The Grocery Girl

De rozepaul8

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Mira Nayak's life is nothing but robotic. College. Running her parents Indian Grocery Store. Home. Eat, Sleep... Mai multe

Guns and Groceries.
Cruel Delicacy.
Little Wolf.
Deal With The Mafia.
Monday Night.
Prem, The Lover.
Gangsta's Paradise.
Taste of Freedom.
Hidden Intentions.
The Grand Opening.
Dark Desires.
Lady Don.
Ride or Drive.

Wolf vs Vampire.

108 5 0
De rozepaul8


"So question number one."

"Wait, does that mean I get to ask questions back?"

"Were not on a fucking date, Grocery Girl. I ask. You answer. Simple."

I snorted.

"Geezh. I wonder what a normal date would be like for you then. A glass of red with someone's leg piece served on the side."

"I'm a gangster, not a cannibal. Though the human flesh does tend to tantalize me. Especially the neck piece."

Rocco gloated, as I glared at him. Yep, that shut me up.

"So, what were you doing at Prem's house?"



"I was at Aman's house. Also known as Prem's younger brother. He and I are best friends. I went to go hang out with him."

"Just hang, or were there talks involved about a certain arrangement?"

I figured it was best to play it cool. As lies equated to a death warrant when it came to gangsters. Loyalty was their only salvation in a circle of enemies.

"I only told him about the internship which I believe is normal to tell as so."

Rocco inspected me like he was looking at a whole new species.

"Are you warranting a death wish? What if he informs his brother? Or was this a ploy of yours the whole time? Instead of Prem. Your reaching out to his brother instead?"

"No, No, No and No."

"You could just say no once."

"You asked me to answer all your questions."

Rocco grunted in response.

"Little Wolf, if Prem founds out about us. I'm going to do things to you I won't be proud of."

My heart began to exhilarate.

"You feel bad about hurting me?"

Rocco gripped the steering wheel, as I gazed at him. There was an unreadable expression on his face.

"I couldn't care less. But your the last person I ever want to make a deal with."

Rocco spat, increasing his foot on the pedal. My mood immediately soured.

"It's not my fault that you stormed into my store."

"No, but it's all Prem's fault."

"Why are you guys so obsessed with each other? I mean I understand the cop and gangster angle. But it seems like a better love story than twilight."

"What's Twilight?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at his lack of pop culture awareness. It was actually endearing to see him bewildered. I wondered if he knew who Beyonce was. That was a conversation for later.

"I'll tell you if you answer another question of mine. How did you know I was at Prem's house?"

He looked at me intensely.

"I had Stephen track you."


I began searching around myself, as a light chuckle came out of Rocco.

"There's no fun in telling you. Now tell me what's Twilight?"

"There's no fun in telling you. You can find out yourself."

I mimicked his words, as Rocco shrugged it off.

"Cool. I guess the same applies for you."

"I thought we were over you stalking me. Are you going to follow me everywhere?"

"Till I can trust you, Little Wolf."

His gaze returned to the same broody expression as I crossed my arms across my chest in annoyance.

"Well rest assured. Prem has more enemies than the amount of hair on his body. He seems to be an awfully loathed man."

"Do you hate him?"

Rocco was piqued.

"Hate is a strong word. I prefer disappointed at this point."

"Why's that?"

His voice went low.

"He's not who I would thought he would be."

Rocco went quiet as his eyes wandered along my face. He looked away, as soon as I caught him staring.

"Well, welcome to my world, Little Wolf. Does that include his brother?"

I just nodded, observing the roads outside the car unfazed for a second.

"Prem is a common enemy."

I couldn't believe that came out of my mouth. Rocco realized, as a small smirk appeared on his face.

"Well I'm glad. It makes my job a little bearable."

I rolled my eyes.

"Where are you taking me?"


I realized that the roads began to look a little familiar as he drove across the freeway. I was so used to travelling in the sub, that I almost forgot what New York City looked like on the roads. That reminded me. I still had to do my driver's license test. Though I barely got time to practice because of my hectic schedule. Now with the internship, how was I going to get it. The sun was beginning to set, as the sky was on the verge of turning black. Kinda like my soul at this point.

