
By my04bae

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The 22 year old woman Alicia Dea Russo was walking down the street to her new job interview when it started r... More



1.8K 25 4
By my04bae


I sat in my office while they performed surgery in the room next to my office. The door opened and I looked at Alessandro. "Just to make things clear. I've only started working again because she got hurt and im here to protect her.", he stated and sat down in front of me.

"What do you want to tell me?", I asked him. He looked at me as I waited for the facts, I already knew, to flow out of his mouth. "What?", he asked. I shrugged and kept waiting.

"She's my and Mirabellas daughter.", he sighed. "I know.", I stated and his eyes widened. "How?", he asked. "When her current parents were attacked they thought that my men were the ones trying to kill them so they quickly admitted that they weren't her parents. The surgeon ran a DNA test and turns out that you are her father.", I explained.

"Now care to explain why the fuck you gave her away?", I hissed at him. "We didn't want her to be involved in this mess, but who would've thought she would be involved anyway.", he sighed rubbing his forehead.

I sighed when the door opened and one of the doctors came in. "The surgery went flawlessly, she should be able to heal and not have any problems afterwards. But..", he said as his gaze hardened. "But what?", I asked him. "Her recovery will take about three to four months.", he stated.

"Is she stable enough to fly back?", Alessandro asked. "Theoretically yes, but I'd wait until she wakes up.", he said while placing down her medical files on my table.

"Write a list with every Vitamin, medication and all of the things that'll help her recover better and order everything.", I told the doctor. "What's the budget?", he asked. "I don't give a fuck about the budget. Even if it cost a million dollars. ORDER EVERYTHING.", I told him glaring at him.


I sat next to her bed reading a book when I saw a shadow behind the window. I pulled out my gun and walked around the bed.

"Come out or I shoot.", I stated harshly making the person behind the curtain flinch. Slowly a man stepped out. "What are you doing here?", I asked him. "Just kill me.", he said looking at me coldly. "No.", I shook my head.

"GUARDS.", I shouted. A second later multiple of my men stormed into the room. "Put him in a cell and tell Mr. Diavolo", I told them referring to Alessandro. "And next time you enter this room while she's sleeping be quite.", I hissed at them and sat back down in my seat.

Alicia Dea Diavolo what a name. Her first name translates to the noble one, her second to goddess and her last name to the devil. Who would've thought that this woman, the purest creature I have ever met is the daughter of one of the cruelest men I know.

"Immagino che tu non potessi lasciarla a me, vero?", I whispered leaning back in my chair closing my eyes for a second.


I slowly opened my eyes and there she was still sleeping. My eyes left her sleeping face and looked for a clock. 5:30 am. "Shit.", I sighed stretching my back.

I got up from my chair and went to the door. "Get a second bed in here.", I told them coldly. Within five minutes they had a second bed in her room and pushed it right against hers. "Get some Rest boss. I assure you my team is doing everything they can to find whoever did this to Mrs. Russo.", my top team leader assured me before leaving.

"Please wake up Licia.", I sighed before closing my eyes again.

Alessandro kicked my leg under the table. "Sir, we need your opinion.", the woman that was holding the conference stated . "That is nowhere near what our company stands for. Rethink the whole thing.", I told her and got up. "And that dress is inappropriate for work. Go change, this isn't a puff.", I told her and left the room.

It's been almost a month since Alicia got shot and she still hasn't woken up. Alessandro decided to temporarily join the mafia again until we find out who tried to kill her.

"I'm leaving.", I told him and put on my coat. Alessandro shook his head while he took a seat in his office. "Where are you going?", he asked. "To feed Apollo and Ares.", I stated before leaving.

All 4 weeks long everything was so dull. Useless. Worthless. Disappointing. Meaningless. The sun is shining but it feels like it's been storming. Like the trees were being ripped out of the ground and thrown onto my back.

I called her phone,while I got into the car turning it on and driving away, hoping for her to pick up and then she did.

"Yes?", she asked tiredly. "LICIA!", I screamed. "Good heavens. Are you okay?", she asked. "You're awake.", I laughed as I felt the trees being lifted off my shoulders and thrown away as far as possible. "Of course I am, but I think we'll be late for the breakfast. I must say the ball was really really tiring.", she sighed.

Then the trees settled down onto my shoulders again. "You don't remember what happened, do you?", I asked her as I drove onto the parking house next to the building our penthouse was in. "Well to be honest I don't remember flying back to New York", she hushed. "I'll be there in a second just wait where you are.", I told her when I got into the elevator I hung up.

The elevator doors opened and I rushed to her room. When I opened the door I was met with her usual innocent smile. "Thank god you didn't lose that thing. I didn't know I missed it that much.", I sighed and pulled her into a hug. "When can I shower I feel like I am Ares after he sees a puddle.", she sighed after wrapping her arms around me. "I'll run you a bath right now.", I told her and rushed into the bathroom.

"What's going on?", she asked carefully. "Well while we were driving home someone shot you thinking it was me. We're still looking for them.",I explained. I turned around and looked at her. Her gaze sunk to the floor.

