A Sith's Reawakening-- Male S...

By cooldude99by

252K 9.1K 4.2K

"War is all he's known, but with his return, a master of darkness shall rise once again". A Young and powerfu... More

(Prologue Part 1) The Deceived
(Prologue part 2) What could of been.
(Prologue Part 3) Introductions
1st day at the Jedi temple.
Zillo beast
Lethal take down
The outpost.
Battle of the sith apprentice and a daring rescue
Back to Mandalore
Visions of the future...
Assault on the Geonosis
The Assault on the Spire.
Weapons factory
Plague on the lose.
Going to Naboo
Darkness in the slums...
scum and villainy
Not so forgiving
Heroes on the other side.
Trouble on Corulag
Showing Who's Boss
Full frontal assault
Explosive Chaos
Dathomir And The Night Sisters
Altar of Mortis (REMAKE)
Ghost of Mortis (REMAKE)
The Citadel
Citadel rescue
Clones and drinks.
The Hunted.
A New me.
Wookie ally
The Brighton task force.
Loose cannon
Drastic measures
Finding a Balance
Tribal instincts
Taking a dive at it.
Not according to plan.
Unforeseen consequences.
Uncharted territory.
The Last of their kind
The dark Apprentice.
Back To Square One
Breaking the Line.
Fragile Friendships.
Recovering and the fallout
Arrival at Umbara.
The estrange Jedi.
The General and the airfield.
Pulling a fast one...
A sith's Anger
Lies and truths
From a different Point of View.
The carnage after.
Problems back Home.
Past mistakes...
Fight for it.
The Second Trial
The Archives
The Confrontation
A deadly power
Trip to Concord Dawn
The Siblings.
One enemy, for another...
Rogue Jedi.
Free for all...
Jedi Ambush.
A Togruta's Love | 18+
Vacation time
Short lived trip
Captured by the outlaws.
A Sith's grim reminder...
Restoration in the force.
Slavery Reestablished.
Slaves Of The Empire
Freedom for the weakened
A Copilot's Birthday | 18+
Mandalorian Heritage.
The more the merrier.

Revenge of the fallen lord.

2.3K 101 51
By cooldude99by

First Person POV

The sun was rising once again, I knew soon enough we would be back into the fight for our life's, hopefully it would be a lot more different than the last few days, I still wonder if the republic are looking for either me or Ahsoka, Maybe Anakin and Obi wan, and even perhaps Master Yoda or Plo-Koon, but the rest of the council? Highly doubt it, they would have found us by now had the republic not been in chaos on Felucia, It also seems like this war is getting worse and worse with each day, even moving to places like Felucia seems to be odd for it's strategic value. I hear movement behind me as I see Ahsoka waking up, She looks about and see me by the entrance.

Ahsoka: (yawning) Hey Y/N... (She stretches her arms) You look a little tired, did you not get any sleep... again?

Y/N: (lying) It just my eyes, they always look horrible when I wake up, (Changing the topic) how did you sleep? Wasn't too cold up here was it?

Ahsoka: No I slept Good, great even... knowing your watching out for us.

I see her smile at me, she seems more confident from last night, I smile back at her.

Y/N: At least you can get your beauty sleep, (Joking manner) all you need now is a wash and then 'bam', you'd be good as new.

Ahsoka: (playing along) Good as new? I'd think I'd be better than new, I think I'd be so good you'd have to beg me to let you view my beauty...

Y/N: (fake shock) What?!? Me beg you? By the lords, I'd be begging to old age before you'd go down any level.

Ahsoka: Aww, you think so? Maybe you are worth me looking at after all.

Y/N: Well, you are a sight to behold Ahsoka, I wouldn't be surprised if you grew into a good looking woman, not that you aren't good looking already.

Ahsoka: (Blushing a little) Shut up, you goof.

Y/N: Just saying, you think we can get some time for ourselves? If we escape that is...

Ahsoka: "When we escape" you mean.

Y/N: "When we escape", because we're are going to, no matter how it goes... I feel we escape this place together.

Ahsoka: So do I, but there is a risk to the others here...

She said nodding to the sleeping padawans, Chewie can defend himself easily by his height and muscle, the padawans however need to be careful, one hit and that them out of the fight, or even death, I look back to Ahsoka and say my plan.

