa, while Taehyung gasped, finally understanding.

"It was Hwasa who turned you into a siren?" Jungkook nodded, while Taehyung covered his mouth. "Jungkook....what have you done?" Jungkook gulped, and looked away in guilt. "Hwasa, this needs an explanation!" the sea king seemed at the edge already.

"This human prince came one day up to me and wanted to visit our world, so I let him under the condition that he needs to sign a contract. The spell was made in exchange of his voice. He had 7 days to make Taehyung break it, which he almost succeed, but", she laughed wickedly "failed nonetheless. Now he's mine. MY slave. Isn't that a good revenge for the humans that took your wife away?"

The sea king was confused. Highly disturbed, so he didn't say anything. Finally Taehyung looked back at Yuna, who already swam up to them. "You made a contract?", her question was directed to Jungkook. He nodded ashamed. She looked up at Hwasa, smiling, but there was anger visible under her gaze. "I just did what he asked me to", Hwasa defended herself, her grip on Jungkook turning a bit stronger.

" know that contracts with humans are forbidden by your sea king?" Hwasa looked back to the sea king, who seemed conflicted. "I thought that's just for the swarm." "YOU are part of the swarm", Yuna clarified, her eyes turning a bit golden. Hwasa shrugged. "Doesn't count anymore. The contract is already fulfilled, and you can't do anything about it. No one can."

Taehyung's pleading eyes didn't fail Yuna, who looked back at Hwasa and nodded. "You are right." "Yuna, please...! Jungkook did nothing wrong then to be with me! We are in love...he...he even helped us! You should know that! Father, tell him how Jungkook-" "ENOUGH!"

The sea king had his trident up, that started to glow. "Son, you lied to me. All of you lied to me. But we can't fight a contract. If Jungkook signed it, it's his own responsibility. Hwasa, do as you wish with him." Jungkook couldn't move, he was caught by magic that was wrapped himself around his body, not letting him do anything.

Taehyung watched the scene in horror, as Hwasa nodded and swam away with Jungkook. He can't let that happen. Not today. Not ever. So he swam after her, his spear in his hand, trying to attack. "LET HIM GO!!!" he screamed, but Hwasa was quick to fight back with magic, letting Jungkook drop to the ground, who looked at them from under in bewilderment. "YOU JUST WANT REVENGE; ADMIT IT!!!" he shouted angry at her, trying to fight her, but her magic easily overpowered him.

"TAEHYUNG!" his father shouted, but Yuna held him in place. "You really making me angry", Hwasa spat, after Taehyung managed to wound her at her shoulder. She was about to send a big ball of destructive magic into his direction, as someone got in between, blocking it also with magic.

Everyone's eyes got wide, the sea king became pale, while Yuna smiled in satisfaction. "Don't you dare!" the female siren said angrily. Hwasa looked at her in shock, while Taehyung scooted closer. "Mother?"

Jin was already crying, shaking in his place, as Jungkook kept quiet in his spot, mouth covered with his hands. "Hee-sun?" the sea king asked in disbelief. She let her magic down and swam first up to Jungkook, looking after him. "Are you okay?" Jungkook nodded quietly. The sea queen took Jungkook and seated him on a stone, the glowing of the magic still caught him in one place.

She glared at Hwasa. "I'm sorry siren's to be absent for this long. I have some statements to make. But first", she held her arm out and put a spell on Hwasa, who was bound, just like Jungkook, not able to move. She turned around and gave her son Taehyung his hand. "I missed you, son", she smiled gently. "Mom", he sobbed and crashed against her body, hugging her.

The sea queens eyes landed on Jin and smiled fondly at him, before she looked at her husband with a pained face. Yuna got closer and took her hand. "I was never kidnapped by humans. I was busy watching out for them." Upset whispers were heard among the swarm. "I needed to go the way I thought was the best, knowing that my husband wouldn't let me go otherwise." She lowered her head. "I'm sorry for that."

"Hee-sun, what does that mean?" The sea queen swam into the middle along with Yuna. "I needed to keep this secret from all of you. But I think it's time to reveal my true identity." Everyone looked at her, not daring to breathe. "I'm Yuna's sister. I'm the second part of Undine." A noise of pure shock rolled through the rows, the sea king having his eyes filled with tears.