"What's wrong?", I asked her. "It was meant for me.", she mumbled. "What?", I asked her. "The woman, Vanessa I think. She said she would do it but I didn't think she meant it seriously. I mean who would.", she whispered. "I'm sorry I would've told you if I knew you'd be in danger.", she looked at me.

"YOU KNEW.", I shouted. "I didn't want to stress you. You were already aggravated and stressed enough.", she explained still not looking up from the floor. "You should've told me. I could've prevented this whole thing from happening.", I sighed rubbing my forehead. "I'm sorry."; she whispered. "Its fine.", I shook my head waving her off and leaving the bathroom. "Take as long as you need.", I told her and put my jacket back on.

She stood at the door of the bathroom with her arms crossed. I saw something in her eyes I had never seen before. She was hurt. Not physically but emotionally. I turned around and left the room. Leaving her behind.


As I entered the penthouse I looked around and saw Alicia walking toward me with her head down. "Have you eaten yet?", I asked her. She slightly jumped when she noticed me. "No, not yet.", she answered as I walked next to her to the kitchen. "I'll order something, what do you want to eat?", I asked her. "I'll cook something.", she said. "The doctors said that you should be on bed rest. We'll order something, sushi?", I asked her and pulled her into the living room. "Anything is fine."; she said silently as she took a seat next to me.

I ordered food and handed her the remote. "You choose the movie.", I told her and leaned back placing the order of sushi at a restaurant nearby. She started switching through the movies until getting to one she seemed to be interested in. "Foods going to be here soon.", I told her.

Ten minutes into the movie, I got a notification that the food arrived. "I'll go get the food down stairs.", I told her and pushed myself off the leather sofa. "Sure I'll get some drinks.", she said doing the same thing as me but almost falling over. I caught her right in time not to fall over. "Take it easy Licia. I need my assistant back soon.", I told her teasing her slightly. She laughed and spun out of my arms moving to the kitchen.

As I made my way out of the apartment and noticed someone exiting the apartment on the other side of the hallway. "Oh you must be the new neighbor, I'm Matt. Nice to meet you.", he smiled. I nodded and waited for the elevator. He got into the elevator with me and he just stood there. "Uhm, I have a question about the woman that live in the same apartment.", he spoke grabbing my attention. "What about her?", I asked him as my hand instinctively moved to my waist where my gun was. "Well uhm, are you two dating? Because if you're not I'd love to take her out I mean she's hot as fuck.", he said looking at me. I looked at him and he looked at me.

"I mean she's hot as fuck and probably doesn't have much to her personality. But I bet she's a great fuck.", he laughed. my hands slung around his neck and I pushed him against the wall. "She's mine you fucking asshole and if I find out that you so much as speak to her I will kill you. You uneducated little whore.", I hissed at him. His eyes widened as the words rolled off my tongue.

The elevator door opened and I left to get the food. As I paid for it I noticed him leaving the building. I told the kid to keep the change and made my way back upstairs.

"What took you so long?", she asked me. "The guy from down the hall is a real piece of shit.", I told her. "I know right. He gives off such a strange vibe.", she sighed. "He talked to you?", I asked her. "Well after I got out of the shower he came by and wanted to come in after I told him that I wasn't comfortable with it, he tried to push past me. Thankfully Apollo was there.", she explained. "I mean how pushy can someone be?", she sighed turning the movie  back on. "The next time he comes by and I'm not here call security after you call me., I told her and handed her one of the sushi platers.

"I can't eat this much this is enough for the rest of the week.", she gasped. "Eat as much as you want. I'll eat the leftovers.", I told her and got started on my plate. She nodded and started eating while we watched the movie in silence.

She placed her half full plater on top of my empty one after she was done and leaned back. "I could fall asleep right now.", she whispered. "So could I.", I yawned. "Lets go to bed.", I suggested while I got up from the sofa. "Just one more episode.", she said pulling me back down and leaning on my chest. "Fine one last episode and then we'll go to bed.", I told her and pulled the blanket over us.


The episode ended and I looked at her. Her snores were almost as cute as her sleeping face. When I picked her up she curled up in my arms still asleep. I walked through the whole penthouse to my room and laid her down on the bed. She looked so peaceful while sleeping. I changed and got into bed laying down on my back.

She wrapped her arm around me and placed her legs in lap, basically laying on top of me. "Good night love.", I whispered and placed a kiss on her forehead, after wrapping my arms around her and pulling her closer.


Hi guys,
I'm so sorry this one was uploaded almost a day late but it took me a little longer than expected. But I still hope you enjoyed this chapter. Love you guys, have a great day/ night.

Update: Hi, you probably have noticed that I haven't been updating reason for that is basically school. My timetable looks like my moms work hours and I know that not an excuse for letting you guys down but I do have good new. My Autumn break is literally a few days away meaning the book is going to be my number 1 priority. I'll update as much as possible. 

I love you guys please stay healthy. I wish you the best.

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