Love Secrecy

By seonatales

661 110 248

The story is about two detectives/investigators living in dorms, hiding their true peculiarities. They are fo... More

〃•Prologue~ 〃
〃• Characters introduction~ 〃
1|•〃For our friendship's sake〃•
2|•〃How I met her〃•
4|〃meet me at a café〃 ~
5|• It's a shiny weather today~
6|〃Yoo Jin's call ~〃
7|•〃So you don't know her?〃
8|• I won't tell you anything~
9|• Where are they?~
10|• You waited?~
11|The moments to remember
12|• Who are you really? ~
13. 〃Chaos within us〃~

3|•〃Let's promise to meet again•〃

53 15 18
By seonatales

Yeri & Yoo Jin exchanged their glances in confusion and decides to break the silence.

After Yoo Jin nods in agreement, Yeri clears her throat trying to get attention from both of them . "Ummm guys?"

Suho comes back to reality after he hears Yeri trying to break the silent confusingly. He immediately apologized for spitting the coffee.

Yeri , with an affable smile tells him to take it easy and there's no problem .Still trying to process the situation , Yoo Jin spoke. "Yes but what happened to both of you?" Yeri & Yoo Jin then looks back at Nayeon. Snapping herself out of her thoughts, she walked over to their table Nayeon took the seat beside Suho and hands him a tissue from the table to wipe the coffee he spitted .

Even this small gesture made Suho's heart flutter. It was easy to make him happy.

He doesn't want anybody to sense his feelings. Especially Nayeon. He doesn't want her to be aware of the fact that he still got butterflies in his stomach from her small action even after being affronted by her.
After trying his best to sound normal and not too amiable , Suho replied her."Oh..thanks" Nayeon looked at him with an emotionless face. "No problem" They were trying to act cool infront of others. But the other dramatic couple obviously wouldn't shut up about their weird behaviour a minute ago. Yoo Jin , without wasting any time asked "what happened to you both a while ago??"

Suho tried to think something reasonable but he was unable to come up with a good excuse. After trying his best , he spoke uttering something useless. "Umm nothing, I was just drinking the coffee too fast . And suddenly remembered something funny. But couldn't finish it before laughing" Nayeon stared at him smirking playfully.
"why, don't you know how to be careful while swallowing? "

Understanding the assignment, he beamed in response. "Pardon me, I actually forgot it." Pausing for a second after taking a sip from his unfinished coffee, he continued. "Your friend was apprising me about you a while ago stating that you are the sweetest person I'll ever meet."Giving her a playful smirk he resumed attacking her. "Hearing all those stuff, I was kinda shocked thinking a girl like you still exists when rude individuals are roaming around"

[ Note - I have attached images for you to understand their reactions/expressions better ]

As others didn't know about their first encounter , Suho decided to annoy her secretly without anyone knowing so she won't feel affronted infront of everyone

~ Nayeon's POV -

Woah, how dare he mock me like this? Only if I wasn't trying to calm myself, he would have been dead by now! I wish if I could choke this bastard ! Begging to God , she asked . "Can I just do it , please?" She responded herself sighing deeply. "Yes Nayeon ; only if it wasn't included it crimes ! "

I chose the wrong profession man! I am tired of following the laws and etc. Wish I could make my own rules. Then my rules would be simple - You annoy someone, they can choke you . You can't complain at all. Try changing your annoying self instead.

Snapping herself out of her dangerous thoughts , she spoke trying to calm herself. "Ohh I see!" After stealing glaces at Yeri , Yoo Jin enunciated. "Suho why don't you introduce yourself to Nayeon-ssi ? Sipping his coffee nervously, Suho responds. "Yeah sure... Umm..."

Clearing his throat before speaking ,  "Myself Ahn Suho . I am currently a freshman. I love music and I enjoy playing instruments - such as violin , guitar , piano . And I'm looking for a suitable job for myself." Said the latter .