"I wasn't supposed to be part of your swarm in the first place. But I happened to fall in love. I don't regret it, and I had a beautiful time with you", she smiled at Min-jong, the sea king. "But I knew the time will come when I need to fulfil my duties again. And I am doing good. But I'm very busy with that."

The sea king swam up to her and cupped her face. "Hee-sun", he whispered, His shed tears disappearing in the sea. She leaned into the touch, smiling at him. "I still love you", she smiled, and he leaned in to kiss her.

"Why did you come now", Jin asked, his eyes red, his voice filled with anger. "I needed to. This is an emergency." Jin didn't say anything, but his jaw was still moving in anger. He felt betrayed by his own mother. Yuna clasped her hands together "Well well, this is a dramatic scene, isn't it? About the contract, it can be broken by Undine if we see it as threat, or is based on immoral reasons. Jungkook need to agree to that though."

Hwasa frowned. "But you are only two. Undine is made out of three." Yuna smiled "right. I'm 'Un' and Hee-sun is 'Ne'." "Who is 'Di', then?" The sea king asked confused. "It needs to be me then", a voice said, making them all turn their head to the entrance, where a merman was swimming closer. Noone noticed him to enter the scene, but everyone gasped, especially Jungkook as he saw who it was: Min Yoongi.

"YOU are part of Undine?" Taehyung asked with wide eyes, knowing Yoongi as that one mystic merman everyone was afraid of and he talked to from time to time whenever he met him on his adventure trips. He swam up to the other two; Jungkook's eyes wide as he saw the pirate with a fin, smirking as smug as he always did. They watched one another, smiling, before Hee-sun turned and took Taehyung's hand.

" you love Jungkook?" Taehyung nodded, his eyes filled with hope. "Then you need to be strong now. Jungkook come here." The three held their hand into the middle, chanting something till the magic chains broke around of Jungkook. Jungkook touched his body, not believing that he was released like that.

"We have a chance to break the contract. Are you willing for it?" Jungkook looked back at Taehyung but then at the three of them. "You will be back in your human form, and you will have your voice back as well." Jungkook bit his lips unsure. He wanted to stay with Taehyung. But they failed breaking the bond. So if he don't say yes, he will be a silent slave of Hwasa for the rest of his life. So he nodded.

"Good, come into the middle." Undine held each other by their hands and started to chant in a harmonization, where Yoongi's voice seemed to be the loudest one, saying some spells rhythmically. Hwasa jerked in her place as the imprint started to burn out of her arm, making her scream in pain. Magic chains kept her in place, where he needed to watch how her sea of shell started to lift and glow, the voice in it releasing and finding his way back into Jungkook's throat. The prince felt like he was swallowing something, gasping audibly. As Undine finished their chant, Jungkook's fin started to disappear, and his ability to breathe under water as well. "Taehyung, bring him back. We are done."

Taehyung quickly wrapped himself around Jungkook's frame and started to swim quickly. Occasionally breathing into Jungkook's mouth to give him oxygen in a sad kiss, while he got up and up. Jungkook took a deep breath as they emerged in the cave where his boat was.

Jungkook was shivering, not used to the sea temperatures anymore, which were cold during the end of September. "Taehyung!", Jungkook held him close, hugging him. Taehyung had tears in his eyes. "There's your beautiful voice." He pressed his forehead on Jungkook's, while sadness filled his chest. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...I could have broken the contract sooner, right?" Jungkook nodded, but held Taehyung impossibly closer.

"You wanted to. We had just too less of time", he sniffed. Taehyung caressed his cheek and looked deep into his eyes. "You should go...I don't want you to get sick again", he smiled, but Jungkook captured his face, pain shooting through his body. "Thank you for everything, Jungkook. You gave me the best time of my life." Jungkook sobbed and smashed his lips on Taehyung's who kissed him back in the same passion, filled with love and sadness.

"I want you to be safe. That's all that matters." Taehyung's words were like spikes in Jungkook's chest. This couldn't be over. It shouldn't. He wanted to go back with him. He wanted so bad. But he couldn't. "I love you", Jungkook sobbed out, and Taehyung pecked his lips over and over again, not ready to let go, but Jungkook's lips started to turn blue already.

