The Rejected To The Wanted

By Little_Red_317

469K 12.3K 2.5K

Blamed for the death of the former Alpha and her parents that died trying to protect her. Alyssa Silvers is t... More

Chapter 1:Screw You
Chapter 2:One Hell of A Situation
Chapter 3: Do You Know How It Feels?!
Chapter 4: Peanut Butter Cookies
Chapter 5: I Found My Family
Chapter 6: You're A Magical Unicorn
Chapter 7:Timothy
Chapter 8:Alyssa 2.0
Chapter 9:Back To This Hellhole
Chapter 11:Bitch Was Going To Pay
Chapter 12:Containment Earrings
Chapter 13: How About Friends?
Chapter 14:Young and Beautiful
Chapter 15: The Betrayal
Chapter 16: You'll get what you deserve
Chapter 17: Mine
Chapter 18: Losing
Chapter 19: Where?
Chapter 20: Back
The Hiatus
Chapter 21: Welcome
Chapter 22 : 2-0
Chapter 23 : Hi... Again
Chapter 24: Memories
Chapter 25: ME
Chapter 26: Home
Chapter 27: Broken
Chapter 28: Oblivion
Chapter 29: My Final Goodbye

Chapter 10:The Singing Of A Dying Walrus

24.3K 603 232
By Little_Red_317

Alyssa's P.O.V.~

After playing with Timothy I began getting ready for the welcoming party. I took a nice long hot shower, after that I grabbed my long red dress with a slit on the side that reached high on my thigh and it had a small opening on the top side and was bedazzled with rainbow crystals up onto the one strap. I slipped into black heels and tear drop pearl earrings with a tear drop necklace.

I curled my hair and did my make up dark. Smokey eyes with eyeliner and mascara, I put a little bit of blush on. I stepped out of the bathroom and was greeted by a sleek looking Nathan.

He was wearing a nice clean black tux. A white clean button down with a red tie, his hair was slick back and his cologne was intoxicating. He smirked as he saw me checking him out.

"Babe take a picture it'll last longer," he said gesturing to his body.

I shrugged,"seen better babe."

He growled and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close possessively and growled,"who I'll kill them."

I giggle wrapping my arms around his neck and kissed his nose,"its a joke Nate."

He looks at me and then my lip, I bite my lip waiting for his next move. He smiles then leans in giving me a soft, slow, passionate kiss. When our kiss was about to be deepened we heard knock on the door. Nate groaned in frustration as he answered the door.

Kent stood at the door,"Alpha Dylan told me to get you, for the welcoming party."

Nate nods,"Thank you," he turns and offers me his hand I gladly take it and he rests his hand on my wrist as we make our way down stairs. He kissed my forehead and whispers,"You look beautiful you know?"

I chuckle,"Well thanks for noticing."

He smiles and gives me another kiss before Abigail and Maci squeal and scream,"OH MY GOD! You look hot!"

I laugh as Abigail continued,"I'd turn for you."

This caused Nate to growl making me laugh even more.

"Hey this is my sister we're taking about, don't be nasty," Greg said making a disgusted face at Abigail.

"No she's our sister,"Joseph and James said at the same time.

"No she's mine."

"No ours."




Then Nate stopped then,"No your all wrong she's mine." They started playfully growling at each other.

"Ok you guys stop yes Nathan I'm your mate but James, Joseph and Greg are both my big brothers ok?" I said finishing their argument for them.

They all nodded with agreement as we made it to the main hall. Long tables filled with members of the Blood Moon Pack, I've know these people for years and they didn't seem to recognize me not even one. They made me sick, then Dylan went on stage and shushed everyone.

"This is a welcoming party to honor the Imperial Moon Pack. They have agreed to help us with our rogue situation. I will now let the Alphas introduce themselves and their members,"Dylan finished and handed the mike to Jimmy.

"Hi I'm Alpha Jimmy, I'll be training the adults, this is my son Nathan, and my daughter Abigail Miles," Jimmy said this in a cold voice having and blank expression but his eyes held hate so did the rest of my pack knowing my past with these mutts.

I watched as Tracie and her sluts eye raped Nathan and the boys and the guys lick their lips as they stared at Abby, Maci, and I. I keep my face blank trying my best not to cringe in disgust by these assholes.

Then one by one we were introduced by Nathan,"Beta Trey Hanson, my Third Greg Manning, our top two duo fighters Joseph and James Stevens, Maci Watts our pack doctor and one of the top female fighters, my son Timothy Miles...." everyone stepped up when there name was called now it was my turn," and my beautiful mate Alyssa Silvers."

I stepped up seeing everyone's eyes widen and some mouths drop. I smirk as Jimmy got back the mike,"Yes this is Alyssa Silvers the pack mate you mutts treated like shit, she is the strongest fighter in our pack and she is your trainer, if I see or hear anything negative I will stand at nothing to take you down. You will respect her because your life depends on it."

I smirk as he finishes and hands the mike to me,"Miss me assholes, well it's great to be back better than ever in front of my so called 'family' and my old mate but as you can see I really didn't need you. I'm here to thank you, without your torture, your ridicule I wouldn't have met my real family."

I finished and handed the mike back to Dylan who had guilt and pain in his eyes. I stared back at the crowd who was now either looking guilty or was in disbelief.

"Well today we are having a singing showcase everyone can attend," Dylan finishes and every went back their business. Timothy tugged on my dress I picked him up. My little man was so cute, he was wearing a blue and green plaid button up shirt and khaki shorts.

"Hey little man what's up?" I ask as I kisses him on the cheek. He looks at me and then says,"I don't like them," he pointed at my old pack and continued ,"I hate them," he pointed at where Tracie and her whores were sitting ,"but I love mommy and daddy."