"So, do you believe me? Or is this going to be the last ride of my life? Because if it is. I would like to have three wishes granted before then."

Rocco snorted.

"And what would those three wishes be?"

I was suddenly hit with the realization that apart from Aman, Rocco was one of the few people who listened to what I had to say. And ever since we bumped into each other. Rocco had asked me more questions about my life than my own parents had in my entire life. It baffled yet comforted me knowing there was some actually interested in my own thoughts. Or maybe Rocco was just filling in the time we spent in the car.

"Do you really want to know?"

Rocco nodded, shrugging his shoulders.

"Why? Are you actually planning to kill me?"

"Depends on those wishes."

"Well the first one is easy. I wish you could spare my life. The second one would be to give me the opportunity to fulfill all my dreams. And third would be to fall in love someday."

There was a red light, as Rocco halted the car.

"You can't wish for things that are already true."

My eyes widened at him.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I'm not going to kill you. Because I'm dropping you home. Second, I'm giving you the opportunity to make your dreams come true. And for the third wish.."

My pulse began to race, as tension filled the car.

"That's subjective."

Rocco chose not to elaborate as he gripped onto the steering wheel tight.

"But in my personal experience, love makes you weak."

He added, as his statement raised curiosity.

"Oh yeah. Did someone break your heart?"

I looked at him intensely.

"Believe it or not. I've never been in love."

"What? Your lying."

"I'm serious, Little Wolf. I've fucked many women. But I've never been in love with any of them. It would make me weak for what I was destined to be."

I snorted.

"What? A dreaded gangster. You ain't going to be rewarded the nobel prize for that."

"No, but I can protect my own family from the enemies that betrayed my father which is equal to a victory of a peace prize."

He slammed the brakes, as I noticed the West Village in view. There was a brief silence between us.


There was a little crack in his voice, as I
suddenly recalled the articles about his father's mysterious illness. Was there more to his death than just sensationalism? Is that why this deal was so important to him?

"Thank you."

He briefly nodded, when I decided to lighten the mood.

"By the way, since you call me Little Wolf. I think it's fair to call you a vampire."

Rocco's handsome face was enlightened.

"So see you tomorrow night, Edward Cullen. Or should I say at Twilight?"

Rocco was mystified, as I couldn't help but burst into laughter. I held on to my stomach and laughed what seemed like ages. When I regained myself, I noticed that Rocco's eyes were still transfixed upon me. The proximity between us began to intensify, as his eyes dropped down to my lips. I couldn't help but look at his own, as our eyes battled with one another like a gruelling tennis match. None of us made a move. Just sat there, savouring the moment itself. He finally reacted, shutting his eyes as if he was trying to contain himself. His hand was firmly upon the steering wheel, as his tongue slid across his bottom lip. He turned to the front; morphing back into his cold, detached stance.

"Good night, Grocery Girl."

There wasn't an ounce of affection in his tone. What the hell just happened between us? I stepped out, leaving with shivers left behind by Rocco's bleak words. As he began to drive away. He didn't throw a glance back in my direction, as I watched him disappear from my street.

That's when I realized that whenever he called me Grocery Girl, it was out of spite. But whenever he called me Little Wolf, it felt strangely intimate.

I was intrigued.



The day everybody hated. Yet today it had an edge to it. Before heading to Nayak's Groceries, I was at NYU in one of my business management classes. I was presently in my third year, studying and working my ass off as usual. I walked through campus into the Business wing, as I made my way to my practical class.

I sat in my usual spot, trying to listen to my professor. But his voice was fading into the thoughts of a gangster with a range of emotions and a mysterious mission. I wanted to unravel him, sink deep into his world. As fearful as I should be. Why was I excited? Maybe because for the first time in my mundane life, something exciting was happening for once.

I liked our banter. It was the most freshest conversation I had with anyone in a long time. And something tells me, he enjoys it too. My class went on till I got to my lunch break in between. I was sitting on a bench, eating the roti wrap with sabzi curry inside scrolling through my phone.

