Fight Between The Eldest Sons

Bởi Princess-KitKat

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『 sakamaki shu x reader x sakamaki reiji 』 Being a very bored girl, you decide to go out and find yourself s... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1 ~ Into the Den of the Vampires
Chapter 2 ~ Night with the Sakamaki's
Chapter 3 ~ Interesting Night at Night School
Chapter 4 ~ Punishment and Etiquette Lessons
Chapter 5 ~ Making Enemies at Night School
Chapter 6 ~ Crash Course In Vampires
Chapter 7 ~ The Truth Behind Komori Yui
Chapter 8 ~ Boring Return to School
Chapter 10 ~ Jealousy and Abduction
Chapter 11 ~ What Plan?
Chapter 12 ~ A Glimpse Into the Past
Chapter 13 ~ An Interrupted Dance Lesson
Chapter 14 ~ Another Unexpected Visit and a Dead First Blood
Chapter 15 ~ Look Who's Back
Chapter 16 ~ A New Place to Call My Home
Chapter 17 ~ Old Faces and Once Again Kinapped
Chapter 18 ~ A Deadly Reunion
Chapter 19 ~ A Broken Family
Chapter 20 ~ Time for the Ending to Begin
~Second To Last A/N~
Chapter 21 ~ The Final Stand
~ Please, Don't Leave Me ~ (Shu's Ending)
~ Stay With Me For Eternity ~ (Reiji's Ending)
~ The Final A/N ~

Chapter 9 ~ Fire in the Music Room

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Bởi Princess-KitKat

~Your P. O. V.~

It's been a few weeks since I returned to school and still nothing eventful has happened. The Sakamaki's and I get the usual death glares from the Mukami's and Tsukinami's as well as the occasional the crude comments from those families, but neither side has officially made a move to attack the other.

I'm getting tired of waiting...

I didn't think I would get so antsy over not knowing when something is going to happen but now look, I'm getting paranoid just knowing I'm in the same building as the Mukami's and Tsukinami's. Though at least I'm the only one getting all anxious and whatnot since all of the Sakamaki's seem to be perfectly fine with the other two families hating them, quipping sly remarks, and glaring as if looks can kill every chance they get.

With a small sigh escaping my lips, I pushed myself up out of bed and began walking for the bathroom. Today's a weekend and so I don't have to go to school tonight which means that I get a free day today and tomorrow! That's nice for me.~ My small crush on Reiji and Shu seems to have grown though so I should probably just avoid them these next two days so I don't do anything horribly stupid...

Entering the bathroom and starting the bath, I began to undress and quickly brush through my hair to get out any of the knots in it. Once I made sure that that blonde vampire wasn't in my bath tub again (really, I would expect nothing less of him), I got in and sank down so just from my nose up was above the waters surface.

I just need some time to relax and not have to worry about either of the eldest sons right now. Both of them are slowly growing increasingly possessive over me which means that their hatred for each other frowns worse with every passing night as well. I still don't know much to anything about any of the vampires pasts, but I can already tell that none of them have any happy beginning's in their lives.

Maybe I can get Reiji or Shu to tell me about their pasts...

Wait, no. Stop it ___! You are not supposed to be thinking about those two vampires. Just stop thinking about them and pretend as if you don't care about them.

Act as though you hate them.

Or just act as though you dislike them.

Just don't let them find out about how you feel towards them both since they might try to manipulate you...

But how can I do that when I like them both and do genuinely care for them...?

Small bubbles float to the surface as another sigh escapes my mouth, my body sinking further until its all the way under the water. Why in the world did I have to start liking two vampires that probably want nothing more than to see me die in the most painful way they know? Why couldn't I have been a normal human being and just stayed away from this mansion, completely heeding the old man's- Karlheinz's warning of possible vampires residing here?

I'm beginning to question my sanity right about now.