Quaffing her coffee, she opened her mouth to make a suitably cutting retort. "Why don't you apply for dry cleaners job? You will suit this job I'm pretty sure"

Finishing her sentence she bursts into laughter. While others looked at her with their mouth open.

~Suho's POV-

I didn't know pretty people could be so annoying as well ?

Although she was making fun of me again , when she laughed , it was funny. I can't deny she looked cute. But I wish if I had any self respect left in me. So that I would stop having these thoughts.

After she cackled with laughter , Nayeon glanced at Yeri and then at Yoo Jin hoping they'll laugh back . Gazing at their surprised expressions she realized she caused chaos with her humor. Being done with her poor humor , she quickly tried to manage the situation. Smiling awkwardly, Nayeon verbalised in a defensive tone. "Calm down guys. Can't I even joke with my partner? Haha ?" Nayeon immediately regretted saying "partner" While Suho couldn't help but think about what she just uttered .

His heartbeat fastened once again.Yeah once again. If his self respect was a person then Suho would have been beaten up harshly.

"That's my girl!! She always comes straight to the point." Yeri's voice rose in triumph. Hitting Suho's arm lightly Yeri spoke with heart eyes . "See! she accepted you as her partner already!!"

And of course!! The other drama queen would definitely join his partner when it comes to having no patience at all before reacting . "Hey mate, congrats!! You see the benefit of accompanying me? "

Shaking her head in disbelief, Nayeon spoke in vexation. "Hey wait wait, you guys are jumping to the conclusions. I didn't mean to date him. I only mentioned "partner" because we came here for blind date. So we're partners on this date , right?" Yeri rolled her eyes being done with her wilful friend. "Don't be shy to admit it !We now know! " She said winking at Nayeon only to aggravate her friend's mood. "Stop before I chew you alive!" said the triggered angry bird. Winking at her, Suho whispered in Nayeon's ear not fearing for his dear life. "Now you even chew people ? Don't you get to eat what a normal human eats? I can buy you meals if you need. "

She leaned forward to Suho's ear and whispered back . "Stop before I choke you!"

Suho laughs inaudibly . He is already enjoying making her mad . From his vision , she looks cute when she is mad . Yeah his self respect wants to track his location.

Yeri knew if she insists Nayeon any longer , she won't be able to witness the sunrise of next morning . Taking a deep breath, Yeri averred feeling defeated . "Fine! calm down baby gurl! Let's move on. Okay?" 

After the old atmosphere had returned, something crossed Yeri's mind. "Why don't you guys take a quick peek at outside ? I heard the café is surrounded by mesmerising places and you both can have some personal chat if you feel uncomfortable between us. Yoo Jin and I'll stay here instead. "

Nayeon smirked playfully at her friend. "Why? Are you guys having a hard time flirting with each other because of us? "

Yoo Jin face redden upon hearing that. Yeri's cheek was burning red . Both of them looked like tomatoes. Somehow hiding her face in embarrassment , she replied her friend. "Stop teasing! I am suggesting this so that both couple can get along well with each other without feeling uncomfortable between four people." Giving her a warm smile, Suho nods in agreement. "Okay, we'll go. Enjoy yourselves."

She smiled at him for being sweet and understanding. "Thank you Suho. I wish you the same.. " Nayeon and Suho were about to head towards exit. But Yeri stops them . Hesitating a bit she spoke with heart eyes. "Ah Suho-ssi, would you mind if I drop the honorifics with you? " Smiling back at her the latter shook his head. "Sure why not?" While leaving Nayeon whispers in his ears. "Don't even think of dropping honorifics while taking to me" Rolling his eyes , he frowned. "Do you think I'm interested to get close to you? There are million of girls . I prefer the polite and respectful ones. " She gave him a peaceful smile. "What a relief ! " Suho rolled his eyes at her remark and walked away heading towards the exit with Nayeon following him.

While they were walking outside , they noticed few bicycles . She stared at the pastel bicycle for long. Long enough for Suho to read her mind.

Suho was trying to start a conversation being well known to the fact that Nayeon isn't interested in him .