I received a text from Aman.

"When are you meeting Mr Salvatore?"

Aman was just as excited as I was.

"After class, today."

"Please come back alive."

"Well, atleast you know my killer and location."

"Send a SOS when you need to."

I couldn't help but smile at his concern. Aman was the type of person who would tell me to jump off a cliff yet tell me to keep a parachute on the side. As I finished my wrap, I received another text. It was a picture of Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen. I immediately knew who it was.

"You think I'm this guy, Little Wolf?"

"Thought you liked neck pieces?"

"I would have a love story better than this teenage wet dream."

Had a love story?

"Are you insinuating that your going to have one, Edward?"

There was a pause, as the three dots appeared. Till it disaapeared. I can hear your mind ticking, Cullen.

"I'll see you tonight, Little Wolf."

I couldn't help but smirk at the moments he got tongue tied. It showed he wasn't the only one with power. I finished my wrap making my way to my next class.


Fuck! Is this really what young people were into? I wasn't a romantic at heart. But I knew that love was more than cliches. Love was an arrangement that had to be worth investing in. As boring as that sounded. I was practical when it came to relationships. Eventually my Mama wanted me to settle. But that would only happen when I got the best deal.

Else just like food, money and shelter. Sex had been a need whenever my body craved it's biological needs. Yet since when did the sound of laughter turn into a need? The need to hear the most intoxicating sound.

I went home in a daze, yet swirling with ferocity at the same time. I could hear her sweet sound in my head, as I sped through the freeway probably breaking a few red lights on the way. Once I reached my apartment, I immediately began to undress, slipping on my boxing shorts and dressing my hands with black gloves. I raced down to my private gym, as I went straight to my punching bag. I went right at it, thrashing erratically and annihalitng the thoughts out of my system. Her silky strands, her infectious laughter. The fascination with her ethereal simplicity that hid layers of despair and darkness. The idea was intoxicating enough. But I preferred she lived. Yet I saw that she wanted to be seen. Heard even. There was fire in her voice, childlike curiosity in her eyes and a yearning in her body and soul to be a part of the underbelly of my world. She wanted to prove something to her family. And I wanted to help her, regardless. But there had to be set boundaries between us.

I threw another punch.

Presently, I was scrolling through my phone, searching up Twilight. I was supposed to be observing my staff and running through our management system. Although I was equipped, it was different when you had the sole reign. If I was able to run half of the hotel, it was because of my right hand man Stephen, and my efficient, feisty tongued receptionist, Maria.

I used to have a secretary that worked for me. Letty Sebastian. She was the one who helped improve our management log. Until the siren decided to seduce me on the night we were celebrating the success of our system. We had downed two bottles of champagne, as the taste of my success exploded inside my tongue and body. We rushed back to my office, knocking off papers and fucking like starved animals on my desk. The beastly sight was recorded through the camera in my room which I ended up burning. I had a fucking image to maintain. I recalled waking up that morning with an excruciating hangover and a clingy secretary that became engrossed in our one night stand more than her own fucking job. I couldn't deal with the burden, sacking her which I don't regret doing. I did us both a favor. I wanted to focus on my role. While she deserved to have some sense knocked into her.

I was scrolling through images of Edward Cullen while viewing excerpts from the movie. A half smirk appeared, as I understood the joke about my fascination with necks. And the uncanny reference between calling her wolf and Mira calling me a vampire. I guess we indeed were a match made in hell.

If this girl's idea of romance was blood sucking vampires. Then she was living in the wrong fantasy. She deserved something a little more tempting than that pale creature. Anyway, if she believed I liked necks. I did, until her. And I was curious to know what would happen if my tongue slid against the nape of her caramel skin. Will I feel her pulsate the way she did in my lap that night?

Fuck! I had to stop thinking about her. I deleted my history, getting up to leave my office space. I gripped on to the marble stoned edge, when Maria's name buzzed.

"Sir, are we still placing our order with Eco Luxury?"

I ran a hand through my hair, realizing what I was doing before I got distracted.

"Not yet. I just need a few days before we can finalize our order."

