Ascending Towards the Sun

By ShonuaSDK

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After being reborn Hua Ying was granted his wish, not remembering Lan Zhan, for thirteen years he remained aw... More

Chapter One Ascension
Chapter Two Once again pulled in
Chapter Three Back at Dafan Mountain
Chapter Four The Dancing fairy
Chapter Five Cloud Recesses
Chapter Six The demonic Arm
Chapter Seven Xinglu Ridge
Chapter Eight The Demonic Legs
Chapter Nine The story of Xiao XingChen
Chapter Ten The Demonic torso
Chapter 11 The truth comes to Light
Chapter Twelve Coffin City
Chapter thirteen Mannequin home
Chapter Fourteen Xue yang's Betrayal
Chapter Fifteen The true Form of the Demon Ghost Supreme
Chapter Sixteen Parting of Ways
Chapter Seventeen The headless corpse
Chapter Nineteen Memories of MingJue
Chapter 20 Death of Mo Xuanyu
Chapter Twenty-One This Promise I Make
Chapter Twenty-Two A Chance to say Goodbye
Chapter Twenty-Three The truth at Lotus Pier
Chapter Twenty-Four A part of me is within you
Chapter Twenty-Five Guanyin Temple
Chapter Twenty-Six The unexpected twist in the truth
Hi there, Just another Notice

Chapter Eighteen Secrets revealed

303 19 0
By ShonuaSDK

Returning to the garden, Hua Ying did not go in to where everyone else was. He sat on the steps thinking of what Nie Huaisang had said.

"it's impossible for Mingjue to forget but from the cut wound it severed the incantation. Meaning that with Qi diviation his mind became unstable, forgetting everything. It's a possibility. Would explain why he forgot about everything important, looks like it works the same as the taint that was in my mind"

As Hua Ying was lost in his thoughts, he jumped as a hand was placed on his shoulder.

Lan Zhan, sorry I needed to be alone and gather my thoughts said Hua Ying

Thinking of Sect leader Nie? asked Lan Zhan

It should not have happened, he was supposed to live a full life, Lan Zhan did you notice any similarities between A-Ning and Mingjue asked Hua Ying

Mn replied Lan Zhan, his is weaker than Wen Ning's though

I have a suspicion, whoever did this tried to turn him into another A-Ning but with Mingjue he hated that person with so much passion that the seal would not take and turn said Hua Ying, I need to find it and destroy it.

Lan Zhan wrapped his arm around Hua Ying and bought him close, will this be like the other two times? Asked Lan Zhan

Other two times? Asked Hua Ying

What I mean is when you disappear, and I cannot find you said Lan Zhan

I do not know what tomorrow holds Lan Zhan so I cannot answer you. If that ever happens ask A-Sang or father. They will always know where I am said Hua Ying as he laid his head on Lan Zhan's shoulder. I still have the binding spell on me as well so if I am ever somewhere you can reach, I know you will follow.

How is it that they know, and I do not? asked Lan Zhan

Back in cloud recesses when Wen Xu attacked, you did something idiotic, you sealed your memories, everything was forgotten. That is why I cannot stay here, to be held by you one day and spurned the next, I along with my family carry the memories, you don't even remember half of what happened that night either said Hua Ying as he gazed up at the stars

Will I ever remember? asked Lan Zhan

Yes, one day. It's like you said make the world safe before the truth can be revealed. Because of the Yin Iron the world wasn't safe, then because of the seal the world wasn't safe now because of a piece remade the world isn't safe, guess I realize now what my father went through before he was able to meet and love my mother. Better to be afar than near and hurt replied Hua Ying

Did you mean what you said back then to Nie Huaisang? Asked Lan Zhan

Which time are you referring to? Asked Hua Ying

All those times before you died said Lan Zhan

You mean when I either wanted to end my life or sleep or when I said that if neither of you saw me that night when I killed that whore, I would have never shown myself until the war or that it is better to love from afar than be hurt when nearby. All those times? asked Hua Ying

Then yes even now if neither of you were in Mo village, I still would've taken A-Yu and left, if you hadn't insisted and bound me in Defan mountain I would've left. Lan Zhan from the moment you sealed your memories every time for me was like drinking poison and every time it hurt because I had wished to see the Lan Zhan that I knew and all I got was a cold, distant mountain.

I am sorry to have hurt you, back then I knew what I wanted but I couldn't speak, I feared you never felt the same said Lan Zhan

Did you not realize then back at phoenix Mountain? asked Hua Ying

You knew it was me? Asked Lan Zhan surprised

Of course, I knew it was you! Like I said we shared a past before the attack on your clan. If it was anyone else, I would've hurt them said Hua Ying

Then why didn't you say anything asked Lan Zhan

And miss the chance for you to cut down more trees said Hua Ying laughing, I wanted to tease you Lan Zhan, I wanted more then a fleeting moment, but then nothing happened afterwards, and I just simply left it.

Before we went and spied on Maiden Jiang, I was about to tell you but then that happened said Lan Zhan

We always had bad timing said Hua Ying

And the burial mounds, when you asked me never to come again? Asked Lan Zhan

As A-Sang says, self-sacrificing bastard that's me said Hua Ying smiling

I saw you cry, I wanted to turn around and go back and stay but you would have never allowed it said Lan Zhan

Then why didn't you, it was hard enough saying goodbye then if you had come back, I wouldn't have been able to a second time, so why didn't you? Asked Hua Ying

I do not know; I just accepted the fact that we were on different paths said Lan Zhan

Have you ever thought that we still might be on different paths? asked Hua Ying

I might not remember the truth of us in the past, but I am prepared to make a new path with you now, I don't want to part from you. I meant what I said where you go, I will follow said Lan Zhan

Mark your words Lan Zhan because, the next time you hurt me you won't see me again and if you do get that chance, I won't be the person you know. Said Hua Ying

I shall said Lan Zhan and kissed Hua Ying tenderly, come let's get some rest said Lan Zhan as he stood up and bought Hua Ying with him, then walked to the camp that the boys had made.

The time of the Discussion Conference at Carp Tower came within the blink of an eye. The Lan Sect boys went back home, and Mo Xuanyu went with the jade twins and Hua Ying.

