The Grocery Girl

Av rozepaul8

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Mira Nayak's life is nothing but robotic. College. Running her parents Indian Grocery Store. Home. Eat, Sleep... Mer

Guns and Groceries.
Cruel Delicacy.
Little Wolf.
Deal With The Mafia.
Wolf vs Vampire.
Monday Night.
Prem, The Lover.
Gangsta's Paradise.
Taste of Freedom.
Hidden Intentions.
The Grand Opening.
Dark Desires.
Lady Don.
Ride or Drive.


39 2 0
Av rozepaul8


I ended the call with Rocco making my way out of the room. I went downstairs to find that Dante and Prem were no longer in battle. I searched for either Varsha or Prem as I pushed my way through the crowd. Someone grabbed my arm as I protested in response. They pulled me away into a secluded corner, as my tension relieved.


I sighed.

"Where did you go? You missed the game."

"Ma called. She was just checking up on me."

"You not going to do another runner?"

"Not tonight. Besides we need to talk. Though where's Varsha?"

Prem pointed towards the scene, as Varsha and Dante were in conversation with one another. I was surprised. I thought she was afraid to get close to him, as they stood there smiling. Prem took my hand in his, observing the black bracelet.

"Shall we listen to this fella?"

I nodded as I led Prem upstairs to the same room I was in before. I suddenly felt anxious, as I realized I was alone in a room with my teenage crush. I plopped down on the bed, as he joined me. My heart began to accelerate, as the proximity closed between us. I was suddenly tongue tied, as he took my hand in his. I looked up at him shyly, as his thumb traced the smooth skin on my hand. He began to remove the bracelet from my hand as if he was undressing me. I gasped at the little movement, as his gaze didn't leave me. He twirled the bracelet in his hand as he pressed one of the buttons. A small screen appeared on the band, as he scrolled through the recordings. He pressed play as the night of the deal unravelled to him.

I cringed as soon as I heard my voice. Prem looked at me as if he couldn't believe I had said the things I said. His face went pale at the tone of Rocco's voice and threats. Once the recording was over. Prem finally broke the ice between us.

"Why is Rocco so protective of you?"

I went blank, shaking my head. Prem would be furious if he found out about our new found bond.

"This sounds personal, Mira. And I'm not liking it."

"It's all a facade, Prem. Besides, what did you think of my alliance with Ivashkov? I believe we should take him out first."

Prem's expression abruptly altered.

"You and Rocco aren't a thing, right?"

My eyes widened.

"Prem. There's nothing going.."

"I mean he's a man a woman can easily fantasize about."

He interrupted my sentence. I tried to remain calm.

"Those novels of yours. It makes sense as to why your working for him in the first place."

He gripped my arm tight, as I began to plead.

"Prem! For the love of God, there is nothing going on."

"If there is nothing going on. Then why does he fucking care about you?!"

He snapped at me, as I froze in my spot.

"I don't know!"

I cried out, as Prem's grip loosened around my arm. He sighed, biting his lip.

"I'm sorry, Mira. It's just that Rocco has a penchant for being the villain of my life. I'm scared he's also going to take away the heroine of my life as well."

He caressed the wound he caused on my arm, as both pain and pleasure struck me.

"I resent the Salvatores much more."

I cupped Prem's face.

"No one owns my heart, Prem. And the only reason I'm working at The Tuscany Escape is because I'm there for myself."

"For your dark desires?"

"No. But as a hotelier. He's good at what he does."

"Seriously, Mira! How can you even like him?"

"Your hatred for Rocco is incorrigible."

He snorted.

"I'm seriously concerned for you."

"Thanks. But everything is under control."

Prem gave me a look.

"This is valuable information, Mira. But it's only of Ronan's proposal. Where's the recording of the deal between he and Ronan?"

My face went pale.

"That was the deal that I had been trying to stop, Mira. But it's all gone to shit now. The only person we can take down is not the person I want to take down the most."

I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"We can still take him down, Prem. This deal is one of many."

The truth was, I was very much conflicted with my intentions.

"To take Rocco down. We need to take away the armour that protects him. Till he is powerless. Were not just fighting a man. Were dealing with an entire organization that protects him and his family."

