Hogwarts Hearts Book 1

By JessySaphire

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My first Story. This Book is a Kingdom Hearts and Harry Potter Crossover story, following the events of the f... More

Before you read
Chapter 1: Welcome to the Family
Chapter 2: Adventure of the two sisters
Chapter 3: Old Town Floturena
Chapter 4: The first departure
Chapter 5: Accepting Yourself
Chapter 6: Unique Meetings in Diagon Alley
Chapter 7: Train Ride with new Friends
Chapter 8: The Sorting Ceremony
Chapter 9: The Mysterious Book
Chapter 10: An unforgettable Day
Chapter 11: Halloween in Hogwarts
Chapter 12: First game of the Season
Chapter 13: Hufflepuff vs Ravenclaw
Chapter 15: Ancient Alchemy
Chapter 16: Hagrid and the Dragon
Chapter 17: Unicorn Search at Night
Chapter 18: Past the Enchantments
Chapter 19: An Enemy rises

Chapter 14: Christmas and a Mirror

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By JessySaphire

December arrived, and with it, Christmas. One morning, mid-December, whole Hogwarts Castle awoke several feet covered in Snow. Some shared exciting looks, while others groaned, not being a fan of Snow and the Winter itself. The Black Lake was frozen solid, and Owls dared not to fly.

Those who fought against the cold winter wind and the snowstorms were nursed back to health by Hagrid.
But everyone was looking forward to Christmas itself.

In Hufflepuff, Kairi saw how most were sitting around the fire, snuggling into blankets or thick pullovers. Sora was excited and happy to see snow, the warm of the fires warmed the Gryffindors up. For Riku, it felt almost normal, just a tad bit colder due to being in the dungeons and the Ravenclaws were glad that they also had the fire, countless students enjoying the warm through the airy room.

The Great hall was also, enlighten with some roaring fire, a feeling of relief from the draughty corridors that became icy and bitter, and classroom windows rattled from the cold wind, every now and then, a cold breeze went through the room.

"It's so cold", Sora rubbed his arms and jumped a little to keep himself warm.
"You don't like the cold but love the Snow", laughed Kairi gently while Jessy pulled her wand out.
"When you wait a second, the cold will soon fade", she hummed and pointed to the ground.
"Flacomes", she chanted, and from her wand came a bright red flame that changed into a red panther, red in color and radiating warmth from it, sitting in front of Jessy. "Ah! So warm!", Sora was relieved and touched the panther. "It feels like a warm blanket! Kairi, feel" She did it and the panther began to purr, snuggling into them. "This feels so good and warm. Thank you so much, Jessy" "Of course. I'm learning more and more of the Elemental Spells. Seems like this one is quite friendly", she chuckled and the Panther leaped to her. "Yes yes, thank you for warming us" "He likes you" "Well, I am the caster Sora. It holds for 10 mins" "10 minutes of warming comfort! Kairi, we need to warm ourselves up!" "Sora, how was Potions even?" "It was so cold down there. Our breathing turned into this cold mist and we all inched closer to our cauldrons and Professor Snape was scoffing at us when we did that. It was the worst", he began, his eyebrows furrowed the more he began to talk.
It was later in the Charms classroom before it even started, Jessy was sitting and looking into her Elemental Book when Sacarnis grinned at her from across the room.

"I DO feel SO sorry for all these who HAVE to stay here because their family don't want them anymore", she stated loudly, awaiting a reaction from Jessy but she stayed focused, which made her and her minions furious.
"Hey, Amakura!", Flortus shouted and Jessy looked finally up. "How does it feel to spend your Christmas here? Bet your family disowned you, after all"
"I mean, it's no wonder. I wished you would've landed onto that fat arse of yours when you catched the snitch. That's where you belong after all", she and the Minions laughed but the rest stayed silent. "You can't even sit right on your broom and you want to lecture me? Unlike you, I trained a lot while you can't even control your broom right" The class snickered and Sacarnis got so jealous and mad because of that, she almost broke her quill in half. Vanitas leaned back, crossing his arms, and smirked at Jessy.

After that, Sacarnis and her minions went back to taunting her because of her house and how disappointing her family must be, making her friends stand up to her.

