They Think, Therefore I Am 💔🖤💔

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" So you're the traitor, Ray. "

He had imagined this situation a lot of times now.

" That's right. I'm Mama's spy. "

When Norman's eyes grew cold, Ray felt something grip his heart tight. He shivered at the feeling before it sank just like his heart.

" So was everything's just a lie? "

Was it? Was it really? Ray thought to himself. It did felt like a lie. His life felt like one.

He outed himself to Emma who had to take the time to come into terms of who's the traitor in their little happy world that's crumbling apart.

" So did you do it to our siblings too back then? " Emma questioned him.

He didn't expect it but the eyes Emma looked at her was more than the feeling of him getting cold. He felt like he was a monster more than ever. Someone who took the skin of their sibling named Ray. Thankfully, He kept his face neutral.

Maybe he is a monster.
Just like his mother.

" Sister Krone said she'll help us. " Emma informed him.

No! His mind screamed out. He felt paranoid maybe since a Sister is still like a Mama that can be a Grandma.

He wanted to argue to them to not trust her but does he even have the right to say that when he himself is a spy? Double or not he had still betrayed them. He shut his mouth tight and watched the two talk it out to themselves about what to do.

He's someone who treated trust like a piece of paper after all. So he has no right to speak up for it. It'll be fine. He'll handle everything for them.

As long as they escape.

As long as they live longer.

" We'll take everyone. " Emma continued to follow her words throughout the days.

He could hear something crack.
Anxiety and paranoia almost consuming him with the sound of Emma's idea.
He has to do something.
He has to do something that'll help these two survive.

He stared at the two as they played with their siblings inside the house. Despite those smiles on their face, they are thinking.
Thinking of involving everyone.

This isn't what he wanted.

He didn't want them to carry more burden with them when they escape.

He killed so much for this moment.

They have to survive.

He washes the fork longer than the others from time to time before looking around the kitchen and landing on the knife set.

No one would notice immediately if he took one right?

" Ray? " Phil called out to Ray. Arm tugging on his shirt. He looked over to Phil.

" R-ray...? " He repeated, pale in complexion and took a step back from Ray. His eyes looking at him in fear. He felt confused but other than that he felt hurt.

" You're just like your mother. "
A voice resembling his own spoke in his head.

He gritted his teeth together and looked over to Phil.
" What do you want? " He desperately tried to sound okay despite the overwhelming feeling of trying to keep everything in control.

" N- nevermind..! " Phil shook his head, afraid, before running away.

Ray felt offended.
Why did he run away from him?
Was he That terrifying?

°•- What if -•°Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora