°•- What if -•°

By Hooman_Wreck_QvQ

8.2K 126 39


Silent Treatment 🤍🖤🧡
Only for you two 🤍💔🧡
Disagreement 💔🖤🧡
Altered Promise AU 💔🖤💔
Norman and Emma 🤍🧡
Game Over 💔🖤💔
Cold Heart 🤍🖤💔
Stories of My Old Child 💔💔
Stories of My Old Child 💔💔💔
Inches To Bits 🤍💔🧡
Stories of My Old Child 🤍🖤🧡
What I can see 🖤
I'll Protect You 🤍💔💔
Mine, Ours 🤍🖤🧡
Stories of My Old Child 💔💔💔
I don't get It 🤍💔🧡
At This Point 💔
Melt 🤍🖤🧡
Stories of My Old Child 💔💔💔
They Think, Therefore I Am 💔🖤💔
Take me away 💔
Hearts 💔💔💔
Emotional Edge 🤍🖤🧡
Alternate Ending 🤍💔🧡
Altered Promise AU Continuation 💔🖤💔
You're 'It' 💔

Consider My Heart? 🤍🖤

259 4 2
By Hooman_Wreck_QvQ

Instead of Emma, Norman likes Ray but due to Ray being so focused on the escape plan he doesn't notice Norman's advances towards him but instead notices Norman whenever he's around Emma therefore concluding that Norman likes Emma.

Damdin and Sherry jumped over Norman's sleeping body to wake him up. He was startled but sat up with a smile as always.

They fixed themselves up and started helping out with setting the table up.

" Ah. Good morning Ray! " Norman greeted. Seeing Ray with his usual indifferent expression present in his face so early in the day.

" Morning Norman. " He casually greeted before Norman went towards him. He handed Ray the pitcher while he pushes the trolley to the table.
" Thanks... " Ray muttered. If Norman heard it, He didn't say anything and Ray's grateful for that because he felt embarrassed every time someone helps him.

It was a small gesture yet it always makes Ray bashful one way or another that's why Norman likes to do it.

" Hey Norman. " Ray called out. Norman paused to look over to him before watching Ray place the pitcher on the table. Norman passes the plates to him while he gets another stack for himself to place on his side. Ray took a moment before speaking once more. " Later... Do you want to play che— "

" Good Morning!! " Emma bursted inside with her usual bright grin. Norman turned his head away from Ray to laugh at Emma. She had Lannion and Thoma on her sides while Phil wrapped his arms around her neck, dangled from behind her.

" Good morning to you too, Emma! " Norman greeted in a cheerful tone feeling energized just seeing her smile. He looked back to Ray hoping for him to continue.

" Morning Emma. " Ray greeted with a sigh and small smile before looking back to the plates, with a neutral expression, he was setting on the table.

The topic was never continued after that.

Norman would frown at it. Ray always stops whenever he was cut off. It was one of the things Norman would like Ray to change if ever. Ray immediately gives up saying what he was going to ask once he had lost the opportunity or the will of saying so.

" Ah. Do you want to play chess later, Ray? " Norman asked with a polite smile on his lips.

Ray shook his head. " No. It's fine. I decided on reading a book I haven't finished yet. " He turned down.

It was frustrating to get Ray to agree once the opportunity had left but knowing Ray enough Norman has his ways of spending time with him.

" Then can you recommend me a book? "

Ray's eyes slightly widened before he looked away as if rolling his eyes in an insulting manner but Norman knows Ray isn't insulting him. " Yeah. Sure. After the tests then I'll bring a book. "

Norman's polite smile turned genuine at his victory. " Thanks Ray! You're so kind. " He dropped a compliment on the way of expressing his gratitude. Maybe to soften Ray's defences once in a while so he can easily work his way to Ray's heart if that was even possible.

" I'm not... Whatever. " Though compliments usually makes Ray have two different reactions to them. Either he'll get embarrassed or he'll feel decapitated.

He hopes Ray just feels embarrassed at it but Ray's unpredictable nature is another reason why Norman is interested in getting reactions from him.


" Ray! " Norman called out happily heading over to the tree the ravenette hides under every time. Ray didn't look up which was unfortunate. Norman leaned over peeking through the top of the book. Ray was too engrossed in his book.

Sometimes Norman asks himself if his rival was Mama and his siblings or just the books in the library.

Should he rip off those books? It has been too inconvenient for him to get Ray's attention too many times.

Ray raised the book up and accidentally hitting Norman by the chin.
" Oh gosh! Norman?! "

" I'm fine! It's okay! "
Norman sat down besides Ray while rubbing his reddening chin.

