I promised you. | Austin Butl...

By freshxsturniolo

47.3K 1.3K 236

Leanne and Austin had been childhood sweethearts. They had grown up together since they were babies and natur... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30

Part 17

1.7K 46 15
By freshxsturniolo

We stay in bed until 1pm the following day and it felt exactly how it had when we were younger. Kissing, teasing, flirting, laughing and everything else in between. Doing nothing but enjoying each other embrace and company after so long apart. His lips feel natural on mine, his laughter mixed with my laughter sounds beautiful and I'm even starting to get used to the Elvis twang in his voice, like it was a part of him all along. It was almost like the soft, sweet and emotional words and encounter from last night where forgotten about and we were doing exactly what you expect two people who had snook away for a week together would get up to. The rain has stopped and the thunder has cleared. I got up through the night to open a window and the breeze lets me know it had cleared the last of the humid summer air and the new season was about to set in. It was perfect movie, junk food and candles weather and I was here for it. 

It isn't until I mention that I could eat something that Austin flings himself out of bed. A quick look at his phone and he tells me the time before heading to the bottom of the bed to scoot through his suitcase. I sit up fully and drop the duvet so it's sat in my lap, and the rustling sound makes him look up. His famous grin plastered across his face as he looks me up and down and his hand coming to his chin. I grimace my face in confusion and lean back, my hands on the pillow and my chest stuck out slightly, causing an easing sensation to wash over my back after being lay for so many hours. His eyes lap up my entire body and it isn't until I look down and see the outline of my breasts, completely naked underneath his top he borrowed me to sleep in, that I realise what his smirk is for. I would love to say I sat back up and hide under the duvet, but I don't. I smirk too and lean my head against my shoulder, and his eyes divert to mine. 

"So, do they do room service or anything?"

I'm not giving in to him and what he wants, or what we both want, but I'll tease him all the more. He chuckles at my words and grabs a hoodie from his suitcase, and then stands up and comes back over to the bed, slipping it over his head as he does. He sits down on the edge and leans his weight onto his hand that he's placed close to my hip. 

"Well. We go one or two ways, depends how you're feeling." His thumb has found its way to the hem of his baggy t-shirt. 

"Go on?" I say, shifting my position slightly so his hand has no choice but to brush against my leg. 

"I can order room service, that's not an issue. But we are only a few minutes drive from a cute little village. I googled it. Pretty quiet. But they have some local shops. We could buy some food, some more champagne, maybe grab a coffee, and then we can come home and you can let me cook."

I smile because it sounds perfect. But there's always a catch. 

"What's the odds on you getting recognised?" I say, and his words make him laugh. 

"I chose here for a reason. So unlikely. But, I'm not sure. If you want to order room service I can ask the reception to bring a menu."

I smile, because I don't know why but the feeling of his hand on my leg and the thought of being caught out makes me feel giddy and aroused all in one. 

"Do we need to disguise?" 

He laughs. "Baby, I'm not Leonardo DiCaprio." 

"No, but you're Austin Butler." 

He smiles gently now and his hand has moved from softly on my leg to a full force grip and Jesus Christ does it feel amazing. 

"I have nothing to lose, baby. You know my feelings are clear. But I can't say someone will put two and two together. I still have pictures of you all over my instagram if someone scrolled deep enough." 

I can't help but laugh. How on earth are we here? We spoke about this. We dreamed about this. Going for coffee and Austin being recognised. Him dragging me along to all his press events and everyone knowing me as Austin Butlers girlfriend. Yet here we are now, 5 years later, all his dreams come true and having to hide everything we're doing. I feel angry and sad and proud all at once. 

"Okay. Let me wear one of your hoodies and let's do it." 