Y/N: That's why they not going to lead the assault, I am, there's no way am I letting Kalifa, O-mer or Jinx lead, they don't have the power or the will to do what necessary, and since they're younglings...

Ahsoka: You think they'll fall to the darkside, don't you?

Y/N: Yeah, I do, you saw how Kalifa was the other day, she closer to the brink than the others, making sure she doesn't kill in anger will be helpful, Jinx also seems reckless, and O-mer is to eager to fight, it will get them all killed.

Ahsoka: What about chewbacca? What should he do? 

Y/N: He will help you take the main landing platform, I want the others to use their abilities from a far to help take out the trandoshans, chewie will be helping take the platform, I shall try and take down their leader.

Ahsoka: By yourself?

Y/N: He will likely be the most dangerous, considering I killed his son as well, he will show no mercy, and I have to do the same.

Ahsoka: (concerned) But what happens if--

She was cut off as we hear the others starting to wake, I turn to them as they all seem tired still.

Y/N: (loudly) It about time you woke up, we're going to use the prisoner here to call for a drop pod, then we take the pod to their base, hit them hard, take them by surprise and make them regret coming after us all.

O-mer: Are we really doing this? Right here, Right now?

Jinx: Guess so, there's no backing down now.

Chewie roars in anticipation, he want to give the lizards a good fight by the sounds of it.

Y/N: Then let's get going, the less time they have to prepare now, the more time we have an advantage over them.

I go over to the prisoner with Jinx, he looks at us and scoffs.

Prisoner: (snarling) I am not doing anything for you...

Y/N: I know, thats why I'm going to do this, (Waving my hand) "You will call down a speeder, you were captured but managed to escape."

Prisoner: "I will call down a speeder, I was captured but managed to escape."

Y/N: "When the pod arrives, you will attack the pilot, he is your arch enemy now."

Prisoner: "He is my arch enemy now, I shall attack him."

Ahsoka: Whoa, you can make them attack each other? Why have I never thought of that?

Y/N: (To Ahsoka) I like to think outside the box, besides, my power compared to all of your is way stronger, (to the younglings) no offence to you guys.

O-mer: None taken, considering we didn't even pass to padawan learners.

Kalifa: Alright then, let's get out of here, sick of this place anyway...

We all started to leave the tree, we managed to climb down with the prisoner still under my influence, after a while, we managed to get to the beach where we gave the prisoner his com back, he then did as I asked and called for a drop pod, we all backed up as we heard the pod come.

Y/N: (hushed tone) This is going to be the best thing you ever seen in your life's... Now sit back, and watch the show!

The pod came down and the pilot looked at the prisoner we had as he got into a fighting stance.

Pilot: Whoa, you look like you had it bad, come on, we can go get you a blaster and go after those younglings...

Prisoner: (raising his fists) You and I, have unfinished business!

Pilot: (confused) What are you on about-

He was cut off as the prisoner attacked him by leaping at him, the pilot tried to get him off but the prisoner overpowered him, the both then fell of the pod and onto the beach, we managed to steal the pod as the prisoner was beating the pilot to a pulp, O-mer piloted the pod and started to drive to the base above us, we managed to get the surprise on them as I was first to attack by jumping onto the platform and using the force to throw to trandoshans off the pad and fall to their deaths, the other's then joined me with chewie roaring out for a fight.

Kalifa: Well that happened... Now what? 

Y/N: You lot stay on the speeder and give us covering fire, Ahsoka, chewbacca, find some weapons and--

I was cut off as a trandoshan came out of the base and started to squeal for help, this alerted the base that we were here, Multiple trandoshans came out from inside the base, their leader also came out on a baloney above, he seemed angry to see us.

Leader: Kill them! KILL THEM! I WANT THEIR SKIN! 

The two male younglings had to take off with the pod as Kalifa jumped off to help us as we took cover by a pod, Chewie flipped the pod over so we had more cover, one of the hunter decided to run to a pod, Ahsoka nudge me and nodded towards the guy.

Ahsoka: Hey, Let's give him a lift!

Y/N: (smugly) I like your style!