He looked at me intensely.

"That's it. How could I have not seen it anytime sooner?"

"Seen what?"

He licked his lips, roaming his eyes around my face.

"Your going to strip him down. Naked. Absolutely naked. I don't want a single piece of armour left on him."

"Are you suggesting what I think you are?"

An evil smirk appeared on his face.

"If there is one person who would bring Rocco Salvatore to his knees. It would be you, Mira."

I chuckled.

"Rocco won't make the mistake of surrending himself to me. He's way too sly for that."

Prem played the recording again, as I listened closely to Rocco's passionate tone. I sighed.

"I don't think Rocco was expecting to behave the way he did."

I knew there was undeniable attraction between us. But the idea of love between us was like walking along a tightrope.

"No Prem. I will make sure I get a proper recording next time."


Prem put his hand on mine, as he leaned in closer to me. I looked at him with despair.

"Why are you so apprehensive?"

"Because I would rather play with his mind than his heart."

Prem's face dropped.

"Gangsters don't have hearts, Mira."

"But gangsters are human, just like the rest of us."

I recalled the pain in Rocco's eyes.

Prem had enough as he grabbed my arm with force. He placed the bracelet back on my arm.

"Fine. But you can forget about me."

I looked at him with astonishment.

"Just because you can play sick games with anyone to get what you want. It doesn't mean I will do the same."

"The only person that's playing a sick game is you, Mira. And I have no idea whose side your on. Infact, I'm repulsed by you."

Prem was furious as he stormed out of the room. The door slammed shut, as I cursed to myself.


I was completely sloshed, as I rested my body against my desk chair. Sheila was passed out on the couch, as I decided to close my eyes. My phone suddenly buzzed as I saw my henchmen's name pop up.

"Yes, Stephen?"

"Sir, there's been a sudden disruption. A few men have entered the house. They look similar to Ivashkov's men."

My eyes widened.

"What the fuck are they doing there?"

"I saw Dante walk off with one of them. I couldn't gather what they were discussing. But I think it's time you speak to your brother."

I was longing to speak to my boys for a while. I cursed under my breath. What was Ronan planning next? I sighed, getting up to grab my jacket.

"Are you going to her?"

Sheila mumbled under her breath. I grunted, closing the door behind me gently.



I sat there like a statue for a while, trying to find a form of response. The moonlight shone through the window blinding me, as I walked towards the sill to put down the blinds. My attention was captured by the plethora of young bodies smoking, drinking or dancing around. My eyes lingered upon a familiar black head that was surrounded by a bunch of men that sent tingles down my spine. I peered closely below as I saw a peak of Dante and men that I had seen at my store the night Ronan had visited.

The men swarmed around Dante, as anxiety sliced through. Was he in danger? I inspected Dante's body language that was cool and composed juxtaposed to fear. His gaze bored into them lazily, as he whipped something out of his pocket. I squinted harder, noticing it was a small white packet. My eyes widened, as the man took the packet from him. He turned it around, checking it. He said something to him. But the window I was standing by was too far high to decipher what was being said.

But the actions alone were easy enough to read. Ronan's deal spoke to me as I figured out the scene below. Dante was now an accomplice in his plan. Was Rocco aware of his brother's involvement? Or did the blood of crime run through the veins of the Salvatore family?

I was confused yet concerned, as I decided to call Rocco. The call went straight to his voicemail. Arghh! I decided to send him a text instead.

"Dante seems to be in trouble."

No response. I sighed, knowing it was on him now. I made my way out of the door, heading downstairs to the living room. I searched for Varsha or even Prem, when I saw Varsha standing near the door. I walked right up to her.


Varsha's brown eyes looked at me bloodshot. I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Is everything okay?"

She licked her lips.

"I took your advice and decided to talk to a boy. Dante was right there through divine timing and we ended up conversing. We then went outside on his insistence to get away from the noise. We were talking outside and we got close to one another. Until a group of men were heading toward us and his tone changed and he told me to leave. I was worried about leaving him alone with the men. But his eyes were intimidating enough for me to go. I'm not sure if I'm concerned about him or them."

