Trust or danger?

By GiaKon

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One is a psycho and another is smitten with you! But which one is who? Should you trust Jungkook or Taehyung... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - YN POV
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 12

28 10 52
By GiaKon

Taehyung got out and went to pick Jungkook. His nose was red and eyes were puffy. He was like a small rabbit, trying to hide.
"Yn said she is hungry and sleepy. And that she wants us all to go back to Seoul. And that we should talk. We covered everything up here. Get into the car."

Jk just stared at him and went inside the car. He sit next to Yoongi. He glared at him, like he wanted to eat him alive.
"Don't start" Yoongi whispered.
"Also, you better dispose of those..."
Yn showed Tae the black bags.
"If not, none of you will see this kids. Ever!"

They rode in silence. After a few, yn felt asleep. Yoongi tried to support her head, so she won't get hurt. Jk was annoyed. He was puffing next to him.
"Now what's wrong?" Yoongi was rolling his eyes at him.
"I wanna help her too ...." Jk was sulking.
"Fine! Come here then! My hands are hurting!" Yoongi scurried over and let Jungkook come into his place.

"Thank you, hyung" he just barely whispered, as not to be heard. But he was. Yoongi gave him a soft glare.
"Yeah.. sure..." he mumbled.

Yn was smiling, with her eyes closed. She woke up cause Yoongi pulled on her hair with his watch when changing place with Jk.
Taehyung was looking at her and he smiled out loud.
"Idiot! Be quiet!" Both Jk and Yoongi yelled at him.
"I think you both need to shut up."

Yn slept until they reached Seoul. She woke up due to them arguing into the parking lot.
"Just what happened now?" She asked quietly.
"We don't know which place to go to.... I mean.... Where? Who you wanna stay with?"
"You're just unbelievable!" Yn we laughing.
"With whom should I stay?" She turned around at stared at Yoongi.
"I mean, we're married.. right? So, my place?"
"But I'm the father.. so we can go to mine!" Tae was sulking.
"I'm nothing, so I'm the better choice?" Jk butt in.

"For the love of..... just book a room somewhere, then!' For the four of us!!"
Yn was shouting.
"Yes, boss!" Yoongi was groaning and asked Jk to give him his phone.

He booked a hotel suit, so they all can fit there comfortably. They needed some private space also, or they would fight all night long.
"We will go and bring some stuff here. Yoongi, you want something?"
"No, I'll go after. We need to order some food, as well."
"I'll just go and take a bubble bath!!! And after we eat, we need to talk. You know that, right?" Yn was staring at them.
They all nodded.

They ate in silence. All knew they should talk, but nobody wanted to start this discussion. Everything said here will hurt another. But they couldn't avoid it any longer.

"So, I want to tell everything I'm feeling and thinking and...what I wish to do and what I'm afraid to say.. and I want you all to listen to this and then speak your turn.." yn mumbled.

"I agree.. we need to know where each of us stands and how we gonna proceed further." Taehyung said.
"I'm in." Yoongi also nodded.
"Seems like I can't run away from it and I also need to say whatever it's on my mind, so perfect fit."
"Ok. Then I want to be the first." Yn prepared herself and pulled a chair over.

"I want first to tell you something, Taehyung. You don't know about those because we never had the time to chat, but Yoongi and Jungkook know it." And she told him everything, about her past, her childhood and what happened with Alex, everything until they met at the fan sign.
Then she explained what happened with Yoongi and Jungkook. The accident. The way Yoongi took her out of the hospital... until they meet again, today.

"I love Jungkook the most. I wanted to be together with him. But then he forgot about me. That hurt me so much. So I was just being petty but also hurt.

I never wanted to be with you Tae, like a couple, but more like parents. Because I want to have a family, a normal one, so I said to myself I could do this. But then Yoongi came and he made me feel alive, as I woman.

I agreed to sign those papers because he makes me feel whole. Because I love him the most, second. And because I also hid something. Tae, the kids are not yours. I mean, not both. One is yours, and one is Yoongi's. I know. I was pretty shocked. This can happen really rare, it's one of those heteropaternal superfecundation cases.

For me, it's a miracle I am even pregnant. So yes, I want to be with Yoongi because he is also my baby father...."

"This just doesn't make any sense... I know I hurt you. I'm also hurt. But you're giving up on true love, on us, because you're pregnant with... I mean.. them? Why can't we be togheter?"