But Sacarnis was right about one thing. She was, in fact, staying in Hogwarts for Christmas, signing a list from McGonagall who stayed in Hogwarts. As she signed, she saw Sora's name on it, and soon approached him and the others in the group. "Hi. Talking about going home?" "Yes. We must tell our friends about school and we can't wait to see everyone again", smiled Kairi. "I heard from Kuraiko you two staying here?", asked Riku and Jessy nodded. "Well, Sora also stays" "Hm? what do you mean, I stay here?", he asked, slightly confused, and turned his head a little. "Did you sign a paper by Professor McGonagall?", she asked him. "Yes, why? She asked us if anyone wants to sign it, so I did", he smiled friendly at her, and the rest was silent.

"First Christmas alone", Roxas stated in a low voice before he began to laugh. "Sora, what you signed was a paper on who will stay here in Hogwarts during Christmas", admitted Riku with a sigh. "W-Wait! I have to stay here?!", Sora was shocked, eyes wide and Riku smirked. "You idiot" "I saw your name when I signed up. So, at least, you're not alone", she admitted. "So, we're the only ones staying here?" "Yes, with a few others, that is"
"A bummer but I'm happy that I have you here", he grinned at Jessy, who smiled in return.

Later on that day, Kairi, Ventus, and Jessy left the potion classroom and went out of the dungeon, near the end they found a large fir tree blocking the corridor ahead. Hearing some muffled groans, they saw two enormous feet sticking out at the bottom, followed by a loud puff that revealed Hagrid.
"Hi Hagrid. What a big tree", admitted Kairi.
"Do you need some help?", asked Ventus
He finally turned to them. "Oh, 'ello. Nah, 'm fine but thank yeh for askin'.", laughed Hagrid.
The friendly conversation was then interrupted by a burst of loud laughter, making the three turn their heads to Sacarnis, Gratum, and Flortus, who stood now across them.

"Trying to earn some money, Amakura? Hoping to be a gamekeeper yourself when you leave Hogwarts, I suppose- that hut of Hagrid's will be your new home after your family disownes you for being a disgrace to your family", she laughed again, holding the back of her hand against the corner of her mouth while looking triumph at Jessy who just ignored her comment, breathing through her nose.
"Hey! Jessy is kind and smart! Unlike you", stated Ventus while clenching his fists.
"So what? She became a low Ravenclaw while her family belongs in Slytherin only. She brings disgust over her family's name, pushing us purebloods into dirt!", she hissed at Jessy who just looked at them.
"So we stated the truth huh? Can't open that smart mouth of yours, am I right?", Flortus stated with a hand on her hip, smirking.
Kairi was ready to leap forward, pouncing onto the group when Jessy held her back. "Jessy, what-"

"Is there a problem?", Professor Snape just came from the Dungeons and saw the group standing across from each other.
"Professor! This brute here wanted to pounce on me!", Sacarnis's voice went soft and pointed towards Jessy.
"That is crap. She start insultin' Jessy and her family, while she did nothin'", Hagrid poked his huge hairy face out from behind the tree.
"That's true Professor! She's-"
"Silence, Arche", Professor Snape raised his hand, silencing Ventus who just sighed, when he continued to look between Sacarnis and Jessy.
"Both of you get a warning this time. Now, move along, all of you", he stated strictly before walking away.

Marisol, Gratum, and Flortus pushed roughly past the tree, making needles scatter everywhere, chuckling darkly before they vanished from their sight.
"Jessy, how can you stay so calm? She gets on my nerves", stated Ventus, and his eyebrows furrowed when he said that.
"Ven, if I give in, her point will prove that I still care about the reputation of my family. She won't see me defending myself, she'll only see that she is right and that I will not give her."
"That's mature of you, Jessy. And thank you for holding me back", admitted Kairi with a small smile.
"Of course! I can't let you get in trouble just for useless provocation"
The group began t laugh and Hagrid joined in, making them turn to him.
"Jessy is right, yeh 'know. Cheer up, it's nearly Christmas. Tell yeh what, come with me an' see the Great Hall, looks a treat"

Ventus, Kairi, and Jessy looked at each other before nodding and following Hagrid and his tree to the Great Hall, where Professor McGonagall and Professor Yen Sid were busy with the Christmas decorations.
"Ah Hagrid, the last tree- pit it in the far corner, would you?", Professor McGonagall stated as she fixed some ribbons on a tree.
The Great Hall looked more than just festive, in the eyes of the three.
A sight to see with Festoons of holly and mistletoe hung all around the walls and no less than twelve tall Christmas trees that nearly reached the enchanted sky, or some tips even vanishing inside it, stood all proud around the room, some sparkling with tiny icicles while others glittering with over hundreds of candles.