As the guy got on the speeder, we started to force lift the pod into the air, we then threw the pod and the trandoshan at the pair that was shooting at us, they didn't have time to react as they were knocked backed from the force, one managed to get up which chewie charged at, Me, Kalifa and Ahsoka attacked two of them that were going to shoot chewie, Kalifa force threw Ahsoka at one and managed to knock him over, I used the force to make the trandoshan aiming at me, quickly aim at his friend and fire, I was about to make him shoot himself till more trandoshans came, causing me to take more cover with the group, they started to fire at us leaving us stuck.

Y/N: Any suggestions?!?

Kalifa: We need to deal with those turrets above us!

I take a glance at the turrets she was speaking of, their leader was firing at us and the other younglings, they managed to duck the shots but the pod was too damage, it started to fly towards us as we all rolled out the way, I managed to stand back up only to see everyone have a blaster raised at them, I had at least 3 others pointing blasters at me, while the others had one, this wasn't going to end too well.

Leader: A valiant effort, younglings, including you, Sith. I've heard a lot about your (snarls) deeds.... I should of had you killed when we picked you up on Felucia, but no matter, you and the togruta will make great wall decorations!

The trandoshans around us laughed as everyone got nervous looks, as soon as they stopped I yelled up to the leader.

Y/N: (loudly) Funny you say that, I was thinking of doing the same thing to you like I did to your son, he was a weak one that's for sure! I wonder if his lousy father is the same!

Leader: (yelling back) Don't your dare insult me or my son! You killed him in cold blood! 

Y/N: Perhaps had you not brought any of us here, he'd still be around, I'm sure even you know that!

Leader: I will make your death painful, I will skin you alive!

As he says this, we hear engines behind us, Chewie howls as I look around to see a transport full of wookies, the starts to jump down to us and started to attack the trandoshans.

Y/N: Never thought  wookies would be the ones to save our skin! Thanks for the save, Chewie!

He roars at me in appreciation, he then started to attack one of the trandoshans that had a gun on me, I forced push the other two into a wall, I then threw a pod at them with the force crushing them to death, I took cover with Ahsoka and the other younglings while the wookies did what they do best, absolutely hammer the lizards, I noticed their leader had fled inside the base.

Y/N: Need to get onto that balcony, (to the girls) you two wanna give me a lift?

Kalifa: Way ahead of you.

Ahsoka: Be careful Y/N.

I nod at her as I get into a jumping stance, and leap up, the others forced push me further, I made the jump and landed, I force opened the doors and slowly walked in, the room was dark, there were many and I mean many dead aliens here as well as wookies, I slowly but cautiously made my way into the room as I could feel the leader nearby, I try to call out to him.

Y/N: You should just show yourself, I can end you quick, or painful, your choice pal!

I went over to a throne at the back of the room, he wasn't there, he getting ready to pounce on me, I just didn't know where from, I quickly turn around me to be met with a hatchet to the face, I ducked but he managed to cut me slightly on my right cheek, causing me to bleed, I backed off as I felt my face, I could only smile evilly as my intentions to hurt him grew...

Y/N: (acting surprised) Whoa, in all my years of combat, no one has ever struck my face before...

Leader: I will cut you to pieces then! You will suffer for what you've done to us!

Y/N: We'll see about that!

I forced pushed him hard into his throne, enough to crack it, I then did it again with more power sending him flying back through it, he dropped his hatchet as it flew into a wall next to hin, he then pulled out a blade.

Leader: I'm going to enjoy gutting you open, you and your togruta friend as well will make great trophies.

Y/N: (pulling out my own blade)  Guess we're going to have a problem, since I wish to have your head mounted on my wall as well...

Leader: (noticing my blade and seemingly shocked) How-w? That blade?!?  No, it can't be! It was long thought to be lost.... How did you get this blade!?!

Y/N: So you heard my story, and you will never live to tell the tale of how I finished your Pathetic of an excuse of a blood line.

Leader: (snarling) Damn you! I'll rip that blade from your corpse!

Y/N: You will try!

I grow a smile again on my face as he tried to attack me first, I blocked his swings with my knife, he tired to fight swiftly but I kept blocking his attacks, I managed to slash him across his face, taking out an eye of his, he howled in pain as he back up to try and get his bearings, I just had a smug look on my face enjoying his panic.

Leader: (In pain) MY EYE! MY FACE!?! YOU MONSTER! I'll KILL YOU!