I smiled,"I love you to Timmy," I kissed him on the cheek again,"and I agree with you I hate them too."

He smiled as hugged me,"Can I play with Uncle James and Uncle Joseph?" I nod and hand him over to them while Nathan drags me to the dance floor.

"You know your going to kick ass," I laugh as a slow song came on and we swayed to the music.

"I know."

"Do you know I love you?"

"No shit Sherlock who doesn't?" I laugh and Nathan lets out a chuckle hugging me closer.

He kisses my lips slow and gentle like always. "Lets get this show on the road!" The DJ shouts and everyone cheers, me and Nathan breakaway and let out cheers as well. the stage was filled with instruments.

"Ok so you pick a song I play it you sing you can as chose and instrument to play got it?" The DJ asked.

Everyone screamed,'yeas.' All the adult were gone by now probably to sleep they were old what can you do Timothy was sleeping as Maci held him. "Ok first we have Tracie Jackson singing Girlfriend," everyone except my pack cheered.

She got up on stage looking smug in a 'dress' or more like a two pieces of hot pink toilet paper around her chest and barely covering her still non-existing butt. She cleared her throat and began singing.

"Hey hey you you
I don't like your girlfriend
I think you need a new one
Hey hey you-"

Ok picture this a herd of dying walruses screaming with the sound of death and uncontrollably breaths in that trying to look sexy. My pack grimaced and covered their ears as she sang, I saw the Blood Moon Pack members cringing or either trying not while keeping fake smiles on their faces.

"She like so whatever
You could do so much better
I think we should get together now
And th-"

Her death screeching was stopped when Timothy broke out of his sleep wailing tears trickling down his face. Everything stopped the music, her singing thank god, the cringing. What surprised me was Timothy woke up, Timothy can sleep through a whole van of people singing like a constipated parrots but be woken up by dying walruses god it was like the seven wonders of the world weren't wonders anymore.

I angrily looked at her,"Your singing sucks you made my baby wake up you slut get off the damn stage!"

Timothy was the deepest sleeper ever, you could put a hundred air horns to his ear and he wouldn't wake up, but Tracie's 'pro skills' caused my baby to wake up. She glared at me,"like you could do any better," she scoffed.

I smirked,"I can," I grabbed a mike and Tracie left the stage I grabbed the acoustic guitar. My pack let out whoots' and screams as I set up the microphone. I tuned it as Timothy's screams grew louder. I looked at Nate and smiled,"this is a song to my family and my boys."

I began strumming the guitar and Timothy's cries disappeared a saw him looking at me smiling widely, its been a while since I sang to Tim. I opened my mouth and let the words fall out losing myself to the melody.

"Remember those walls I built?
Well, baby they're tumbling down
And they didn't even put up a fight
They didn't even make a sound
I found a way to let you in
But, I never really had a doubt
Standing in the light of your halo
I got my angel now," I looked straight at Nate, he was smiling widely and so was the rest of my family.

"It's like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you breakin'
It's the risk that I'm taking
I ain't never gonna shut you out

Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby, I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby, I can see your halo
Pray it won't fade away

Hit me like a ray of sun
Burning through my darkest night
You're the only one that I want
Think I'm addicted to your light
I swore I'd never fall again
But this don't even feel like falling
Gravity can't forget to pull me back to the ground again

And It's like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you breakin'
It's the risk that I'm taking
I'm never gonna shut you out!

Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby, I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby, I can feel your halo
I pray it won't fade away

I can see your halo,
I can see your halo...
I can see your halo,
I can see your halo...
I can see your halo," I finished strumming the last chord and my pack screamed and cheered my name while everyone was awe-stricken. I see Dylan with his eyes wide and his mouth open I smirked walked off stage. I jump into Nate's arms and hear a growl behind me. I give him a peck on the lips and he smiled and gave me another one.

"Hmm I wonder who you were singing about...."he joked tapping his chin thoughtfully.

I laugh and slap his chest lightly,"oh I was taking about everyone but you."

He playfully glared at me."Ha I knew our sister like us more than your sorry ass,"Abigail said pulling me into a hug.

He frowned and pulled me away from Abigail and held me tightly. I was ripped out of this grip by James and Joseph as they gave me a bone crushing hug and kisses on top of my head.

"Our sister kicked your sorry ass!"James yelled at Tracie who glared at me.

I laugh as Joseph whispered,"I swear to god if she eye-rapes us again I'm going to gag."

Then Greg pulled me into a hug,"my baby is finally growing up," he wiped a fake tear away.

"Hey! I'm your sister. And your to young to be a dad," I exclaim as Maci tackles me into a hug.

"Bitch got skills unlike someone!"she screamed at Tracie and flipped her off. Tracie huffed and crossed her arms over her fake boobs trying to make them pop out of her hot pink toilet paper top.

I didn't know who she was trying to fool. I mean like how did you become a b-cup to a double d.

"Hey! Stop touching what's mine!" Nate exclaims grabbing me and pulling me back into his arms.

I laughed as they argue about who I belong to, I heard the growling get loud but I didn't care he was never going to be my mate anyway he rejected me. "SHUT YOUR MOUTHS I WANT TO SLEEP!" Timothy says jumping from his spot into my arms.

"You go buddy," Nate says ruffling his hair.

"Thanks daddy," Timmy said lazily as he snuggled close to me.

With my pack behind me and a sleeping Timothy in my arms, out of the main hall and to the guest house where the rest of the night we watched movies till we fell asleep.

Hey guys the video is a song cover of halo by Jasmine Thompson she's one of my favorite you buyers her singing is amazing. Check her out.

Please like and comment on this story I'm sorry for the grammar mistakes.

Team Nate or Team Dylan

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