The main road used to visit the tower was a carriage path more than half a mile in length. It only opened for important events such as banquets or the Discussion Conferences. According to the Jin Sect's rules, one must not walk at a fast pace here. Both sides of the path were covered in murals and reliefs, telling stories of the Jin Clan's leaders and other distinguished cultivators. During the journey, disciples of the Jin Sect would act as guides as they drove the carriages.

Out of all of them the four most famous sections about the current sect leader, Jin Guangyao, were respectively "disclosure", "assassination", "oath", and "kind austerity". Of course, the scenes showed how during the Sun-shot Campaign Jin Guangyao hid in the Qishan Wen Sect and reported important information, assassinated the Wen Sect's leader Wen Ruohan, became sworn brothers with the rest of the Venerated Triad, and rose to the position of Chief Cultivator. The painter was quite adept at painting people's expressions. Although nothing seemed special at first glance, a more detailed look would reveal that even when his figure was executing the assassination, cheeks dripping blood, Jin Guangyao still had the hint of a smile over his face. One could feel their hair stand as they looked.

Immediately after it were Jin Zixuan's murals. Usually, in order to signify their absolute power, sect leaders would purposely lessen the number of murals for cultivators of their own generation or perhaps switch to an inferior artist, so that they wouldn't be outshone. To these acts, everyone gave silent approval, showing their understanding. However, Jin Zixuan had four murals as well, unbelievably standing on equal footing as Jin Guangyao. The handsome man in the paintings displayed both pride and vigor.

Hopping off the carriage, Hua Ying stopped in front of the murals and stared for a while. Lan Zhan also stopped, waiting for him and Mo Xuanyu took his hand and held tight.

From not far away, a disciple declared, Sect Lan of Gusu, please enter here.

Let us go. Said Lan Zhan as he came closer. Hua Ying didn't reply. The three walked up together.

Sparks Amidst Snow was the crest of the Jin Clan, an exquisite type of the white peony. Not only was the flower fine, but its name was also fine as well. There were two layers of petals and the larger petals on the outside grew tier upon tier, becoming waves of churning snow. The smaller petals on the inside were thin and delicate, embracing golden strands of the stamen as though they were stars. Multiple paths were situated before the square. Sects entered incessantly, yet in an organized manner.

Sect Su of Moling, please enter here.

Sect Nie of Qinghe, please enter here.

Sect Jiang of Yunmeng, please enter here.

As soon as he showed up, Jiang Cheng shot a sharp glance at them. Walking over, he spoke in an indifferent tone, ZeWu-Jun. Second master Lan he said

Sect Leader Jiang. Nodded ZeWu-Jun

The two seemed preoccupied. After a few words of small talk, Jiang Cheng turned to Lan Zhan:

Second master Lan, I've never seen you at Carp Tower's Discussion Conferences before. Why have you gained the sudden interest? If I remember correctly, wasn't it that you two never took needless personnel with you when travelling out? What's the situation this time? Once in a blue moon? Now who is this renowned cultivator? Could someone please introduce him to me? Asked Jiang Cheng

Brother, why didn't you tell me beforehand that WangJi was also going to come? Asked Jin Guangyao as he personally came out to greet them.

ZeWu-Jun returned him a smile, while Lan Zhan just nodded. Hua Ying, on the other hand, carefully observed the chief cultivator of all sects.

Jin Guangyao was born with quite an advantageous face. His skin was fair, and he had a vermillion mark embellished on his forehead. His pupils were distinct against the whites of the eyes, appearing lively but not frivolous. His features appeared rather clean, attractive yet also ingenious. The shadow of a smile that always perched by the corners of his lips, and his brows, revealed at once his clever character. Such a face was enough to earn the love of women, but still wouldn't evoke the vigilance or aversion of men; the elderly would think of him as sweet, while the young would think of him as amicable. Even if one didn't like him, they wouldn't hate him either, which was why his face was "advantageous". Although his figure was a bit small, his calm demeanor was more than enough to make up for it. Donning a cap made of black gauze, he wore the Jin Sect's formal uniform, a blooming Sparks Amidst Snow crest over the front of his round-collared robe. With a nine-ringed belt at his waist, liuhe boots at his feet, and a right hand pressing down on the hilt of the sword hung by his side, he let out a powerful aura of inviolability.

Jin Ling followed Jin Guangyao out here. He still didn't dare meet Jiang Cheng alone. Hiding behind Jin Guangyao's back, he mumbled, Uncle.

So, you still know that I'm your uncle! Sneered Jiang Cheng

Jin Ling quickly tugged at the back hems of Jin Guangyao's robe. Jin Guangyao seemed as though he had been born to resolve conflicts.

Now, Sect Leader Jiang, A-Ling realized his mistake a long time ago. During the past few days, he's been so scared you'd punish him that he hasn't even been eating well. Children just like to make mischief. I know you love him the most. Let's not bother him about it so much. Soothed Jin Guangyao

Yes, yes. Uncle can prove it. My appetite's been bad these days! Confirmed Jin Ling

Your appetite's been bad? Looking at how well your complexion is, I wouldn't say you missed too many meals! Sneered Jiang Cheng

As Jin Ling was just about to speak again, he glanced behind Lan Zhan and finally saw Hua Ying and Mo Xuanyu who hid behind Hua Ying holding his hand. Temporarily astounded, he blurted, why are you here?!

Where he goes, I follow replied Hua Ying as he pointed to Lan Zhan and where I go A-Yu comes with me

Jin Guangyao rubbed Jin Ling's head, pushing him behind himself, and smiled.

Now A-Ling, be nice, master Hua I heard what you have done for Mo Xuanyu, I thank you for that, you are more than welcome to join as our guest smiled Jin Guangyao He turned to ZeWu-Jun, Brother, have a seat first. I'm going to check over there and make arrangements for WangJi and his guests as well.

