Bad Girl Gone Good (Adrien Ag...

By Secretstarr101

49.6K 1.5K 1.8K

(Name) (Last Name) is just an average rebel with a hunger for fun and a thirst for trouble. Nothing could eve... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 17

763 26 27
By Secretstarr101

Author: PLEASE don't hate me!😭😭 I was supposed to have this chapter about a week or two ago. I've been so busy lately and had a hard time focusing on writing. (Not to mention I had to rewrite some parts cuz I was half asleep when I wrote them...) But I finally got it done. Sorry if it kinda sucks... I promise things will get more interesting in the next few chapters.

Thanks so much for reading!


You burst out of the library in search of Marinette, but what you found was disturbing. Everyone in the school had been transformed into copies of the akumatized villain known as Reflekta. 'This is so creepy... it's like some kind of clown apocalypse...' You thought, shuttering at the sight.

The sound of cackling filled your ears as you looked up to see Ladybug fending off who you assumed was the real Reflekta. Immediately, you were about to help until you were stopped.

"Cheetu! Over here!" One of the 'Reflektas' called out to you from a classroom. You had no idea who it was but judging by the voice, you guessed it was Nino. At least you think it was...

"Is everything okay? What's going on?"

" I overheard Reflekta say something about Chloe locking her in the restroom when we took our class picture. I think it's our friend Juleka." You're eyes widened in surprise.

'Juleka? Of course! I should have guessed!'

"Will you please help us, Cheetu?"

"Yeah! We really want our faces back!"

The students all pleaded anxiously. Hiding your own anxiety, you did your best to calm them down.

"E-everything is going to be okay...!  Ladybug, Chat Noir, and I will handle this!"

Just then, a thought suddenly crossed your mind.

"By the way, has anyone seen Chat Noir?"

"I'm right here, Kitten!" Hearing the familiar voice of your favorite partner in crime, you turned around to find...

"Ch-chat...Chat Noir...?" You stammered uncertainly as you stared at the Reflekta look-alike before you.

"What do you think? Am I still the cat's meow?" He asked doing one of his signature poses, stumbling over the high-heeled platforms in the process. You did your best to hold back your giggles.

'Oh my gosh... I'm never going to unsee this...'

After losing track of the villain, Ladybug arrived on the scene. "There you are, Cheetu! Where's Chat Noir?" You simply pointed towards the person in front of you which left Ladybug confused.

"Good to see you, M'lady!"

Now realizing what was going on, Ladybug didn't bother holding back her laughter.

"What happened?" She asked between her laughs.

"I'd rather not talk about it..." Chat muttered begrudgingly.

"It's okay, Chat Noir. I still think you're the cat's meow."  You complimented with a giggle. The feline hero shot you a grin before becoming serious.

"I've got bad news. As long as I'm in this ridiculous form, I can't use my cataclysm.

"What?! Seriously?!" You and Ladybug exclaimed in unison to which Chat nodded in affirmation.

"Then we better defeat Reflekta as quickly as possible." Ladybug concluded. "But how are we going to defeat her without Chat Noir's cataclysm?" You asked, losing hope. "Don't worry. You and I can handle this." She responded confidently.

"There she is!"

"The akuma's gotta be in the mirror on her hand!" Chat Noir informed.

"Cheetu! Use your speed break!" Ladybug told you.



You were cut off as you were shot with a beam. Looking down at yourself, you saw that you were adorned in the same ridiculous attire as Reflekta.

"Seriously?!" You exclaimed as you wobbled, trying to keep your balance in the platform shoes. Reflekta cackled with satisfaction. "Much better! I hate cats!" She spat before heading off to wreak havoc in the city. Ladybug sweat dropped at this.

"Okay...change of plans..."

~Time Skip~

The three of you went to the tv studio where Ladybug broadcasted to the citizens of Paris to wear a disguise to help identify the real Reflekta. Although, you couldn't help feeling confused.

"Isn't this plan a bit complicated?" You asked after the broadcast ended.

"This isn't my real plan. My real plan is now that Reflekta knows where we are, she'll come looking for us here at the tv studio where we'll be waiting to capture her." Ladybug explained to you. "Oh." You simply said in understanding.

"Normally, her plans are way more complicated than this but you'll learn to get used to them...sometimes." Chat Noir added, making Ladybug glare at him playfully.

Just then, you lost suddenly lost your balance and tripped over your high platforms. Although, you landed in someone's arms.

"Are you okay, Kitten?" Chat Noir asked his voice laced with concern. You blinked absently as you looked up at him.

'This would be a lot better if I was looking at Chat Noir's handsome face instead of Reflekta's clown-like face.' You thought, unsure whether or not to blush or cringe. "Y-yes, th-thank you..." You stammered awkwardly.

Chat Noir suddenly felt an unexpected feeling came over him. 'There's something about her that makes me want to protect her.' He thought before snapping out of it.

"No problem. I can't wait until we are back to normal." He complained. "Don't worry, ladies. You'll be out of your high heels in no time." Ladybug teased cheekily, causing you both to glare at her.

'Oh, now she wanna make jokes...'

Suddenly, footsteps began to approach. "She's here! Hide!" The three of you hid, just before the doors burst open revealing Reflekta. Slowly, she entered the room looking around for her enemies.

"Gotcha!" Ladybug exclaimed as she suddenly trapped the villain in her yo-yo. "Quick! Grab her bracelet!" Chat Noir did as you said and grabbed the mirror from her bracelet and threw it to Ladybug. She immediately crushed it in her hands but gasped when no akuma fluttered out. "This isn't the right one!"

