Commandment Of Love: Estaross...

By skywalkerlover73

543 8 1

Estarossa, The son of the Demon King, and the commandment of love must find what it truly means to love in or... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8

Chapter 7

28 1 1
By skywalkerlover73

"I know that, it's just.... I've never felt this way towards someone.... Especially with Elizabeth, Lora is different...."

The pair lands in front of the temple and Ludociel grabs his brother's collar. His eyes filled with anger and regret.

"Get your head together, Mael! She's human! She'll die just like everyone else in this Holy War and you will tell her that this......This.....Thing between you both is her imagination! You are an Archangel. Start acting like it. You weren't give the grace of Sunshine to squander it because of a mere human girl! She's nothing! Nothing to me! Nothing to you! Nothing compared to the Supreme Deity that we serve!"

Mael looks at his brother, his eyes filled with fear and anxiety. He pushes him away from his grip. His voice is soft as he begins to speak.

"You don't understand me at all, Ludociel. Besides Elizabeth, She has given me more reason to be alive during the battles I have been through. I may be an Archangel, But I won't let it stop me from seeing the person I care for. You may think Lora is nothing but human, but to me....."

He stops for a second, thinking of what he was going to say. He couldn't help but think of Elizabeth, deep down he knew, she wasn't going to return the feelings he had for the goddess. His mind drifts to Lora, her sweet smile, her determination to fight for her people. The kindness that she had given him when he came to patrol and or see her. He blushes to the thought of her smile.

".......She's everything to me..."

Ludociel scoffs at him. The thought of his brother and that human together was unimaginable.

"The demons attack will be taking place at the village I'm afraid, it's why I wanted you to give up on the idea of love with that human, brother."

Mael looks up to him with determination.

"That human has a name and you will use it.... I won't give up on her. I'm sorry, brother, but I need to speak with the Supreme Deity now."

Ludociel moves away from him as Mael enters the temple, leaving his older brother.

Margaret shakes her head, bringing herself back to reality. She looks over to Lorraine as Howzer helps her onto his horse with him. The human girl looks exactly alike that human, no.... Like Lora. She sighs as she remembered the day his brother fell to the Commandment of Love, Estarossa. He couldn't remember what his face looked like, how could he forget the face of his younger brother, who was powerful with Sunshine? He knew Mael would come for her to tell her how he really felt but in the end, he never knew if he made it to the village during the final battle. Lora was in pain when Ludociel came to her to tell her the news. He didn't expect her to fall to her knees and begged him to bring him back. He did tell her his feelings and what would happen. She was in love with Mael, His little brother. He knew she would never be the same again.
Howzer holds her back close to his chest as they both ride on his horse.

"You're going to be okay, Lorraine. I promise, I'll take care of you. We ride to Liones!"

Margaret takes off into the skies with Tauriel, and Sauriel. They we're watching over the humans from the demons that might attack. Tauriel notices their silence.

"Something on your mind, Ludociel?"

Margaret looks over to their comrades. They were all in Liones castle, tending to the people of the different villagers that had come from demon attacks. Everyone else was gearing up for the upcoming battle. They all had mead in their hands as they cheered and dranked as they saw fit. They looked around at the others celebrating as she starts taking big gulps from the pint.

"Nothing of yours to be concerned with, I'm afraid. Once we leave tomorrow morning, nothing will stop our assault on bringing down Meliodas. Let's hope the sins are powerful enough to get him back."

She looks up to see Lorraine making her way towards them.

"So, you're the one possessing Margaret, aren't you?"

Lucociel sighs.

"The woman said she would do anything to get back her love and she did and in return, I would use her body as a vessel."

"How long?"


"How long will she be your vessel?"

"As long as her body is intact. She has a pure soul and a good mindset. I don't think parting with her would be a good idea."

Anger filled her soul as she watches Margaret closely.

"You can't keeping using her like this! She has a life to live! She has someone waiting for her to come back, and you're taking it away just for a holy war!"

The hall goes silent as their eyes watches them closely. Margaret's body stands up in front of Lorraine. Their eyes filled with disgust.

"This woman gave up her body to save the man she loves from an obsessed lunatic. She gave herself to me willingly. I will do what must be done in this Holy war, Lora!"

Their eyes widen, unknowingly saying the name of the girl they thought it was but their eyes don't leave her amber like irises. Both of them filling with rage. Elizabeth runs over to them both with Howzer following.

"Is everything alright? What's wrong?"

Lorraine takes a second and looks over at Elizabeth and Howzer with a assuring look.

"Nothing, your majesty. Just a.... misunderstanding.....I'll take my leave, Princess. Howzer."

She then starts to walk off, Howzer begins to follow behind her. Elizabeth looks over to Ludociel/Margaret.

"What was said? I want to know."

They said nothing while the other knights start chattering with each other, ignoring the situation with the goddess and one of their own. Margaret's body sighs as they look at Elizabeth.

"That girl, she's the descendant of that human girl, Lora."

Elizabeth's eyes widen and slightly looks back as the young holy knight walks away with Howzer.

"The one.... Who your brother had feelings with?"