There is no need for the trouble. Replied ZeWu-Jun

How is this trouble? Brother, you don't have to be so polite now that you're at my place. Really. Said Jin Guangyao

Jin Guangyao could remember the name, title, age, and appearance of a person after just one encounter. Even after a few years, he'd be able to greet them without any fault, often carrying out solicitous conversations as well. If he had seen someone more than twice, he'd remember all their likes and dislikes, therefore able to cater to their needs. This time, since Lan Zhan came to Carp Tower without advance notice, Jin Guangyao didn't arrange for his table. Now, he was immediately on the way to do so.

After entering Glamor Hall, the guests strolled down a soft, red carpet. Beside the sandalwood tables on both sides of the carpet were fair-faced maids, adorned with hoops, jades, and each with a genuine smile. With full bosoms and dainty waists, even their figures were similar, appearing both uniform and pleasing to the eye. Hua Ying had never been able to help himself from looking a while longer when he came upon fair women. After he had been seated, he smiled at her when the maid was pouring him liquor.

Thanks Hua Ying replied

Yet, as if she had received a shock, the woman snuck a glance at him, but quickly blinked and looked away. Hua Ying initially found this strange. He immediately understood, though, when he looked around him. As he had expected, this wasn't the only peculiar pair of eyes. More than half of the Jin Sect's disciples had strange expressions on their faces when they looked at him.

A-Yu? Said Hua Ying as he leaned in to speak, what have you done that everyone stares asked Hua Ying

I was accused of something I would never do, remember said Mo Xuanyu as he hung his head.

Hearing the conversation Lan Zhan chose to speak, are you sure that it is A-Yu that they are looking at or the fact that you are even more flawless and otherworldly than I am? asked Lan Zhan

That's right mother smiled Mo Xuanyu, watch that you don't get any proposals when you speak it sounds like that music you played in the gave for Grandfather Qing.

Let them look and hear, may they bleed through those orifices as well growled Lan Zhan

Lan Zhan, hearing you say that... I will explain later smiled Hua Ying

If you do not provoke others on purpose. I will not have to defend your honor said Lan Zhan

At this point, with a woman dressed in lavish robes by his arm, Jin GuangYao stepped into the room. Although the woman seemed rather dignified, a trace of innocence was blended into her expression. Even her graceful features appeared somewhat childlike. This was the official wife of Jin Guangyao, the mistress of Carp Tower—Qin Su.

The two had been the representation of loving couples in the cultivation world for the past few years, holding mutual respect. Everyone knew that Qin Su was born into the Laoling Qin Sect, a subsidiary clan of the Lanling Jin Sect. Qin CangYe, the leader of the Laoling Qin Sect, happened to be a subordinate who had followed Jin Guangshan for years. Although Jin Guangyao was Jin Guangshan's son, the two were originally somewhat ill-suited for each other due to his mother's status. However, during the sun-shot campaign, Qin Su had been saved by Jin Guangyao. She fell in love with him and never gave up, insisting that she wanted to be his wife. In the end, they finally drew the period on such a romantic story. Jin Guangyao didn't let her down either. Even though he held the important position of Chief Cultivator, his behavior was drastically different from his father's. He never took in any concubines, much less had a relationship with any other woman. This was indeed something that many wives of sect leaders envied.

After the two sat before the foremost table, the banquet had officially started. The one sitting at the table of the next-highest rank was Jin Ling. When his eyes landed on Hua Ying, they glared at once. Hua Ying had always been used to being watched by others. During the entire time, he pretended that nothing was going on, eating and drinking among toast and chatter within Glamor Hall. It was quite a merry scene.

Night had already fallen when the banquet ended. The Discussion Forum would officially begin the next morning. In groups of two and three, the crowd slowly exited the hall, walking toward the guest chambers that disciples had directed them to. ZeWu-Jun seemed rather absent-minded; Jin Guangyao looked as though he wanted to ask what the matter was.

Brother, another person threw himself over and wailed, Brother!!!

Jin Guangyao almost stepped back from the force. He quickly fixed his cap with one hand, HuaiSang, what's wrong? Let's calm down first. Said Jin Guangyao

Such an unbecoming sect leader could only be the QingheNie Sect's Head Shaker. And, of course, the drunk Head Shaker was even more unbecoming. With a ruddy face, Nie HuaiSang refused to let go.

Oh Brother!! What do I do?! Can you help me again? I promise that this is the last time!!! Cried Nia Huaisang

Wasn't last time's situation dealt with by the people I found you? Asked Jin Guangyao

Last time's situation was done, but this time there's a new situation! Brother, what should I do?! I don't want to live anymore! Cried Nie Huaisang

A-Su, you can go back first. HuaiSang, let's find somewhere and sit down. There's no need to hurry. Said Jin Guangyao. He started walking outside with Nie HuaiSang leaning on him. When ZeWu-Jun came to see what was going on, he was also dragged along by the drunken Nie HuaiSang.

Second master Lan, I don't think you've come to Lanling for the Discussion Conferences since quite some years ago. I apologize if the reception was inadequate in any way. Said Qin Su. Her voice was soft, truly befitting for such a sweet beauty. Lan Zhan nodded in return of the salute. Qin Su's gaze landed on Hua Ying next. After a moment of hesitation, she whispered, Then, please excuse my leave. With this, she left with her maid.

The way that everyone at Carp Tower looks at me is so strange. I knew I use to draw people's attention, but this attention is unnatural said Hua Ying, Lan Zhan watch Jiang Cheng for me. It's best if he doesn't come find me. If he does, help me hold him back a bit, won't you?

Do not go too far. Said Lan Zhan

Got it. If I end up going far, let's meet in our room at night. Smiled Hua Ying

His eyes searched throughout Glamor Hall but didn't Mo Xuanyu anywhere. Raising a brow, he continued searching after he left Lan Zhan. When he passed a small pavilion, someone suddenly appeared from within the rock garden on the side, Hey!

What do you mean 'hey'? How rude. Weren't we all lovey-dovey when we parted? We meet again and you're as heartless as ever. Now I'm sad. Pouted Hua Ying, A-Yu, you shouldn't leave my side.

