
By wintercrystalbear

1.6K 294 3.1K

Hello my sexy cutie lovely people as you know I'm so free that I thought to make a book kind of thing or basi... More

Let's start
Session 1
My Crush
Tell me about yourself
My embarrassing moment
Session 2
Session 3
K-Lovers in your area
Let's chat
Assignment 1
Session 4
Life Goes On~
Session 5
Session 6
Ask me anything (questions)
Ask Me Anything (Answers)
Any stories?

I'm there

22 8 13
By wintercrystalbear

"Problems" are just like those uninvited guests or relatives which come without telling but gives head ache for long. And sharing these problems may help in reducing that head ache and finding solutions asap.

Sometimes loneliness eats you inside. You scroll that notification panel again and again just to see if someone have messaged you someone with whom you can talk and someone with whom you can share your problems. But sometimes we don't find that someone and if we do, we hesitate in sharing our problems thinking what if that person judges us.

You wanna tell that someone that the smile you put on your face isn't real, when you say "I'm fine or I'm doing good" you're just lying to yourself and that someone.

People are born judge that's what I believe. If you'll share your stories with me I'll also judge but the difference is I'll not judge you but the story to help you finding its solution. I'll listen to you and help you out.

I'll also try to do the same coz I'm myself very hesitant to share my issues but I try. I want you guys to believe in yourself and I hope that you guys believe me too. I'm there for you~

Ok guys so...... Idk what I wrote and why I wrote this but honestly I want you all to believe yourself. And if ever you feel you want a listener then I'm there I'll listen you. I might be a stranger but I would love you hear you and help you.

You can message me on any chapter of this book, my MB (message board) or pm (private message) me.

Take care ❤️


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