I gulped. Off course I knew what was going on.

"Where's Prem? He can go and handle the situation."

I sighed, as I stuttered.

"Umm..I'm not too sure. Even I'm looking for him."

"I saw you two go upstairs."

Varsha raised her eyebrows.

"Yeeah we did. But I meant after that."

"Oh. I was outside. So I wouldn't know."

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Shall we go look for him?"

Varsha nodded, as we began our hunt. I knew he was pissed with me. But he wouldn't have just left without us. Or did he? We walked through the crowd, as we couldn't find a glimpse of the man. Varsha motioned that she was going upstairs to check, while I was scouting the bottom floor. I searched the kitchen, bathrooms and recreational rooms. I had a feeling Prem might be where he would usually be. I rushed to the front door, as I stepped out in the cool breeze. I slowly crept towards the side of the house, as I peeled my eyes out for Prem. I couldn't see him anywhere. Not even in hidden sight. I found a shrub, hiding under it. I decided to call Prem, when a familiar man caught my eye. I saw Stephen crouching in hindsight, as I watched the men disperse back to their vehicle. From a distance I saw a black van, as my interest heightened.

I took a picture of the van, as I saw Dante walk back towards the house. Another vehicle arrived, as I recognized the vintage piece from anywhere. I saw Stephen and I put the pieces together. There he was, walking in a fit of rage towards the house. I was about to creep my way back when I was dragged by someone. I was staring back at a pair of brown eyes, as my body instantly relaxed in his arms.

"Prem. Thank God. I was looking for you."

"Get Rocco to drop you and Varsha back."


"Just follow my orders, Mira."

"This isn't your station, Prem. Besides he's here to deal with his brother."

"Rocco cannot see me at any cost. That's why I'm telling you. Go home with him."

"But Dante has seen you."

"Dante doesn't know who I specifically am."

"Are you sure about that?"

"We've kept an eye on Dante and Luciano as well. They live a drastically different life to their elder brother and late father."

"Until now. Did you recognize those men?"

"No I'm afraid not."

"They're Ivashkov's men."

Prem raised his eyebrows at me.

"This case just gets more complicated."

He let go of me, holding his forehead.

"Okay, I will consider your idea. But please think about mine."

His eyes pleaded with mine, as I put a hand on his face.

"Suppose if I do. Will you truly be okay with Rocco touching me?"

He recoiled at my own touch, as his hand grazed around my bare waist pulling me right towards him. I began to breathe heavily as his eyes loomed into me fiercely.

"If it takes to sacrifice my heroine to the villain so that the hero can get his victorious ending. Then yes, meri jaan."

His cold fingers tapped along the curve of my waist, causing me to shiver in response to his equally cold confession. I let go of his grasp, looking towards the house. He gave me a knowing look, as he was about to leave.


I quickly gave him my cardigan to obscure his face. I knew Stephen was still around, worried he will spot Prem and squeal like a guinea pig to his boss.


I signalled towards Stephen who was now standing near his own vehicle. Prem nodded, covering himself and taking off into another route. I began to shiver as I steadily made my way to the house. Even if Stephen saw me, Rocco would vouch for me. I entered the house as Varsha waited for me.

"There you are. I thought I lost you too. Did you find him?"

"Prem got a call from the station. He had to leave urgently."

"What? He just left the two of us alone?"

Varsha was distressed, when my eyes glanced up at the two Salvatore men walking down the stairs. I held my breath before I could lose it whenever I saw Rocco. Both of their green eyes were trained on me as Varsha was equally transfixed. Dante's expression was sour while Rocco's eyes widened over my hair, eyes and then my exposed stomach. His expression darkened.

"Haaye, who's the Greek God on the left? He looks awfully familiar."

Varsha was spellbound. My mouth remained tight-lipped.

"Dante. Is everything okay?"

The two reached the bottom, as Varsha immediately rushed to him. We were both moths to the flame, wanting to engulf ourselves. Even if those flames were the Salvatore brothers. Dante gave Varsha a half smile, while peeking at me with distaste.

"Couldn't be any better."

He gave a mocking grin.

"Dante. Stephen will drop you back. It's not safe for you to linger here any longer."

