💀🤵🥀The Corpse Groom🥀🤵💀...

By SolarDragonAlena

101 13 18

This story is about a foreigner girl named Wendy Marvell who is getting married to a Dragon Prince named Kats... More

A Glorious/Terrible Day for a Wedding
Disaster and Unexpected Surprise
News to the Kingdom
Return to the Surface
Back in the Living World
Reunion and Shocking Surprise
Heartbroken Moment
Fixing a Problem
Crashing a Wedding
A True Happy Ending

Remains of the Day

8 1 1
By SolarDragonAlena

     After being taken by Levi, Wendy ends up unconscious in the underworld.

Eren: "Whoa, I've never seen someone like her before."

Mikasa: "Yeah, and it looks like she's coming around. What happened with you guys out there?"

Levi: "She must've fainted; Darling, are you alright?"

Wendy: "Ugh, my head; What the hell just happened?"

Armin: "Don't worry, Miss; You just had a minor injury after you landed down here with us."

Connie: "Oh, does she have a dead sister?"

Sasha: "How can that be though? She's still all soft."

Jean: "C'mon, you guys; Give her some space."

     Wendy got scared, and started to stand up and backed herself into the bar.

Erwin: "Well then, now that everything is set, a toast to the Newly Weds."

     Everyone cheered with delight for Levi, but Wendy was a bit confused about what he said.

Wendy: "Newly Weds?"

Levi: "You see, Wendy, in the woods, when you said your vows, you pronounced them so perfectly."

Wendy: "I did?"

     She then saw the ring she accidentally placed on Levi, and was shocked with disbelief.

Wendy: "Oh my God, I did."

     Wendy then tried to bang her head on the table, and made herself believe that she was in a bad dream.


     Soon enough, a chef named Niccolo came over to Wendy, and surprised her with news for her supposed wedding with Levi.

Niccolo: "Hello, Miss; My name's Niccolo, and I will be helping Sasha and Connie with the Wedding Feast for you and your new Husband."

     Then, a maggot came up from inside Levi's right eye, and scared Wendy instantly.

Oluo: "Wedding Feast? How exciting for both of you, Sir."

Wendy: "OH MY GOD!"

     Levi then tried to hide the maggot again so that Wendy couldn't see it a second time.

Levi: "Maggots, hehe."

     Wendy then started panicking, and tried to get pass the crowd. She soon picked up a sword that had a person stuck to it, and tried to defend herself with it.

Wendy: "Alright, stay back! I've got a sword.....with a......person on it, and I'm not afraid to use it! I want some questions, and I'm gonna need them now!"

Sasha: "Answers, Miss; I think you really meant to say was answers."

Wendy: "Oh, right, answers, yes, thank you; I need answers! What the hell is going on here!? Where am I!? Who the hell are you!?"

Levi: "Well, that's kind of a long story."

Hanji: "What a story it is; A tragic tale of romance, passion, and a murder most fowl."

Sasha: "This is gonna be good."

     Wendy then dropped Sasha with the sword, and got startled by her for a quick moment.

Hanji: "Hit it, Boys."

     Hanji then gave the cue to the band, and began to sing.

Hanji: "Give me a listen, your corpses of cheer. At least those of  youth who still got an ear. I'll tell you a story to make a ghost feel gloom of our own jubilatiously handsome Corpse Groom"

All: "Die, die, we all pass away. But, don't wear a frown, cause it's really okay. You might try and hide, You might try and pray. But, we all end up with remains of the day"

"Oh, no no nono" (2x)

Hanji: "Well, our man was a charming gem from miles around until a mysterious woman came to town. She took 1 look at him, then felt down on her cash, and our poor honey pie just fell hard and fast. But, her daddy said 'no'; She just couldn't cope. So, the lovers came up with a plan to elope"

All: "Die, die, we all pass away. But, don't wear a frown, cause it's really okay. You might try and hide, you might try and pray. But, we all end up with remains of the day"

"Oh, no no nono" (4x)

Hanji: "So, they conjured up a plan to meet late at night. They never told a soul, and kept the whole thing tight. His father's uniform fit like a glove. You don't need much when you're really in love. Except for a few things or so untold like the family jewels and the satchel of gold. Then, next to the graveyard by the old oak tree on a dark foggy night at a quarter to 3. He was ready to go, but where was she?"

Jean: "And then?"

Hanji: "He waited"

J+C: "And then?"

Hanji: "There in the shadows, was the woman?"

J+C+E: "And then?"

Hanji: "His little heart beated so loud"

J+C+E+S: "And then?"

Hanji: "Before he knew it, everything went black. Now, when he opened his eyes, he was dead as dust. The jewels were missing, and his heart was bust. So, he made a vow laying under that tree that he'd wait for his true love to come set him free. He's been waiting for someone to ask for his hand when out of the blue comes this lovely woman who vowed forever to stay with him through, and that's the story of our Corpse Grooooooooooom"

All: "Die, die, we all pass away. But, don't wear a frown, cause it's really okay. You might try and hide, you might try and pray. But, we all end up with remains of the daaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy"

Hanji: "Oooooh, yeeeeeaaaaaaaah" 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶
     After the song ended, Wendy took the opportunity to escape from the Club, and ran outside.

Wendy: "This is insane! How did I end up being somewhat engaged to a Corpse!? I gotta get back to the surface fast!"

     Wendy then started to run everywhere she can go to find a way back home. Can she make it back in time for the Wedding? Only time will tell for certain.
To be continued...

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