Yes, mother said Mo Xuanyu

Shut up right now! Who's all lovey-dovey with you?! Didn't I warn you already not to mess with our sect's people? Growled Jin Ling

Honestly, I've always been following Lan Zhan properly. I'm this close to making him grab a rope and tie me to his body. Where have you seen me mess with your sect's people? Your uncle? He's the one messing with me, alright? Said Hua Ying

Go away! My uncle's only suspicious of you! Don't talk nonsense. You bought Mo Xuanyu back after what had happened replied Jin Ling

Jin Ling before you trust the words of anyone remember there are always two sides to a story make you own assumptions after you have heard it don't just blindly believe just one replied Hua Ying

Suddenly, a few shouts came from around them. About half-a-dozen boys wearing the Lanling Jin Sect's uniform leaped out from the garden. Jin Ling stopped talking at once. The boys slowly approached them. The one leading the group was a boy of around the same age but a wider physique than Jin Ling,

I thought I saw wrong. So, it really is him. As Mo Xuanyu stood up and hid behind Hua Ying

Mo Xuanyu, you still have the face to return? Said the boy

Jin Chan, why did you come? It's none of your business here. Asked Jin Ling as he stood and placed himself between Hua Ying and Jin Chan

I see. It's probably one of the kids from Jin Ling's generation. And, looking at the way of things, this was a group of children who weren't on good terms with Jin Ling. Thought Hua Ying

What business is it of yours if Mo Xuanyu is here or not? asked Hua Ying

It's none of my business, but is it any of your business? Why do you care about me? Asked Jin Chan

As he spoke, three or four of the boys had already come over, as though they wanted to hold Hua Ying down. To get to Mo Xuanyu

Don't mess around! Growled Jin Ling

Mess around? What's wrong with teaching a lesson to an indecent disciple of our sect? Sneered Jin Chan

He's been kicked out a long time ago! He isn't our sect's disciple no matter how you see it. Plus, he is now with master Hua and second master Lan. Said Jin Ling

So what? Master Hua, he looks like no master said Jin Chan as he looked at Hua Ying who looked like he was in his early twenties, late teens.

So what? Have you forgotten who they came with today? You want to teach him a lesson? Why don't you ask second master Lan first? Said Jin Ling

Hearing the name "second master Lan", the boys all seemed nervous. Even if Lan Zhan wasn't present, nobody dared to claim that they weren't scared of Lan Zhan at all.

Ha, Jin Ling, didn't you also use to hate him? How come today is so different? Asked Jin Chan

How do you have so many things to say? Does whether or not I hate him matter to you? Asked Jin Ling

He shamelessly harassed sect leader Jin, and you're still talking in favor of him? Sneered Jin Chan

Do you now understand why I say that there are two sides to a story Jin Ling? Asked Hua Ying, come A-Yu, I think it is time we left

They'd somehow gotten to the point of seeking a fight with each other. Neither of them saw the other in a good light to begin with. The fuse was ignited at once.

If you want a fight, then let's have a fight. You think I'm scared of you? Shouted Jin Ling

Why not? He's only going to call his dog to help him anyways! Shouted one of the boys

Jin Ling heard this just as he was about to whistle. He clenched his teeth and roared; I can beat you up even if I don't call Fairy!!!

Although his tone was ample with confidence, two fists were hardly a worthy opponent to four hands. After he started to fight, it was clear that his abilities began to fall short. He appeared to be losing ground, forced closer and closer to Hua Ying.

Jin Ling seethed when he saw that Hua Ying was still standing at the same place.

Why are you still standing around?! Asked Jin Ling

Hua Ying suddenly grabbed his hand. Before Jin Ling had the chance to yell, he felt an overwhelming force press onto his wrist. He couldn't help but collapse onto the ground. Enraged.

Do you want to die?!! Roared Jin Ling as Mo Xuanyu just stood there shocked

As he put down Jin Ling, who had been protecting him, Jin Chan and the others were startled.

You got it? Asked Hua Ying

What? Asked Jin Ling shocked

Have you understood? Asked Hua Ying again as he twisted

Feeling a numbing pain travel from his wrist to his entire body, Jin Ling cried again. Before his eyes, however, he could recall Hua Ying's swift, subtle movement.

Again. Look carefully. Said Hua Ying

One of the boys just happened to rush over. With one hand behind his back, Hua Ying used the other hand to snatch at the boy's wrist. He brought him to the ground in the blink of an eye. This time, Jin Ling saw what was going on. The aching part of his wrist also told him which acupoint to send his spiritual energy to. Springing to his feet, he seemed to be in high spirits.

Yes! Replied Jin Ling

Then I shall leave this to you. said Hua Ying as he went and stood by Mo Xuanyu leaving the fight to Jin Ling

The situation was reversed in an instant. Not long later, the boys' frustrated cries sounded throughout the garden.

Jin Ling, just you wait! Cried Jin Chan. 

A trail of curses followed as the boys fled in defeat. Jin Ling, on the other hand, split his sides laughing behind them. When his laughter finally seemed to die.

Look at how happy you are. Your first time winning? Asked Hua Ying

I've always won one-on-one fights. But Jin Chan calls a bunch of helpers every single time. He's got no face. Sneered Jin Ling. Hey, how did you learn the move?

I grew up with parents and family being overprotective, so I was taught every move, bare fist and any weapon said Hua Ying smiling, I have someone to pass my teachings on to now, as he looked to Mo Xuanyu, if you want, I can teach you as well.

Why are you like this? My younger uncle has always advised against this, but you're egging me on. Said Jin Ling

Advised you? Against what? Don't fight and get along with others nicely? Asked Hua Ying

Pretty much. Said Jin Ling

Don't listen to him. Let me tell you, when you grow older, you'll find out that there are more and more people you want to beat up, but you'll have to force yourself to get along with them nicely. So, since you're still young, go beat up all the people you want. At such an age, if you don't have a few proper fights, your life won't be complete. Said Hua Ying

What are you talking about? Uncle's advice is for my own good. Said Jin Ling

Brother's advice isn't good Jin Ling. Mother is right if you don't have a few fights now then in future you might not withstand the fights to come said Mo Xuanyu

How come you're like this now? asked Jin Ling

Like I said there are two sides to a story, A-Yu here doesn't like girly men as Jin Guangyao never has, he has always been for the man's man like Lan Zhan but not frozen like him said Hua Ying as he smiled

Then what was said... what Mo Xuanyu did? Asked Jin Ling

Yes, it was a lie because he didn't want to do something said Hua Ying as he patted Mo Xuanyu's head

Then what of you and second master Lan I saw how you looked at the maidens and how everyone looked at you said Jin Ling

Jin Ling you shouldn't look at me for too long unless you want to lose your eyes laughed Hua Ying, the maiden's I look at is because of how everyone was looking at me, I couldn't do anything inappropriate towards Lan Zhan now could I? We are finally opening up sighed Hua Ying. I'm already incapable of leaving him. I don't want anyone else aside from Lan Zhan... When I return home, I want to return with him... Wait, why are you running away? I haven't finished yet! Jin Ling, Jin Ling!