"I love you too, little prince. So much. You own my heart, you hear me? No one else." Jungkook nodded and chuckled in joy, but it was short lived. Taehyung helped Jungkook up into the boat, where he quickly dressed himself, body shivering. Taehyung pulled the boat to the ship that was already waiting not far away.

Jungkook wondered if Yoongi was behind all of this. Namjoon was the first to witness him, Hoseok the second, before Jimin and Joy run up to the railing. "Jungkook!" They all looked at Taehyung in surprise, everyone taken aback by his beauty. "Hi", he smiled sadly, the smile not reaching his beautiful blue eyes. "I'm Taehyung", he introduced himself quickly, before he let the boat attach to the ship. Everyone was bowing to him, and he bowed back. Jimin watched how Taehyung held Jungkook's hand, kissing it and caressed his cheek for the last time.

"Goodbye", he said, while Jungkook nodded at him, not used to yet to use his voice again. They kissed for a last time fondly, before Taehyung swam a bit back, watching how they pulled the boat up. Joy had her hand over her chest, tears threatening to get out as she watched the scene. Jungkook watched the merman getting tinier and tinier, his tender smile making him shiver in despair. "TAEHYUNG! TAEHYUNG I LOVE YOU!!!" ,he shouted from the top of his lungs. Jimin needed to look away, the scene breaking his heart.

"I LOVE YOU TOO JUNGKOOKIE!!!", and with that, the merman disappeared in the water.

Jimin pulled Jungkook inside of the boat with the help of Namjoon and Hoseok, holding his shivering body that was crying so hard, they didn't know what to do. "Quick, we need him to change his damp clothes! Let him run a bath!" Jimin was hugging his brother, caressing his head, rocking him back and forth.

Yoongi told them to wait. He told them he will be back in human form. They had a lot of questions, but they hadn't much time, so they were still confused what exactly happened. But as happy as Jimin was to have Jungkook back, he couldn't stand see him suffering like that, ordering Namjoon to quickly sail back to Jeju island to Joys palace where they wanted to take proper care of him.

Joy made sure to have everything prepared when they arrive, telling his parents about their arrival. Jungkook sat in his cabin, changed already into dry clothes, a big warm blanket wrapped around him. He didn't say a word, just looked out of the window of his cabin, longing consuming him. He was still too shocked about everything, not able to talk about anything that happened.

Joy's parents were pleased to have both princes in their castle, looking out for them, totally oblivious about the drama that happened in the last past week. Jungkook had a cold like assumed, so he stayed for a bit longer, while Jimin went back to Busan after a week. He wished to stay longer with his brother, but he had some important business to do, and his parents called after him.

"You will be fine", he said to his brother, who looked like all life left his soul. His lips pressed on one another helplessly, kissing his forehead of his brother, who coughed. "See you soon, okay?" Jungkook only nodded, a weak smile pooling on his lips. Joy entered his room as soon as Jimin left it, bowing at him in the frame. "Thank you for everything Joy", he bowed back before he left.

Joy sat next to his bed, measuring his temperature. "You're fever is gone", she smiled, washing his face with a damp towel, removing the sweat on his forehead. She refused letting any maid doing that. She wanted to take care of his friend herself.

"How do you feel today?" Jungkook shrugged. "You miss him. I know", she smiled at him fondly. "Are you ready to tell me that story?" Jungkook looked up to her in question. "What do you mean?" His hoarse voice was cute. "I'm willing to listen what happened in that week you were a merman. And don't you dare letting something out", she warned him with a raised finger. Jungkook chuckled. Joy was always willing to listen to her stories.

"What about you?" guilt once again filled his chest. He rejected Joy, and now he was lying in one of her beds where she did take care of him. He felt pathetic and mean. "Oh, I will be fine, don't worry", she waved, and he saw that she meant it. Joy was really a wonderful friend to him, and he hoped that she will find someone who is capable to appreciate her like she deserved it.

Jungkook sat up more properly and took a sip of the glass Joy gave her. " happened that we came across a pirates ship..."

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