Trust or danger?

By GiaKon

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One is a psycho and another is smitten with you! But which one is who? Should you trust Jungkook or Taehyung... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - YN POV
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 13

29 10 28
By GiaKon

Namjoon approached yn carefully, trying not to show hostility on his face.
"Hey there! I want to show you something,  could you spare some of your time? Here, I came with something for you!" He shoved a cocktail into yn hands.
"Does it have alcohol?"
"I believe a small amount. Jin made them".

"Then I'm sorry but I can't drink it. I have some juice here!" She smiled cutely at him.
"Ohh, just great. Now she wants to be all cute and funny. Maybe I can make the move instead of Jimin? He seems kinda unsure today."
"Would you like to come with me for a small walk? My head hurts a little?" He asked playful.

"Sure! I'm getting kinda bored here! No offense, but some movement would do me good."
"That's great"  he gave yn his arm and she linked with him. She never imagined that this will make Namjoon think she was such an easy prey.

Jungkook place was huge, so he just chose a path, into the garden, where they could not be seen.
"She sure doesn't talk much. How can she be ARMY? She barely reacts to my touch. What the fuck? Is she so insensitive?
Or she dislikes me? Nahh, that can't be. Women droll all over me! She is the same! Maybe I should be more bold!"
He tried to touch her waist, but yn flinched. She looked into his eyes, scared, with that deer look.

"Ohh, I'm sorry. I was just enjoying your company, so I got carried a little."
"It's fine" yn nodded.
"Fine, what? Just get the hint... what more do you need? Ohh, she drives me insane!" Namjoon was thinking.
"So, how do you enjoy your life being Jk lover?" He spouted out of the blue. He couldn't even believe what he asked her.
"What's wrong with you, Namjoon?" He asked himself.

"Everything is so great! I mean, I'm scared a little and I never wanted to make it so big... I just want a normal relationship..." yn eyes were sparkling. She really meant that.
"Normal? With an idol? Wrong move, babe!" Namjoon was smirking.
Yn looked at him, not budging.
"Ohh, I know. But I don't regret my decision, tho I know we will have hard times due to his... position."

"Look. You seem cute. Smart. I really like you..." Namjoon fast approached, getting his hands on her waist and pulling her close to him chest. She was so small, comparing to him. She looked lost between his arms.

"How about some fun?"
"Take your hands off, pleasse. I don't want to make a scene. Not today." Yn told him. Calmly. She wasn't budging an inch. She tried to push him with her hands.

"Hmm, feisty, aren't ya? I like a bitch that plays hard to get..."
Yn froze. She was baffled. What did he just said to her? She was pissed. She smacked his forearm and got released from his embrace.
She tried to run back to the villa, but he caught up to her.

"Why you running? I know you wanna play. I see it, in your eyes. You're not in love with Jk, are you?"
"Yes, I am! And this is not your damn business!" Yn yelled at him.
Suddenly, Jiminpopped out in front of her.
"Hey, there! Having troubles?"
"Nothing I can't handle!" Yn snarled.
"I can see so. Let's get back to the boys. I believe your groom was asking about you."

Jimin gave Namjoon a dirty look. He was saying like "stay back! You're ruining everything!"
"You good, Namjoon?" Jimin asked.
"Yeah, don't mind me. Maybe I drank too much." And he also followed them.
They entered the villa, and listened to the boys talking. They were all surprised of what they could hear. Yn was listening careful.

Jungkook, Taehyung and Yoongi didn't pay that much attention to yn leaving together with Namjoon.  They trusted him, and he also wasn't aware of their full story or about the pregnancy, so their leave went unnoticed.

But Jimin knew, so he went after them, following at a safe distance, not to be spotted.
The boys joined Hobi and Jin, and started to drink and talk.
"So, how is married life treating you, Jk? I mean, soon to be groom? You sure took us by surprise!" Jin asked.
"I'm so impatient! I can't wait for the wedding!"

"The reception, or the wedding night?" Hobi winked at Jk, making fun of him.
"He already had more that the first night..." Toongi said out of the blue.
"How do you know, ahh?" Hobi just asked playful, without paying too much mind to Yoongi's rude remark.

"I mean, we know, cause we already had her as well! So I'm sure Jk is happy for another reason, unknown to us." Tae replied all of the sudden.
Jin, Hobi and Jk were all stunned. Yoongi was laughing like crazy.