"How many days yeh got until yeh break?", Hagrid asked, bringing the three back from their joyous faces into reality.
"Oh, just one left", smiled Ventus.
"That reminds me! Kairi, we've got half an hour left before luch, and we promised Sora and Riku to meet them in the library", Jessy looked at her short auburn-haired friend, who just looked at Professor Yen Sid who had golden bubbles blossoming in thin air and was trailing these over the branches of the new tree.
"You're right! I completly forgot about it", she gasped and looked at Jessy.
"The Library?", Ventus and Hagrid asked, both sounding a little confused.

"Ven! Over here!", a new voice stated that made the trio turn around to see Aqua and Terra, both waving at them. "Comming! Bye Kairi, bye Jessy", he grinned and went to his two best friends, Terra ruffling his hair with a soft smile while Aqua chuckled. Ventus and the other waved at the girls and Hagrid before walking away. 
Jessy and Kairi watched them walk away when Hagrid turned back to the two girls.
"What do yeh want in the library?", he began and followed them out of the Great Hall, "Just before the break? Bit keen, aren't yeh?"

"We don't go there for work. Today we research", Jessy beamed brightly at the gentle half-giant, who was indeed, confused.
"Ever since you mentioned Hermod Inlus we've been trying to find out who he is", admitted Kairi with a soft smile.

"You WHAT?!", shouted Hagrid, his eyes blowing wide before he caught himself and continued, " Listen here- I've told yeh- drop it. It's nothin' to you what that dog's guardin'", he moved his hands in front of him.
"Hagrid, we just want to know who Hermod Inlus is, that's all", admitted Kairi with a soft laugh. "Unless you'd like to tell us and save the trouble?", Jessy looked back at Hagrid, hoping he would give in, "We must've been through hundreds of books already and we can't find his name anywhere- just a little hint- where we should look"

"I'm sayin' nothin'", he added flatly, not looking at the two girls. "Then we have to research", stated Kairi as they left Hagrid perplexed, and hurried off to the library. They could've sworn to hear Hagrid grunt and mumbling to himself but left him to meet Sora and Riku.
Both were already waiting in front of the said library, Riku with crossed arms and Sora with his hands behind his head.

"Where were you two?", asked Riku and Kairi began. "Sacarnis and her minions blocked us, insulting Jessy again, who held me back for getting into trouble and we then watched Hagrid and the Great Hall being decorated for Christmas", Kairi cut their story short and Sora beamed. "You saw Christmas decorations?!", he looked so eager at the girls, making them chuckle. "How about we go inside first, and look around to see if we can find something", suggested Jessy and all entered.

They went through sheer endless seeming books, never finding Hermod Inlus's name ever being mentioned, not even in books like Great Wizards of the Twentieth Century, or Notable Magical Names of Our Time; even missing from Important Modern Magical Discoveries, and A Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry.

The size of the library didn't help them either, alone with over ten thousand books, thousands of cabinets, and the hundred narrow rows, in which even more books hid from their sight.
While Riku looked in different subject books for Inlus's name; Kairi skimmed through the books they had already looked at, believing that they passed his name somewhere in between at a point. Sora strode down a row and began to pull random ones out.

Jessy closed another book with a sigh before walking out of a narrow way, thinking. She stopped and looked at the Restricted Section, wondering if some of them or even just one held his name and some needed information about him as a person.
But unfortunately, you needed a specially signed note from one of the teachers to look into these books. Most students, being older, went in there to research Dark Arts for advanced Defense against Dark Arts. From where she stood, she saw some of the books and recognized them from home but she was sure that she never read something about Hermod Inlus himself.

Debating with herself, to simply send a letter home and ask her parents if they had a book or simply some information about him but quickly dismissed the idea since her parents begged both of their daughters not to write a letter home during the break because of unwanted visitors from family and that both should say there was a blizzard during the time if someone asks.
"Looking for something, miss?"
"Just thinking, Madam Pince", smiled Jessy.
Madam Pince, the librarian, pointed a feather duster at her.
"Don't think in the middle of the passageway, then. Go on-out", she looked down at Jessy, who just nodded and quietly left the library.
Once outside, she leaned against the nearby wall, thinking again if she ever read a book about Inlus.

Sure, they could ask Madam Pince where they could find some information on him but they couldn't risk Snape hearing what they were up to. Jessy continued to wait, hoping and praying in her mind that at least one of them found something but she know it wouldn't be easy as it is. What they truly needed was a nice long search without Madam Pince breathing down their neck or fear that Snape was on their toes.

