Belong With Me

By tehyaannh

1.5M 45.8K 4.3K

Cameron isn't your typical girl, she's slightly more sarcastic, wears a large amount of graphic tees, loves A... More

1:Brothers and Birthday Presents
2:Bacon and Twinning
3:Smoothies and Accents
4:Bowling and Big Foot
5:Strikes and Storms
6:Doorbells and Luck
7: Football and Windows
8: Whispers and Theories
9:Wonder Woman and Barbie
10:Half Streaking and Truth or Dare
11:Dallas Fans and Manning Girls
12:Skirts and Cheese
13:Babies and Movies
14:Aaron and Matt
15:Saturday School and Sleeping Together
16:Shopping and Book Boys
17:Rocky and Coffee Tables
18:Kryptonite and Feelings
19:Netflix and Book Stores
20:Pain and Rooftops
21:Hangovers and Hickeys
22:Idiots and Scars
23:Scratches and Pick-up Lines
24:Tears and Him
25: Caleb and Punches
26: Awkward and Navy
27: Stores and Pjs
28: Scooby-Doo and Sparks
29: Falling and Pants
30: Candles and Condoms
31: Presents and Kissing
32: Chain Reactions and Revelations
33: Deep Breaths and Heartache
35:Love and Super Powers
36:Baseball Pants and Blind
37:Wet and Odd
38:Ride and Naked
39:Screwed-Up and Complete
41: Authors Note
43: Special Update, 1 MILLION READS Edition

34:Smart Cookies and Weeks

27.3K 940 34
By tehyaannh

The first thing I come to notice is the pain, so hot and burning I gasp out loud when it hits me.
Second thing I notice is the warm hand that instantly tightens around mine at my intake of breath.
"Cam? oh dear god please answer me! please Cam." His voice is so filled with desperation my eye fly open only to lock with his blood shot green ones.
"You look like a zombie." my voice is merely a croak but a look of relief washes over his features at my words.
"I'm not the one who's been in a coma for the past 3 weeks."
If I wasn't in shock before that I definitely am now.
"You mean days right?" a strangled look crosses his features before he sends me a small smile and sits down.
His hand is still gripping mine as he recounts the events I missed.
"I wish Cam I really do, by no I meant weeks. After you-you hit the tree, the medics picked you up and we immediately drove to the hospital you and I in an ambulance. We found out the surgical scarring on your lung tissue had became infected and had started to deteriorate. - they immediately took you in for surgery where they found not only that, but that also you had a serious cut across your back from the ski pole that had to be stitched immediately." He pauses his eyes glazed. "We didn't think you would make it, they had to replace some of your lung tissue which is an extremely risky surgery. After the surgery you flatlined-" he drops my hand and runs his hands through his already tousled hair. A single tear streaks its way down his face. "You were dead Cam. For two minutes. And for those two minutes I was dead too." His hand closes around mine again as I try to process this information. "When you came back you were comatose, and you had been that way up until ten minutes ago."
I exhale harshly but to my surprise no pain follows.
"You still look like a zombie."
His laugh is so unexpected and sweet I smile right along with him.
"Sooooooo..... I guess I missed our 4 month anniversary. But hey, now I don't have to buy you a present." his face suddenly appears over mine again just much closer.
"Can I at least get a kiss?" just as I'm about to nod the door flies open and we fly apart.
"Ron!" all my nicknames fill the room as Dallas, Logan, and my brother quickly file in and attack me with hugs.

After the hug Cam fest everyone fills the various sets around the room and Matt's hand makes it back into mine.
"So is that person who hit me okay? He fell pretty hard."
"You're the one who ripped a lung, hit a tree, and has been in a coma yet you worry about someone who merely fell cause they can't ski. you're one odd cookie."
"It's smart cookie Dallas." I can't help the laugh that escapes me at his mistake.
"It might be, but you're definitely not one." My eyes roll on their own accord.

Maybe three weeks wasn't long enough.

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