Altered Promise AU 💔🖤💔

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They've already defeated Ratri and Momma Isabella had died. Emma and Ray goes to the One only for Emma to be allowed inside. Emma came back with Good news. Emma came back from establishing the new promise so everyone got ready to see the human world.

Ray refuses to trust those Good News.


" Emma. The promise... " Ray's voice was laced with concern while his eyes was drowning in exhaustion.

Emma smiled. " It went well! " She announced. Their family cheered and burst into tears in joy.

" Ah... " Gilda couldn't help let out a sound in disbelief before the younger ones reach out to hug her.

" Gilda! Don! Help the others pack please! I'll have a talk with Norman and Ray about what to do after we cross the other side! " Emma ordered in an eager tone. Gilda and Don immediately nod with a smile. They led the family members back to their rooms to gather their things.

The three were left alone in the hallway. Norman took wobbly steps towards her. His face looked like he had been told that pigs can fly.

Norman placed a hand on her shoulder. " Really? " He questioned unsure of her words.

Emma nod her head and remained smiling. " Yup! Now we just have to get to the door to the other side! "

Norman couldn't help tear up before hugging Emma tightly.

" You're so amazing.. Emma... You truly are amazing... " Norman mumbled before pulling away to wipe his tears. " Thank you. "

Emma smiled at him. She was about to say something when Gilda entered the room with a smile. Her mouth twitched before she composed herself and just smiled at them like she wasn't about to say anything.

" Norman. Emma. Ray. Anna and Don was looking for you. "

" Coming! " Emma yelled out with both her hands up. Norman and Emma was about to exit the room when Ray grabbed Emma by the arm.

" Gilda. Norman. Can you guys go ahead first? I need to tell Emma something. " The two nod their heads in agreement too happy to question his behavior.

" Oi. Emma. " Ray spoke in a low tone. Emma turned to Ray with her eyes widening in surprise. She quickly composed herself and smiled at him.

" Yeah? "

" Did the promise really went well? "

After years of playing traitor with his family, he grew to accept that life wasn't easy. Life wasn't fair. What he wants, he'll never gets without a prize.

" If you uphold your end of the deal then we'll talk about your prize. "
Isabella cold tone. Her pointed look at him causing him to be on guard.
Look for weakness.
Exploit information.
Cause distress.

" Yup! Trust me! " Emma replied with her usual cheer.

Trust is easy to break.

Ray unconsciously bite his lower lip and looked down. His hair hiding his eyes from Emma.

" You put her there to keep me in check, right? I'm hurt. I thought we finally trust each other after all I've done. "
Trust me already.
Trust me and put down your guard.
Be human in front of me.

Please be my Mom.
Don't look at me like that...
Act like you love me at least...

" It's just a precaution. " She folded her arms in front of her chest.
Unwilling to trust.
Her lips formed into a smile.
Always smiling at him but never pleased to see him.

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