"How could I explain, Kookie, further, that I have two children with other men and I'm also having the third lover? What would that make us? It's to complicated.... I don't want to hurt you more. Between me and them, it will always be a connection, as parents. Could you manage that?"

"Wwwhat? So you mean, I have a baby? I'm gonna be a father as well?" Yoongi stood up and he was shuttering. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because you rushed me so much with all this... I knew something was up. I thought you knew already..."

"But what about me, then? Can I be in your life? My kid life? Now that you're married ... but I want the child to be mine.. I want to legally recognize him, or she..." Taehyung also barely whispered.
"I will never oppose to that, Tae... I mean.. we are not even married, still. The papers aren't registered yet..."

"What?" All of them asked surprised.
"I just wanted to push yn to make her pick. But I would never betray you all. But I did want to do it, for real. If we don't cancel, we will be legally married. Do you want that?"
"I,I mean... I was ready... I said yes..."

"But you don't love him! I mean, not as the first!" Jk shouted, but also blushing.
"Yeah! He is right! Yoongi, cancel those!" Taehyung was laughing.
"So, what are we gonna do, then?"
"I think we need to.. spend time together. But first, I need time with Jungkook, alone."

"So basically, you chose him?"
"Yes. I don't want to lie. I love you all, but I will always love him more. But I want to live together with you as well, because of the babies. I want you to be part of their life, so that means we need to share the same house."
"You want what?" Jk asked in awe.

"You're not joking, right? " Yoongi was staring hard at yn.
"No, I'm not. I really mean it. A cute, small place, near Seoul, far away from the bustling but where you can come back every night, after work... can we have that?" Yn was pleading with her eyes.

"Tomorrow we are going house hunting!" Taehyung was shouting.
"No, wait up a little. Why we need to stay with them? They can just visit daily!!" Jk pouted.
"Do you have enough rooms? Cause I wanna sleep with my baby every night!!!" Yoongi was also laughing softly.
"We could fit in... I believe...." Jk was thinking hard.

"No, we can't! Imagine someone seeing us all... with kids... together. Your places, I mean all
of you, are off limits. I want to be safe and free, I don't need paparazzi at every window!!" Yn was already puffing

"You do have a point....." Tae agreed.
"Fine! But we all are going to meet up and pick the house!" Yoongi smirked.

"Fucking hell...this will never end!" Jk rolled his eyes and gave yn some dessert.
"Here, princess, dig in!"
"What about us?" Tae made his doe eyes.
"Are you also pregnant, idiot?" Yoongi teased him.

"So, what does this make us? Three husbands and one wife?" Yoongi asked first...
"Yeah, I also wanna know..." Tae laughed.
"You're nothing!!" Jk shoved cake into their face.

"I'm not sure.... More like one husband and two lovers?" Yn chuckled.
Jungkook looked and her, giving a death scare. "Hell no! The next baby placed in there will be mine! And you need to give me two!!"
"What?" Yn choked on her cake.

"Ok, you two loved birds need to spend time alone! But not to much!" Yoongi.
"Be careful not to hurt my baby, with to much.. touching tonight!" Tae was joking.
And after they ate the cake, they left.
"I'm surprised they have taken all this so well... I was afraid of their reaction... I mean...."

"They're not ok, not at all. They tried to cheer you up and smile trough the pain. But they're  also hurt. I know you also are! Princess, thank you!" Jk got beside her and squeezed her into his arms.
Yn hugged him back, as she started crying.
"I thought you will never remember me! I was so afraid and upset! Forgive me, Kookie!"

Jk cupped yn face and made her look at him.
"I'm sorry about that, I truly am, but I never wanted to hurt you! It was a side effect, from the impact. When I remembered, I felt my heart being hammered. You don't know how afraid I was that I would lose you..."

He kissed both her cheeks and then her lips.
"Ahh Kookie, I missed you so much! Thank you! For not giving up on us! I love you!" Yn snuggled into his chest.
"What you want us to do now, princess?"
"I wanna go to your place, snuggle on the bed and watch something funny!"
"As you wish! Let's pick everything up and leave right now! I need to call a cab!"

"I remember you saying that my place is not good??"
"I meant for all of us, Kookie. For me and you, it's perfect! As long as we are not seen!"
"But do you, like what to, don't announce us? I mean, this won't stay hidden for to long. It would be better to say it first, instead of being news headline...."
"And say what? Here is my lover... but she has kids with... Yoongi and Taehyung?"
"No... I mean. Let's say the kids are mine! Let's get married before your belly can be seen... and we can say Yoongi and Taehyung are the uncles and they love the kids and became their godfathers... so that way we can all be seen together with not issues."