A-Yu, why did Jin Ling run away like? that asked Hua Ying

A-Yu? Hua Ying turned around, he saw a snowy-skinned figure stand under the moon, his robes whiter than frost. About than thirty feet away, Lan Zhan stared directly at him, looking as calm as ever.

Mother I think I should go to my room said Mo Xuanyu as he followed the path Jin ling took.

Lan Zhan? How much of that had you heard? Asked Hua Ying as he walked towards Lan Zhan

Been here since you taught Jin Ling how to fight said Lan Zhan

Careful master Lan, I might just use my methods on you smiled Hua Ying

I look forward to it said Lan Zhan as he turned and walked with Hua Ying towards their room.

Where is A-Yu sleeping? asked Hua Ying

The room next to ours, I know you don't want him away from you said Lan Zhan

Thank you but why a different room asked Hua Ying as they entered their room

Lan Zhan closed the door behind them then grabbed Hua Ying and kissed him... because if he were here, I'd have to restrain myself and I have done enough of that at the opening banquet replied Lan Zhan

You truly are shameless laughed Hua Ying

Not entirely if I were then I would have done something so that everyone could stop looking at you replied Lan Zhan as he held Hua Ying

Thinking of Jin Ling, Hua Ying sighed in silence.

What is wrong? Asked Lan Zhan

Lan Zhan, have you noticed that Jin Ling was alone every single time he went out to night-hunt? Don't tell me that Jiang Cheng always accompanies him. His own uncle doesn't count. He's about fifteen already, yet there's nobody his own age following him around. When we were young... The tip of Lan Zhan's brows lifted slightly. Alright. Me. It was only me. When I was young, wasn't I like this? Asked Hua Ying

That was you. Not everyone is like you. Replied Lan Zhan

But all children like it where there are lots of people, right? Lan Zhan, would you think that Jin Ling's distant and has no friends in his own sect? I don't know about the Jiang Sect; I don't think any of the Jin Sect's juniors like to play with him. He just fought a few a while ago. Don't tell me that Jin Guangyao has no son or daughter, or anyone around his age who's close to him. Said Hua Ying

Jin Guangyao once had a son. His life was taken at a young age. Said Lan Zhan

He was the young master of Carp Tower, though. How could his life have been taken away? Asked Hua Ying

The lookout towers. Said Lan Zhan

And why was that? Asked Hua Ying as he left Lan Zhan embrace and went to sit and serve some tea to Lan Zhan as he poured himself a bowl of wine

Back then, in order to build the lookout towers, Jin Guangyao not only faced quite a few opposers, but also displeased a handful of sects. One of the opposing sect's leaders lost the arguments, and went into a murderous rage, killing Jin Guangyao and Qin Su's only son. The boy had always been a good child and he couple had always loved him dearly. Under resentment, Jin Guangyao tore down the entire sect in revenge. Qin Su, however, was overcome with grief. She hadn't been able to bear another child ever since. Explained Lan Zhan

With Jin Ling's temper, he offends other people whenever he opens his mouth, he pokes at the hornet's nest whenever he raises his hand. Your sect's Jingyi calls him Young Mistress, well, he's right. The many times before this, if it weren't for how we protected him, he'd have no lives left. Jiang Cheng isn't at all someone who knows how to teach children. Jin Guangyao, on the other hand... I still do not like him.

Standing up Hua Ying searched through the drawers, he found a pair of scissors and a stack of paper. With just a few cuts, he created a paperman. The paperman, with a round head and unusually long sleeves that resembled butterfly wings, was only as tall as an adult's finger. Hua Ying took a brush pen from the table and painted a few strokes. 

Tossing the brush away, he walked up to Lan Zhan, kissed him once more before, taking the bowl of wine. he drank a mouthful from a liquor cup, and immediately lay down onto the bed. The paperman, on the other hand, suddenly twitched. With a few trembles, its wide sleeves lifted its weightless body into the air, as though they were wings. It flitted about and landed on the tip of Lan Zhan's shoulder.

Lan Zhan looked to the side, at his shoulder. The paperman threw itself onto his cheek. It climbed upward, all the way to his forehead ribbon, and tugged at it, as though the ribbon was its favorite thing in the world. Lan Zhan let the paperman wriggle on his ribbon for some time. Just as he reached out to take it down, the paperman slid its way down as fast as it could. Intentionally it bumped its head once against his lips.

Lan Zhan's movements paused for a moment. Using two of his fingers, he finally caught it.

Do not fool around. You must be careful, and return to me said Lan Zhan Softly, the paperman rolled its body over his slender finger. The paperman nodded and flapped its wings. Clinging flat onto the ground, it climbed through the door slit and snuck out of the guest room.

Carp Tower was heavily guarded. Of course, a large, living human wouldn't be able to travel freely around. The good thing was that Hua Ying had learnt a certain technique of the dark arts, the paper metamorphosis from aunt Banyue.

Although it was indeed useful, it had a few restrictions as well. Not only was the time strictly limited, the paperman must also return as it were, after it had been released. There mustn't even be a single scratch on it. If, on its way, it was torn apart or broken in any way, the soul would receive the same degree of harm, from a year of unconsciousness to a whole lifetime of lunacy. Thus, one must be extremely careful.