Y/N: Yet why is it you taking this beating hmm? Seems to me your losing your strength, Lizard!

He again charges at me and manages to grab me by the throat and chuck me across the room to the door, I choke on my spit as I got up wincing a little from my hip, I had dropped my knife in the throw which he had picked up, he examined it and licked his own blood off the knife in a creepy manner, he then smiled which confused me, till he spoke.

Leader: When I'm done with you, I'll skin you in front of that togruta, she seems too...... "loving" for you. (he snarled with a smile

Y/N: (Baffled) How in the world--

Leader: Ha! I knew there was something going on between you two, how you had each other's backs, (snarls) How you two shared your moment, how you both held each other at night...

Y/N: (Angry) You were watching us?!? You creepy son of a bitch!

Leader: I know where all prey goes in my hunting grounds, you think I wouldn't make sure you could get off world now, did you? 

Y/N: It doesn't mean anything to me, you're going to die here, no stopping that!

Leader: Think again, Brighton!

I had a few seconds to react as he threw the blade at me, it missed my head but I had rolled backwards to avoid been killed, I rolled out the door as the leader leaped at me and started to punch me in the head, I manage to block a few hits , but he was fighting dirty, he managed to hit me right in the guts causing me to lose my breath, he then started to choke me as he raised me into the air, leading me towards the balcony.

Leader: I will kill you all! Starting with you!

I felt my eyes beginning to roll upwards as I tried to kick the trandoshan off me to no effect, but I hadn't lost yet, I saw to my right my blade hanging over the side, I reach out my right hand to force pull it to me, I struggled due to the lack of oxygen I was getting, but managed to force pull it to my grip, I raised it to stab him in his other eye, but he grabbed my arm with his left arm while choking me lighter with the right arm.

Leader: You think you can kill me?!? I'm the hunter, and you are the prey!

Ahsoka: (in the background) Y/N!

I managed to move my arm to the left a little and dropped my blade, as it fell the trandoshan leader face grew from confused then to shock when I caught it with my left hand and stabbed him through his stomach, he gasped as he let go of me, causing me to fall down breathless, I start to catch my breath as he stumbled backwards, I got up and looked at him as he had a scared look on his face.

Y/N: It would seem, the prey has become the hunter, and you are now the prey!

Leader: (In between gasps)  You-you will die, I swear-r it!

Y/N: No, I won't, And I guess I'll send you to the Scorekeeper myself!

I go over to him and twist the knife to it's left, he cried in agony as I pulled it out then quickly slit his neck, he started to bleed out as I cleaned my knife, he tired to reach out into the air for me but died trying to, He fell to the floor as I went over to the balcony as I raise the bloody blade in the air in victory as the wookies roared in delight as the blood of that had slain their kind would never do so again, I lept down to Ahsoka and the others as Ahsoka ran up to me and hugged me as the younglings and the wookie chief and chewbacca watched.

Ahsoka: You're alive! I thought he was going to kill you just then.

Y/N: (I pat her back a few times) Not gonna lie, he almost got me, but then again, he kept on taking gambits with me, he made his last one taking me on blade to blade, but he did get one scratch on me, doubt it will scar though.

We separate from the hug as she grips my chin and looks at my right side of my face, then smirks lightly.

Ahsoka: (smugly) Maybe, but I think you'll live.

Chewbacca on the side of us roars, he seems like he was glad that I made it out alive.

Y/N: Yeah, managed to take the leader out, you don't want to go up there, we fought in his "Collection" room, it's not for the weak hearted as there are many of your own kind in there, I'm sorry friend...

The chief roars in anger has he smashed his hand into a nearby pod Causing it to fall off the platform, he seemed angry that there was many of his own dead, chewbacca grunted at him suggesting he calmed down, he did so as he turned to me and grunted at me, asking if I had gave him a quick death.

Y/N: No, it was painful for him in the end, not only physically but Mentally, I took out his son a day ago and that was hurting him as well.

Kalifa: I guess that's why he had a hatred towards you, but I guess in the end it cost him everything didn't it?

O-mer: In away it's ironic, he brought us here to kill us, in the end, he brought the wrong people, and now he's dead himself.

Jinx: So is it over? We can leave finally?!? after all this time?