After a little while of keeping myself under the water, I finally washed my body and hair so I could get out and get dressed. I put on some of my casual clothes and did my normal morning routine since I didn't want to look absolutely horrible in front of any of the Sakamaki's, because they're ruthless with their remarks, and then walked out of the bathroom.

At first I didn't see him as I made my way back into my room with the towel around my neck as to dry my hair. But as I walked closer to my bed, I could hear the vague sound of someone snoring and then I noticed the actually rather big lump under my covers.

"Ok, which one of you is under there?" I asked since I was almost positive that it was Laito trying to be his pervy self again. And yes, before anyone asks, he's done this exact thing more times than I would like to admit.

"You're being too loud so be quiet." A young man's voice filtered out into the silent room as he slowly sat up and pushed the covers off of himself, I myself just standing frozen right on the spot. God, why did he have to be here? Now?

My eye's were immediately met with a shirtless and bed headed Shu, my heart instantly stuttering in my chest. His abs were so defined and visible, his muscles that surprisingly bulge just the smallest bit on his arms and shoulders just as defined if not slightly more so. The blondes hair was also messy which caused more than a few strands to stick up in abnormal directions, the small waves and curls in his hair becoming more separated. All in all, he looked like an adorably tired puppy as he stared up at me with those ocean blue eyes of his.

So much for avoiding him...

"What are you staring at you lewd woman?" He asked.

I quickly averted my eyes from him and looked down at the ground. "Why are you in my room Shu?"

"Last time I checked, this was my room, and my earphones broke so I wanted to be entertained." He stated simply as he pushed himself up off the bed and moved to stand in front of me. "More exactly, I want you to entertain me."

Shu whispered the last bit as a small laugh escaped his lips and he walked past me. I turned around to see that he was putting on his low cut white V-neck shirt that he must had thrown off over somewhere and then made his way out of his room.

I followed him into the hallway and down to the room I've only been in once. There are random instruments of all sorts lying around and the only one that seems to be played rather often is the grand piano that sits in the center of this cluttered room. The taller blonde in front of me closed the top to the pitch black piano and climbed on top of it so he could lay down.

"Play for me." He ordered as I walked over to him and sat down on the bench.

"Um... You do know that I don't know how to play right?" I asked him as I started to poke random keys on the board.

"You're just as useless as the last woman that was brought here."

"No I'm not Shu."

"Then play."

With a small glare directed at the blonde, I set my fingers over the keys I was playing with back when I had first entered the music room at school, just messing around on the piano. Slowly I began pressing down on the same random notes and was back to making it into a small melody. I paid little attention in my music classes, but I did listen enough to understand the notes on the keyboard and how to play a few very simple sounding melody's.

As my fingers glided over the notes that I wasn't even sure if they sounded good together, I could vaguely see that side ways smirk that Shu was giving me as his eyes stayed shut.

Guess he likes my random playing...?

I kept moving my hands and pressing down on the keys I felt like hearing. The blonde on top of the piano didn't seem to mind my playing so I just continued on with what I was doing. But as I was almost done with my random onslaught of notes, a loud crash in front of the grand piano made me immediately stop.

At first, Shu and I didn't make a move to see what broke the window and instead just stared at each other for a few moments, his eyes now open and looking into mine as if I can somehow give him an answer. Then as a small light in front of the piano began to grow. We both soon noticed that it was a bottle with a lit piece of gasoline drenched fabric stuck in its opening that was thrown and broke through the window.

In an instant, the blonde on top of the piano shot up and looked at me with the most terrified expression i think I've ever seen. Then again, I've only ever seen Shu either sleeping, smirking, or smiling in just slight amusement. This, now this is something I never want to see again.

Shu quickly got off of the piano, grabbed my hand, and pulled me straight to his broad chest as all the air that was in my lungs was knocked out of me.

It took me a few seconds to regain my breath and when I did, I noticed that Shu had teleported us to that weird little gazebo area that's a little ways from the lake near our home. The blonde quickly removed his arms from around my waist and sat down on the bench that was just behind him. He placed his elbows on his knees and buried his face into his hands. His whole body was shaking ever so slightly as I kneeled down in front of him and tried to get a better look at his face.