He knew he'll get reviled. So he chose to be silent and observe her only.

When he was busy in his thoughts , he noticed Nayeon wasn't beside him. Stopping a bit, he looks back to see her standing like a statue staring at a cycle.

He walks back to the spot where Nayeon was standing still . Coming a little closer, he whispered in her ears "want to ride it?"

Snapping herself out of her thoughts, she looks at Suho being surprised by his accurate guess. "How do you know?"

"You made it look so obvious . You looked like a little kid who wants to buy a toy . "

"What did you just say?" Asked Nayeon as if she didn't hear it correctly at first . In response he just rolled is eyes. "Ahh forget it if you don't wanna ride" and started walking away.

"Hey wait!" yelled the latter stopping him by grabbing his arm . Feeling defeated , Nayeon spoke . "Whatever...But how are you going to borrow this? "

"The owner of the cycle is my friend who works in the cafe as a part timer . He inevitably parks this bicycle here "

Nayeon spoke feeling baffled. "Woah but you didn't mention your friend working in this café as a part timer when we were chatting?"

"As if we were actually chatting? He looked at her giving an unbelievable smile before speaking. "Did you give me any chance to talk more about myself? Just after I introduced myself , you started rolling on the floor laughing at me. " Said the latter whining.

Realising he was right, she swiftly changed the topic. "However.. But you don't seem to know other bicycle owners personally. Do you? How are we both going to ride it?"

Frowning a bit , the latter asked raising his eyebrows . "Wait why? Did you think of riding separately? "

Confusingly, she replied. "So did you think of riding together? "

"This one belongs to my friend so I can borrow it for a while. But I can't borrow other ones because I don't know the owners personally. So let's just ride together. "

Acting worn out she yawned. "Ugh! I have no choice left...... Now I have to bear with you . "

"Shouldn't I be the one saying this? " Said the latter making a "done" face.

Completing his sentence, he gestured Nayeon to make herself comfortable in the bicycle's seat asking for a minute to make a call.

Nodding to him Nayeon seats in the backseat happily waiting for Suho to end his call with his friend asking for permission to borrow his cycle.

After getting his friend's approval Suho takes in the front seat .

Suho always dreamed these moments . He found it too unrealistic that he actually got to do this , especially with a girl who hates him.

Clearing his throat he tried to start a small conversation. "Umm Nayeon-ssi?" She hummed in response. 

[ In Korea , "ssi" is used as a honorific to address someone whom you recently met/ barely know or isn't close enough to use informal speech]

"It looked like you like riding cycles. Did you ever ride it with someone? Like - with your boyfriend , for an example...? " Asked the boy hoping she'll answer with a "no".

"No! I never had any boyfriend.
I don't believe in this love/relation/breakup thing at all...

Playfully smirking at him she made some assumptions. "But I bet ! you must have done this a lot of times with tons of girlfriends!"

"What made you think that? He smiled sarcastically. "Because I am handsome? "

Acting as if she is about to throw up, she questioned the latter. "From where you got the confidence?"

He grinned in response like a kid . "But I wasn't wrong though. I understand why you thought that I hooked up with bunch of girls. My handsome face confuses everyone."

Nayeon scoffed. "I'm about to throw up!

"Waitt no! wait wait !! I just washed this t-shirt yesterday ! " Said the latter earning a light smack at his shoulder."

"I said that judging your personality. I thought in name of helping try to impress them?"

Giving her a light smile, he let out a deep sigh. "The world is too cruel. Someone needs to be kind and be there to be helpful towards the world. Even though that makes me look like players or flirty most of the time , I want everyone to be comfortable and want to help people around me whenever I can so that I can sleep with a peaceful heart knowing I made Somone smile , I helped someone. "

Nayeon was quiet for sometime thinking
"This guy is actually....................kind of
s-sweet..........and have the same thoughts with me except for the "being polite" part...."

Nayeon Pov :

As soon as I came out of my thoughts, I wanted to smack myself for thinking that.
No Nayeon!! Don't even dare to think anything nice about him ! Don't fall for anyone's sweet words.