Our hotel's business had been heavily affected by the intensive investigation run by the police. Our clientele had dropped based on the malicious rumors of our tainted family. Although we had always been in the news. Things had gotten a little more dramatic with the investigation. My father worked tiressly to compensate our sales and facilities until our names were cleared. He managed to bribe a few officials. While taking a few debts that were now demanding to be paid by other notorious organizations we made our deals with.

We conducted our illegal exchange through arms or drugs in various locations, rotating all the time in underground warehouses, basements of restaurants, wine cellars. You name it. Places where people won't suspect the mafia would make deals. We camouflaged ourselves among citizens. Now, it was Nayak's Groceries.

Once the deal happened, I was planning to revamp the majority of our facilities. Starting with replacing our hotel's amenities with the most luxurious yet sustainable products from New York's finest hospitality supplier, Eco Luxury. A rising chain supply company that I was betting to invest in based on their prerogative of recycling. A cause that would clean up the mess our hotel was in.

It was all a part of my elaborate plan to revive the Tuscany Escape and to earn the trust of our clients again.

"I promise once I get the deal with our new investor. We will launch our new strategy."

"Okay sir. I will put the order on hold."

"Thanks, Gomez. I appreciate your help. It won't be long till I find a new secretary. Infact we will be meeting her tommorow."

"Let's see how long she lasts."

I liked Maria's candidness. It's what made me hire her in the first place.

"She's a college kid. I won't lay a single hand on her."

"Well if she's a pretty looking college kid. Then that's a whole different story."

Mira was alluring in her own way. But she was nine years younger than me. I could never imagine corrupting her. I would rather protect her from myself.

"Yeah. Well she's not my type. And she seems like the type that actually works. Kinda a fundamental requisite I need in my secretary right now. Unlike the last."

"Right sir. I shall meet her tommorow."

I finished the call, making my way out. I was on the topmost floor, making my way down to the lobby. I stepped out of the elevator, walking across the swift white marble floor as Maria flashed me a wide smile at the receptionist desk.

"I will be heading out in a bit. Get Lauren to cover you. And you can take my place for the night."

"Is everything okay, sir?"

"It will be."

I reassured Maria, stepping out into New York's cool breeze. The signage, "The Tuscany Escape" blazed out to me in bold yellow neon lights. I stared at it fondly, praying for it's better days to come.


Classes were done. Now it was time to head to Nayak's Groceries. We had hired people to help run the store whenever I wasn't there. The two people we employed were International Students who arrived from India to study in New York. Samar and Varsha. Varsha was working during the day, as she didn't have classes on the day I had. It was a blessing to have these two and vice versa where it worked out for all of us to work and chase our dreams.

As I entered the store, Varsha's beaming face greeted me.

"Hey Mira. Our new stock just arrived twenty minutes ago. If you want I can stay back and help you with the checklist."

"Oh no. I can do that. You can go now."

"No, it's fine. Staying in a American dorm with a roommate who wants to go to sorority parties and play beer pong all the time isn't something I'm used to."

"Varsha, I know America is bit of a cultural shock to you. But learn to embrace the experience. I'm not saying you have to drink. But there's no harm in trying something new. Or having a little fun."

Varsha was surprised to hear those words from my mouth since despite growing up here, I was rooted in family, traditions and studies.

"Would you come with me, if I do?"

I actually never considered going to the typical college parties. I lived my life in a house and shop majority of my life. But since that night, something had sparked in me.

"I might. But not tonight. So for now, think about what I said and embrace change. What was that dialogue from Shah Rukh Khan's movie. Jao Simran, Jao. Jee Le Apne Zindagi."

Varsha laughed, her smile reaching her ears.

"Thanks Bauji. I see someone has learnt to let loose."

Varsha picked up her belongings, swinging her bag to the side.

"I'll text you about the party."

I nodded, waving her off. As soon as she left, I sighed a huge relief. If I let Varsha stay, she would have been a big risk. I had to execute this plan without anyone's knowledge.

It was only 6 pm. I had five hours left to keep myself sane.

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