"I had her first. Gave it to her from the back, front, side ways, ahh so good, she arched her back when I hit the right spot..." Tae said while ruffling his hair and smirking.

"Huh, you played it safe, I was the second! But she told me to take it slow, turn the lights down. I said is she wants it she has to jump on it, she road me like a pony. Ohh, boy, she was so naughty! I slapped her ass, she nibbled on my ear, pulled her hair while she was screaming my name, she so loved the way I took her from behind...." Yoongi was laying on the couch.

"I made she shake, she called me daddy, wishing we can repeat it, I was so impatient. Moving just back and forth, with the lights on, I took it slow, cause I enjoyed seeing her making fucking faves...." Jk said while licking his lips.

"So what, now you're like a foursome? How did this happened?" Jin asked baffled. He was still trying to comprehend what they all just said.

"I believe she is a good girl, Kook. Stop spreading this nonsense! She seems sweet and in love with you! Stop joking with this, you guys... she will be upset if you don't stop being idiots!" Hobi snapped at them.

But little did they knew she heard them. All. With Jimin and Namjoon beside her. Those two were white like a ghost. Namjoon just couldn't believe what he just heard.
"I just knew it! She is a fucking bitch! Marriage? Love? So funny! We can never have those! Nobody will love us!" His mind was racing.

Yn entered into the living room, staring at them. She had tears in her eyes. Jk jumped from the couch...
"Hey, princess. Are you alright?"
"Am I, Jungkook?" She asked him with a low voice, with no emotions whatsoever. She then looked at Taehyung and Yoongi.

"I thought I've been knowing you all long way enough, but damn,
You sure took me by surprise!
You've already taken your time, spouting this much nonsense,
So how about I also make you rush?
I believed you when you said you're not here to play,
I suppose you all think that you know me, but you haven't seen my dark side, yet!
We can go over those times, again, rewind them and never move past,
But you know when you've put your body on mine, you'll never have again one of those nights,
I was all yours when you wanted me, I just wished to feel your body on top of mine,
But tonight, you all put me down!
Cause you want it but will never touch it again! You talk all this shit, but can you back it up?"

Yn was crying. Sobbing. Jimin went to her
"Wanna get out of here? I believe it's not safe to talk with them now, not yet."
"Yes. Please, take me away from here! I can't stand looking at them!" Yn whispered.
Taehyung and Yoongi were coming towards her, when Jimin took her hand and run off.
Namjoon stopped them both.
"You better explain all this shit to me, or tomorrow BTS will disband! All because of a little whore!" He was yelling. He was furious. Jk sat back down on the couch, grabbing his head. He didn't want to hurt her. Not like this. Just why did he do it? He knew Yoongi just wanted to provoke them and Taehyung went along with him cause he was jealous.
"I'm fucked up!! You did it, Jk! You just lost the love of your life! Because you were jealous!"

A few weeks passed. The atmosphere at Hybe was horrible. No one was talking with each other. Namjoon was skipping practice. Yoongi locked himself into his studio and you could barely see his face. Taehyung and Jungkook were practicing like crazy, like they wanted to numb their body and don't feel anything.

Just Jin, Jimin and Hobi were pretty normal, but the situation they were facing was not cute at all.
"So, does anyone know about yn these days?" Hobi suddenly asked.
Jimin eyes were blinking like crazy. He was not good at lying, but he managed to keep the secret until now. That yn is at his place.

He took her with him  that time, without thinking where to. So they ended up at his place. He saw yn was in no condition to go around the city, so he gave her some of his clothes, ordered food and put her to sleep.
He could hear her crying the whole night.
He felt useless. As the days passed, they started to talk more.

He was impressed by her. She sure was smart. Cute. Interesting. Intelligent. She understood what he wanted to say, always listening to him like he was the only one on earth. She made him feel special.
Not like a woman, cause he was seeing her like a sister. A big sister! He was baffled when he heard she is 30!

He wanted to arrive home faster like no one else! He anticipated the moments they will be together again, laughing and cooking! But she was feeling so ill, the pregnancy was not easy. Her morning sickness was no joke. You could see how much weight she lost, and even if they were smiling and chatting, she was still hurt. As weeks passed by, she cried less.

Jimin wanted to make her go talk things out with Jk, but also didn't. He was enjoying her presence to much. It was the first time someone listened to his nagging. The boys would laugh at him and tell he is just overthinking, but yn understood his hardships and his desire of being normal! Of enjoying every day life and little thinks they couldn't!