Y/N: Well, let's hope the chief can bring us back to coruscant, (turning to the chief) I take it you are going to?

The chief roared in agreement, seems like we were going back after all, we all got onto the transport and a few wookies stayed behind to clean up the mess, we could finally leave this damn nightmare behind us, Ahsoka and me were sitting next together when she decided to lean on my shoulder and fall asleep, I couldn't help but smile at this gesture.

Y/N: 'This must be what love feels like.... I could get use to this.'

8 hours later.

We had finally arrived back at the temple, we all left the ship onto the landing platform, Two Jedi masters had came to collect the younglings while the Pilot and the wookie chief discussed payments, I sat down on the edge of the ship, feeling relief that we were finally safe, I wiped the dirt of my face as best I could, my cut had healed now, or the very least wasn't as visible, Ahsoka was thanking chewbacca for getting us the support, they both came by me as Ahsoka sat down beside me and spoke.

Ahsoka: You look like you're deep in thoughts, something wrong?

Y/N: Not really, just exhausted, haven't felt like this since my last training session with my old master, and that battle was only took over a day to end, he was training me for what we just went through, but had we done it my way, we would have been off the planet sooner, but I think we both know getting everyone out alive is good enough.

Ahsoka: He was a sith though, did he bring you to a planet like we were just on?

Y/N: Kind of, he took me to this molten world called Mustafar, he said we had to fight until one of us had either admired defeat or couldn't fight no longer.

Chewbacca grunts in curiosity, asking  how I could fight for a day straight.

Y/N: Had no choice, my master would of left me to the locals to deal with me had I lost, I didn't want to take that chance, I managed to win by having a height advantage, he knew he had lost, so he surrendered. 

Ahsoka: A sith surrendering? That doesn't sound right.

Y/N: I spent 16 fighting, 1 and a half eating or resting, the rest traveling, it took 21 hours to give up and to come back to Korriban, he was either too reluctant to do so, or simply wanted to know if I could kill him, of course, I couldn't kill the person I viewed as my only family, so I let him live.

Ahsoka: You really thought he was family? After everything he put you through?

Y/N: (in a depressed manner) He took me under his wing Ahsoka, I had no one, and I watched as my own family were slaughtered in front of me, his teachings may of been crude, but he saved me.

Ahsoka doesn't say anything, just absorbing the information, she seemed to understand where I was coming from, the only person  I had was my master, yet even in the end he turned his back on me, which turned out to be all for nothing.

Y/N: You know what? I think the galaxy hates me, the amount of crap I had to deal with is too much for one person.

Ahsoka: Well, why don't we deal with it together from now on?

Y/N: I don't know, I'd be taking a risk of losing it all again, but then again, that's how life works, we just have to make a go at it.

I look towards the wookies as I see Yoda and Mace come up to them, Mace seems to be having a eye on us, the Jedi masters then came up to us, we both stand up and was greeted by an seemingly ungrateful Windu...

Mace: (Not looking too pleased) Padawan tano, Brighton, it's good to see you both back... and safe...

Y/N: Oh really? I'm surprised you'd care considering the republic not only lost a sith lord and a padawan, but also a bunch of younglings who hadn't completed their training.

Yoda: The trandoshans, become a threat they had, but hear now that they are taken care of, we have.

Y/N: Their little operation is done for, their leader is dead and now the wookies know where they hunt, nowhere is safe for them.

Mace: At least now there will be no more kidnapping, for now, we urge you to rest for now, oh and there are a few people who may wish to see you.

Y/N: A good sleep and maybe some bacta will be great, but who are you talking about?

I say this as he and Yoda moved to the right of us, revealing skywalker, Master Plo and the most energetic person here Aliiza coming from the hanger doors, Aliiza and Anakin ran over to us.

Aliiza: (Yelling) Boss! Your alive again! Are you alright?!? 

Y/N: (chuckles) I'm fine Aliiza, I have seen better days though.

Anakin: Ahsoka!

Anakin went up to Ahsoka checking her over for any wounds only to find non, Plo also came up behind him.

Plo: It's good to see you safe little 'Soka, (turning to me) you as well young Y/N.

He then turns his direction towards the Yoda and mace and left us, Anakin starts to apologize to Ahsoka.