He gives my leg a squeeze and then bends down onto the floor, picking up the hoodie he took off from last night and hands it across to me, and I throw it across my head immediately, his t-shirt still across my body. He laughs as he stands up to go to the bathroom and I quickly jump out of bed, finding fresh underwear and a pair of jeans from my suitcase. My heart is in my throat for so many different reasons. Casual weekends in comfy clothes, glasses of champagne and home cooked food where literally the normal for us. We weren't big on going out for nights out unless it was with Danielle and Brad, and even then it would usually always end up back in our apartment. So this felt normal, natural almost, only it wasn't. It was far from it. 

He emerges back from the bathroom just a few minutes later and makes his way to his suitcase, pulling out the famous Dior aftershave and spraying himself with it. It only makes me laugh as I remember all the memories. 

"Did you leave me with your blazer on purpose?" I blurt out, and I walk across to him and take the bottle from his hand, turning it over in my fingers before putting the tip to my nose. He looks at me with a confused expression before he realises what I am referencing to, and then a smirk comes across his face. 

"Maybe. Did I cause an argument?"

I laugh, and then spray a pump onto my wrist before handing it him back. He always left a spare bottle at home when he was away with work on those final few months of our relationship, and I always left the house with a spray on each wrist. Danielle thought I was crazy, I probably was. 

"A little. More so between me and Danielle. She called me an idiot. Andrew calmed down when he knew you had to go home early." 

He chuckles and grabs my face, giving me a small kiss. 

"I didn't need to go home. I took Danielle and Brad out the following morning instead."

"So why did you?" 

He smiles, and pushes my hair behind my ear. "Cause I wouldn't have left without you if I saw you again in the morning. Tell me-" he pauses before he speaks again. "If I'd have text you my room number, when you unblocked my number, would you have come?" 

I pause and look at his eyes, and a sad smile washes over my face. 


"And if I told you I was stood outside your room the second you unblocked my number, hoovering above a text to tell you to come outside, would you believe me?" 

"What stopped you?" I ask, my breath in my throat. 

He smiles. "You told me you were happy. It's my own selfish greeds thats got us to this point here."

I smile. "Want to know a secret?" 

"Go on."

I lean into him, so our lips are almost touching but would still require one of us to lean forward an inch, and I smile. "I think I'm happier here. With you." 

And then I move from his touch and make my way to the bathroom, shutting the door and shutting him out but with a smile on my face. I hear him laughing as I lock the door. 


The drive into the village only takes us a couple off minutes, and its the most breath taking place I've ever seen. Its cobbled streets, its string of lights all around the town centre. We spend the whole time in a split of laughter and I can't stop touching him. His hands, his hair, his legs, and he mimics every moment of it. He parks his car outside a coffee job and he's at the side of the passenger door before I've even taken off my seatbelt. The chill in the air hits me immediately and I let out a small shudder which makes Austin rub his hand against my arm, his touch warming me in an instant. He locks the door and takes my hand in his, pulling me forward into the coffee shop. Its a small, quiet little place with Burgundy decor and it feels so inviting and comfortable. There's a young couple sat towards the back, and a man not far from them with a laptop, but other than that theres just the barista behind the till who's just smiled and asked how we are. Austin speaks first, as I stand and smile, and then he ushes me to go forward and find a seat. 

The reality hits me when I take a seat near the door, and pull out my phone from my bag. 2 unread messages from Andrew, and an unread message from Danielle, along with a few instagram notifications. I click Andrews first. 

Andrew : Sorry babe, I was flat out when you text. Enjoy your day! x

Andrew : Babe, I know the apartment is yours technically, so I wanted to ask before inviting round, but a couple lads from work wanted a few drinks so I thought I'd invite them round here. I don't fancy going out. Is that okay? x

I smile at his text, because he'd always been sweet and sincere, and then let out a sigh. I could hardly say no, could I?

Leanne : No problem at all, just please clean up. Works mental and its the last thing I want to do when I come home. Have a great night. x

I'll go to hell one day, I really will. 

Danielle : Where are you?xx

Leanne : I'm working. You okay?xx

The three dots appear immediately, like she was awaiting my text. They disappear, reappear, and disappear again before the smell of coffee hits my nose. I smile and look up as Austin places the tall latte glass in front of me, along with a bottle of water, and then sit himself down with his own mug. A strong black coffee, as always. 

