A Photographer's Viewpoint

ItIsITheFreak द्वारा

124K 5.4K 255

Isabella enjoys her life of being single and lives lavishly every passing day. She has absolutely no interest... अधिक

Character Profile
I'm Fine, Couldn't Be Any Better
Called It
The Dreadful Day
A Proposal
It's Not That Much, Really
Meaningless Banter
Sweet Words And Trouble
Lessons, Friends And More Trouble
She's Unaware
It Was Nice
Missing You
A Bit Of Romance
A Normal Day
A Date
Hold Me
Do What Feels Right
Not Like Before
The Old Routine
Talk, Don't Run
The True Opposite Of Love
Unknown Surprise
Author's Note

The Photographer

4.6K 223 18
ItIsITheFreak द्वारा


The ceremony went well.

To be honest, it felt more like a damn blur. I know it's quite disrespectful, but I didn't find anything really 'special' about it. To the exchanging of vows; exchange of rings and finally the kiss to end it off, none of it was entertaining. Not that it was supposed to be, but it wasn't something I envied. I tried imagining myself in a white dress standing there with my imaginary groom, my eyes will be glimmering with a so-called happiness my mother desperately wants me to experience. I tried, but I just felt a feeling I couldn't quite describe in the pit of my stomach. Of course, it wasn't envy, jealousy or any other feeling of 'wanting to be there' or simply wanting to experience something like that. I just couldn't quite put my finger on it.

Allistor was talking amongst the guests when the ceremony finally ended. Some of the guests were congratulating the newly wedded bride and groom. Both Fergus and Mariah looked quite happy as well. Mariah's fingers were entwined with Fergus's as they said 'thank you' to everyone congratulating them and wishing them 'all the best'. I wanted to congratulate them as well but I felt out of place. I knew that I didn't belong there by the few side-eyes I got from some of the people. I paid no mind to it and simply sat there and waited for some of the guests to leave before I could as well. I knew Allistor wanted to go to the after-party so I decided to call an Uber.

I got up after a while when most of the guests have already left. Just when I was about to step out of the door, I felt someone yank my wrist making me stop in my track. I turn around and meet blue-green eyes. My eyes start scanning her features and see that it was the photographer that I was curious about.

I take a gulp of air as I take in their features and realize that 'he' was in fact a 'she'. I glance down at her hand that was wrapped around my wrist and look back at her.

"Can I help you-"

"Let me take pictures of you." She states with determination etched in her voice.


I wasn't sure if I was overthinking, but it was like there was some kind of hope that lingered in her eyes.

What confused me was as to why she wanted to take pictures of me specifically. I mean, there's alot more attractive people around us at the moment and they seemed far more appealing then I do. So, why?

"Let me take pictures of you." She repeats with more confidence.

What the...

"Hell no." I reply with a raised eyebrow and yank my wrist from her grip. Before I could say anything else, a voice perks up.


The woman looks back at the voice that called, I do the same and see that it was Mariah walking towards us...or rather, to Luciel, with her dress hitched up in her hands.

"Mariah, congratulations." Luciel said with a small smile, revealing a dimple.


My eyes widen with what I just thought. Did I just think she's cute? The hell is wrong with me?

"I should thank you, if it wasn't for you this day would've turned to shambles." Mariah affirmed as she placed a hand on Luciel's arm with a smile, revealing pearly white teeth.

Luciel simply smiled in response but it didn't quite reach her eyes, it looked forced. I glance down and notice that her hand was in a fist to the point of her knuckles turning white. I look back up at Mariah and see that her eyes were on me with an unreadable expression.

"Isabella, I see that you've made it." She acknowledged putting up another smile, different to the one she gave Luciel that was more genuine.

"I couldn't exactly decline the invitation when the bride personally invited me, now could I? Congrats by the way, I wish you and Fergus all the best." I acknowledged.

I may have not found the whole wedding ceremony 'entertaining' but I really do wish them the best. Married life isn't exactly something that can be looked on lightly. Of course, I don't know the experience of the whole married life and I don't want to experience it either. My mom always told me as a child that married life has its ups and downs and sometimes made you question if it was the right decision. It causes disagreements with your partner, but, they could be resolved through communication and all that. Even though my mom gave me the pros and cons of marriage life, I was still against the idea.

Mariah looked taken aback by my words but quickly changed her expression back to a smile and said a simple 'thank you'.

I guess she isn't used to hear me saying something as nice as that or being genuine. I'll admit, I am an asshole but not by heart, I just choose to be one. It's quite petty, but I rather prefer it if people did not walk over me. Nice people nowadays face absolute shit for being 'nice' or are called 'fake'.

I noticed that Mariah's hand was still very much latched on Luciel's arm.


I look back to Luciel and my suspicions were confirmed when I saw the look on her face, she looked uncomfortable. Mariah must've noticed this and decided to ignore it. Even I, someone who is terrible with reading the 'mood' or whatever, took note of this.

"Luciel," I chimed, her head immediately snapping to me,"mind telling me about your photography while I wait for my Uber?"

I lied, I haven't even called for an Uber.

I made sure to keep my gaze transfixed on hers as I said those words. I wasn't sure if I was overthinking about the whole situation of her looking uncomfortable, still, I had to make sure.

"Yes!" She blabbed out, sounding a bit excited and catching me by suprise. I guess she noticed it and immediately cleared her throat.

"Yes, actually, if you don't mind." She replied in a more calm tone.

"Of course not, Mariah," I turn to Mariah and glance at her hand that still had a firm grip on Luciel's arm, "the ceremony was beautiful. Unfortunately I won't be able to make it to the afterparty, I have a few things that need my attention. Again, congrats on both you and Fergus." I state with a smile.

"Luciel, shall we?" I gesture with my hand toward the parking lott.