Rocco slurred his words, as he swayed without balance. His movements were kinda sloppy, as I noticed his inbriated state. Dante brushed him off violently.

"And you suddenly care about my safety? I can manage on my own. So can Luciano and Mama. Do you even care about Mama?"

Rocco's eyesockets were rimmed with red, almost like his veins were about to pop out. It was the most intense look I had ever seen from him. Varsha figured that the two look alikes were brothers.

"Off course I do. I left so I could protect you all."

"You left out of your own convenience. I saw Mama begging you. But you didn't even look back at her."

"I couldn't look her in the eye."

"Because your a gluttonous cunt. It's only been about power for you. It's never been about family. The same goes for Papa. You turned out exactly like him. Sometimes I don't even feel bad about that old man's death."

The argument grew toxic.

"Dante! That's enough!"

Dante was glaring at him.

"If it takes to become him to protect us. Then I will happily be compared. You know why? Because he died trying to save us."

"So the accusations are true. We don't just run a hotel. Our hotel is running due to those accusations."

Prem's words came back to me.

"They live a drastically different life to their elder brother and father."

Rocco was tortured.

"Dante, go with Stephen. I will explain everything in due time."

"And why can't I go with you?"

Rocco was clearly a mess, but even in sobriety he wouldn't let his brother go with him.

"Because I will be taking your brother home."

I blurted out in defense. Varsha gave me a puzzling look, while Dante's piercing gaze landed on me.

"And who the fuck are you?"


Rocco scolded him.

"I work for your brother. I'm one of his employees at the hotel."

Varsha gasped, while Dante's eyes widened.

"Wow. No wonder you made a dig at my Mama. Seems like you guys are much more than just co-workers."

I bit my lip, while Rocco looked at me questionably.

"Wait, the infamous Salvatore family? Is that who Prem was talking about?"

I quickly put my hand over her mouth, while Rocco's attention was piqued by the mention of his name.

"Prem? Did I hear that correctly?"

"Umm..Mr Salvatore. Why don't we get going? And Varsha. Perhaps you can go with Dante. Just so that he has someone he can trust."

"So we were guilty all along."

Dante's voice grew with angst. I went to grab Rocco's hand, as I stood in between the two.

"Let's go, Mr Salvatore."

Rocco was too strong for me, as he whipped his arm away.

"Not till Dante goes with Stephen."

Dante was just as stubborn. I looked at him directly.

"Look, I'm sorry about what I said about your Mama. The truth was I didn't know you were related to Mr Salvatore until now. But I do know that in order to keep your ass alive he has to sacrifice the people that he loves the most. His own family. So can you kindly stop being a fucking ass, and just listen to your goddamn brother."

Dante was dumbfounded for a second, as he looked over at his brother. Rocco's gaze was haunting enough to witness, as Dante shoulders depleted.

"That's his and Papa's fault. But I guess I gotta stay alive if I want to protect Luciano and Mama."

He served Rocco a look of disdain. He took Varsha's hand, as her eyes softened.

"Shall we?"

His voice was soft and pleading. Varsha was unsure, as I placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Trust me."

Varsha's expression fell.

"You work for a criminal, Mira. How can I? I guess I work for one now too."

Varsha took off with Dante, as Rocco and I looked on at the both of them with equal woe. Rocco stumbled past, beckoning me.

"Thanks. I will drop you home."

I raced to him, placing his arm on my shoulder as I tried to anchor him.

"Easy there Big Wolf. I promised I will take you."

"No, Little Wolf. I will drive. I managed to come here, right?"

"That's impressive. But the police will be patrolling all over Manhattan at this time. I really need you to stay away from them for now."

I dragged him out the lawn, as onlookers watched us. Delilah was outside with her mates, when her eyes widened at the sight of us. Great. Another fangirl of Prem. I really had to keep his namesake away from Rocco.

I avoided her completely, as I heard her calling out to me. I focused on taking Rocco away as I felt his hand grip the curve of my waist harder than he normally did. I tried not to squirm as I rushed him to his vehicle. His hand was firmly stuck as I twirled around to face him. My eyes widened at our proximity, as he leaned in close to my face.