Hua Ying possessed the paperman's body. At times, he stuck to the hem of a cultivator's robe. At other times, he flattened himself to pass through closed doors. At times, he unfolded his sleeves and looked down at the ground, pretending to be a piece of used paper, a butterfly that danced amid the night sky. Suddenly, still airborne, he heard faint sounds of crying come from below him. Looking over, he saw one of Jin Guangyao's residences, Blooming Garden. Hua Ying flew below the roof and saw three figures sitting in the living room. With ZeWu-Jun in one hand and Jin Guangyao in the other, Nie HuaiSang cried in a drunken state, complaining about things unknown.

"Well done A-Sang, thank you" thought Hua Ying

Behind the living room was a study. Seeing that nobody was inside, Hua Ying went in to look. Sketched designs annotated in red covered the entire desk. On the walls were the four sceneries of spring, summer, autumn, and winter. In the first place, Hua Ying didn't intend to pay them any attention. After he glanced at them, however, he couldn't help wanting to praise the artist's skills. Both the colors and the brushstrokes were gentle, yet the landscapes appeared vast. Although only one scene resided on each paper, thousands of miles seemed to extend from it. Hua Ying thought to himself that such skills were almost comparable to Nie Huaisang's, and couldn't help taking a few more looks. Only afterward did he realize that the artist of the four sceneries indeed happened to be Nie Huaisang.

Flying out of Blooming Garden, from a distance, Hua Ying could see a grandiose five-ridged palace. The roof of the palace was covered in glazed, gleaming tiles. Outside of the palace, there were thirty-two golden pillars. The scene was magnificent. This was probably one of the most guarded areas of Carp Tower, the bedchamber of each of the Jin Sect's leaders, the Fragrant Palace.

Aside from the cultivators dressed in robes of Sparks Amidst Snow, Hua Ying could also feel that arrays had been packed into the space above and below the palace. Flying toward the base of a pillar, also carved with the peony, he rested for a moment. He only slipped into the door slit after a while of huffing. Compared to the Blooming Garden, the Fragrant Palace was a classical building of Carp Tower. Sumptuously ornamented, the building was almost majestic. Inside the palace, layers and layers of gauze curtains cascaded onto the ground. The beast-shaped incense burner sat on top of its stand, exuding clouds of aromatic smoke. Amid the extravagance, there was a sweet yet languid sense of decadence.

Jin Guangyao was with ZeWu-Jun and Nie Huaisang in the Blooming Garden, which meant that the Fragrant Palace was empty, conveniently allowing Hua Ying to inspect the area. The paperman flew around the interior of the palace, searching for anywhere that roused suspicion. Suddenly, Hua Ying saw an agate paperweight on the table. An envelope was under the paperweight. The envelope had already been opened. Nobody's name was written on it, not even any crests. Yet, seeing from its thickness, it obviously wasn't an empty envelope. Flapping his sleeves, he landed on the table, wanting to look at whatever was inside the envelope. But even as he attempted at dragging out the envelope, his "hands" holding onto the edge, the envelope remained still.

His present body was a piece of paper, almost weightless. He could do nothing to move the heavy paperweight. Paperman Hua Ying walked a few more times around the agate paperweight. He shoved and kicked, hopped and leaped, yet it still refused to budge. Unable to do anything, he could only give up, then go to check if there were any other places of suspicion. Suddenly, a side door of the palace was pushed slightly open. Alarmed, Hua Ying swept off the table, motionless against a corner of the table. The one who entered was Qin Su. Hua Ying finally realized that it wasn't that the palace had been empty, but that Qin Su was quiet within her room. The fact that the mistress of Carp Tower appeared in the Fragrant Palace was nothing unusual. However, right now, she looked as abnormal as one could. Her face was paler than snow, drained of all blood. Her figure was also on the verge of collapsing. She looked as though she had just received a substantial shock, like she had just awakened from a swoon and could swoon again.

"What happened? Her countenance was clearly great when she was in the banquet hall, just a while ago."

Leaning against the door, Qin Su stood blankly for a moment before she found her way over, hand on the wall. Staring at the letter under the agate paperweight, she reached for it, as if she wanted to grab it, but still took her hand back. Under the firelight, Hua Ying could see the obvious trembles of her lips. Those elegant features could almost be described as twisted. Out of the blue, she let out a scream, and snatched the envelope, throwing it onto the ground. Her other hand spasmed as it dug into the front of her robe. Hua Ying's eyes lit up, but he stopped the urge of darting over. If Qin Su was the only one who saw him, he'd be able to deal with it, but not if Qin Su shouted and brought over other people. His soul would be affected if the piece of paper received the slightest damage.

A-Su, what are you doing? Qin Su's head spun around. A familiar figure stood just a few feet behind her. No different from usual, the familiar face smiled at her as well.

She immediately dove to the ground, grabbing the letter. Hua Ying could only cling tightly to the corner and watch the letter move once again out of his sight. It seemed as if Jin Guangyao stepped forward.

What's in your hand? Asked Jin Guangyao His tone was as kind as ever, as though he really didn't notice anything, neither the strange letter in Qin Su's hand nor the distorted expression on Qin Su's face. It sounded like he was merely asking about a trivial matter. Still gripping the letter, Qin Su did not reply.

You don't look too well. What's wrong? A-Su? Asked Jin Guangyao

Qin Su held up the letter and spoke through her trembles. I met with somebody. She spoke, this person told me a few things and gave me this letter.

Jin Guangyao couldn't help but laugh, who did you meet with? Are you really going to believe whatever things people tell you? He asked

It couldn't have been a lie. Definitely not. Said Qin Su. Are the things written on here true?

A-Su, if you don't let me see the letter, how can I know what's written on it? Asked Jin Guangyao

Fine. Go read it! Qin Su said as she thrusted the letter towards Jin Guangyao

In order to see the letter with clarity, Jin Guangyao walked another step forward. With the letter in Qin Su's hand, he scanned it rapidly. His expression didn't change at all. Not even the single trace of a shadow had fallen over his face.

Speak to me, speak! Tell me that none of this is true! That all of these are lies! Scremed Qin Su

None of this is true. All of these are lies. This is complete nonsense, words of false charges. Replied Jin Guangyao

You're lying! Things are already like this and you're still lying to me! well I don't believe it! Qin Su screamed

A-Su, you were the one who told me to say so. Now that I've said so, you refuse to believe me. This is indeed quite troubling. Said Jin Guagnyao

Qin Su threw the letter onto the ground and covered her face, Oh Heavens! Oh Heavens, oh Heavens! You, you really... You truly are scary! How could you... How could you?! She asked through her hands. She couldn't continue to speak, backing off to the side with her hands still covering her face.

