Model For Me

By YeahImLonelyToo

39.2K 982 537

Sakusa is a designer and Atsumu is a model. Pretty basic Only the story belongs to me, nothing else. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 12

1.8K 47 47
By YeahImLonelyToo

{Right this is long and I'm trying to get to the plot but damn I'm running out of ideas. Also, I barely wrote anything smut-related but holy guacamole it's so weird. WhY wAs I nOt InFoRmEd Of ThAt!?!?}

Sakusa POV


I waited in the library for a minute until I was sure that both Madeleine and Atsumu were long gone.

I sighed and stood up, I stretched and then began walking towards the doors. I knew that Madeleine must have already dropped Atsumu off and was on her way back to the library.

Not to help me, of course, she has a habit of staying up for hours to just read. I'm always telling her to not do that, considering her job requires a decent amount of sleep.

Anyway, true to my prediction, I ran into her not too far from the library.

I stopped her and started the interrogation, "What were you talking about with Atsumu?"

She smiled wide, like the Cheshire cat. I sighed, knowing that face meant that she would not tell me the whole truth no matter what.

"I was just asking him what he thought of my house," She twirled a strand of her curled hair with a finger and batted her eyelashes at me innocently.

"Bullshit," I stared at her intensely, "I know you were trying to matchmake us, stop it. It's not going to work out. It never does."

"Yeah, but this time is diff-" I cut her off.

"NO. You know what happened last time," My voice cracked slightly and I fought to keep my face neutral, "I don't want to go through that again."

She wore a shocked expression but eventually her face became somber, "I remember, Kiyoomi. But I also remember what a narcissistic asshole he was. I just don't want to see you alone forever." she said, placing her hands on my shoulders. I didn't shrug them off, her touch didn't bother me loads because of our history together.

"I know, Madeleine, but please, let me just . . . let me find someone on my own."

She sighed and pulled me into a hug, "Ok, Kiyoomi, but please, don't keep pushing people away. It hurts to see you all alone."

"I'm not completely alone," I mumbled and hugged her back, "but I promise, now butt out of my love life."

"Hmm, no promises," She giggled, patted my head, and ran away quickly.

It took a moment to process what had just happened and the moment I did, I yelled back at her, "FUCK YOU, MADELEINE!" I heard the faint sound of her maniacal laugh echo off the walls.

I groaned and trudged back to my room. As I arrived, I noticed Atsumu's door was open and the lights were on.

Curiously, I peeked in, wondering why in the world he was up so late. At first, I didn't notice him, but after a minute I noticed him sprawled out on the bed. He was laying on top of the blankets and I'm pretty sure he was shivering slightly.

I sighed and walked over to him to lay the blankets on him. When I approached, I couldn't help but notice how just . . . utterly beautiful he truly was. And sure, I've obviously noticed the potential he had, but this was different now.

He wasn't carrying the burden of constant anxiety in the back of his mind, he was simply calm. And it was gorgeous. His face was so relaxed and I realized I had never seen him look like this before. He'd always had some sort of cloud covering his face. It may not be super noticeable, but if you were truly looking, you would see that he was constantly troubled by something. But not now, right then, he looked like he had not a care in the world.

Subconsciously, I lifted my hand to brush back a strand of hair that had fallen across his face. But I quickly jerked my hand away, wondering what the hell I had almost done. I clenched my hand in a fist and quickly covered his shivering body. I left the room swiftly and turned the lights off on the way out.

I slipped into my room across the hall and closed the door behind me. I slid down the door and placed my head on my knees. I can NOT let Atsumu EVER figure out that I might feel even the slightest bit of attraction towards him.

I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair aggressively. I rose from the ground, dragged myself to the bathroom, stripped, and stepped into the tub. I turned on the shower and let the warm water run over me.

I don't know how long I was in there, but I do know that I was exhausted when I eventually flopped down in my bed wearing just a pair of boxers. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


"A-ah~" Atsumu's voice rang out, "Ngh~ O-Omi~"

He was laying naked on my bed, his wrists tied to the bedposts. Like a puppet under my control. He twisted his hips to cover himself more. He was a panting, moaning mess and it was fucking hot.

"Atsu~ baby, why don't you moan my name~" I teased, pushing his legs apart and leaned down over him.

He moaned as I bit into his neck. I grinned and started nipping and sucking at his neck. He squirmed and moaned again.

"S-stop, Om-ah AH~" His back arched when I started playing with his nipples. I smirked sadistically and continued to leave hickeys and bite marks while playing with his chest.

"K-Kiyoomi~" Atsumu whined and I looked up at him, hungry and lustful, "it f-feel so g-good~ NGH~"

If I wasn't already super turned on, that would've done the trick. I grabbed Atsumu's hair and yanked his head back and he let out a squeak. I latched my mouth on right under his chin and left a bright red mark before kissing his mouth.

He gasped and I used that as an opportunity to slip my tongue in. I could feel him try and fight for dominance, despite the very high chances of me winning. And I did. As I kissed him, I could feel him arching his body against mine and he ground his hips against mine.

"Ahg~, Atsumu" I groaned and he bit his lip, "F-fuck, you're so good . . ."

"Kiyoomi," He suddenly whispered in my ear, "I lov-"


I woke up with a start and was instantly aware of a little problem I had. Fucking god, a wet dream at my age? That's pathetic.

I groaned and threw off the covers, the moment I did so, I heard the handle on the door turn, I frantically flung a blanket around my body and tried to cover my erection as best I could.

"Omi?" I heard as Atsumu opened the door, "Are you awake yet? I've been knocking on your door for like thirty minutes."

"I am now," I shifted my weight awkwardly, hoping he wouldn't question why I was wrapped up in a blanket like a cocoon.