He felt like the book Ray was paying attention to had gotten his revenge for Norman's 'I will rip the books' thought.

Ray placed the book down. 1 to Norman against 9 to the books. Ray's face looked frantic that Norman concluded getting hurt really gets his attention but rather than that expression he'd rather have Ray wear a smile. Ray's frantic hands wave around the air awkwardly unsure of what to do in this situation.

Norman used the opportunity to grab Ray's hand. " I'm fine, Ray. It doesn't hurt much. "

Ray frowned and squeezed his hand tighter. " Don't be an idiot. You're turning red already. It's like you're getting sick. "

Ray's an idiot when it comes to emotion. Norman had to conclude.
" I feel embarrassed because Ray's so pretty! " Instead of a blush, Ray felt taken back.

" Emma's playing. " Ray commented before taking a seat back besides Norman.

" Hm? Yeah she is. " Norman responded before placing his head on Ray's shoulder as if giving a sign that he would stay with Ray.

" Don't you want to play with her? "

" I can play with her tomorrow. I'm gonna spend time with you. " Norman commented while taking the opportunity to rest his head on Ray's lap. Ray had to look down and the great moment Norman received was when Ray's blush slowly spread from his cheeks to his ears.

" I'm not that fun to be with unlike Emma. " Ray commented.

Despite the ache in his heart, Norman smiled at Ray. " Emma is Emma. I just want to be with Ray. You're fun in your own way. I feel more relaxed being with you. " Norman commented before turning to his side and hugging Ray's waist.

Willing the blush away from staying, Ray sighed at Norman's clinginess. He used one hand to open the book and the other to card his fingers through Norman's hair. He removes his hand whenever he had to turn the page but it was more than enough for Norman to consider this a win.

Well that was until...

" Norman! Ray! There you guys are! " Emma called out. The hand that was on Norman's hair was pulled away much to Norman's displeasure. Norman sat up and turned to Emma.
" Yes Emma? "

" Play with us! Don and the others are going to play tag! " Emma exclaimed with her arms in the air as if she was cheering. Norman couldn't help smile at her energy.

It seemed to be a bad move at Norman's part to do so.

" Norman needs the exercise. Have him play. " Ray immediately pushed. Norman's jaw dropped in shock at his sudden not so suggestion to Emma.

Ray slowly stood up. Emma and Norman almost felt like smiling until Ray walked away from them. " I'll be reading in the library while you guys enjoy. "

Norman pouted while Emma could do nothing at Ray's stubbornness. " So... Has he finally noticed? I promise he likes you too! " Emma said to Norman with certainty.

Norman shook his head. " You know Ray. Nothing catches his interest than books. "

Emma puffed her cheeks. " I swear one day we'll have to burn that library down! "

Norman nod his head before casually rubbing his chin. Could he consider this a lose against books too?


" So you're the traitor, Ray. " Norman announced with his eyes narrowed at Ray to see his reaction. He laughed and told him about the escape plan.

It made sense now. He covers his mouth and smiled at Ray who seemed taken back by his behavior.

Heck Ray was threatening Norman about lying to Emma and all of the sudden the one you're threatening is smiling like he was overjoyed, who wouldn't be taken back.

" What are you smiling about?! " Ray exclaimed in frustration thinking Norman wasn't taking the situation seriously.

Norman blinked his eyes. He recalled telling Ray he loves Emma out of spite thinking he wasn't going to help them escape no matter how much they asked for him to help them escape with everyone. But now he understands. He understands why Ray never left his books or paid his words any attention! He was too Focused at Saving Emma and him! He was ready to give up on Ray too since it seems like a lost cause and that he was a bad person but it was all a big misunderstanding all along! Good thing he never said anything Too hurtful to Ray in his moments of frustration.

" Ray! " Norman cheered before throwing himself at Ray. Ray wanted to smack the blonde immediately for suddenly tackling him to the bed.
Ray was a traitor so why was he happy?

" What the hell are you so— "

Norman pulled away and smiled. " Be my spy instead. " He stated. He knows Ray will do it because that's Ray's goal. He knows and he was prepared to be discard by them. But Norman won't have that. The two sat up, Norman went over to his drawer and took out the ring, a spiral ring made out of wire he had asked Mama to give him when he had caught Mama about to throw away some sort of weird device. " Here a token of your new role! "

Ray eyed the ring before raising a brow at Norman.
" A ring? Seriously? "

Norman nod his head and smiled.
" I heard that it's like a promise. And now that your my spy you have to wear it since I said so. " He gave Ray a sly smile while technically using the opportunity to his liking.

" I never heard of it. " He stated, monotone.