End of the pov ~

"So you actually never dated anyone?"

"Nope. I don't fall for people that easily. I never had a girlfriend before because I only want to date the girl I'll love truly. I never found someone like that so I'm waiting for her." Said Suho.

Making a face she felt infuriated by Suho. "What a joke!! Then what are you doing on blind date if you are waiting for her? "

He gave her a sarcastic smile. "Well it's not like that , I ordered my dream girl from online store and I have to wait for the home delivery to get her...? If I don't give others & myself a chance to like someone how am I supposed to fall in love?"

The latter could only rolled her eyes feeling defeated once again. "Whatever!"

"Yeah but honestly, I wouldn't have come here actually. I was forced by my room mates." Said Suho .

Nayeon of course frowned thinking he indirectly said he wasn't interested to meet her. "Heyy!!"

He chuckled at her sudden outburst caused by him . "Hey I didn't have any intention of making you feel bad or worthless by not wanting to come here. I obviously didn't know you were the girl I would meet."

"So ...if you knew it would be someone beautiful like me , what would you do?" Nayeon asked hoping to hear a likable reply.

"I would run away from the dorm in order to avoid coming here as my room mates would have still forced me to go." Replied the latter knowing he is going to cause a fire here today.

"What did you just say!!!!" She yelled loud enough to make him go deaf.

"Oh god!!! rip my ears... Are you a human or a loud speaker?"

"Yesss I'm! Do you have any problems?"

"Not at all... Keep screaming, that way my eardrums would be cleaned"

"Then shut up & focus on the road!" the latter replied frowning.

They were silent for a while until Suho stops the cycle causing her to be completely mystified .

Being puzzled , she asked. "What happened?"

"Look at the ice-cream stall there !!! " He said pointing at the little stall in the other side of the road. "Let's get ice-cream first- I'll pay." said the latter getting excited like a little kid. Although Nayeon also likes ice cream and lot of soft drinks , for a certain reason she was concerned and didn't want to have it. "Didn't you say you like to sing? Ice-cream isn't good for your throat then"

Her being concerned for him was astonishing. "Now I am melting! Atleast you care for me .... " He gave her an assuring smile telling he doesn't eat it often , so he'll be alright.

She rolled her eyes at his last sentence.
"You and your imaginations! Whatever... Get me chocolate flavor's one.."

"as you wish"

~Suho parks the bicycle beside the ice-cream stall ~

they were waiting for their ice cream . Apparently Suho gets a call from his senior and asked for excuse. Suho was too busy on the call to notice Nayeon wasn't around him. After some time, the latter notices Nayeon wasn't there at the stall . He started looking the spots around him and saw her in the middle of the road advancing her step towards a toy that's being thrown/dropped.

He shook his head in disbelief thinking how carelessly she stopped in the middle of the road while the vehicles are crossing .

"Suho ? Are you listening to me?" Asked his senior from the other side of the phone. When he saw Nayeon like this , he forgot he was in a call. "Yes sir, I'm all ears" . He said still keeping his gaze on her putting his other hand on his waist.

He was waiting for her to come back. But things doesn't go in our way. Our fate is so unpredictable and definitely not trustworthy. You could already sense something bad is going to happen. Or let's say worst - he saw a truck coming to her direction with supersonic speed. And Nayeon was too late to notice it . Without waiting for a second, Suho dropped his phone and runs to Nayeon to save her from getting hit by the truck. It was already late when Nayeon noticed the truck coming in her direction. She was death coming in her way. But suddenly she felt a hand grabbing her arm and dragging her to the other side.


She was breathing heavily and so did the latter. It gave them a feel like - watching death from close.

After trying to catch his breath Suho yelled at her . "Are you being serious for real man? "

This time Nayeon knows it was her fault and she shouldn't yell back or act like an ungrateful jerk. "I'm sorry I know it was very careless of me . I saw a kid crying for the toy which he mistakenly dropped. His mother didn't want to get it. The road was empty a while ago, I don't know how the truck suddenly showed up with supersonic speed . I will be careful the next time."