Anakin: Ahsoka, I am so sorry!

Ahsoka: (confused) For what?

Anakin: For letting you go, for letting you get taken, it was my fault.

Ahsoka: No, it wasn't your fault...

Anakin: (looking away) I should've paid more attention, I should've tried harder, I-

Y/N: Look, Anakin, we were alone we had barely anything, a blade, our clothes and the force, we could of died had it not been for us been with each other, and let's say Ahsoka didn't know how to fight as well as she did or have the will to do what needed to be done, I doubt I would of survived out there, maybe if I was alone I could of.

Ahsoka: You were stabbed Y/N, I don't think if I was there to help-

Anakin and Aliiza: (both concerned) You were stabbed?!?

Y/N: I wouldn't have if not found those younglings there, I would of likely attacked and maimed those trandoshans before escaping, but I went and got stabbed anyway, Ahsoka here manage to help me close the wound, which might I add, I'm still in pain...

I lifted my shirt up to show the damage I took, Aliiza seemed upset and a little disgusted by the way the skin looked, Anakin looked concerned.

Anakin: How did you managed to--

Y/N: You don't want to know, but back on topic, If Ahsoka was alone, the chances of  survival would of been basically zero.

Ahsoka: (a little sad) You think I would have died?

Y/N: Not to be hurtful, but what happens if the younglings not found us and brought us to their hideout? Where would have we gone, yeah I would have turned and attacked the trandoshans head on, I mean that we would had a hard time getting to safety, but they did, and I'm am grateful for everything you did for me, even if I was a little ticked off about been there.

Aliiza: Well, at least you had each other.

Ahsoka: And both of us had training, if there is anything I can say, is thank you Master, your lesson that you had taught me, and because of you, I did survive, and not only with that, with Y/N and my leadership, we helped those younglings escape with us.

Anakin: I don't know what to say.

Ahsoka: I do, (slightly bowing, while holding her hands together) Thank you master.

Anakin smiles and copying her.

Anakin: You're Welcome, my Padawan.

The then both start to leave, Aliiza moves to the left side of me as I watched them go back into the hanger, Yoda also watches them beside me.

Yoda: A great bond they have, a lot from them, you could learn hm?

Y/N: I have already, their bond is much stronger than any other master and apprentice I have seen, if they keep this up, I doubt anything will stop them...

Yoda: Seem troubled, you do?

Y/N: The future is unclear with them, I don't want them to lose what they have, I never had that friendship and determination with my former master, it nice to see.

Yoda: Afraid, something might happen, you are?

Y/N: I sense their friendship will go cold, that they will break paths, and I wish to prevent that.

Yoda: Hmm, through the dark side, you sense this?

Y/N: Yes, but I assure you, it is clear as the sky today, it will happen, but the very least I can do, is ensure it doesn't fall apart.

Yoda: Then allow you to do all you can, I shall, speak of this again, we can?

Y/N: Of course, now if you don't mind, I'm going to get some medical treatment, Aliiza, is the med bay station operational?

Aliiza: Yep! 100% Let get you fixed up shall we?

Yoda: Take care, young Y/N, a great deal, for your return, it is.

Y/N: Glad I could be helpful...

Me and Aliiza then turned and both start to walk back to the hanger bay, once inside, we went over to my ship and our way to the ramp, we were greeted by HK who was arming his weapon for some odd reason.

HK: Ah, master you seem to have something on your face, and your clothes seem to be missing fabric, and you look like you visited a  trash compactor...

Y/N: (sarcastically) Thanks for the observation HK, anything else to say?

HK: I am glad I do not have smelling optics, as you would smell like a dead animal.

Y/N: Yeah yeah, I know I smell like a dead bantha, I'm going to apply some bacta to myself, then get a shower,  and maybe sleep for another thousand years.

I go into the medical room and get treated for my cuts and the stab wound, it wasn't pretty as it would leave a burn mark, the cut will heal so I get to keep my face for now, I go over to my quarters and take a quick shower, removing my clothes felt like a heavy burden had been lifted off my shoulders, after the shower, I put on some sleep ware on and go to bed, a more comfortable sleeping place, and far from danger.


That the trandoshans arc done, for now.... Next up, "The Brighton Task force."

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