Just a few minutes later, Sore, Riku, and Kairi came out and joined her side, all shaking their heads, and the group headed to lunch.
"You two will keep looking while we're away, won't you?", Kairi asked hopefully "and send us an owl if you find something", added Riku

"We try our best, you both, don't worry. Can't promise on results, though. I doubt anyone has someone you could ask them about, right?" "Sorry, no" "From me as well, Jessy. Sorry", admitted Kairi.
"What about your family? I mean you surely have a book of him" "I would ask if our parents wouldn't beg Kura and me for no letters during the break because we have visitors our family don't appreciate. Toxic family members. But what I wish you two is a wonderful Christmas and that both of you come back healthy as ever"
Riku smirked. "Jessy, seriously" "What? At least I have Sora here...we try our best" "Thank you", beamed Kairi.

Once the break started, Jessy realized how big Hogwarts castle actually was without the endless students running around and talking, but it was nice to know that Sora was there, and for the first time, she didn't think much about Inlus and what Fluffy was guarding.
The Ravenclaw common room was good as empty, just two or three students remaining in the airy tower, making the wind whistle. Lilienne, Iris, and Lumina were also gone as was the complete 1st year. But now, she finally had the chance to sit wherever she liked to, enjoying the quiet at night, and now she had the chance to study her elemental book, Sora also participating in learning some fun new spells.

Both of them spent the whole day together, beginning at the breakfast table, laughing as both talked about their childhood and the adventures they held while eating toast, cookies, or marshmallows, and laughing even more as they compared their failed spells, potions, and transfiguration. Kuraiko also joined both and the sisters showed Sora wizard chess.
Sora was quite amazed by the moving chess pieces and Jessy taught Sora the basics. Even Leon, who was usually walking alone, joined them after being convinced by Sora and ended up giving him tricks and helping him throughout the game, which made Kuraiko a little mad since he helped him. It ended up that Leon played while Sora just watched and supported his friends, cheering for Jessy even when she lost against Leon, making him smirk and Kuraiko laugh.
They walked outside, visiting Hagrid over some tea and rock cookies, talking about magical creatures.

Christmas arrived faster as Jessy thought, yawning and stretching herself on her bed before sitting up. She wanted to walk out of the room but ended up falling over a box, nearly landing on the ground with her face first but grabbed her bed right on time. She looked down to see a pile of presents resting at the beginning of her four-poster bed, a smile came over her lips.
"Merry Christmas, everyone", she whispered and sat down in her bed, taking the box she tripped over.
It was wrapped in thick brown paper and scrawled across stood To Jessy, from Hagrid before she opened it, revealing a carved winged horse, resembling her Abraxan from home. Sure, it was a rough cut but she smiled at it, standing it on her night table, next to her elemental book, to admire the wooden stature fully.
She picked up another present, this time neatly wrapped in a snowflake paper, addressed from Kura. Opening the box, a photo frame was revealed, blue in base color with golden swirls and golden leafs attached to the swirls.
She made a mental note to ask her sister later on before she went to another. Addressed from her family was a bigger box with a flawless celeste blue wrapping, decorated with an exquisite golden bow on top. Opening it carefully, it revealed a smaller box and a knitted pullover in azure, and knitted in the middle was an Abraxan. Laughing a little, she put it over her sleeping wear, already admiring the fluffy and warm texture of it before moving to the smaller box. Opening the lid, the inside harbored an elegant pocket watch, the watch hands were held in a sapphire color, and the digit dials were surrounded by bronze elegant swirling, making it look like an enchanted forest full of pixies. In the case were leafs imprinted and the string was held in a pearl-resembling color. Closing the box, she stored the watch away, feeling happy before she moved to another box. This time, it was from Roxas, who send her some sea-salt candies, making her remember how he always searched Bertie Botts Beans for them. From Kairi, she got a stuffed animal in the form of her Abraxan, making her laugh and squeeze it, while Riku send her a picture with himself, Sora, Kairi, and Roxas with a little note saying Didn't know what to get you. Merry Christmas. A chuckle escaped her lips and she tugged the photo in the frame from her sister, smiling. The last present was thin and from Ventus, gifting her a fine bookmark with a round top, inside was woven stitching of a peacock, and from it hung a chain that was connected to a solid metal that was shaped in a peacock feather.