Holding onto a pillar, she suddenly started to vomit. She heaved as though she was going to let all of her intestines out. Seeing such an intense reaction, Hua Ying was shocked speechless, she was probably also throwing up when she was inside. Just what in the world is written in the letter? Jin Guangyao killed someone and dismembered them? But everyone knew that Jin Guangyao killed countless people during the Sun-shot Campaign. There were quite a few lives in her father's hands, as well. Maybe it was the thing with Mo XuanYu? No, it was impossible that Jin Guangyao had anything for Mo XuanYu.

It was likely that Mo XuanYu being kicked out of Carp Tower was precisely his doing. Anyways, no matter what, her reaction wouldn't be so extreme that she was disgusted to the point of throwing up. Although he wasn't familiar with Qin Su, they had met a few times in the past, both being the descendants of prominent clans. Qin Su was the beloved daughter of Qin CangYe. Her personality was naive, but she had lived a comfortable life and was taught excellent manners. She'd never act in such a mad, violent way. It really didn't make sense at all.

Listening to the noise that she made, Jin Guangyao bent down in silence and picked up the pieces of paper that had scattered onto the ground. With a raise of his hand, he dipped them over the nine-lotus branched candle stand and allowed them to slowly burn. Watching the ashes fall to the ground bit by bit, he spoke in a somewhat dejected tone.

A-Su, we've been husband and wife for so many years. We've always respected each other in peaceful harmony. As a husband, I'd like to think that I treat you well. The fact that you're acting like this really hurts my feelings. Said Jin Guangyao

Qin Su had nothing left to vomit. She whimpered on the ground. You treat me well... You do treat me well... But I... I'd rather that I never met you! No wonder you never... ever since... ever since then... You did such a thing, why don't you just kill me?! Asked Qin Su

A-Su, before you knew of it, didn't we live perfectly fine? You only felt uncomfortable and began to vomit today, now that you know. We can see that this isn't anything at all. It won't be able to do any physical harm to you. Your mind is the only thing doing all this. Said Jin Guangyao

Qin Su shook her head, her face ashen, "... Tell me the truth. A-Song... How did A-Song die? Asked Jin Guangyao

A-Song? Why are you asking me this? Haven't you known of this since a long time ago? A-Song was killed. I've already destroyed the one who killed him in revenge. Why are you mentioning him, suddenly? Asked Jin Guangyao

I did know. But now, I'm starting to think that everything I knew was a lie. Said Qin Su weakly

A-Su, what are you thinking of? A-Song is my son. What do you think I'd do? You'd rather believe someone who's been hiding this whole time, a letter from an unknown person, than believe in me? Asked Jin Guangyao

You're scary precisely because he is your son! What do I think you'd do? You could even do something like this, so what couldn't you have done?! And now you still want me to believe in you? Oh Heavens! Shrieked Qin Su

Stop thinking nonsense. Tell me, who did you meet today? Who gave you the letter? Asked Jin Guangyao

Qin Su held onto her hair. What... What are you going to do? She asked

If the person could tell you, then they can also tell other people. If they could write one letter, then they can also write a second, a third, a countless number of letters. What do you intend on doing? Allow such a thing to be leaked? A-Su, I'm begging you. Please, no matter for which feelings that have existed between us, tell me where the people mentioned in the letter are. Who was the one that told you to come back and read the letter? Asked Jin Guangyao Do I really disgust you so much? He asked

You're not a person... You're a madman! Qin Su Cried

A-Su, back then, I really didn't have another path to walk. I wanted to keep you in the dark for your whole life. I didn't want you to know about this. Now, though, it's been entirely ruined by the one who told you. You think that I'm dirty. You think that I'm disgusting. All of these are fine, but you're my wife. How would others see you? How would they talk of you? Asked Jin Guanyao

Stop talking, stop talking, stop reminding me!!! I wish I never knew you; I wish that I'm not related to you at all! Why did you approach me in the first place?! Asked Qin Su

I know that you won't believe me, no matter what I say, but it was sincere, back then. Replied Jin Guangyao

You're still speaking such blandishments! Qin Su Cried

I'm speaking the truth. I've always remembered that you have never said anything about my background or my mother. I'm grateful for you until the end of my life, and I want to respect you, cherish you, love you. But you must know that even if A-Song hadn't been killed, he had to die. He could only die. If we let him grow up, you and I... With the mention of her son, Qin Su couldn't bear it any longer. With a raise of her hand, she slapped him on the face.

Then who's the one that did all this?! Just what can't you do for this position?! She shrieked

Without any avoidance, Jin Guangyao accepted the slap. A crimson handprint immediately appeared over his fair cheek.

What are you talking about? You must be feeling quite unwell. Your father has already gone to journey and cultivate. I'll send you off sometime soon as well, and you can enjoy being in your father's company. Let's finish this quickly. There are still quite a few guests outside. There's still the Discussion Conference tomorrow. Said Jin Guangyao

Although he said that he was going to allow Qin Su time for resting, he ignored all of Qin Su's pushes of refusal and helped her up. Hua Ying didn't know what he did, but Qin Su collapsed, robbed of all energy. Thus, just like this, Jin Guangyao half-dragged his wife into the layering curtains. Paperman Hua Ying snuck out from below the table and followed them. He saw Jin Guangyao, whose hand was placed over a full-length mirror made of copper. A moment later, his fingers somehow entered the mirror, as though they broke into the surface of a pool of water. Qin Su's eyes were wide open, still crying. She could only watch as her husband dragged her into the mirror, unable to speak or shout. Hua Ying knew that the mirror couldn't be opened by anyone aside from Jin Guangyao himself. Such an opportunity was now or never. Roughly calculating the timing, he quickly leaped inside.