In the little amount of time they spent, they became besties. Yn shared her story with him, which made him cry the whole night. He couldn't understand why Jk,Yoongi and Taehyung messed with her and the news of her baby fathers made his stomach turn up. He so hated that idea!! He hated them all!

You could see the hostility he had in his eyes during dance practice.
"Just what's your issue, Jimin! Stop glaring  at me like you wanna kill me!" Jk yelled at him.
"Maybe if you were more attentive to "your wife", I wouldn't be so pissed off!" He emphasized the word wife, cause their engagement ceremony didn't take place anymore.

"What?? You know about yn? Where is she! How is she?"
"Ohh, now you wanna talk? I will never tell
You! Never! You don't deserve her! Neither those two! None!" Jimin was shouting trough the studio, as he stormed out.

Namjoon heard him.
"This little punk. He is hiding her. She is at his place! I'm just gonna get rid it that bitch!"

He hated her! Really!! He hated all woman that approached them. He knew none of them loved them just as a simple men. They enjoyed the fame, the money, excitement, spreading and selling their private pictures, bragging. But when it became to real, all of them run away! They chose another man, that pays attention to them and have enough free time!

How can they date? They can't even go outside for a small walk or ride! Without being chased by paparazzi!
Which woman would want that? No one! Just the fake ones, that would never love them! And when they go on tour, for months, they always find them into the arms of another man.

It happened to often to all of them, especially to Namjoon.
He was hard to approach, but he was a softie inside. He wanted to be loved. Unconditionally. Just as Kim
Namjoon. Not RM, not rap monster, not leader of BTS. As a Korean guy. But they never did! So he started to keep his distance  and  always drive them away from his members. He knew they will end up getting hurt. Like they did, again!

But getting inside Jimin's place was so difficult! Three weeks passed by, and they started to gather together, all of them, like before. But they still didn't talk to much, just the necessary.

Jimin was always running home after practice, skipping all their meals together or spending time with other members. Even Jin started to grew suspicious of him.
"Does Jimin like, have a new lover? Cause he is behaving like he does?" Jin asked out of the blue.
"Who? Jimin? I don't think so!! He is dancing with energy! He isn't fucking!" Hobi was laughing.
"Then, who is he running home to?" Namjoon instigated.
"I don't know... maybe Jk wife?" Jin was amused by the whole situation.
"Naaah, I don't think so. He can't hide this stuff, you know he can't lie!"
"I'm sure you're wrong, Jin!" Namjoon smirked.

"I just remember I have to give him some lyrics. Can you call him to my office?"
"Sure!" And Hobi picked up the phone and called Jimin.
"He said he is gonna be back in 40!"
"Good. I'll wait in my studio!"

But Namjoon got outside, took an Uber and went to Jimin place. He waited until Jimin got out, and managed to sneak inside!"
He was waking slowly, looking after yn. She was nowhere to be seen, but woman stuff was all over Jimin place.

"Fucking perfect! Ohh, I'm feel like I'm gonna throw up!"
He then heard her voice. She was inside the bathroom. She was singing.
Namjoon cracked the door a litte, so he could see. She was having a bubble bath.

"Damn, what is that shit? Pink and purple foam? Is she insane?
Oh great, is that what you're thinking about, Namjoon?
Am I just stupid when I'm beside her, or what? Damned witch!"
He found himself watching her closely, until she got up. Her body was different. She lost so much weight and her stomach started to get rounder. He found himself mesmerized.

"I can't! Fuck! Stop this! She is the same! All of them are!"
After she sit down again, Namjoon turned off the lights.
"Jimin? Are you back? Ohh perfect! Is the power off?"  Yn mumbled.
But she didn't manage to get out, because two hands pushed her into the bathtub.

"I choke. Cough. I'm pushed into the water like a rag doll. I try to get up, but I can't. He is pinning me down. I can't see much. Who is it? The water is inside my mouth, nose and ears! I'm choking and drowning! This is lasting for so long. I feel like I just arrived in hell.
I trash like mad. I just can't shake him off. My back is slammed against the bathtub.
I almost suffocate. I have no air left into my lungs. I want to make it! Out of here! I'm tossed outside the water, all of the sudden, slammed onto the floor.
I'm nauseous and dizzy due to the water I almost got drowned into.

"Why won't you just die!???"
It was Namjoon. He was crying next to yn, on the floor.

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