All in one, she was so ecstatic and grateful for them, gathering the wrapping paper and throwing it away before washing herself up and changing into the pullover and some jeans, walking to the common room. It was decorated in holly and some blue and bronze Christmas ornaments, and a tall Christmas tree in one corner of the room, decorated with flowers, ribbons, and ornaments representing Ravenclaw.
Sparring one last glance, she walked the spiral staircase down only to find Sora standing there, a big package in his arms.

"Jessy, Merry Christmas!" "Merry Christmas, Sora. What do you have there?" "I'm not so sure myself, and I thought you could help me" "I'd be happy to. Come, we go to a nearby empty room" He beamed and nodded, both entering a small nearby room and Sora put the package down, opened it, and pulled something fluid and silvery grey out, that it went slithering to the floor, gleaming in folds. That made Jessy gasp as she looked at it with wide eyes.
"Sora, that's an Invisibility Cloak!" "A what?", he was visibly confused as he looked at it
"It's a rare and valuable cloak that can turn you invisible"
"Really?!", his eyes held curiosity and a glint of mischief.
"Come, try it on", she encouraged him and he nodded. Sora threw the cloak around his shoulders and instantly looked down.
"Jessy! I'm a floating head", he laughed and walked around the room, having his fun before he threw it over his head, vanishing completely.
"Sora?", Jessy asked and was suddenly poked into her side, making her jump and yelp, concluded Sora to laugh.
Jessy looked down to saw a note on the ground, making her walk to it and picked it up.
"What is this?", Sora appeared behind her, head free again and both looked at the note, which was written in narrow, looped writing, there stood the following words.

It was in my possession until your time would come.
Now that it advances closer I decided to gift it to you.
Use it well.
A Very Merry Christmas to you

"No signature. Do you perhaps know the handwriting, Sora?" "No, sorry. But we have to how it the others when they come back!", he beamed and took the cloak out, making Jessy chuckle.
He wore a bright red woven pullover with an S on it she didn't saw before because of the package.

"From who did you get a pullover?" "Oh! It's a present from Fred and Georges' mother. I met her on the way to the train and needed help finding the right way" "How nice of her. My Grandma sent me this" "Looks so warm!", he admitted and she nodded, both packing the cloak back up and returning to Gryffindor Tower with it, Jessy standing outside, waiting for Sora to come out and both went to the Great Hall.
They arrived there and it was a sight to see, Kuraiko was sitting with Leon and waved both over.

One hundred fat, roasted turkeys, mountains of roast and boiled potatoes, plates of fat chipotles, bowls full of buttered peas, silver boats of thick, rich gravy and cranberry sauce- and stacks of wizard crackers scattered across the table. Everyone was simply amazed by the whole food, Kuraiko holding out a cracker to Jessy, who pulled with her sister, as it went off with a blast similar to a cannon, engulfing them all in a cloud of white smoke, while from the inside exploded a rear- admiral's hat with several white mice. Sora was in awe and grabbed another wizard cracker, pulling it with Leon, and this time blue smoke engulfed the others, and small deers and stags appeared on the table, jumping around.
Up on the high table. Pueralbis wore a Kasa hat which was a little lifted so you could see his face, as he was chuckling merrily at something Professor Yen Sid told him, a little smile also gazing his own face. Blazing puddings followed the turkeys and Kuraiko had to laugh loudly when Percy Weasly, the older brother of Fred and George, nearly broke his teeth on a silver sickle that was hidden by one of his brothers in his food.

Jessy looked around and saw Hagrid getting redder and redder in the face, calling for more wine, followed by a kiss on McGonagall's cheek, who, to Jessys' surprise, giggled and blushed, her hat became lop-sided. Turning her head away, she saw Vanitas at the end of the table, eating slowly his food while ignoring everyone and everything around him, and looked kinda lifeless.
When Sora and Jessy finally left the table, both were full of all kinds of stuff, some of them being crackers, a pack of non-explodable luminous balloons, and Sora even got his own wizard chess set. The deer and white mice also disappeared and everyone had a feeling that the mice were ending for Mrs. Norris's Christmas dinner.

Afternoon soon came, Sora, Kuraiko, Fred and George, Leon, and Jessy had a furious snowball fight on the snow-covered grounds.
During the fight, Jessy spotted Vanitas when she ducked from an incoming snowball from George, looking at him and due to being unconcentrated at the moment, Leon smacked her a snowball square in the face, making everyone laugh beside Kuraiko.
"How dare you hit my sister! REVENGE!!", she screamed and began to attack Leon with countless snowballs, Fred and George cheering for her.