She noticed Suho got a bruise on his arm. She felt down. Culpability was visible in her face. Her guilt in the matter was indisputable. She looked at his eyes concerned. Holding his arm , she softened her voice. "It's hurting, right? Let's get some medicines first. Did you get any more bruises?"

"Forget about me! What would have happened to you if I hadn't come at right time?" He exclaimed removing her hands from his arm.

"Probably, I would have been in Heaven by now." Replied the latter sarcastically holding his arm again.

He gave her a "disbelief" face. "What makes you think that you are going to Heaven? Without a doubt you came straight from hell "

"Did the Demon himself messaged you personally about this info? Stop joking around."

"You are the one who started the joke in this serious situation! " He replied being done with everything.

She sighed feeling defeated. "Fine! But , are you okay?"

" Yess I am- n-not.....waittttt - whattt! noo!!! His eyes got widened out of the blue.

Nayeon shifts her gaze to the direction where Suho was staring. She notices a broken locket that was laying in the road. She didn't get what's wrong. Why Suho got so upset.

"What's wrong? Is that yours?" Feeling emotionally damaged he replied trying to not crack his voice. "Yes. It was".

It was very unusual to see Suho being this upset. He always has been a cheerful person , anyone would be loved to be around with.

Nayeon understood that locket must be very important for him . Patting his arm she tried to console him. "Hey man don't let yourself feel down about anything. You're one of the most cheerful person I have met. She have him a warm assuming smile. "Since you lost it for me . I'll buy you a new chain prettier than this . Happy now? "

He tried to smile back at her but failed this time. Trying to make an eye contact with her, he said in a low voice "actually, it was my grandmother's last memory I had...I lost my parents at a young age. My grandma raised me. She was the person I loved the most in this entire world. 4 years ago , I lost her due to unfortunate reasons, I couldn't have anything else she owned except for the locket she gifted me. But never mind" He said in one go and smiled through his pain.

Suho kept his gaze down looking at the ground in order to avoid facing Nayeon with his teary eyes. He was somehow trying to hold back his tears. After sighing, he raises his head and his got a shock again looking at the sight infront of him .

He saw Nayeon picking up the locket from the road. Once again! She is being so careless. He looked around her and luckily there wasn't any vehicle this time. After successfully picking it up with it's broken parts, she advanced her step towards Suho.

"Wait whattttt did you just do againnnn??? " He exclaimed in anger widening his eyes still being in shock with her sudden action.

"Calm down mate. I checked the road carefully this time.."

That's still not a good excuse lady! But why would you go there again ?"

She showed him the locket raising her hands in air. "I'll get this fixed. I will return you this next time we meet okay? She said that smiling cutely which was of course enough to melt Suho's heart .

"Ahh stop that smile . It's so unusual for you to smile and care for people's feeling."

She rolled her eyes at his mean thoughts about her. "Well. I also love my grandparents the most. I want to protect them at any cost . No matter how much love I receive from them, I always crave for more and can never imagine losing them. So I understand you being heartbroken because of this. Gifts from grandparents are always special. That's it"

Suho looked at her eyes. She looked back at him after finishing her sentence. They stared at each other's soul for a moment. Somehow the silence between them was comforting. They didn't mind looking at each other unstoppably until they hear the ice cream staller calling them to receive their ice cream which they asked for billion years ago. Snapping back , Suho broke the silence. "Ahh I see. Atleast we have something in common. "

"I think so" she said smiling invisibly not noticing she was still holding his arm until she heard some schoolers whispering to each other saying "look at the couple over there, they way she is holding his arm is so cute" They were giggling loud enough for Nayeon to hear them. She immaculately removed her hand and cleared her throat trying to utter something hoping he didn't notice it . "Get your locket next week from me and never contact me again after this ."