( I was listening to Noble Maiden fair from Brave and thought this would be cute)

They nod as they watch Lorraine being pulled away into a hallway with Howzer.

"What is your problem?! You seriously don't think this isn't wrong?! Does anyone know how Gilthunder is feeling about thi-"


This was the first that Howzer has ever raised his voice at his best friend. He realizes what he had done and sadness overwhelms his face. Lorraine has her eyes widen from this sudden change. He puts his hands to his face as he groans softly.

"I... I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry, raine."

He looks up from his hands as he looks into her eyes. Her eyes are filled with worry and sadness. He pulls her close and hugs her tight. She was hesitant but wraps her arms around his waist.

"Raine, I never should've raised my voice at you.... It's just.... I know what... you mean. It's not.... Fair."

Tears erupt her eyes and he hears her sniffle in his chest. He holds her closer as he feels her tears seep into his shirt.

"I remember when we were children, your mother used to sing a song to calm you down when you got hurt or upset. It was of a different language that none of us has ever heard before. You used to sing it to me when father used to get mad at me and I run over to your house. I forgot what it was like but I think your mother said it was to represent you. She say that you were her noble maiden fair."

She doesn't pull away but immediately thinks back of the day her mother was singing to her. She remembered her younger self singing to a younger Howzer as his head laid on her lap as he had tears leaking under his eyes. Her hand strokes his hair gently as she begins to sing to him.

"A naeoidhean bhig, cluinn mo ghuth

Mise rid' thaobh,

O mhaighdean bhan

Ar righinn oig, fas as faic,

Do thir, dileas fhein.

A ghrian a's a gheal-aich, stuir sinn

Gu uair ar cliu'sar gloire.

Naoidhean bhig, ar righinn

Og Mhaigh-dean ua shaill bhan."

"What does it mean, raine?"

She looks down at his wondering eyes. She shrugs her shoulders as she leaves a loose hair in front of his face.

"I don't know, my mom said one of the goddesses left it to my ancestors to continue throughout my bloodline. Maybe I'll find out when I'm older."

Her mind sets back to reality with Howzer trying to sing it to her but is failing tremendously. She can't help but stifle a laugh.

"Hey, I'm trying at least. Did ever found out what it meant?"

She shakes her head.

"Maybe Ludociel might know. But I don't know how to approach him now. I feel so weird that he's in Margaret's body."

They both just stare at each other, unknowingly that Margaret/Ludociel were by the door listening to them closely. He knew the song all too well. Mael sung it to her, to his human love. He remembers the words. Should he tell her the truth? No... Maybe..... No.... How can you tell a descendant of the human girl that her ancestor was in love with his brother? They shake their head as they leave. Howzer breaks his stare and starts to lean in, she knew what was to come. But why does she feel the need not to let it happen? She turns her head as his lips meet her cheek. His scent was that of charcoal, ash, and cherry wood from his father's shop. He pulls away slowly, confused on what he had done.

"Raine, I..."

"No.... It's not you....I'm just....confused."

"About what? My feelings for you? You know how I've always felt for you."

"I know... But.... It's.... Never mind...."

He nods as he pulls away from her entirely.

"You need space, I get it. I've should've asked for consent."

He begins to leave until she holds his hand back.

"I've given it a lot of thought. If this ends, you can marry me by the end of summer."

He looks back at her, and smiles at her. He takes her hand and kisses the back of it.

"It'll be an honor Milady."

After that, she's left alone in the room, looking out into the darkness. She didn't know why but she knew she meant it but.... Did she? She hasn't heard from Estarossa for 2 days now. What was keeping him? No matter, she knew that he'll live on for himself. That's what she knew of him of course. But was it true? She wants to live a life of good prosperity and she thought that Howzer, her best friend would be it. But why can't she feel good about it. It just felt.....Wrong.

Dawn breaks, Lorraine gears up on her armor and sharpens her Rapier. She makes her way to the horses as the other knights and some of the Sins are lined up for battle to get to Camelot. She hoists herself up on her horse, next to Howzer, Guila,and Jericho. Tauriel flies down next to them. The battle was just the beginning. They were taking down demons, left and right. Even the demonic gollums. The Pleiades of the Azure sky were taking them down without sweat, due to the Charisma that was bestowed on them by Ludociel. There came a Sonic Boom from the sky and onto the ground. Smoke and dust covers a figure from a distance. Lorraine steps off from her horse with her Rapier out of it's scabbard. She moves in slowly with Elizabeth behind her. They both hear groans coming from the figure. The dust clears and there he was, his gray hair flowing in the wind, He was covered in demon markings with a demonic look on his face as he smiles at the two girls.


Elizabeth gasps as she hears Lorraine's name. Sweat drips down the side of her head as he walks closer.

"E-Estarossa? What are you doing?"

"Who's Estarossa? No, I'm.... Meliodas. But wait....I am Estarossa...."

He holds out his hand to the girls. Lorraine raised an arm to Elizabeth.

"Princess, you need to get back."

"But you'll get hurt!"

"I don't care! My priority is to protect you...."

Elizabeth widens her eyes as she sees his eyes are fixed on Lorraine.

"Come to me..... My flower..."

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