Later on, cold, wet, and gasping for breath, everyone returned to their sorted common rooms. In Gryffindor Tower, Sora broke in his new chess set by losing spectacularly to Percy. He swore he'd done better if Fred and George didn't make him laugh so much during the match.
After some tea and turkey sandwiches, cookies, and Christmas cake, everyone was full and sleepy, already too tired watching Percy chase his two younger brothers around Gryffindor Tower because they snatched his prefect badge, Sora was already drifting off to sleep.

Over by Jessy, she couldn't sleep because something nagged in the back of her mind for the entire time. Even when she climbed into her bed and tried sleeping, tossing herself around, it didn't work at all, since she constantly tried to think about the note from the Invisibility Cloak of Sora, about time, fate, and to use it well.
"...Of course! The Cloak!" she shouted and sat up in an instant. "Why didn't I think of this earlier! We could've used the cloak to walk into the restricted Section and nobody would see us! But it is mostly about advanced Dark Arts..." She began to walk up and down debating with herself whether to talk with Sora about it or not. She then stopped, hands on her hips and she breathed out. "Sorry, Sora. I have to do this alone", she was determined and grabbed her elemental book out, lit a candle up, and scrutinized for a certain spell which she soon found. Taking her wand she breathed out, looking around the room. "Better first try it", she whispered so low that she almost didn't understood herself, her eyes falling on the present from Hagrid. She pointed her wand to the craved wooden figure and

"Lumentrum", she casted the spell, the stone glowing orange, and the stature blended in with the rest of the room. Walking to her nightstand, she could touch it and pick it up, the stature blending perfectly with the rest of her room, even when she held it against the high moon near her window. "Perfect now...undo it Detego", she pointed to her hand with the wand and it returned the way it was instantly, reappearing in her palm.
Smiling, she stood the figure back where it belonged and already shivering in excitement, standing there alone in the moonlight-covered room, greeting with silence. She slipped some shoes and a cardigan on, breathing out, and concentrated on herself.

"Lumentrum", she casted and pointed to herself, the stone shining orange and she looked down. For her, her body remained in color so she walked over to Lumina's big Mirror and saw nothing "It worked! Perfect!", she jumped up and wanted to go out but turned back, blowing the candle out.
Sneaking out of the dormitory, she walked the spiral staircase down in the direction of the library, soon arriving in a pitch-black library where you saw nothing. "Luminosity", she whispered and a bigger light ball appeared when she would cast Lumos, much brighter than she wanted "Dim", she whispered and the hovering ball dimmed down enough not to light up the whole castle but also enough to see where she was going, the ball following her with every step, sometimes jumping a bit up and down or changing the sites as a glittering soft-orange trail followed the Ball, when she made her way all to the back of the library, where the Restricted Section was, going inside.

Breathing out, she began to read the titles as she passed a few of the books "No, no, no, this also not", she began to mumble recognizing books that she had at home, while others told her nothing.
Some backs looked like blood was splattered all over, and some others held some ancient torture methods, making the hairs on her neck stand up straight but she had to start somewhere, so she pulled one book out and began to look for some information. "1st book was a downfall", she sighed and looked into different books but no one held some information about Hermod Inlus, making her sigh and threw her head back in frustration.
Suddenly a large silver volume caught her eye when she stood the current book away. Pulling the book a little out, she didn't recognize it, so she pulled it out with both hands since it was pretty heavy. Using her knee to balance it, she wanted to open it but fell out of her grasp onto the ground, making it open when suddenly, a piercing, blood-curling shriek erupted through the silence, making her hands fly to her ears to shield them, and used her tiptoes to close the book, breathing out. Taking her hands away, she picked it up and the sound of sudden footsteps made her jump up, quickly returning the book where it stood.

Once that was done, she touched the light ball and it vanished, walking fastly to the exit. But just before she was outside, Filch came in. Clapping her hands in front of her mouth, she backed slowly away, and he held the lamp more up, making his pale face lighten up from the lamp. When he finally walked ahead, Jessy sneaked out and walked fastly down the corridor, turning around to see nothing, she pulled her hands away, letting her breathe. She passed a corner, nearly bumping into a suit of armor stopping just mere inches, breathing out. Walking a few steps into the narrow corridor, she finally looked around.
She had no idea where she was since she just focused on getting away fastly, Jessy paid no attention to where she was going. "Great. Now I'm lost", she mumbled under her breath, looking around. She did know there was a suit or armor near the kitchen but she also knew that she wasn't there but way above it, due to her visits in front of the Hufflepuff common room to pick up Kairi, mostly.
A loud sigh escaped her which she recovered by clapping her mouth again shut, especially when she heard voices.