"But will your company approve of this? I don't think this will be great news to them..."
"Well, I already did .. I mean.. I told them I'm gonna be a father!"
"You did what?? Say you're joking!"
"Actually, I'm not. And they said they're gonna agree to the wedding, as long as it's private and we both make a statement about this relationship."
"I can't believe you!  How did you even..."
"I never doubted that you will pick me! Because I know you love me!"
"And I do, Jungkook! I really do!"

When they arrived to his place, reporters were already outside. They took a lot of picture and Jk did the talking. He didn't say anything about the pregnancy, just that the company will give information about the engagement party and the wedding will be short after.

Taehyung saw everything on tv. It's ok, as long as we have that baby, I can stand beside her. And when Jungkook messes up, I can finally make her mine. I just need to bide my time.

Yoongi also saw the news. He was drinking since he arrived home. He was angry, he smashed all his furniture and took off!

The rest of the boys were taken by surprise when they saw the news.
Namjoon was so pissed. He didn't like this at all.. first the pictures taken at the motel with him and Taehyung, and now Jungkook was giving statements about his marriage! With the same woman!

"Damn, this is gonna end up ugly! I should've gotten rid of her since the start! How am I gonna fix this up!?"
"Get rid of who? Do you need my help, hyung?" Jimin popped out of nowhere.
"Would you?"
"I mean, why not? She is hot. Totally my type!"
"Jimin, I'm not joking. Jk can't get married, not to her."
"Because she is trouble!"
"I like a little trouble! I'll deal with it. Just make a meeting for us. I can't go to Jk place and gobble her up, now, can't I?" Jimin was giggling.

"I will. In a couple of days. Just be ready. And not a word! Also be careful with Taehyung. They're both after her."
"I like to have competition. Makes me try harder."
"Don't say I didn't warn you. Just do it right! They can't be together!"
"Yes, Rm. I will take care of it. It won't take long."

Namjoon wants to use Jimin to break yn and Jk up. It was not the first time he made this decision.
He just wants his group out of love scandals and internal arguments. They are the best in industry and he wants to keep it that way. And dating or marriage is not a way to make fans happy.

Especially their fandom. His head was already hurting, imagining all the repercussions Jk declaration will have.
"I suppose he received approval from the management, if not, he couldn't show off like this! Just why didn't they announced me before? Now I have to clean up this mess!"

But he also had a secret, a really upsetting one. He never liked seeing his band mates dating. For him, a lover was like a stepping stone, one he couldn't get over.
Also, he doesn't know about yn pregnancy, yet. That will for sure complicate more his conviction of separating Jungkook and yn.

After a few days, Jungkook finally invited alll of them to his place, to introduce yn. Their engagement will take place at the end of the month.

The news were overwhelming, the fans demanded for their break up, for Jungkook to leave the group.
But Jk didn't care, not at all. He was even bolder, yn made him fearless.
He didn't even apologize for hiding his relationship. He just said he wants to be happy and have a normal family, like others.

That being just an idol is not everything for him anymore, but he still loves music and his group, and will do his best, as always, as a singer.

Jimin felt kinda conflicted. When he met yn for the first time, she looked different. But now, she seems so small, tired, scared. She barely talked, like her voice was washed ashore.

She was still cute, but in a different way. She befriended them so quickly, Jin and Hobi were smitten by her.
Only Namjoon disliked her, and he couldn't guess why.

"What could she do to him, to gain his hate, this amount of anger? She seems so sweet, that I'm having second thoughts. Maybe I should stay out of this?"
Namjoon made Jimin a sign, to come out on the terrace.
"So, how do you plan to make it work? Like fast, like tomorrow!"

"Namjoon, I don't think that will work. You can see they are in love. Do you really want to hurt Jungkook?"
"He will get over it! If you can't do it, I will find someone who will."
"No! I will! Don't try anything funny! Just.... Give me time!"
"Oy Jimin, I hope you don't fall for her! I see those two idiots are already smitten since the first meeting!!" He was pointing at Jin and Hobi, angry.

"You need to approve. She is definitely cute."
"Then, have some fun with her! It's not like I want you to marry her!"
"Funny, but not so funny!"
"Jimin! Shut your trap and just get that pretty face to work!" Namjoon growled.
"Fine! Make it so I can get outside with her. I will make it happen."
"Sure! I will. Wait here!"

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