I've never seen him like this before...

I didn't say anything as I gently took his hands away from his face and forced him to look at me. His usually calm ocean blue eyes now had nothing but fear behind them which is something I never thought I would see coming from Shu.

"Shu." I called up to him since he seemed to be deep in thought, or maybe he's simply too much in shock to focus on anything. "You have to calm down alright?"

The blonde redirected his attention and locked eyes with me. He suddenly grabbed both of my hands since I was holding his and pulled me straight to him. He held me close to his chest like how Kanato holds Teddy, Shu's arms wrapped around my back and his head buried into my shoulder. I slowly moved my arms so that they both were around his neck with one resting on his back and the other one softly carding through his hair.

"Don't leave like he did." Shu pleaded as he pressed his face deeper into the crook of my neck.

"I'm not leaving so calm down and tell me what has you so worked up." I responded.

"Edgar... He ran back into his burning down village and I thought he was dead." The blonde said as his voice shook from still being a little frightened.

"But you said "thought" which means that he's still alive right?"


Shu didn't say anything more other than the Mukami's name as his hold on me tightened, caging me in and keeping me in place while a sharp pain stung from where he had his lips near my neck. I'll never get used to being bitten. I can feel every single ounce of blood being drained from my body and it's most definitely not the most comfortable feeling in the world.

But, regardless of how painful and uncomfortable this may be, I didn't protest seeing how distraught Shu was. I don't want to see him like that again and if giving him my blood will calm him down, then I might as well let him drink it. Though there is only so much blood that my body can be drained of before I begin to feel light headed and out of it.

"Shu." I said his name as my eye sight began to blur. But he just kept on drinking, probably ignoring me at this point either from simply not wanting to listen to my voice or from being too lost in the warm feeling currently washing over him.

I asked Reiji a little while back about how a vampire feels after drinking blood and he said it was the equivalent to being wrapped in a warm blanket- like something comforting is suddenly embracing them and they get too lost in the feeling to pay attention to their surroundings.

"S-Shu, stop." I pleaded even though he still didn't listen.

I tugged on his hair with the hand that was stroking it earlier, trying to tell him that I was about to pass out. All that did was make him let out a small moan as he removed his lips from my neck and looked to me with lidded eyes.

"You sure know how to make a man aroused don't you ___?" Shu asked as his head tilted backwards.

"O-Of course." I stuttered out with a small smirk as I felt my grip on his hair as well as reality begin to loosen. "What type of woman do you think I am?"

"A lewd one." He answered as he shifted the way he held me so that I was sitting sideways on his lap with my head on his chest. "But a comforting one as well."

"Good, as long as I'm not useless like her." I whispered to him as I closed my eyes and started to fully fall asleep, or maybe slip into unconsciousness, I'm not so sure which.

"Like her? Lewd woman, you're not like Yui so stop thinking so much and just surrender your body and blood over to me."

I didn't respond as I snuggled up closer into his chest. After about twenty minutes of Shu holding me as I dozed off to sleep, I could vaguely hear the sound of crunching and a sound that almost sounded like wood burning.


I fought the unconsciousness that was threatening to overtake my body and forced my eyes open only to see that outside this small place, the forest around us both was going up in more flames that brightened up the once only moonlit area. As if those twenty minutes were enough to give me back my strength, I pushed my way out of Shu's arms and stood up in front of him only to see that same petrified look on his face as he stared off at the roaring flames.

"For heavens sakes Shu get ahold of yourself!" I yelled as I drew my hand back and slapped him hard across his cheek, the initial hit ringing out only to get lost in the crackling of the flames.

He immediately snapped back to reality and looked at me with no longer horror but more or less shock at the fact I just struck him. What else could I do when the fires that completely surround us are getting closer and there's no way for me alone to get us both out of this situation.