"You asked me to come directly to you, Professor, if anyone was wandering around at night, and somebody's been in the library-Resttricted Section"
At that moment, Jessy swore her heart was beating so loud the two would instantly know where she was, especially when the other voice responded, making her pale up, due to its easy recognition
"The Restricted Section? Well, they can't be far, we'll catch them", it was the voice of Snape.She wanted to move but it was like her feet were rooted to the ground, wanting her to get caught, her eyes widening in horror when she saw the shadows of the two creeping nearer to where she was, due to Filch's lamp.

They couldn't see her but the narrow corridor made it impossible to escape. She may be invisible by the looks but she was still solid. Looking around again, she saw a door to her left side, and with the footsteps coming nearer, she leaped for the door, since it was her only hope. She opened the door just enough for her to squeeze in, closing it as softly as she could, holding her breath in, squeezing her eyes shut, and to her relief Filch and Snape walked away, making her breath finally out, as she rested herself against the door, looking at the ceiling and pulled her wand out.

"Detego", she stated breathlessly and turned visible again.
Catching her breath, she finally looked forward to saw an enraged Vanitas standing in front of her, his yellow eyes seemed to pierce her soul up. With fast steps, he was by her and before she could say anything, he held her throat, not so much to hurt her but it had a steady grip on her. "What are you doing here? Stalking me now, huh?", he hissed and his pricing yellow eyes were filled with hatred and anger before he continued "Came here so you could laugh at me, am I right?" "No. I swear I didn't even know you were here I was hiding from Filch and Snape so please lower your voice before they find us", she pleaded in a hushed voice but Vanitas simply snarled at her "As if I believe you" "I was simply looking for Information about Hermod Inlus I didn't follow you, nor did I know where you were"

He looked at her, her eyes were calm yet slightly scared but he saw how she spoke the truth so he let her slowly go, yet his gaze was still on her, even when she breathed out. "Where are we even?"
She finally looked around to see that it looked like a disused classroom with dark shapes of desks and chairs piled up against one wall of the room, the moonlight flooding it to a certain degree.

Directly across from her stood something that didn't look like it belonged there, and it gave her the feeling that no one should know about it. It was a magnificent mirror, high as the ceiling, with an ornate gold frame, standing on two clawed feet, while at the curved top was an inscription craved inside. She walked nearer to it, touching the golden frame, looking up to see the words, illuminated by the moonlight

Erised stra ebru oyt ube cafru oyt on wobsi

"What do you see?", he asked her while leaning against the door, arms crossed over his chest. "what do you mean >what do you see?< I see myself, it's a mirror" "You're an Amakura, yet you don't know this mirror?" She looked back at the mirror, up and down before she realized it, her mouth shaped like an o. Is this the mirror of Erised?" "So you do know it" " Sorry that I just realized it, oh mighty Wizard Vanitas. I was nearly caught being Invisible, so sorry for not paying attention to a mirror", she stated with a slightly snappy tone, making him smirk at her. "Now, answer my question. What do you see?" She stood in front of it for a few seconds, moving her hand in front of it. "That's the deal. Nothing. I see my reflection" "That can't be", he growled and went to her. "Now I see you in it" He turned to her, completely unamused by this, his eyes narrowing. "I stand beside you, dumb witch" "That's what I mean. Now I see you in it, with me. Pure reflection. It's what I see. Reflection" "What kind of a dumb heart's desire is that?", he snarled, crossing his arms. "Maybe I don't have one? I mean- I'm pretty happy the way it is now" "Sacarnis", he just smirked at her. "So what. She just bullies me because she wants to feel superior, that is all", she wrapped herself more into her cardigan. "Vanitas, I have a question for you" He stayed silent and Jessy took it as a sign to continue "why are you always watching me?" "I told you before. You're a backup. You're worthy and a nice plaything" She looked at him but his eyes stayed on the mirror, not looking at her, or even acknowledging her. "Well then, I return to my Dormitory. I didn't find any information about Inlus either way. Sorry that I disturbed you", stating a fact and the truth to him, she walked to the door. "One more thing", he began "And what would that be?" "If you tell anyone that you meet me here, I'll make you regret it in a way you won't believe it" She looked at him "As if I would tell anyone", she mumbled under her breath "Oh, and Vanitas?" He turned his head slowly to her, a small smile on her lips. "Even if it's past it already, I wish you a Merry Christmas", and with that, she slipped out and hurried back to Ravenclaw Tower, sleeping some.