"Ughh why? " He asked kinda pouting . Nayeon rolled her eyes witnessing it. "Obviously I am not interested in you. I would prefer meeting new guys for date. "

"Woah you're so unpredictable. Didn't you say earlier you are not interested in dating?" He widened his mouth making dramatic expressions. "I changed my mind "
Being done with her he replied ."You are really unreadable." She sighed deeply. " We should be unpredictable so that people can never know our next move."

Suho being quite impressed with what she just said - "You think like a detective!" Exclaimed the latter raising his eyebrows.

Nayeon quickly tried to ignore the subject. "Ahh Suho-ssi let's get our ice creams and go back to the café . Yeri and your friend must be waiting for us."

"Even after all these happened, you still remember about the ice cream? !" She grinned "Of course I do! Since you are the one who is paying, how can I miss this opportunity? "She walked away to the stall winking at him.

~Suho paid and both of them started heading back to the cafe ~

~At the cafe~

As soon as they came back they saw their friends with concerned face . "Where did you go? We were worried about you two!" Yeri said grabbing Nayeon' arm. Giving her an assuring smile , she tried to calm her. "Ahh don't worry .. He didn't bothered me that much. I'm okay". She replied sarcastically stealing glances at Suho checking if she succeed annoying him.

Yeri smacked her arm lightly. "I was worried about Suho because he left with you ."

Suho bursts in laughter loudly upon hearing this. Nayeon glared at him then at Yeri hitting her arm lightly.

Yoo Jin chuckled at their silly acts before checking his watch . " Okay okay let's call it a day? "

"Yeah but what happened between Yeri and you? Did you guys decide to go out again? " Suho asked sending playful smirks to his friend.

Nayeon came closer to Suho's ear and whispered. "Woah ! You even dropped the honorifics already with my friend"

Chucking a bit Suho asked smirking "Why? Are you jealous? " Shaking her head in disbelief, the latter whispered back." Why would I be?" Smirking at her again, Suho replied. "Perhaps you fell for me?"
She gave him an unbelievable smile. "This won't happen mate! Stop dreaming."
Being fully confident, he replied back winking at her "I bet it will! " Nayeon is not any lesser than Suho when it comes to being confident. "Okay then let's bet? I'll see who will win " . Smilingly he replied "As you wish! *

"Are you guys done whispering to each other?" . They snapped back from their whispering conversation only to see Yoo Jin making a "done" face. "Yeah but you didn't tell me, are you guys dating now? His friend asked him causing both of them blush.
Trying not to blush, Yeri spoke. " Ummm. Not officially dating but we decided to meet again"

"Ahh samee!" Suho replied excitingly earning a smack by Nayeon in. "Woahh you guys are going out?????" Yoo Jin asked widening his eyes . Yeri was about to join him in overreacting show but Nayeon stopped her. " No!!We are meeting for some other reasons. "

They nodded and started walking away to the exit door .

"Ahh so... let's meet again guys. Yeri-ssi take care of yourself. Hope we'll have good time together again. See you later Nayeon-ssi. " Yoo Jin said in one go taking a deep breath as if it was a speech.

Both Yeri and Nayeon smiled at him

"It was so nice to meet you Suho. " Yeri said giving him a warm smile.

Suho smiled back at her. "I am also glad to meet you Yeri." Finishing the sentence he sent smirk to Nayeon before speaking again. "But can't say the same for the other person."

Yoo Jin and Yeri chuckled at their couple fights stealing glances at each other. Nayeon glared at Suho which only satisfied him even more.

Both couples bid good-bye and started walking away to their respective destinations . Their dorms were in the opposite direction . While walking, Suho glanced at Nayeon , looking at them disappearing. He asked his inner self  "How is it that despite her cold exterior, she still has the power to ignite warmth within my heart? Today's moments with her have become the happiest memories I've ever experienced. Why is it that I can't seem to divert my attention elsewhere, even when faced with her distant demeanor? It's apparent that she may not even harbor any fondness for me so why do I find myself unaffected by this realization?"
... 〃........

Sorry if I made any mistakes. Feel free to correct me. 💖

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