"Everything okay?" He asks, and I smile and look down a my phone again to see Danielle had finally replied. 

Danielle : Just wondering is all. xx

"Danielle wants to know where I am" I say, and Austin smirks as he takes a sip of his coffee. I raise my eyebrows at him and he lets out a chuckle as he places down his coffee, before his eyes do a quick sweep of the coffee shop. I follow his gaze and become immediately aware of the position we've put ourselves in. I know Austin said this place was quiet, and looking at him now with his messy hair and his stubble from a few days of not shaving, it probably would be hard to recognise him instantly, but I still felt a slight fear in my body and Danielles random message only adds to him. He must notice that I suddenly feel on edge because he taps his finger onto mine to get my attention, but he quickly pulls it away and grabs his coffee again. 

"Stop panicking. We can leave if you want to."

I look at him and then back down at my phone, and lock the screen to see the photo of me and Andrew, and quickly turn my phone so its facing downwards and all I can see is my clear phone case. Austin raises his eyebrows and I grab my coffee, taking a deep sip. 

"No. It's okay." 

He looks at me deeply before speaking. "What are you thinking about?"

I laugh. "About how I really need a new phone background." 

He screws his face up and then gestures towards my phone, and I shrug my shoulders, indicating he can take a look if he wishes. When he turns it over and unlocks the screen, I see the sadness in his eyes for a split second before he smirks. 

"Come here." he says, and he pulls his legs from under the table and pats his leg. I look at him like he's gone criminally insanely, but he further laughs and puts a bounce in his foot so that his leg moves impatiently, awaiting me. I smirk, because there was nothing remotely normal about any of this and yet Austin had such a hold on me. I push my chair back and walk around the table, and sit myself straight on his knee, but he pulls my legs so that they're across the whole length of his legs. I giggle at the sudden movement and watch as he pulls up the camera app on my phone, sets it to a timer and leans it against my coffee. We're in the frame perfectly, and the timer is counting down from 10. 

"Smile for me, baby." his words tickle in my ear and I turn around to face him, his face becoming more clear than it had done since I saw him at the wedding. The stubble. The messy hair from sleeping in it wet. His god damn beautiful eyes, I don't even realise I've wrapped my arms around his neck and I'm smiling like a Cheshire Cat when the phone finally takes a photo. He pulls his face and we both kiss in a mass of laughter. This was so ridiculous. So ridiculous and so great. He grabs my phone before I even have chance and when I try to grab it off him, he pulls his leg to the side so I almost fall off him, but his hands catch me and I slap his chest. 

He plays around with my phone for a little longer, and then passes it back to me. I give him a look and then press the unlock button on the side and see the photo as my new lock screen. We look happy. We look smitten. 

"Till we go home, then you can change it." he whispers in my ear again, and I smile. 

"I've got an idea.." I say, and he raises his eyebrow and takes a sip of his coffee. I laugh. 

"Reckon theres a theatre around here?" 

He laughs now. "Possibly. We could probably drive to one."

I smirk, because the idea in my head proves that maybe it's me thats criminally insane. 

"Take me to see Elvis." 

He almost chokes, and I step off his leg and walk back to my own chair, sipping at my own coffee with a smirk on my face, but my heart beating in my chest. 

"You're ASKING to be caught out at this point." He says, and theres a serious concern on his face. 

"I wanna see it." 

He looks at me for a second and then pulls his car keys from out of his hoodie, and swings them around his fingers. I give him a smile as he sips the last of his coffee. 

Maybe I was asking to be caught. But I also couldn't pretend like this weekend was a normal life for Austin. Because it wasn't. We broke up for a reason. Our lives changed for a reason. We parted ways for a REASON. Acting happy and soppy and smitten on a sneaky get away was great, but what would happen after this? What would happen when life returned to normal, when we both went back to work and we both leaded a different life? 

I wanted and needed to see that part of his life. For some clarity. 

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