Behind the copper mirror was a secret room. After Jin Guangyao entered, the oil lamps on the walls ignited on their own. The dim light illuminated shelves and cabinets of different sizes, covering the walls. On the shelves were books, scrolls, stones, weapons. There were also a few instruments of torture. Iron rings, sharp spikes, silver hooks, all seemed strange. Just looking at their appearance could make one shiver in fear. Hua Ying knew that these were probably made by Jin Guangyao. It made Hua Ying smile he did not need such things as he was enough but considering he might try a few in his dungeons

The Wen Sect's leader, Wen RuoHan, had a moody, violent personality. He loved the sight of blood and sometimes took enjoyment in torturing those that offended him. Jin Guangyao was only able to capture Wen RuoHan's interest by catering to his needs, making all sorts of cruel yet amusing devices. Any sects owned a couple of treasury vaults. Thus, it wasn't strange at all for the Fragrant Palace to hold such a room.

Aside from a desk, an iron table, dark to the eyes, cold to the touch, long enough for a person to lie, was also within the room. There seemed to be black, dried-up traces of something on the surface of the table.

"This is the perfect place to not only try change the dead with the seal but also to dismember a corpse" thought Hua Ying

Jin GuangYao gently helped Qin Su lie down on the table. Qin Su's face was ashen as Jin GuangYao straightened out a few tangled strands of her hair.

Don't be scared. You shouldn't walk around in such a state. There'll be a lot of people during the next few days. Why don't you rest for a bit? You can come back as soon as you tell me who the person is. Nod if you're willing to tell me. I didn't seal all your meridians. You should still be able to nod. Smiled Jin Guangyao

Qin Su's eyes rolled toward her husband, who was still so kind and caring toward her. Her pupils were filled with fear, pain, and despair. Suddenly, Hua Ying noticed that one of the shelves were blocked by a curtain. The curtain was covered in dark, blood-red runes. It was a talisman of forbiddance, one of extreme power. he had made these it was used for the blood pool at the time. The paperman slowly inched upward, clinging to the wall. On the other hand, Jin Guangyao was still pleading with Qin Su in a soft voice. Suddenly, as if he noticed something, he turned around in alarm.

There was no third person in the room except for Qin Su and him. Jin Guangyao stood up. He only returned after finding nothing during his careful inspection of the room. Of course, he didn't know that, just as he turned around, Hua Ying had already reached a shelf of books. Just as he saw a slight movement at Jin Guangyao's neck, he immediately inserted his thin, paper body into a book, as though he were a bookmark. His eyes were stuck right between two pages from a manuscript. Fortunately, even though Jin Guangyao was more alert than others, he wasn't so alert as to flip open this book to see if anyone was hiding inside.

Suddenly, Hua Ying realized that the characters his eyes saw looked a bit familiar. After a while of scrutiny, he cursed in silence, how could he not find them familiar? They were his characters!

The comments that Jiang FengMian gave his handwriting was "careless yet poised". This was his writing. After Hua Ying looked at it with more care, he managed to make out the phrases "... different from possession...", "... revenge...", "... forced contract", in addition to the vague or damaged areas. At last, he could finally conclude that the book he crammed himself into was his own manuscript. The content of the manuscript was an article on sacrificing one's body, deducing from the information that he had gathered. Back then, he wrote quite a few of these manuscripts. He wrote them as he stored them in the shelves that Wen Ning had carved for him out of the walls, he kept blowing up the wooden ones, especially the cavern on Burial Hill in which he slept. Some of these manuscripts were destroyed by the fires of the siege. Others, like his sword, were collected by various people as war trophies.

"So Nie Huaisang had a-Yu come here and learn this technique, A-Sang you fool but then I never answered him now did I because he thought I was still sleeping."

As he was thinking, Jin Guangyao's voice came,

A-Su, my time is up. I'll have to look after the guests. I'll come see you afterwards.

Hua Ying had already squirmed his way out of his manuscripts. Hearing the voice, he immediately went inside again. This time, what he saw weren't manuscripts, but... two title deeds for household and land?

Hua Ying found this rather strange. How could title deeds hold such special value that they were kept in the same place as the YiLing Patriarch's manuscripts? But, no matter how he looked at them, they were two of the average title deeds, without any tricks or codes. The papers were turning yellow and even had blotches of ink on them. Nevertheless, he didn't think that Jin Guangyao placed them here at random. Thus, he took the time to remember the address, somewhere in Yunmeng's Yunping City. He thought that he might find something there if he got the chance to do so.

After hearing nothing for quite a while, Hua Ying began to climb up the wall again. He finally reached the shelf blocked by the talisman of forbiddance. However, before he could examine what was kept inside the shelf, the scene before his eyes suddenly lit up.

Jin Guangyao walked over and lifted the curtain. For a split second, Hua Ying thought that he had been exposed. After the faint firelight made its way through the curtain, he found that he was enveloped in a shadow. A circular object just happened to be in front of him. Jin Guangyao stood still, as though he was staring into the eyes of whatever was inside this shelf.

Were you the one looking at me? Asked Jin Guangyao. Of course, there couldn't be any response. He was silent for a while, then let down the curtain.

Hua Ying quietly attached himself to the object. Cold and hard, it seemed to be a helmet. He then turned to the front. As he had expected, he saw a pallid face. The one who sealed the head wanted it to see nothing, hear nothing, speak nothing, and so incantations had been crowded onto the waxen skin. The eyes, the ears, and the mouth were all sealed tightly shut.

Hua Ying greeted it in silence. What an Honor to see you again eldest brother.

As Hua Ying had expected, the final piece of Nie Mingjue's body, his head, was indeed being kept by Jin Guangyao as a trophy and just as Yama said no one apart from him or Meng Yao could touch Nie Mingjue's head.

Nie Mingjue, the one who almost seemed to go into invincible controlled rages during the Sun-shot Campaign, was sealed under layers upon layers within such a cramped, dismal room, unable to ever see the light.

If Hua Ying simply removed the seal on the head, Nie Mingjue's corpse would be able to sense it and come for it on its own. As he was inspecting the restrictions of the helmet, deciding how exactly to deal with it, he suddenly felt a powerful force of attraction. His weightless paper body had been shoved forward so that he was stuck to Nie MingJue's forehead. 

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