Luciel immediately let herself free from Mariah's grip and says a 'bye'. I wave at Mariah as she stood frozen in place, most likely processing the shit that just happend.

Luciel and I walked in silence for a few minutes, away from the church. I started walking out front and was leading us to nearby convenience store. The only thing that could be heard was our footsteps that were in sync.

When we arrived at the store, I headed inside to buy two bottles of water. When I got out, I saw that she was seated on a nearby bench with her head slumped back. I walked over to her and seated myself next to her.

"Here." I say as I tap the cold bottle against her cheek.

She replies with a 'thanks' and immediately starts gulping down on the water.

"So, mind telling me what the hell that was all about?" I question.

"You reffering to that bi- I mean, Mariah?" She asked.

I chuckled at her words and took a few gulps of my water.

"It's fine. You can call her a bitch, Mariah and I aren't exactly friends, more like...acquaintances." I assure her.

She gives a long sigh and rests her elbows on her knees, slouching forward.

"That woman makes me uncomfortable. I mean, eversince she hired me, it's like she's been making advances on me. She'd call me non-stop under the guise of making sure I was still up for the job. Even though I've taken the payment already and assured that I wasn't going to flake on her, she just wouldn't stop nagging on me." She claimed.

"I would call it her being stressed about all the preparations, but the way she held you earlier... It just seemed weird..." I trail off.

"Trust me, " she said as she slumped back, "what I've just told you doesn't come near the other shit I've experienced because of her."

Her words made me see Mariah in a totally different perspective. She always seemed so composed and looked liked she had her shit together at work. But now, hearing that Luciel has now experienced 'shit' (whatever the hell that means), it made me wonder about earlier. I decided not to question her about what she meant when she said that Mariah put her through shit and gave a simple reply.

"I see..."

"So, about that photography..." She inclines, her voice filled with uncertainty.

"Quick question, why exactly do you want to take pictures of me?" I ask as I gulp down the remaining water.

It's weird honestly. Having some random stranger come up to me and asking to take pictures without even introducing themselves first. Of course, I'm not calling her weird but the whole situation rather.

"Well, because you're beautiful."

Her words caught me off guard, resulting to me choking on my water.
"W-what?" I asked after my coughing died down.

"Like I said, you're be-"

"No, I heard you the first time." I cut her off with a groan.

It suprised me that she was so straightforward. Then again, she doesn't seem like someone who beats around the bush; she gets straight to the point.

"Here," she says as she hands me her phone, "give me your number and I'll send some of my work."

I raised a brow at first but physically shook my head and typed in my number, saving it under 'Isabella'. I handed her phone back to her and heard her mutter my name under her breath.

After the somewhat-awkward encounter, Luciel said she needed to get a few things done and left. I stayed for a bit longer, basking in the sun and enjoying the slight breeze. It wasn't hot nor was it cold, it was the perfect weather for a day out. For a few minutes my mind was blank. I didn't have anything particular to think about or any of the sorts, but, Luciel suddenly popped up.

I've gotten quite curious about her.

She seems intimidating at first glance, but a somewhat softie. On the other hand I can't exactly make such a haste judgement based on our first meeting...

With a sigh I got up and called an Uber to make my way home. When I arrived, I immediately got rid of my shoes and made my way to kitchen. It was still pretty early so I decided to eat some snacks while watching some series. While preparing all the necessities needed for watching my series in peace, I heard my phone buzzing on the counter.

I internally groaned when I saw Allistor's name shining on the screen.

I swiped the green button and put it on loud speaker.

"What?" I ask.

"I know, I know. You probably wanna murder me at this very moment but...I just wanted to make sure you got home safely." He replies.

I pause as I placed down a packet of peanuts and raise a brow at his words and his tone wich sounded all sentimental.

"Safe my ass! What the fuck do you want, Allistor?" I question

"Tsk... Uhm... I don't need anything,but, a favour..." He trails off.

"Same thing, now what is it?" I incline.

"Well, earlier I noticed you talking to Luciel."

"You mean that photographer? What about her?"

"Thing is, she's pretty stubborn and I need her to take pictures of an upcoming event that'll be hosted by my cousin."

"I tried taking to her but she turned me down without hesitation, mentioned something about it being too much and whatnot. Even Mariah had a hard time convincing to act as a photographer at her wedding so I was pretty suprised to actually see her there." He explained.

"Where exactly are you getting with this?" I asked with suspicion.

"I was suprised to see her reach out to you, let alone looking desperate like her life depended on it. My point is, I was wondering if you could maybe...convince her?"

"If you can't get through to her, why not ask someone else?" I suggested.

"To be honest, she has the talent and my cousin already promised my niece that Luciel will be there." He sighed.

"Wait, isn't your niece like, five? Just get someone else!"

"She'll be six in a few days and she's a spoiled brat, so you can already guess the outcome."

"And why exactly does it need to be Luciel?"

"My niece holds admiration for her." He sighs.

"You mean like a...crush?"


"So you're telling me, your five-year-old niece, wants Luciel specifically, to be at this said event which I'm assuming is her birthday party. And if it isn't Luciel, she'll cause absolute havoc and throw tantrums causing the little party to go in shambles."


"Jesus Christ. Look, I don't have her number so I can't help you. And seeing as though you're a mastermind behind convincing people and Luciel not falling for your mind games, how exactly am I going to get it right?" I ask.

"Shit, I asked Mariah for her number but she said she deleted because Luciel asked her too. So you really don't know how to contact her?"

Come to think of it...

"Actually, I gave her my digits but I'm not sure it she'll call me. She was adamant on wanting to take pictures of me but I declined."



"I always thought of you as a hard-headed person but really, you're an idiot. Just call me when you get to talk to her." He says and ends the call.

What the..?


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