"You should've seen how Percy was red! It was so much fun!" "And? Did he get the Badge back?" "Don't know. I fell asleep during the chase", admitted Sora and scratched his cheek, making Jessy chuckle. "You can sleep in any situation, right?" "No! Just...I was so full and it was so much fun" "I get you, it was indeed", both continued to talk when they saw Vanitas pass them in a corridor, both ignoring each other until-

"Look for the Book Wizards in Alchemy", he whispered so low that only she could understand it while Sora was busy talking about yesterday. Her eyes began to widen and she stopped walking, turning around to see Vanitas vanish around a corner. "Jessy? Hello? You coming?", Soras' voice brought her back, making her head turn to him, his arms behind his head with a small smile. "You ok? did something happen?" "Sora? Library, Now!", walking fastly to him, she grabbed his wrist and pulled him in the direction of the said place, as he was visibly confused. "Jessy? Hello? What's wrong?" "I think I found it", she smiled and both entered the empty library. "You found it? Where?" "Look for the Book Wizards in Alchemy", making him nod and both began to split in different directions, searching for the book. "Jessy, I've found it!", Sora held a bigger book up, brown hardcover, and silver writings, making both smile as they went down a narrow way, sitting by a window. Jessy opened the book and both soon found the page, his name big on top of the page. "We found it! We found it!", both jumped up and around, hugging each other and laughing, that was until they heard a cold cough, making both stop and slowly turn to Madam Pince.

Both gulped as she looked at both with enraged faces, both suddenly feeling like the white mice from Christmas Dinner.
"Both of you, Quiet! This is a library! Out with you-OUT!", she raised her voice, which made Sora and Jessy leave immediately.
"We found it but got directly thrown out", sighed Jessy and rested against the stone wall by the library. "At least we finally found it! I send a letter with Donald to Kairi, saying that we found the book"
"Who is Donald?"
"My Snow Owl. Short-tempered and pecks my head most of the time but is there when I need him" "Great. Thank you, Sora" "Of course! And after they come back, we all look in it" "Deal", both began to laugh

Night soon came over Hogwarts, and once again, Jessy sneaked out to find the room with the Mirror of Erised, to thank Vanitas. It took a while but she soon found it, slipping into the room, and sighed in relief.

"Detego", she chanted and made herself visible again, looking forward only to be met with an empty room, just the mirror standing there in the moonlight again. Pulling her cardigan close to her body, she walked to the mirror again, hoping that Vanitas would come soon.

"Back so soon-Jessy?", the voice was deeper than Vanitas, making her freeze on the spot, her face paled up, eyes wide open yet, she slowly turned her head to the voice. Leaning against one of the many desks in the back was no other than Professor Pueralbis.

"I-I didn't see you, sir", her voice came out in a stutter as she mentally cursed herself for coming here again. "I see you've came back. Curious just like the many others before you of the delights from the Mirror of Erised?", he walked toward her, standing by her side as both looked at the mirror. "To be honest, I just came here by accident, Professor. I don't care about this Mirror" "Ah, then perhaps to see Vanitas again, I presume" Her eyes widen again. "H-How'd I-I mean-"

"Your spell is good but I would train your magic a bit more to be unseen by me. Now, tell me. Why did you want to meet Vanitas here?" "I just wanted to thank him, that is all" "Thanking him for what?" "He helped me find a certain book which I had trouble finding...but now that I think about it, he wouldn't even accept me thanking him"
Both began to share a soft chuckle

"His Christmas present, perhaps" "Then this was a great present, I admit" Both smiled at each other before Pueralbis turned back to face the Mirror. "The Mirror will be moved to a new home tomorrow, Jessy. Even when you say that you don't care about it, don't ever seek it. But if you do run across it, you'll be prepared. It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that. Perhaps you have a chance to tell Vanitas that" "I see what I can do. Thank you, Professor"

"Now off you go to Ravenclaw Tower" "I will do that...oh, and Professor?", Jessy turned around after she was by the door, smiling softly at him, "I wish you a good night and thank you, again"

With that, she walked out, leaving Eraqus Pueralbis alone in the room, a soft smile on his lips, watching the moon through the window.
"The magic choose you well. Perhaps you hold the key we need"

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