"I'm sorry to have deceived you all... She promised to change me back if I tricked you..." Recognizing the voice, Ladybug's eyes widened. "Mayor Bourgeois?!"

An evil cackle echoed throughout the studio, meaning Reflekta was nearby. The three of you stood back to back, trying to anticipate which direction she would come from. "Be careful! She can be anywhere!" Chat Noir warned as his eyes frantically darted around the room.

Suddenly, you saw a bean shoot in Ladybug's direction. "Look out!" You exclaimed as you pushed Ladybug out of the way, allowing yourself to get zapped in the process. Hoping that being zapped a second time would return you to normal but unfortunately not.

"Well, it's a good thing we've already been zapped. Go ahead and use your Lucky Charm. We'll keep you covered." Chat Noir assured with a wink. Ladybug smiled as she activated her power.


"Huh...? A camera?"

After a moment, she quickly formulated a plan and explained it to you both.

"Now, Chat Noir!"  Hearing the signal from Ladybug, Chat Noir flipped off the lights. "Smile, Reflekta!" Ladybug said before bombarding her with bright flashes from the camera. Disoriented, Reflekta fumbled over her feet as she attempted to attack her. 

"Got you Ladybug!" The villain exclaimed triumphantly as she grabbed the blue-haired heroine... or so she thought.

Chat Noir flipped the lights back on, revealing Reflekta holding onto you instead. "Nope! Wrong person." You smirked before snatching the mirror from her hand and tossing it to Ladybug, who immediately crushed it, and captured the akuma inside.


Ladybug tossed the camera in the air causing the magic ladybugs to appear and return everything back to normal, including you and Chat Noir. Happy to be yourself again, you gave yourself a hug. It may have been a cheesy thing to do but you were just so glad to be out of that pink nightmare.

"Pound it!"

Juleka blinked in confusion as she returned to her normal self. "Huh? Whe... where am I...?" Walking up to her, you grabbed her hand and walked her over to the mayor. "Can you please take this girl back to her school, Mayor Bourgeois?" The mayor smiled as he gave you a curt nod.

"Of course, I will."

~Time Skip~

After the crazy events from earlier, you were back at school where you reunited with Marinette.

"Sooooo, let me get this straight... you're not going to delete the photo?" You asked to which Marinette nodded in affirmation.

"I realized that stealing this SD card was wrong. So, I'm going to return it to the photographer." She righteously declared, causing you to glare at her. "I'm so disappointed in you."

"Come on, this is the right thing to do. Speaking of which, can you return Chloe's phone to her?" Marinette asked, reminding you that you still had the phone stashed in your pocket. "Yeah, sure..."

As soon as she left, you smirked evilly as you attempted to hack the phone. "(Name)!" Purrsia scolded you from your jacket pocket. Automatically, you groaned in response. "Ugh! I know! I know! I should do the right thing..."

Begrudgingly, you strolled over to the annoying blonde and her equally annoying bestie. "Here's your phone, Chloe." You handed the phone to said girl who snatched it away. "Hmph! You're lucky I don't press charges!" She huffed as she inspected it skeptically. Rolling your (eye color) eyes, you marched away. "'You're lucky I don't press charges!'" You imitated in a ridiculous voice before joining Marinette who was still talking with the photographer.

"One of the students from our class was not in the photo you took earlier. Is there any way you can retake the photo please?" The photographer gave her an apologetic look. "I'm sorry but I'm very busy. Also, Principal Demacles would never allow it." Marinette sighed in defeat. Shrugging, you stuffed your hands in your pockets. "Oh, well. It's too bad we can't take our own class photo somewhere else after school." You randomly stated. Hearing this, Marinette's eyes lit up.

"That's a perfect idea!"

~Time Skip~

"Okay, everyone! Places!"

Your class was gathered in the park after school hours, preparing for their pictures to be taken (except for Chloe and Sabrina but who cares). The photographer hummed happily as he adjusted his camera.

"Great idea suggesting this, Marinette." Adrien complimented causing the blue-haired girl next to him to giggle goofily. "Th-thanks, Adrien! But this uh... was actually (name)'s idea."

"In that case, great idea, (name)." Adrien praised you who was standing on the other side of him.

"Thanks. Finally, someone realizes that I have great ideas."

"Like the time I caught you tagging in the ally late at night..."


"Nothing!" Adrien quickly dismissed, realizing he mumbled that out. Unsure of what he said, you were about to question him about it but didn't get a chance to.

"Alright, everyone! Say spaghetti!"


~Time Skip~

"The curse has finally been broken!" Rose celebrated happily as you and your peers admired the different pictures you all took together. Finally seeing her face in a picture, Juleka couldn't help but smile.

"Thanks for your help, Marinette." She said, gratefully. "No problem!" Marinette chirped in response. Feeling unappreciated, you pouted. "Hey! Don't forget that I helped too, you know!" You piped, causing Juleka to chuckle. "You're right. Thank you, (name)."

"Yeah! Thank you so much! You're a really nice person, (name)!" Rose chimed, causing you to blink at her in surprise. "I am...?"

"She's right, (name). It was really nice of you to help out Juleka in her time of need." Adrien agreed.

No one's ever described you as nice before. Then again, you've never really helped anyone until you moved to Paris and became an undercover superhero. Sure, the job can be stressful but on the other hand, it's not that bad.

"Hmm, I should get paid for my good deeds." You mused as Adrien laughed at your joke. "Very funny, (name)." You shot him a blank stare.

"That wasn't a joke..."

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