Mickey/Ian One-Shots

By Writing166

47.5K 469 55

Just one shots of Mickey and Ian on shameless More

Mandys Bestfriend
He Escaped?
Fucking Perv
Im Not Going Anywhere
The Bar
Geriatric Viagroid
You Knew?
Fuck I missed you
Damn right Milkovich
One Hug
"I said thanks asshole"
Im here
Fuck I missed you P2
Im here P2
What a way to meet P1
What a way to meet P2
Switching Rooms
"I want the gun back Mickey"
Never in a Million Years


793 11 0
By Writing166

Rundown: Ian goes to a club to get a drink and meets a hot bartender

Words: 2276


It was Saturday afternoon Ian had just finished his shift working as an EMT, it was his dream job and every day for once he liked going to work, for one he got to save lives and on top of that the people he met there were generally nice.

He had been planing to check out a bar one of his work friends recommended him so he messaged Lip to see if he would want to go with him, usually he was always down to go to a club and drink his face off with Ian so he thought he would try his luck, Ian never liked showing up to clubs and party's alone it always was so awkward sitting at the bar having drink after drink and having no one to share his buzz with

4:23 I: Hey going to a new bar tonight wanna tag along?

4:26 L: sorry working on a bike won't be done until late tonight

4:26 I: All good next time

4:27: Yeah


Fuck he thought to himself, Ian considered bailing on going but the weather was cold and snowing and all he wanted was one drink to warm him up as the heater at home wasn't working properly

He ducked home and got changed into a white plain t-shirt and dark blue jeans as well as a brown leather belt and threw on his old shoes, he went to the bathroom and wet his hair combing it back to look neater than before and splashed his face with cold water

This was going to be his last night at home as he was just moving out into his new apartment of course his first time meeting neighbours the next morning shouldn't be with a hangover so he promised himself he wouldn't drink to much just for that reason

Going down stairs he threw on his jacket and headed to the club, it wasn't necessarily a gay bar as far as he heard but he wasn't exactly looking to get with anyone anyways so it didn't really matter to him

He arrived at the address his friend gave him and immediately knew it was the place, the music was loud enough to hear from outside and from across the street he could see the lights flashing different colours

He took a deep breath and walked in immediately scanning the place, his eyes wandered from the people to the DJ to the bar, he slowly made his way to the bar and sat on a stool near the corner closest to the exit for when he wanted to leave at some point

Soon he saw the bartender at the other side of the bar shaking up a drink for someone, he watched as he poured the drink and how his arms moved, the man was wearing a plain black shirt and black jeans that fit his body so well, even in the light he watched as his muscles showed through his shirt, the music died down slightly as he found himself fixated on the person across from him

The bartender soon finished up with the drink and Ian snapped out of his gaze and back into reality, he saw as he handed the man his drink and how the guy grazed his fingers suggestively

The bartender rolled his eyes and turned away scanning to see if there was anyone waiting, his head turned and he made eye contact with Ian, Ian was startled and quickly looked down praying it wasn't as obvious as it felt


Ian looked up to see the bartender now in front of him, only now was he absolutely star struck the man looked hot from across the bar but from here Ian could see his face and his hair, dark and perfectly slicked back, it took him a minute to realise the guy was talking to him and he remembered he could talk


"You need a drink?"

"Um yeah could I get a beer?"

"One beer comin' up"

He watched as the man walked away and couldn't help himself but to check out his ass as he walked, this man was literally perfect look wise

Ian considered asking for his number but based off the 7 other guys and 5 women who were eyeing him off he presumed he would be one of many to do that tonight

The man came back a few seconds later with his beer and put it in front of him

"You want me to start a tab?"

"Yeah thanks"

"No need to thank me man it's my job"

The man started walking away

"Hey um whats your name?"

"Mickey, yours?"

"Ian um Gallagher"

Mickey gave him a swift nod and got back to getting people drinks Ian took note of his body language such as when people would hit on him he noticed how Mickey would make the same face almost every time, he would try not to make it obvious but as the minutes passed he saw how he was getting more and more fed up with it

It was like watching a small clip on repeat, one man would start talking to him trying to seem all seductive and Mickey would divert the conversation to asking them if they wanted another drink

If he was making a small percentage of what he sold he would be making a thousand a night these men had egos the size of buildings and thought that by buying another drink they would impress him somehow or take it thinking that this meant he was into them, some of the women would also make moves asking for his number and Mickey would lean in and tell them something which made them nod and walk away with an embarrassed smile

At some point a guy came up to Ian and started making small talk which Ian found to be less boring than sitting there gawking over the hot bartender until it started getting annoying

"Can I buy you a drink hotstuff"

"Um sure I guess"

Ian wasn't interested in this guy but a free drink wouldn't hurt so he wouldn't say no

The guy waved down the bartender rudely and Ian got majorly embarrassed as Mickey came over looking slightly pissed off with this guys arrogance


The guy was obviously fed up with this man already and had clearly had a rough shift and this guys annoyance was not helping

"Yeah can you get this man a scotch and coke from me and put it on my tab"


He walked away and made the drink coming back a minute later

"There you go anything else?"