Norman pushed Ray back to the bed his left arm keeping him above Ray. He leaned his head dangerously close that their nose could touch. " So you won't wear it? Not for me? "

A blush slowly dusted his cheeks and Norman couldn't help feel victorious at the reaction. He took Ray's hand with his right. And slide the ring over Ray's fourth finger on his left hand. Norman pulled away to sit besides Ray's side. Ray sat up and pushed him away before placing his left arm to hide his face.

" This is ridiculous. " Ray stated despite how he tries to hide his blushing face from Norman.

Norman couldn't help find it adorable even if their situation was too out of it from the romantic setting Norman wanted it to be.

" Yeah but- " Norman slowly pushed Ray's arm down. His cheeks to his ears were dusted in pink. Embarrassed and shy. Norman's lips shook and Norman leaned closer.

He wants to protect this moment even if he knows Ray was a traitor. He believes it was for a good reason. He knows Ray is a good person. He likes this person for a long time so he knows that Ray is kind even when he doesn't openly shows it. He watched over Ray since he was a child. The way Ray checks on the others and tries to give subtle hints of answers for the children's wrong answers. How he constantly sneaks into the kitchen whenever it's Don's turn to make sure Don doesn't know he can't measure the food well. He takes care of it. He helps Isabella and the children whenever they're having trouble but only in the background he never visible showed everyone how he tries to take care of them but now Norman knows why.

Ray's attempts to distant himself and appear aloof to his families presence or attention. Now it all made more sense to him.

Tears trailed down Norman's eyes before he finally kissed Ray. It was a quick kiss that surprised Ray. Norman pulled away. The shock on Ray's face was expected. " Ray I truly love you. You aren't alone anymore. "  He softly reminded Ray after tucking Ray's bangs behind his ear. Ray blinks before a tear trailed down Ray's right eye.

Ray nod his head then clenched his hands, his eyes looking over to the ring on his finger. From the first tear that fell more soon followed. It didn't take long for silent tears to continuously fall from his face as he kept himself quiet and in place.

Norman wrapped his arms around him. " We'll all escape Ray... The three of us can live together... No everyone... To a place where we don't have to suffer... You aren't alone anymore You have Emma and I... "

Ray nod his head before leaning to the hug. His bangs slowly flopping to Norman's shoulder as it loosely slides off the back of his ear. Norman knows Ray didn't mean to lean to his touch. Lean to ask for help. seek for their affection. He hardened his heart and occupied his brain. But Norman knows. He knows Ray loves his family just like how he loves Emma. He knows how much he treasures Emma and him. Ray was soft hearted after all.

" Don't worry... I know you care about Gilda and the others... "

Ray's body started to tremble under Norman's touch. As if he had broke down on of the hidden secrets and it most likely was. The hidden truth Ray wanted to deny so badly was He Loved and Cared so deeply for everyone and It hurts that only these two was the one he'll help escape from the house. Ray wrapping his arms around Norman and grabbed a fistful of his clothes.
" I... I'm sorry for calling our family a burden... I... I don't want anyone to die anymore... "

For the first time, Ray opened his heart and wailed. He cried the tears he surpassed ever since he accepted the reality of going against the fake happiness the farm was giving them.

" I want everyone to escape too...! "


Emma & Norman: *hands covering mouth and crying*

Ray: . . .

Emma & Norman: (⁠´⁠;~ ;⁠`⁠) Ray...

Ray: *frowns* don't look at me with those ugly teary idiotic faces of yours.

Gilda & Don: *hugs Ray from behind* it must have been hard for you! We're so sorry for not being able to help you back then!

Ray: I- No- it's fine- I just... I thought that bringing everyone was a burden... I called my family a burden... So if anyone has to apologize then I—

Phil: *hugs Ray* It's okay now! I know how hard it must have been and it must have been much harder since you were much younger!

Thoma & Lannion: *stood on top of the table & pat's Ray on the head* there there.

Emma & Norman: Rayy...! * Hugs Ray*

Ray: *embarrassed* O- okay already! Get off of me!

Lucas: *pat's Ray's head* you've been through a lot, kiddo.

Yuugo: *places a hand on Ray's shoulder* you're stronger than you look, kid.


Phil: Scatter! *lets go and laughs while running away from Ray*

Gilda, Don, Lannion & Thoma: *runs away giggling*

Lucas & Yuugo: *chuckles before walking away*

Emma & Norman: We love you too Ray!


Emma & Norman: (⁠っ⁠˘̩ c˘̩⁠ )⁠っ LET'S GET MARRIED SOON!

Ray: *embarrassed, blushing & overwhelmed* S- STOP SAYING THAT!

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