"O-oh, okay," He threw a questioning glance at the blanket but didn't say anything, "Well, when you're done getting ready can you help me find the kitchen? I'm hungry and I have no idea where to go."

"Sure," I said, "Give me ten minutes." He nodded and closed the door after he left.

I sighed and staggered into the shower. I hurriedly stripped, AGAIN, and got into the shower.

I turned on the shower and stood motionless as the ice-cold water put me in temporary shock.

By the time I stepped out of the shower, the little problem was gone and I was shivering aggressively.

I got dressed and styled my hair quickly before grabbing my mask and gloves and placing them in my pocket. I stepped out of the room and Atsumu greeted me again eagerly.

"Wow, Omi-Omi, you really did get ready quickly!" He laughed.

"Yes well I didn't want to keep you waiting," I said and quickly started walking, attempting to keep him from seeing the light blush that crept onto my face.

"H-hey! Wait up Omi-Kun!" Atsumu called and started to jog after me, "You walk really fast, y'know?"

"I'm a very busy person." He laughed again.

"Also, why are you lips blue?" He asked curiously.

"O-oh, there was no hot water in the shower," I stuttered, trying to think of an excuse for taking an ice-cold shower.

"Oh that sucks," He exclaimed but then quickly started talking about something else, "Oh did I tell you that . . ."

As I led him to the kitchen he kept the conversation going by talking about the most random things ever. It was more of a half-sided conversation, considering Atsumu did most of the talking. He didn't seem to mind though, he's a lot more of a talker and I prefer to listen.

When we arrived at the kitchen, we found that Madeleine, Tendou, and Ushijima are already there sitting at the island.

Madeleine was talking on her phone and stirring a cup of tea and Ushijima and Tendou were both holding cups of coffee and talking quietly.

Madeleine noticed us first and waved as she continued to talk to whoever was on the other side of the line.

Atsumu waved back and I just nodded as a greeting.

"Ok, I gotta go, babe, je t'aime," Madeleine said and hung up the phone.

"Who was that~" Astumu teased and she smirked.

"It was my fiancé, Pierre," She informed him, "He's overseas at the moment, lecturing for a college in Canada."

"Woaaaah," he exclaimed, "That's pretty cool!"

"Hah," she laughed, "It would be if they would stop bothering him about it. He only accepted so they would stop sending him letters and emails."

"So he's pretty successful huh?," she nodded, "so what do you do? Do you model as well?"

"Nah, that's not for me, I'm a doctor," she shrugged, "so you might not see me around a whole lot, I have a day off today, though. Also, Sakusa, why are your lips blue?" She said, turning her attention to me.

"W-well," I said, caught off guard.

"Omi-Kun's shower didn't have any warm water," Atsumu piped in, pouring himself some cereal. Madeleine raised an eyebrow.

"Huh, that's weird," she glanced at me and I shook my head, in an attempt to tell her not to dig into it, "I'll guess I'll have to get that checked out."

If Atsumu noticed the interaction, he didn't say anything, although he did strike up a conversation with Tendou and Ushijima. I wonder where the two of them slept last night.

"Kiyoomi," Madeleine whispered as she walked past me to the sink, "Let's talk, outside."

She left the room and I waited a few seconds until I followed.

She was leaning against the wall in the hallway and then raised her eyebrow again, "The warm water wasn't working, eh?" She teased, "what a little liar we have here~"

"Be quiet," I glared at her, to which she only grinned wider, "keep your nose out of my business."

"Tsk, I know, I know," she said, dropping her arms to her side and she adopted a more somber facial expression, "You just seem REALLY attached to him. More than usual. I know I already said this, but I don't want you to get hurt. AGAIN."

"Madeleine," I reassured her, "I'll be fine. I was foolish in the past. But I'm not anymore. I know how to look after myself. You don't need to protect me anymore."

"I- okay," She sighed submissively, "But again, be careful."

"You're so worriedly lately I'm a little concerned-" I joked and she smiled halfheartedly.

"You're right, but without Komori here anymore, I'm just worried I'll never be able to protect you as much as he did. But I see now that you don't really need my protection anymore."

"Why thank you, mademoiselle. It's not like I have said that before AT ALL."

She laughed and I soon joined in.

"Ok, but are you guys going back to the studio today?"


"Aight, just making sure because I won't be here in the evening, I'll be meeting Pierre at the airport." I nodded and we started walking back to the kitchen.

"Right, when's the wedding again?"

Madeleine held the door for me, "Not till next year, you know that."

"You need to hurry up, you've been dating since high school."

"Silly goose," She chuckled, "since eighth grade."

"Even better," I replied sarcastically.

"At least I'm not a hopeless romantic who's never had a lover for more than six months."

"Ouch, that was pretty low," I whistled through my teeth, "for your height, I mean."

"You bitc-" she started to swing her fist at me but suddenly, Ushijima appeared in front of us.

"S'il vous plaît, monsieur et mademoiselle," he apologized, "Tendou and Atsumu left to go somewhere and I fear they might be lost."

I blinked and then groaned, "why didn't you go with them?"

"I did not notice they were gone until, well, they were gone."

"I'll go find them," I volunteered and the both of them nodded in approval.

"I'll get the car ready to leave, so when you find them I'll be in the driveway," Ushijima informed me.

"Okay, I'll be quick, hopefully," I muttered the last part under my breath.

Now, where the hell did they wander off to? 


wow, that was long and I'm sorry if there are spelling mistakes. I was really drained while writing this lol.

So I've noticed that this story DEFINITELY got more attention than the other two I've written so far. This makes me wonder if Sakuatsu is the preferred ship, which is funny because they've interacted like six times I dunno. 

What ship do you like to read about most?

I'm not even gonna lie, I practically live for Ushiten smut shots so, whoops?

Have a wonderful day my fellow Wattpad residents~

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