"Yeah I'll have a gin and tonic"

Once again he left and came back with his drink

Ian had to go to the bathroom by now so he told the man he'd be right back and looked around for the bathroom, nowhere to be seen he walked near where the bartender was and decided to ask him

"Hey Mickey um sorry but do you know where the bathroom is?"

"Yeah course just down there and to the left"

"Thanks man"

He followed his instructions and found the bathroom immediately going in and to the toilet which was followed by splashing his face with cold water again

A few second after drying his face the door opened and closed he turned around to see Mickey

"Hey dude just thought I'd let you know that asshole put something in your drink don't drink it"

"What seriously? Fuck Thankyou heaps"

"Not a problem"

With that the guy left and Ian left a few minutes later after taking in the whole conversation

He made it back to his seat and saw the guy waiting there still he looked around and saw that Mickey must've finished his shift and left which sucked but he was so glad that he gave him the heads up about the guy

"Took you long enough, wadaya say we finish our drinks and get out of here, go back to my place"

"No thanks I'm here with someone"

"Oh yeah who?"

The guy said with some evil smirk

Ian didn't know what to say until the guy grabbed his wrist and pulled him outside they got to the very front of the club before Ian pulled his wrist back making the guy let go

"Get the fuck off me man!"

"Shut up and come with me"

The man tried to reach for his wrist again but some guy pulled the back of his shirt forcing him back

"The fuck is wrong with you get the fuck away from him!"

Ian looked over to see Mickey there standing in front of the guy who was now facing him

The guy took a lousy swing at him but Mickey caught his arm and pushed him to the ground holding his shoulder and elbow ready to pop it out of its socket

Ian stood there speechless unable to make a move or sound

"Ow! Please stop get off me"

"Keep struggling and I'll fucking break your arm"

"Get off! Now!"

Mickey quickly pushed on his elbow causing a loud snap and the guy started yelling a lot even crying

"Your fucking crazy!! Help!"

The man yelled at Mickey who had now looked satisfied

"At least I'm not trying to drug and rape young men am I?"

He said calmly

"We gotta go Mickey"

Ian looked around and saw three men getting out of a car who he now realised the man was dragging him to

He watched as Mickey looked up and saw the car aswell and sighed

"Yeah let's go, quick"

They started running as the three men started chasing them however Mickey was a fast runner and Ian was able to keep up quickly outrunning the three older men

Ian felt a tug on his arm and got pulled into an alleyway and behind a dumpster

They both stay in silence for a slight while panting and catching their breath until they saw the guys run past

Ian felt a hand over his mouth shutting him up and he did for a few seconds as they heard the guys run up the street and down the next all yelling about which way they went

He looked over to Mickey who was smiling slightly still watching the way they came in incase anyone else ran past

They were safe

Mickey got up and reached out a hand for Ian to use to get up he took it and they both started patting the dust off themselves

They made eye contact for a few seconds before they both laughed quietly

"Not gonna lie I think that was the hottest shit I've seen all night"

Mickey looked up amazed and excited

"Not so bad yourself red"


Ian said with a turn in the head

"Your hair man"

Mickey made a gesture motioning to his hair and it clicked in Ian's head

"Fuck, that happen a lot? Men forcing you somewhere"

"Not really I usually come with my brother but he couldn't tonight, I think the guy was just mad I didn't drink his drugged up scotch and coke"

"Piece of shit lucky I only gave him a popped out socket"

"You also looked extremely hot while doing so"

"Ha thanks"

"You must get tired of hearing that stuff"

"What do you mean"

They started walking down the street to the el Ian was already heading there so company didn't hurt

"I saw all those guys talking to you, you seemed pretty fed up after a while"

"I guess yeah but it's different when it's not some old gross man"

"Tell me about it"

They both once again laughed and he wasn't sure if he was being so talkative because of the alcohol or if he was just hypnotised but this man's looks

They both got on the el and began riding it to their stops Ian's was two stops off and he didn't exactly want this conversation to be over but he wasn't going to be creepy and asked when he worked next or anything so he just waited

A few stops later they both stood up at the same time

"This is my stop"


"You aren't one of those creeps pretending to live near me so they can follow me home or anything are you?"

Mickey spoke looking at Ian sceptically

"No I was kinda thinking the same thing about you considering your still walking the same way as me"

Ian continued walking towards his appartments when it came into view

"That's my apartment building there"

Mickey spoke first breaking the silence and Ian couldn't speak for a moment

"Shit same tonight's my first night moving in"

"No fucking way"

"What number are you?"


"Are you kidding"

"Um no"

"We're neighbours"

"You sure?"

"Certain I'm 19"

Ian thought the first time meeting his neighbour would be different than this but no way was he complaining

They both reached the building got in the same elevator and got off at the same level walked the same way until Mickey stopped and Ian went to his

"See you tomorrow?"

"I got shit for breakfast if you want to come over"

"That'd be great thanks time?"

"10:40? I'm not waking up earlier than that I may have had a few shots on my shift and by a few I mean 5"

"Fair enough see you then"

"See ya neighbour"

"See ya"

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