"Where's your keys, Rocco?"

My voice shriveled to a husky tone. There was a playful twinkle in his eyes. His other hand cupped the left side of my face.

"I can handle the bastardos. Like I have for eons."

I frowned in response, as my hands began to travel down his lower region. His chest arose in response, as I searched either pockets. I took the keys out of the right pocket, giving him a sarcastic grin.

"Not on my watch."

I opened the door, perching myself in the driver's seat.

Rocco was standing there pouting like a disobedient child. I honked at him, startling him.

"Get in Rocco. You owe me, remember?"

The back door opened, as he slumped himself at the back. He spread his thighs out, while his deadly gaze lingered on me in the rearview mirror.

"If you weren't so fucking beautiful, I wouldn't have been as quick to sit my ass down."

I rolled my eyes, as my cheeks turned pink.

"You say that to anything with a vagina."

A raspy chuckle exhaled out of him, as I took out my phone and pressed the maps.

"I'm saying that to someone whose pussy I have not seen. So, I think that says otherwise."

I blushed harder.

"So, are we going back to the hotel?"

"No. Take me to my apartment."

"And where's that?"

I gave him my phone, as his eyes gleamed at it. He punched in his address.

"So your stalking me now?"

I looked at him baffled, as I observed my phone. Wait. I recalled the parcel that morning with my phone in it. Rocco just slipped how he was tracking me.

I clipped the phone to the holder attached as I began my journey to the Upper East that wasn't very far from Brooklyn Heights. Although I hadn't got my license yet. It was nice to get the opportunity to drive when I could; without the taunting from my parents about my driving. I hated sitting with them. Though I tried to memorize everything that I had learnt as I took the risk on my own.

My eyes were roaming everywhere, while Rocco's were watching me intently. I looked over at the speed sign, sweeping to the speedometer. I gripped the wheel, as I drove through the streets.

"Little Wolf, have you driven before?"

"Yeah off course I have."

I was quick to my defense.

"Then why are you driving 10kms below the speed."

I gulped, as Rocco whipped himself right into the passenger's seat.

"What are you doing?"

He inched closer, as his left arm sprawled out on my shoulder while his right arm was on the steering wheel. His face rested right near my neck, while his hot breath tickled me.

"Have you ever been in control, Little Wolf?"

I shook my head to the side.

"Press the accelerator a little more."

My foot hit the pedal. We were going down a empty street, as we sped along.

"Good girl. Now imagine the wheel here is your life. Just always go. Because at the end, you will always reach your destination. And it doesn't matter how you do it to get there. With the rules off course."

My eyes were trained on the road, yet my body was battling to focus.

"Then why did you taunt me about going slow?"

Rocco smirked.

"Just trying to eradicate your fear, Mira."

My foot instantly pressed a little harder on the pedal as he nuzzled his nose into my hair, inhaling my scent.

"There she is."

I tried to contain my breath, as I peered over at the maps. We were in the heart of the Upper East as glimpses of elegant looking buildings and residential houses twinkled under the moon lit streets. My chest arose in response to him sweeping my hair aside, as his mouth neared the slope of my neck.


"Shh. Focus."

His tongue began to spread out against my skin, as I held on tightly to the wheel. I moaned in response as soon as I felt the wetness of his tongue gliding around my sensitive spot.

"I...I.. can't."

My voice was fading, replaced with inaudible moans.

"You can. Just replace the fear with something that makes you feel good."

His tongue was replaced with his teeth, as he bit into my skin. I swear I pressed hard on that accelerator as I swerved through the next street. His ravenous mouth, my anxiety and unwarranted lust was all turning into the perfect recipe for disaster. Yet it was also helping me ease the stress.

"Just enjoy the ride."

He continued licking, nipping and growling against me, while reminding me that I was in control. I turned the car inside a nearby parking lot as I squeezed his car in a decent spot outside his apartment building. Rocco continued holding my throat in his hand possessively as he dragged my skin with his teeth one last time, letting his tongue trail along his handiwork. He leaned my head back, as my eyes interlocked with his.

"Take control, Little Wolf. Else you'll be controlled."

That was a driving lesson I shall never forget.

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