As if Shu understood our current predicament, in that split second, he immediately got up and grabbed one of my hands with his own. Next thing I knew he had us both running out of the small gazebo and straight for the direction of the mansion that was blocked by a large wall of fire.

Shu ran faster than I had ever even seen him move and made sure that I kept up with his fast pace as he ran straight on into the fire. He kept me directly behind him so the flames would hit him and diverge, giving me space to run and not be burnt like he's getting.

After he pushed us both through the agonizing heat of the fire, Shu swung me forward and made me fall to the ground a few feet in front of him. As I was getting up, my eyes were immediately locked with a pair of orange golden ones that could only belong to one person.

"Yuma...?" I asked as I finally got to my feet and began walking towards the Mukami. "You fucking set our mansion and forest on fire?


I continued to scream at him as he gave me a triumphant smirk. He didn't say a single word as he threw a fire cocktail in in between us, creating yet another fire barrier to keep me from reaching him as he walked away and disappeared.

Normally I would have continued after him, but I then remembered who saved me in order to be alive at this moment.


I quickly turned around and ran back to the vampire who was lying face down in the dirt with his clothes and hair all burned and scorched. The fire from behind us was beginning to grow near and so I quickly knelt down with my back towards him and flung one of his arms over my shoulder so I could at least drag him a safe distance from the fires that threatened both of our lives.

"Shu. SHU! Wake up already dammit!" I pleaded with the vampire once I had dragged him over to the front steps of the mansion and placed his head down on my lap as he laid down side ways on the stair.

There's not really a way for me to determine if he's alive or not since vampires don't have much of a heartbeat, so no pulses to check, and they don't need to breath as deeply as humans, so I can't even try to see if he's inhaling and exhaling. The most I can do is continue frantically calling out to him in hopes that the fires didn't burn him too badly. Vampires have some fast healing things right? Like in the movies? He'll be fine... Right?

"Chichinashi, what the hell happened here?!" Ayato practically screamed at me as him and the rest of his brothers came running towards myself and Shu who is stall passed out with his head resting on my lap.

"Yuma's what happened. He set the mansion on fire and when Shu and I ran for our lives, he set the damn forest on fire as well." I said back to him as the other two triplets and Subaru teleported away, probably to go and put out the many fires that ravaged their estate.

"But that doesn't explain why that good-for-nothing is injured and you barely have a scratch on you." Reiji said as he walked towards me with a slight glint of white reflecting off his glasses, Ayato now gone as well.

"Shu saved me and made sure that I wasn't burned since I had to help him a few times while we were running."

"What good could a human possibly do for a vampire like us?"

"Seriously Reiji, is this the time to try and be the superior person when your entire home is on it's way to burning to the ground?"

The black haired vampire walked over to stand directly in front of me and kneeled down so that he could look me straight in the eyes. "And how do I know that you didn't start the fire in hopes of escaping us?"

A small and almost bitter laugh passed between my lips as I looked at Reiji with nothing but pure disbelief. "If I truly wanted to escape you all to the point I would start this fire, why in the world would I still be here when I could have run away while Shu is still out cold and the rest of you were out?"

Reiji looked at me and then sighed as he stood back up and walked past his brother and I. "I suppose you're correct, stay with that good-for-nothing until he wakes and then get him to his room so he can rest. It seems that the battle between us and the Mukami's and Tsukinami's is finally going to begin soon."

And with that, he walked up the rest of the stairs and into the still burning down mansion, leaving me and his elder brother alone to sit here on the cold concrete stairs. Shu was still unresponsive to me when I tried to call out to him and so I just decided to let him sleep as I moved my hands to play with his somewhat burnt and tinged hair.

First Yuma, no Edgar, decided to come and set fire to mine and the Sakamki's home when I'm sure he knows about Shu's pyrophobia, the fear of fire. And now that means that the Sakamakis will officially be in a battle with both the Tsukinami's and the Mukami's. How in the world am I supposed to keep everyone from getting life threatening injuries when going up against two families of vampires?

And what happens now that this battle has officially begun?

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